Limbo's for free on Steam for some reason

Pics related are the proof i've got. No idea why but whatever, nobody cares.

Limbo is one of the first games thar started the clique of pretentious walking sim with little to no difficulty.

nah, it's ridiculously short, and the art style is embarrassing, but it can be fun.
I thought they said it would only be free on xbawx though, they never said anything about steam

Yeah but as a puzzle platformer it's ok

But it's
F R E E!

Far from the first or the worst, yet another retarded faggot that doesn't play games.

I played it 3 years ago, negroid idiot.

Limbo was ok, not especially good, nor trash.

The hate by Holla Forums came in mostly after it's release, as a kneejerk reaction to all the other indies after it.
Holla Forums is all about kneejerk reactions, no rationality whatsoever, completely driven by pure emotions and nothing else.
If i didn't know any better sometimes i feel like all of Holla Forums is either a bunch of women, or extremely effeminate men.

It's ok user, you can say nigger here.

It's quite simple. A hivemind always degrades to the lowest common denominator, no matter the background of the individuals.

I kinda liked it. It's inoffensive at worst, almost a walking simulator but with no dialogue or text so it's bearable.

If you don't like trial and error you might want to stay away from it, even though you rarely ever die twice to the same thing but there ARE some "fuck you" traps and at least one puzzle that requires you to die in order to continue.

>i feel like all of Holla Forums is either a bunch of women, or extremely effeminate men.
I blame all the xenoestrogens they put in keyboards, nice, and controllers today.


To be fair most of the user-base here are, in one way or another, good goys at the end of the day. They just don't realize it.

Also this.


Nice projecting Holla Forums

Pretty much this.

I'm firmly from Holla Forums and I don't dislike Holla Forums you sperg but you're trying to separate yourself from the board your currently on and show just how different you are by insinuating that Holla Forums is being influenced by jews and you are sooo above it.

In fact I'm quite sure you're either shitposting or from Holla Forums

Look I can do it too

I think the main reason to the game being free right now is because of this:

I already played it, but got it anyway.
Thanks op


Stop turning walking sim into a buzzword you idiot.


The game is nothing like a "walking sim" at all. It's a puzzle game and the main character is in danger almost all the time.


Is this bait? It's an average puzzle platformer draped in WOW SO DEEP edgy grimdark to appease the sniveling game journos. I don't blame people for changing their opinions when it was held up as a gold standard for video games by a bunch of retards with an agenda.

That's exactly why. The faggots couldn't be bothered to show any gameplay at E3 so they just hope they can ride the (imagined) wave from their (clique-based) success into a new game.

Anyone who calls Limbo a "walking sim" is too retarded to count even halfway to potato.

The studio is making a new game thats why. This is promotion.


It may not be a walking sim but it isn't very far from it. It's more of an experience than a game with some puzzles thrown in.

We already know how you look like, kike. Now please make your way into the nearest oven.

Oh, shut up, you clearly don't know what the term means. Next you're going to say any game with a plot is a visual novel.

the hate came from it being garbage.
grow up, nigger.

If i wanted a story i would read a movie.