Really makes you think

Really makes you think

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Don't you realize ironic meme arrowing is breaking the NAP?

Whenever ancaps complain about people being lazy it goes to show that they don't really care about my freedom and are just another form of bourgeois values. Remember capitalists work very hard and put profit as something separate from themselves.

Considering statists like communists exist, a monarchist state with a border, police and military is necessary in order to protect individual and economic freedom. Therefore, if such a state serves everyone and everyone pays taxes, people who contribute less, like niggers, ought to be deported to Africa.


Do hilarious Freudian slips violate the NAP?

Op is a cuck

freud was a kike anyway, why should I listen to anything he said

Petition to filter all An-Cap flags to the Nazi one.

Also dude free market lol it totally won't turn into authoritarianism lmao with privatized everything and eventually have a gorillion PDAs and factions XD

le flag changing meme

Corporations are less efficient than specialized regional companies. If the government doesn't have the power to intervene in the economy, "everything" will not be "privatized".

So you are resisting?, good

Tell me about your mother

I love her and I have a great relationship with my father, whom is proud of me, unlike all of you worthless autist NEETs

Because it sure seems like you love listening to what "kikes" had to say when it comes to economics.

I don't believe in 🍀🍀🍀free trade🍀🍀🍀 and pacifism, so I take what they say with a huge kosher grain of salt. I'm more of a paleocon, Pat Buchanan/Ron Paul type.

Doesn't that violate the NAP?

My ideology is just deport niggers, lower taxes and cut welfare. NAP is a meme.

ancaps aren't even hiding it anymore

mow down trespassers though

Do you feel that you have a desire to impress them?

I've been raised by them and I was given an opportunity to live comfortably in their care, and I have an obligation to repay their effort by raising the next generation while remembering them to my children. It's called family and private property, which is something alien to you disgusting, godless niggers.

You don't owe anyone shit.

Do they know their son is an angsty cuck

She didn't endorsed Trump.

Also an "Anarcho"-capitalist posting trump propaganda wew lad just quit the anarcho and start calling yourselves fascists.


I'm not surprised.

Donald Trump doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning this election.

You can't win the presidency in 2016 alienating latino voters, black voters, Muslim voters, brown voters in general, female voters, socially liberal voters. The Democrats are actually making gains in former Republican strongholds.

Let's look at all the states that George Dubya won in 2000 against his most formidable challenger (Al Gore) that Donald Trump is losing right now.

Clinton Slight Win (5-10%)
Virginia: Clinton 8%
Colorado: Clinton 7%
New Hampshire: Clinton 6%

Battleground States where Trump is losing (could be statistically insignificant since it's a

"""An"""-caps, everyone.

State by state breakdown where Trump is getting cucked
- Virginia is becoming more racially diverse and socially liberal
- Colorado is becoming more racially diverse and socially liberal
- New Hampshire = libertarians = lots of libertarians are voting for Hillary just because Trump's rhetoric is so offensive and Hillary doesn't threaten the status quo
- Florida = latinos = Trump loses
- North Carolina = BBC + state getting more liberal these days + probably have more latinos now too
- Ohio = BBC just won the NBA Championship + state getting more liberal these days (ie. Cleveland and Cincinatti) + probably have more latinos now too.
- Nevada = libertarian porkies who are repulsed by Trump's views + latinos. Hillary doesn't threaten the status quo for the porkies.
- Arizona = latinos + phoenix is probably pretty liberal these days
- Alaska = more liberal these days? Bristol Palin types rebelling against their ultra-conservative parents

To be fair, I don't think Donald Trump is racist against latinos and blacks (any more than any other porky is anyway). But the media has painted him that way. And that perception has stuck and Trump hasn't successfully challenged that perception.

Tbh Latino-American voters (citizens who lived in the US for at least 5+ years or were even born in the US) and African-Americans would actually benefit from reduced immigration if anything. Unless you personally want to bring more family in the United States, why on earth would you be in favour of bringing in more competition for your jobs when it's hard to get a job these days, let alone a decent job.

Mass Muslim immigration without finding a way to integrate Muslims into our community is a recipe for disaster as well. If you look at the Muslim ghettos in France and Sweden, a large percentage of the Muslim youths there don't have jobs. Combine that with all the social welfare cuts and what the fuck do you think is going to happen? Accepting Muslims into classcucked America with our shit social safety net and poor job outlook without having a plan to integrate them into society is a fucking disaster. These Muslims would be very susceptible to radicalization.

See, that's where you're wrong, kiddo. In a normal family the way you repay your parents for their effort invested in you is by making them proud and having them become grandparents. Judging by how you autists are violently against private property and for state ownership of your family's house, I can imagine you are all sorts of fucked up, when you trust bureaucrats more with your livelihood than the people that brought you to life.

What's not to love?

I'd rather not waste money giving illegal spics and muslims welfare.



There are minarchists among us who believe in border, police and army.


yeah nah mate
cheap goods mean nothing when you're unemployed with no money

and especially when the same corporations that exploit chinks for cheap labour establish monopolies and artificially inflate prices for goods for profit

One of my favorite memes.

johnson is a dude weed lmao moron, paleocons are more libertarian than that retard and the libertarian party itself

Of course they are.

they are morons because they fit the neoliberal ((social)) and ((free trade)) agenda better than they fit the paleocon fiscal agenda, not because they believe in private property
I'd take any ideology before the nigger-tier one you retards spouse
your ideology is basically being a woman

What does a Greek pre-Christ play have to do with the fact that your ideology ('paleoconservatism', kek) is basically a mishmash of classical liberalism recoated with incredibly contradictory and conflicting ethnonationalism and social conservatism?

Are you OK?

the argument is that your ideology is the result of a lack of a father figure
communists have all grown in their mother's image
basically you're fags

Great argument. I'm le stumped. xd

Tell me about your mother, though.

Rascist anti-free trade lolberts are the funniest kind of lolbert. You're basically fascists in denial.

a lovely conservative woman who mothered 3 other siblings from the same father who she is still married to
this may be uncharted territory for you folks so I won't go too deep into a conservative lifestyle

no, because fascists believe in public healthcare, education, transportation and everything
they're basically monoethnic communists; they're right about jews though

I'm not interested in these familial submissions; they're all too common and vapid.

What I want to know about is your personal interactions with her. What is your first, most fondest memory of her as a child? Can you recall the first instance of seeing her? Give me the every detail.

ah yes psychoanalysis
my favourite obsolete genre of neurology/psychology/sci-fi


All "An"caps should be hanged.

Answer the questions.

you're a retard famalan


try astrology/numerology, you'll get a wider audience
maybe you're a gypsy? fortune telling looks like your thing

Answer. The questions. It can't be that hard to talk about your first maternal encounters. There's no need to be ashamed of awkward moments on a forum where we are all anonymous.

I'll take two water filters. You got a deal for me?

Dear Mods it's time to purge the Ayncraps from this board just like you did with the Nazbols.

nope; irrelevant
case in point:
tell me about your first girlfriend? have you ever had one?

alex jones is a plant
case in point, he hyped wikileaks prematurely by a few days to oversaturate the public from spreading it

It'll be up to me decide the relevance.

Why are you so afraid to talk about your maternal encounters? Don't suppress it.

We both share the same first girlfriend, my brother from another mother. I want to know about /your/ dates and dinners with her, though. Give me all the details.

Is that a buy one, get one free deal I'm hearing there?

i can`t for the life it stand ppl who can`t separate person`s vices from the ideas.

Hayek ignoring rants about socialism, is the most ok-ish out of the economists in capitalism… for me atleast

Pirates are literally ancaps tho

You do realize this is the same lady who is against vaccines, thinks wifi causes brain damage, and believes nuclear power is dangerous?
nope, that's like saying drugdealers are ancaps
Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.