Let's dominate agar.io with 8/v/.
Let's say, the northwest corner? Post in this thread and use your ID as your name in the game.
North America FFA
Let's dominate agar.io with 8/v/.
Let's say, the northwest corner? Post in this thread and use your ID as your name in the game.
North America FFA
You realize this shitty game has multiple rooms for multiple servers?
You specified neither.
Well shit I'm an illiterate nigger, but it still has multiple rooms
It was ruined by teaming Mexicans.
Source: I play it way too much at work.
Man what the fuck. Same thing happened with QuizUp. ;_;
But I'll try it for a bit.
fyretyres gibs me gud ID
Everyone please use triggering names such as
It really triggers the normalfags in these games.
If anybody wants to play a closed game, although that's probably not relevant considering OP's suggestion.
Tried looking at multiple rooms myself, all I can see is the division by continent, and mode.
The room is randomized every time you reset the page, I believe. Maybe they changed it?
Perhaps. I thought you used to be able to pick which server on which continent you wanted to join.
Haha nice.
How's it going in-game? I'm at work so I can't help for the moment.
You're a normalfag. Everybody here is a normalfag.
You've clearly never met a normalfag.
Post more screencaps please, I need a good kek.
I always play as "Borg," by the way.
Anybody still playing?
I am, but I can't find any of you niggers, so I'm just doing what I normally do.
Trying to dominate the northwest corner at all? Lel
Not really. It's not a good strategy to stay in one place.
Didn't the dev get asshurt from /agdg/ on halfchan and run to the reddit circlejerk?
Anybody playing at all? Seems dead.
Are we being raided? Go mow some lawns brian
Huh, can't connect to the servers. Guess that means no hijinx for me.
Just want to see who got quads.
And it's nothing interesting. No surprise there.