Donald Trump is getting spanked

Strong Clinton (10+% spread): 173 electoral votes
Slight Clinton (5-10% spread): 99

Battleground (

Take that spectacular shit to the containment thread.

I can't celebrate too early, if Trump won it would give the right tards to big of a boner

There's no chance in hell he wins. The Hillary Clinton Wikileaks would have to be extremely bad to turn the tide. As the Young Turks said, most Americans don't even care about the Wikileaks stuff.

I can't believe the tapes made such a big impact (Trump was going to lose anyways). Are people not aware that this is the kind of person that Donald Trump is?

It's the attack on Trump by major Republican figures after the tape was revealed that did it, I think. Voters want a show of unity and strength, not infighting and division

Thank you for Correcting The Record.

Due to demographic realities it's hard for Republicans to compete anymore. I hope this doesn't lead to Democrat arrogance. We need a strong leftist third party to challenge the Democrats. Whether it's Greens, Socialist Alternative or whatever.

Thank you for fucking off back to Holla Forums


I don't masturbate to, so I don't belong on Holla Forums


Why is Alaska so reactionary?

Even in this election when many southern states are beginning to wane in their support for the Republicans, Alaska remains steadfast. It's odd because there's not even the same Protestant cults and right-wing networks there that you see in other "red states" (at least as far as I'm aware)


they worship the mega corps extracting resources there as the source of jobs
many people homestead and think of themselves as rugged individualists who don't need no big gubbermand

would have been better

Going to leftypol, CTR thread trending.

Grow a fucking spine comrades

Please don't tell me voting for Hillary is not reactionary.


And the Democrats aren't good, but they're still not nearly as bad as the Republicans.

Why? Because Hillary wants a higher minimum wage (yeah right)? I'd trade that for not carpet bombing the middle east, not having color "revolutions", not having what is basically a corporate state and severely damaging the left for good.

I'm not even American yet I'm forced to fucking care because I really don't want even more refugees in my country


He can if he he can drive up white turnout enough, or Hillary doesn't get as high of a minority turnout as Obama got. Which there is some indication might happen.

Republicans on suicide watch. If they had just waited 4 years to run Mitt they would've easily won this year. Plus all the Trump voters are refusing to vote downballot because everyone but Trump is a cuckservative so the Dems will trivially be able to do everything they don't want. lel

Alaska has three kinds of people in it: old military guys, oil workers, and injuns who are mostly oil workers.

That is a lie that you should learn to see through. Both parties are the two faces of Janus.

One thing Trump has done is expose liberals as bourgeois apologists and not part of the left. When the story broke Trump apologized for the US bombing of Serbia /r/politics all jumped to defend US imperialism and how it was moral for the US to bomb Serbia and immoral for Trump to be against it.


But that is the reason why Trump is even remotely viable, comrade.


The Democrats are going to be even more arrogant and smug after this election. 3 Presidential victories in a row. Due to demographic realities: more latinos, more browns, less whites, Americans becoming more socially liberal, the Republicans are probably never going to win the electoral college ever again. The Democrats will see themselves as the natural ruling party. They will see themselves as entitled to power. The DNC needs a third-party challenger. Hillary Clinton isn't going to face any opposition from within her own party in 2020 when she wins 2016.

I happen to live in a state where the Republicans have a supermajority in the state legislature that they engineered through redistricting and voter suppression. As bad as the Demoshits were, the years that the Republicans have had their run of the place have been nothing short of an unmitigated disaster that's literally turned this state into a punchline.

So, unlike you fucks, I don't buy the "dey're da same ting". No. The Republicans are clearly worse than the Democrats. Now, strategically, the Democrats are probably a bigger threat to the socialist movement than the Republicans, but that doesn't make the Republicans any less of the batshit reactionaries that they actually are.

A Clinton win means

- The republicans will get the majority in the house of representatives, the senate and the state governors and so on and so on…
- The republicans will get stronger
- People will continue to turn to the far right due to the disastrous "lefty" neoliberal policies
- Holla Forums will grow and become stronger
- The US will become more and more fascist until a literal Holla Forumstard neo-nazi gets elected in the future

Mark my words.

t. comrade dore


The Republican Party is in a state of disarray. If Trump takes a hard loss, they'll fall into further chaos as all the factions of the GOP blame each other for the loss. The Trumpites blame the establishment Republicans and the Cruzite Teabaggers for not supporting him. Cruz blames Trump for stealing the nomination and the establishment for not being more behind him. The establishment Republicans blame Trump and Cruz as extremist tendencies that are destroying their elect-ability… etc.

You guys don't seem to understand that the Republican Party is a mess. They're pretty much done regardless of the outcome. It's either get completely discredited by a Trump presidency or fall into in-fighting.

so sounds to me like voting for hillary is the dialectical choice then

Southern states are "waning" in their support for Republicans because of third world immigrants moving there and voting Democrat, not white people becoming enlightened liberals.

Eh, it works either way. We can work with immigrants, the white lumpen reactionaries not so much.

Oh boy, time for Latin-America-style corrupt populists

Too late, we've already got one, and the white reactionaries are 100% behind him.


How do we get the zapatistas to immigrate?

He's losing because he's an erratic asshole with no personal integrity, not because of his policies. This election was there for him to win.

No he's losing because of the massive media campaign against him of which you have fallen victim too. I'm sure in a retrospective view it will be understood that he was treated incredibly unfairly but it will be too late for us to avoid war by then.

Iraq was a disaster
Antagonism with Russia is bad
Stop the TPP

Oh sorry I forgot to turn of my white reactionary voice.

There will be no infighting if trump loses. You will see a Republican Party unified as it never has been before. It will finally be able to suppress it's discontented elements, because while they could not rebuke the tea party, they can rebuke trump.

The Democratic Party, however, will have to deal with the reality of an HRC presidency and it's miserable consequences.


You act as though there's isn't a significant faction of the Republican Party that is genuinely loyal to Trump, or that the Tea Party won't start making trouble for them.

North Carolina


No, the other guy is right - Conservatism, Inc types like Ryan, Romney, McCain, Jeb! etc will have their work cut out for them explaining why Trump was so bad that they felt compelled to give the executive and judicial branches to the Democrats. Any idea that Trump was a flash in the pan event (normal operations have resumed) is wishful thinking by mainstream Republicans.

This. The Democrats are equally delusional if they think the "Obama coalition" (minorities + white cat ladies/nu-males/power bottoms) will carry them to victory for all eternity if they keep refusing to carry out serious economic reforms


Lol I don't support the Democrat Party. B████ ██████ was our hope but he decided to concede to Hillary after the DNC rigged the primaries for her.

Literally the same polls but they don't show the result they want so they ignore them. Reaching Mitt Romney levels of delusion near the end of 2012. I remember people "unskewing" polls and declaring Romney would win all the swing states plus Wisconsin and Michigan. He ended up losing them all but North Carolina.

Nigger please. They are loyal to the people who pay them, just like every other politician.

You had to know that the betrayal would happen eventually.

B████ ██████ was elected as an independent. I don't understand why he couldn't have run as an independent in the general. And why aren't B████ ██████ supporters backing Jill Stein? Most of them seem to be backing Hillary or not voting.

Who's ready for the Holla Forumsocaust when Trump loses? It's gonna be spectacular.

Anonymous is now claiming to have a video of Bill Clinton raping a child at Jeffrey Epstein's villa in the Virgin Islands…

I'm now claiming I have two nymphomaniac redhead 10/10 twins, a flying saucer full of ayylmaos and Jimmy Hoffa's body :^)

Oh lordy. Clinton owns all of the media. Trump has all of the reactionaries. How would S█████ have convinced all the stay-homes to vote for him in a large enough number to defeat the other two? S█████ has no money.

Independents can not win a national election. The system is built that way.

The pink-haired edgy liberals defected to Hillary. The guys who are not voting at all realized that the whole process is a sham. The latter group is potential comrades.

Oh I know it's bullshit. But it's a testament to how fucking batshit crazy this election is that a video of Bill Clinton raping a child is now part of the conversation. Can't fucking wait until November 8th.

literally the only good thing that will come out of this election

I'm going to collect so many screencaps