Save Netflix! Save Youtube! Save the Free Internet!
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I heard harming net neutrality would harm goigle. Is that true?
t. stupid person
Harming net neutrality would harm everything besides jew-porky's profits.
sjw will essentially disappear without these shitty websites to voice their opinion
let it happen
Remember when all these screeching commie retards who just love net neutrality where screaming for Daily Stormer, 4chan, Holla Forums and whatever else they politically oppose to be taken off the internet. I remember.
if Holla Forums get taken off the internet because of Trump then it would be the biggest case of buyer's remorse in history.
>muh internet (((porn)))
the jew butthurt would be glorious
never change, retards
You're gonna need some bigger bait than that son
let it die, i'm more interested in seeing what rises from the ashes, even if it takes years to manifest, right now we're stuck in a dead zone of people knowing we have a problem, but not yet at a threshold of people with the technical expertise to address those problems coming together and devising and developing a plan to overcome and reinvent the internet and privacy, we need to force the hand of web evolution and passing net neutrality would be a great start
Hate sites should be banned. Banning hate sites and supporting net neutrality does not make you a hypocrite.
I don't think you understand the concept of net neutrality
Fuck off commie.
Now, I know you don't understand the concept of net neutrality.
pro tip: how you think something should work isn't always the same as how it actually will work
stay pleb
Idiot, they would go easy on SJW sites, it would censor the right way harder. Just look at how Antifa is treated by the media and platforms like Twitter.
It is like you want to be charged rental fees.
Notice how you can't explain yourself, yet you claim other's can't? Next time wait for your Facebook lobby talking points arrive before shilling here. Thanks. Now Let's play a little game I like to call "follow the shekels", shall we?
Let's start with "Demand Progress". The name already should be a major red flag. Let's look at it's board of directors (see pic). Hmm, that's odd. Every single one is a flaming progressive community organizer, and disproportionately latino. Hmm, odd. Let's see who funds "Demand Progress" - the Sixteen Thirty Fund.
The Sixteen Thirty Fund is an immigration fund for illegals (see pic related - "Moving a progressive policity agenda in america", "Latino Engagement Action Fund", etc.). Hmm, odd. Let's see who funds the Spicteen thirty club - For our future.
For Our Future is the only donor to the 1630 club. But who is "for our future"? Just a front group for unions and climate groups. Hmmmm, odd. "For Our Future" also sounds awfully lot like "Fight for the Future", the other sponsor. Let's take a look there next.
was founded by a grant from the Media Democracy Fund, but the Media Democracy Fund is actually just a branch of the New Venture Fund. The New Venture Fund is funded by the biggest globalist orgs on the planet (see final pic).
You're posting propaganda funded by unions, climate change groups, George Soros orgs, and big tech companies you insufferable faggot.
Save Netflix! Not my problem. Let them pay up
Save Youtube! Not my problem Let them pay up.
Save the Free Internet! When was the internet ever free?
this is the future we choose
Do you have a time machine?
Downloads work for existing things. News and information is a different story.
Kill yourself
I actually like this idea tbh, I get sick of paying for literally 100s of 1000s of websites I know I'll never use anyway. This is basically perfect for me. :)
Since McDonald's?
sjws are all you care about? fucking retard.
Anyone who believes this is a retard.
Net Neutrality is a leftist gimmick to try and socialize the internet by declaring it a utility. Essentially they're trying to force companies to pricelock.
What it's really preventing is companies from having "premium packages". Shit like what's described there would be classed as censorship and is worked around easily anyway. On top of that competition would make companies that tried to take services away go bankrupt very quickly.
What the fight is really over is companies wanting to spend more money to offer even higher speed internet to people willing to pay more. "Net Neutrality" is really just an effort to keep the internet slower, slow down the flow of information and socialize the service.
But most of the internet is too incredibly stupid to get this, why do you think Moot supported it? Remember how he was outed as an SJW?
this is the most retarded post I've read on Holla Forums. Now I remember why I stopped going on Holla Forums.
if Jew corporations started fundraising to cure cancer would you stick your head in a microwave and give yourself a tumor?
the internet can only be truly neutral when we eliminate all racism, antisemitism, sexism, nazism and right wingers from it, until then it is only a place for bigotry and hatred.
They already do, its called a tax deduction dumbass
Yellow fever Jim about Net Neutrality
this is the ideal internet tbh, this way is easy to regulate access to websites and to stop hackers, my wife's computer is hacked almost daily, her browser is always filled with links to pornographic content involving gentlemen of color.
It's lose/lose, no matter what.
Pro NN: Things stay the same. ISPs meter your connection and charge $$ per GB or TB.
Anti NN: ISPs get to decide what is or isn't allowed on "their" networks. I put their in quotes, because the American taxpayer and anybody with a telephone or cable TV footed the bill for all the infrastructure in the 80s and 90s. All ISPs do any more is pay for routers and switches and guys to hook cables up to your house.
this post is what real this is what autism looks like
fuck off
this guy is Sargon's sidekick. Literally a lesser Sargon. Why te fuck would you watch this video?
It's used as a tax reduction scheme as the government views it as a contribution to humanity. Keep in mind that those cancer organizations give the majority of their funds for awareness/self-funding and the remaining towards research.
No because Netflix and Google have the money to pay for ISP rent seeking.
Random upstarts do not.
It very well does. Quit using mental gymnastics
I'm saying you completely missed the point of my post, I don't give a shit about what you're talking about. Autism might be too far but you're definitely dense.
hello leftypol
How will net neutrality affect Maisie? and Maisieposting?
If it puts an end to it, I support it.
Either they don't tax the small sites, because they can't pay, so in the end google has to pay zillions to each ISP while small 1.0 comfy websites can do with little tax (because of so little traffic), which means it becomes a Holla Forums utopia, or they tax users who want to visit certain small sites and botnetize the web, which is a Holla Forums dystopia.
I'm betting my money on the latter, but the first one could be (and I wish it happened - Verizon n such should take the opportunity to take so much from goog).
I don;t think anything is going to happen tbh. reddit will be butthurt for a week or so, and then when nothing happens, everyone will forget about it.
spot on, he's actually a commie
It's a beautiful future
stop posting that ugly retard
These cunts don't care one iota about "freedom" or "neutrality"
A private site is a private site. If they want to ban someone thats their decision
Such a shit argument. I guess I can kick you out of starbucks because I don't like whiny hipster faggots then?
poorfags, the lot of you
If killary won it would already be gone.
if you own the place, sure
Well you should. but uncle sammy says you can only do that to white people :/
There is absolutely now way this could backfire.
Don't worry Elon Musk will save us with his internet satellites!