Why do western developers care about SJWs? They can't take a game down, can they?

Why do western developers care about SJWs? They can't take a game down, can they?

I don't really understand why don't people ignore them, but that's probably just because I'm from Europe.

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Man, I might fall in bait, but you are pretty naive. Europe is already the paradise of SJWs and the muslims they love so much. **I'm spanish and I can tell*. So unless you live in one of those based exsoviet countries that grew a pair you are pretty much about to be enriched by refugees.

And they care because they are SJWs to begin with. They took seriously what twitter feminists said and got people with no skills but with the 'right' politics inside just to bring more people of their same ideology.


Social media brigading

SJW control who get's into companies because they dominate the HR departments. also, they're funded by the feds and not complying will usually get your ass sued or fined.

SJW have been given the illusion of having a larger voice than they do.

Some believe they are the future and go with them (out of KoolAid or out of fear), others know the truth but feel betting on them is better than trying to please gamers who want better (pic 1 sort of related).

But, thanks to Trump, South Park, several Universities imploding, and GG the SJW illusion is cracking. As Pic 2 says- the SJW were going to be a crafted generation to push a lot of ideals. GG pulled the curtain back early and now it's stillborn.

Keep complaining. Keep boycotting (and encouraging others to boycott) anyone that supports SJW. Keep supporting those who speak out against SJW.
At least that'll stop it in games (they can get millions from special interest groups to make progressive games, but it won't mean a damn thing if no one listens to the messages in it).

The vast majority of developers are liberal, if not SJW. Liberals are extremely susceptible to SJW rhetoric, and will likely become SJWs given enough time. Moderates are somewhat susceptible to it too.

If you want to get rid of SJWs, get rid of atheism.

Why jap developers care so much about homosexuals with no gaming skills? Every single one of their games is aimed at that crowd

Follow the logic:

Agenda + Money
Big Companies

SJW are Jews' hellspawns, nurtured and financed, nationally and internationally.

Thanks everyone.

Well I live in one of the "based" slavic countries and there are no SJWs around at all.

fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums

Westerners of all kinds generally speak at least some English. Nips are awful at speaking and understanding other languages, even if they claim to know one. It's easier for ideas to spread among people who can speak the same language. SJWs are almost exclusively American and Canadian, and therefore speak English. So their ideas (and resistance to them) are more well-known among Westerners.

Not that complicated.

SJWs control social media. Social media has become all important in the West because companies think it's reflective of young America. As such, those who use social media a lot are highly valued and have a lot of influence.

Basically, it's a generational thing. The older generation is too out of touch to realize that shit like twitter and tumblr are just a collection of empty memes and farts.

Then why aren't our Universities filled with crying tumblrcunts? Not all of Europe is Sweden fam.

they got gta pulled from target in ausfailia. I know there are more and better examples, but fuck you I'm lazy and you are full of shit.

fuck off shills

Look at what happen to Nintendo after the Tomodachi Life no gays controversy.
The liberal media brings their lynch mod.

This videogame generation is controlled by the new marketing people and most of them don't have the past experiences or guts against those non-gamers.

Yank please.

Those screencaps are fucking stupid, retard.

Because Europe is already conquered, and we also don't have the US's general nack for controversy.

Europe doesn't have a true conservative side because it was systematically destroyed a long time ago.

Now the English speaking gaming industry revolves around the US and almost all of the big names are american centric.

Japan managed to create it's own market and that's why SJWs can't really affect it.

Europe doesn't have a gaming market independent of America.

SJWs have won the gaming industry because they control the money flow. Not directly, of course but they control the media and social media. Now developers need to network, and depending on how big or small they are they have to interact with SJWs.
At the same time no vidya company ( talking about the small ones here) came up with an alternative to the SJW cancer and still be successful. The big companies could stop them but they won't out of fear of probably losing stock value.

There's the option of going full Holla Forums but that could get you arrested in Europe, or your games banned outright.

Eventually the gaming industry isn't dominated by the SJW but by fear. Fear of bankruptcy blacklisting and all that.

SJW believe each other with no evidence, its like a strange version of honor among thieves. If a SJW tells another SJW a nonSJW is being racist or whatever buzzword they wanna use chances are the SJW will believe them and try to get them fired or publicly humiliated, and most devs dont want to deal with the Cetacean stranding

An SJW shit for brains employed at Valve removed Hatred from the steam store after it was greenlit. It took the fat fuck Gaben himself to personally issue an apology and rectify the situation. Of course we don't know if anything happened to the cock sucker that removed it in the first place.

Target banned sale of GTA 5 and a bunch of other games, in Australia, after whiny sjw shit cunts petitioned them to stop selling sexist, woman hating vidya.

Thousands of users were banned from the Medicore Number 5.6 forums thanks to their wonderful community manager Dina thinking she's better than everyone else for having a vagina. There's even a whiny as fuck self-insert in the game named "Dyna".


Nintendo Treehouse

The overly obnoxious skilless indie developer circles

Nearly all gaming related internet forums are overrun with SJW ideology and rulesets.

SJW's are winning. If gamergate did anything, it gave these faggots more power.


Much of the gaming industry (At least when it comes to AAA development) tries to cater to the casual player (Or normalfags as /r9k/ calls them)

A lot of these casuals are active Facebook/Twitter users.

These sites (At least Twitter) are filled with SJWs and liberal retards.

Companies think these people represent not only the gaming, but the entire "Geek" ecosystem.

That's why it's not only video games that are being affected by this, but also comics and movies.

Eventually these companies/developers will realize pandering to these people won't bring any results. This is already becoming evident with the Marvel Comics sales dropping after they started shoehorning "diverse" characters, as well as walking simulators starting to flop.

Because user, they are the SJW.

Japanese companies may not be affected by it but all the localization companies they deal with are submerged in that shit. They probably have some people in Japan doing that kind of work for them and they're going to have the ideology too. If American suits don't give enough of a shit to anything more than believe than their marketing/pr/whoever guys then Japanese suits certainly aren't going to care anymore.

SJWs are generally either autists or normalfags, and they're autism leans closer to normalfaggotry than our autism. They care because they associate them more with normalfags and the casual audience, which is generally the one and only guiding light for the money grubbing faggots who can't rely on talent to get them sales.

It wasn't just Target, though. They were just the first. Within two weeks, every other major retailer in Austrailia had also banned GTA5. Everyone says this is a non-issue and that people can just buy from smaller retailers or online. This is beyond short sighted because there's no such thing as a small scale game store in my area, and the whole Hatred thing shows that SJWs can indeed even get shit banned online.

There is a single reason. Moralfaggotry and guilt. SJWs guilt trip devs, devs think tainting their own products will clear their own conscience, and there you have it. Most normalfags/people who have reasonably happy and normal lives are like that, they're quite easy to manipulate if you appear to have a "moral high ground"

whats there to do but make games?

because the reaper planted it.

Chances are that you've seen first hand the fruits of cultural marxism in places like England, Sweden, France, Germany, and Greece, and yet you can't fathom how and why people cave in to these types in the rest of the world?

It depends on what games you make and what sales expectations you have.

A dev like Gust makes games that will NEVER appeal to SJWs and those games have earned themselves a loyal and fanatical fanbase.

Bethesda on the other hand has, since Morrowind, targeted the mainstream normalfag audience.

SJWs are unlikely to exact much change in niché games like jrpgs. But if you want to sell millions of copies well let's face it:

Most people are uncomfortable with things like lolis. And most people WANT to be perceived as politically correct.

Better question is - why everyone is blaming leftists when there is no government regulations demanding SJW shit and companies doing it on their own volition?

I think folks here on Holla Forums forget that the majority are normalfags.

They're putting a nigger bitch on a dollar bill and everyone loves it.

SJWs are a radical fringe but their ideas are mainstream.

specifically, doug Lombardi. or at least, he's the one who came out and said "it doesn't fit with our policy" or some bullshit like that.

No. Outside of Sweden and britbongsthat don't even consider themself euro no one give 2 shit about SJW

this retard thinks that leftists only operate in the government

You forgot about France and Germany.

they are full of it, they run them too. Do you keep your head in the dirt?

Yes, ((they're)).

I forgot of Germany that right. But france is only getting full of mudslim and niggers due tho their ex-colonies in Africa….and still, the south of France they don't give two shit about them or sjw.

Because Jews aren't western and they don't have the interests of western people in mind. Looks like you still don't get it. When you see these (((white))) SJW devs and publishers, odds are they are not white but actually Jewish.

Then do some research into their background, and you'll find that in most cases they are indeed of Semitic origins.

Voting Trump is the right thing to do though you autist. Way to out yourself as a shill this fast.

Except that Trump is socialist - he wants to tax the rich and continue with free medicare.

Predominantly its sheer fucking virtue signalling.

Devs know they have shit all power to do anything but like to pretend they do with all the fluff talk about how 'pervasive' games are and by lacing their game with 'progressive' dogma they signal to those who align how great a person/company they are while at the same time using all the power they have to try and convert heath- er, non-belie– reactionary right wing neo-nazi alt-right racist scum.

Of course, what they forget is you cant live your life off good feelings and well meanings.

These people dont seem to realise just how many people do not agree with their bullshit. Ironically they believe that silence on an issue is consent/agreement on it when really its a case of knowing how much of a fucking shit they will kick up over someone disagreeing with them. Sadly it very often works too. Disagree on one point and suddenly youre the biggest racist, islamophobic, transphobic bigot since literally Hitler.

So while these devs will get unending praise from the media and usual suspects thats all they get. Most people are naturally put off something that is politically hostile and do not enjoy being bombarded with the 'correct' way to think.

And to be honest, if these devs want to make such a game? Let them. My real gripe is not so much shit games get made but that I am, for some reason, expected to be enamoured with it. Worse yet if they (or a higher body, god forbid) begin marking down games that do not conform to similar ideals like the fucking retarded idea of having a "sexism" rating for games.

I just want to return to a time when games were games and not political statements.

Because they're an extremely vocal minority. So vocal that they actually seem like they're the majority.


SJWs didn't directly destroy MN9 (which was due to massive developer incompetence), but their victim complex will just make them blame their GamerGate boogeyman for it.

Fuck off gook.

Student filth parasite themselves to things, presenting themselves as part of them.

They advertise their bullshit and fools join them. They present demands that are by right degenerate, unable to know what is good having betrayed it.

Good people are a rarity, special things too. Parasites and the beseiged knowing nothing else have greater numbers.

Government desires such stupidity and money is issued to such to effect the destruction of beauty.

Voting replacing passion sees things worn down no longer done for freedom. Things no longer good.

People betray beauty to have more. See betrayal as te price of having the ability to continue not realising or to convinced they have no chance otherwise to care their direction will turn because of it.

Sega showed beauty as too venreble.
Stupidity is surer to survive at the cost of what survives devoid of life.

Bad things make more money. The masses pick prominance to death.