does Holla Forums help the homeless? If not, how do you justify this given your leftist views?
Does Holla Forums help the homeless? If not, how do you justify this given your leftist views?
I an hobelezz :D :D
Depends on the bum. Some are cool, some are assholes, some are batshit insane.
Just make sure they don't suffer from substance absue problem since that money you give him or her might be going to buying more drugs or alcohol.
Not the ones that are obviously part of collector gangs.
If I had money to give, it would go to the communist party.
Yeah, assuming I'm not fucking broke myself
Just light it on fire, atlest it will keep you warm then.
I live in a place where the only homeless man is a guy richer than me who has agoraphobia. He should give me money every time he sees me, instead.
Charity is a right wing thing, though. Leftists believe in communism, where charity isn't needed.
What about class consciousness, faggot?
Just carry around crackers or something to give him instead of money.
You'd be on shakier ground as a leftist believing that you were in some way obligated to help the homeless, tbh.
A part of being a leftist is understanding that the problems we face are systematic, built into the logic of the system itself, it has nothing to do with personal virtue. Viewing politics as some kind of personal spiritual journey to purge the inner bourgeois is liberal as fuck.
Can't help anyone. I'm not a charity of one, and I refuse to give to actual charities because despite raking in billions, the big ones don't seem to be ending shit.
Always do. But i usually give them food or a drink, everybody like free food and ice tea. Ive been in that situation, and that little bit of human kindness inbetween life kicking you in the dick and sometime literally getting kicking just because your down on your luck and fucked, it help you keep going.
They need to be gulaged if they can work and refuse not to.
Depends on their ethnicity and overall attitude. I've come across many beggars who, simply by their stance, eyes, movement, you could tell were junkies and they would simply spend the coin on another injection.
I've also come across plenty of humbled, broken old men and women living on the streets. These people, without a single worry, I have given money too. Even if they would spend it on booze that night I would only hope that it could keep them warm.
Kill yourself.
what's wrong with that? why would i fund them killing themselves further?
No because (and this is also the answer to the second question) I'm damn near homeless myself.
Why do you care how they kill themselves?
Why would I give them money then?
Because you like the good feel feels of being le responsible daddy.
What's wrong with helping people again?
Maybe you should kill yourself instead of those homeless people.
You're not helping them, you're helping yourself feel better.
This homeless person wants beer. You give him some shitty sandwich. You treat him like a 5 year old getting an allowance.
This desu wa.
have any of you faggots even read leftist shit? Do you people not know how shit works? You can't spend your own money to fix society, shit doesn't work that way. Homeless people are a social condition caused by economic conditions, and you can't solve either without getting rid of capitalism,
Now, to answer your question, I help in the best way I can, no, I don't just give people money if I can avoid it, I give shit like food, clothing, personal items, assets of various kinds that can actually help them on the street, sometimes I do give money but it is situational.
So…the best way to help the homeless is to dress up in a business suit and horribly abuse them to the point they snap, organise, and violently reform society?
Charity is a bandaid, socialism is a cure.
I didn't say a party that participates in elections. Or are you against any form of class-conscious organisation?
Things you hear on the left day in and day out:
When it comes to backing up our beliefs financially:
really makes you think.
No, lefties don't help. We expect our gobernments social programs to help the guy out as thats part of why we pay taxes.