Federation Force

It doesn't look that bad though.

Other urls found in this thread:


People will still call it shit OP

I wouldn't say it looks any good either.
It looks incredibly bland and boring.

there you go not samus fags. now you can waifu in game.


I'm glad nintendo now wants to make online co-op games, but they have no fucking clue how to make them.
And why on the 3DS of all places?
This shit is going to last 4 hours, you're gonna play it with maybe one other person, and then in a two months it's going to be completely empty and the co-op will be unusable.

It's just so dumb. Co-op only games should only exist on PC.

Except the best co-op game of all time was on the SNES.

As for Federation Force… I think people are just tired as fuck of spinoffs. Metroid was never a joke franchise,it was always atmospheric, brooding and respectful. This chibi bullshit is sacrilege.

didn't even make it 5 mniutes in

what about the baby?


Never change Holla Forums.

I dunno sportsball is funtbh fam

That makes even less sense than the Varia Suit reskin.

please go ahead an enlighten us
I like metroid and I'm mad at this because it's a fucking FPS on a console that doesn't even have two pads.
Also because it's not a 2D metroid, the best metroid made.

Maybe you should get off your high horse and realize that there's more than one reason why people don't like this you butthurt faggot

That's a real funny edit, but already posted the original.


The game looks fucking terrible, you don't have to be a Metroid to see that.

Why must you hurt me so?


so why aren't sjws complaining main female character got replaced with males in her own series

Yet you probably didn't complain about hunters and that game was actually ok. FF will probably also be ok, mediocre at worst.

No, the actual problem here is that it's a spinoff. To be exact, it's a spinoff when the last real metroid game came out almost 10 years ago and this is all they have. All nintendo would have to do is remake metroid 2 in the style of zero mission and fans would shut up for another 2 years or so but they won't even do that. It was an existing game that they decided to stick a metroid skin on probably midway through development and it heavily implies that nintendo just doesn't give a shit about the franchise or the fanbase at all.

It doesn't look great and I probably won't even bother to pirate it but it's not complete shit either. It's just not what you wanted.

Because they don't even know metroid exists.

weirdly enough the only amibo I'd like to see supported is the megaman one. but of all the ones to show. why mario.

Because they don't actually play video games, mate. They know nothing outside of really popular AAA shit.


I did. I hate that game. I also really don't like Metroid Prime because FPS games shouldn't be on consoles as they work like ass and because making a metroid in first person is disorienting and annoying to control.

So you just have shit taste then.

We're going to have to disagree there. To me, it looks like a clunky unenjoyable fucking mess.

Alright user. Pretty mature.



do you realize how dumb you sound?

They stopped caring about Metroid the very second that "samus is trans because a dev joked about her being a tranny in an obscure magazine" meme went nowhere

For fucks sake people, no matter how bad a game looks there is always a "it doesnt look that bad" thread. Fuck off

It's probably a shit metroid game, but as a game it doesn't look that bad to me either. Doesn't mean that I'll buy it tho.

With all the fake rapes they get upset about why aren't SJWs up in arms with how badly Metroid is actually being raped here.

Japs why

Every metroid game is shit

Because samus is trans and males cant be raped :^)

I really don't get why people hate this so much.
It looks great to me, i'll probably buy it.

Looks good compaired to Umbrella Corp.
That game makes me angry.

The only thing I worry about Federation Force is Single Player and how that will work.

Seriously, I rather play a game with this ridiculous collission detection.

People don't realize that the studio who is on this game is Next Level Games, the studio that did Mario Strikers. If Retro Studios were the one creating this I will be pissed but this game will be mild fun. But no, the fucking faggots are mad at this game since it doesn't have Samus. These same faggots probably played 0 metroid games and they just know the franchise from Smash games.

I don't have anything better to do so I probably will end up pirating it

I'm mainly cautious about it given it's explicitly a spin-off and Nintendo testing the waters for a franchise that hasn't gotten games in years is a cause for alarm all on its own

I am still optimistic about it because Next Level Games always deliver comfy games.


That it's a good dev is a good sign but not a sure thing given Sticker Star fare thee well Paper Mario

I'm disappointed that it's a spin-off game being made to in a franchise that hasn't seen a good game in 9 years, one that looks really dull on top of that. I mean if the next F-Zero game we got was a cooking game staring Mr. EAD I'd be just as disappointed.

No, they are mad at it because it confirmed that the Metroid series is on a long hiatus (if not discontinued).

user, I will fucking take the X parasites anyday over the fucking BABY THE BABY. Metroid Prime Hunters did not have a single metroid and it was great as a multiplayer game because fucking single player is a piece of shit

user, please. Don't hurt me anymore..

A valid point. However, you remember the faggots that were so assblasted they made a poll to cancel the game? Thats where the line is drawn. They did not rage at the fact that Nintendo is being shitty by shitting mario and zelda, they raged at the game itself. I just hope Retro Studios are doing something with the NX..

I actually prefer using the face buttons to move. Worked well enough on the Dreamcast. Of course, ideally an FPS must be played with keyboard and mouse.




It looks like a slow and clunky mess, that shouldn't cost more than $5 on the eshop, but will likely be full price. There is literally nothing to talk about this game other than nintendo took a piece of shovelware that they knew wouldn't even break even, slapped metroid on it and said "Those idiot metroid fans won't even be able to tell the difference!".


It technically does have two pads now

Nope, NEPM.

If this was it's own game I'd be ok with it.
Even if it was another remake of the original Metroid with this style, I'd be okay with (current campaign could be an extra mode instead of soccer). I BET ROCKET LEAGUE DID THIS!
I'd be ok with it if it was an arcade game.

But i am not ok with this.

forgot embed, because dumbass.
I was trying to watch the trailer with this in the background instead of chinkspeak. It didn't help.

It looks shit, it's going to sell shit, Next Level are better than this and I bet they are going to tell Nintendo to fuck off and sign a Multiplatform deal like Monster Games did once they ship it and get tired of fucking them around since everything about it reeks of Sakamoto enforcing NCL creative control on developers and refusing to back down when consumers say "No that's not what we want".

Never mind that Retro Studios became a Mario Kart DLC factory and the talent fucked off to Armature and Twisted Pixel in the meantime. It wouldn't be surprising if Nintendo just destroys NST and Retro in the next gen.

We know it's from the mario strikers people, that's why it's a soccer game with metroid badly painted over.


Metroid has a formula to it that makes it good and removing or changing too many of the keystone aspects of it will ruin it.

I'm sure i could go on, but these are what spring to mind when I think of what makes metroid Gameplay so enjoyable.

Fed force performs several cardinal sins:

1: Multiplayer, removing the solitude and atmosphere
2: Art style is campy, not serious.
3: gameplay is divided into missions that go from point A to point B, removing exploration, upgrading, and secrets

The mainline series has been gutted and bleeding out since Other M and has been shafted like F-Zero and Golden Sun in Smash Bros. The metroid fans don't want to see a spin off when the main series is dead.

I wonder if anyone remembers that this is a FPS and YOU CAN'T SEE YOUR CHARACTER.

But this also proves something else. See, they claim the art style "is because it's hard to display a normal sized character".

Except Hunters came out around 10 years ago on inferior hardware and had no issues.

Lets move onto the fact that this stupid dungeon crawling also requires a N3ds.

it doesn't? Oh, you're mistaken. See, it requires a thumb stick for the right thumb for aiming. lack it? Time for wrist pain as you use the stylus for everything.

But another thing is that a normal 3ds or 3dsxl can't interact with amiibo without an adapter, BUT A N3DS DOES.

But it's not like the amiibo shit matters.

However, the final fact is this:


I have a cfw'd 3ds, but just for you I'm going to buy a legal copy of this game.



It wouldn't bother me as much if the marines didn't look like fucking Bionicles


It's better than nothing.

What the fuck? Are you underaged?

Next Level games does fucking fantastic work

I just want to go metallic heavy agian

I would have preferred nothing.

Don't forget to check em while you are out.

You fucking what?

Nigger you what

If you scrolled through my posts you'd see that all metroid Fpss are shit.

When I was playing with legos Bionicles didn't exist, guess who's the "underage" here.

Sorry, they look like shit.


Highly doubt that

Somebody finally makes sense.

Try harder, nigger.

That being said; yeah, this game might as well be Metroid's jazzed up tombstone and included epitaph by now, because it's dead if you don't buy it, and it's dead if you do.


You're gonna want to save this post because this topic is going to be popping up a lot more in the future

That's hilarious. How old were you then?

To be fair,user,that was 15 fucking years ago.

You can feel nostalgia from when you were a teen, but I guess you wouldn't know you underage fag

Did you also play with beyblades when you were 17?

oh snap

I remember the good old days when I couldn't afford a single bionicle. When I did get it, everyone was into Beyblade. When I got Beyblade, everyone was into Yu-Gi-Oh cards. At that point I said FUCK IT and just kept playing Pokemon on my gameboy.

Bionicle is the fucking shit nigger.

I just played with Legos since I didn't have any of that fancy shit back then. I don't think I missed much since apparently all they do is shoot discs? I could do that with pogs.

I bet you played video games when you were a teenager, you fucking looser

Video games are acceptable for all ages, not disc throwing toys


They weren't until about half a decade ago, faggot.

Proves you don't know shit.

aw yee

ooooooh I had that exact one.

Yeah, but they looked cool. And you didn't really need much more convincing than that back in the day. I played with MEGA BLOCK as well. My parents decided if they bought me one of those giant fuck you suitcases of not-LEGOs, I'd stop pestering them for every new thing LEGO put out.
And you know what, they were right. I carried that shit everywhere with me. Can't find a picture of it though.

And I forgot one awesome feature that made Bionicle stand out:
They were action figures you could break and put back together.

Oh neat, a Bionicles thread.
I was dumb enough to drop $70+ on the new Bionicles just to see how bad they were. Fucking glad I kept the receipt, after opening 3 I completely understood what they were doing wrong design wise and story wise.

Pick one alternatively:
Pick 2

Rahkshi didn't have the best builds, but they were the fucking shit

Ur fucking ded kiddo

This, they were bretty cool even though they weren't the best.

Make new beyblades then

I wanted to buy some of the new ones, but I'm not too sure about it, I'd prefer to find my old ones.
From what I've seen they introduced some gimmicks like the beyblade breaking up, but I'm not too keen on it.

Speaking of beyblades, I recently saw an ad made by some kid at the local shop. It basically said that he/she (I couldn't tell from the ad) and their sister were collecting beyblades, so if anybody had any, they'd take them.
I didn't really expect children to be interested in older toys that went out of "fashion" for over 10 years. Unless they're being raised by turbo hipsters or something.

Maybe someday the coolest kids will be the ones that play Duel Masters and Beyblade

Or playing Dragon Quest Monsters on their emulators on smart devices. Is there a better fucking term for these uncomfortable hunks of techno junk?

You have a real mental problem.

so, who wants to play this together when it comes out?


I would honestly say it looks like a decent game, it's just far from anything people actually wanted, especially in a Metroid title.

Nintendo really needs to pull their heads out of their asses and actually listen to what people want. Everyone hated Other-M and specifically asked for a traditional Metroid game, instead we got this for whatever reason. It's especially frustrating since the same company developing this was previously working on a traditional Metroid game, before Nintendo stepped in and canned it.


Only the most brainwashed nintendrone would defend this.

I would only play this with someone if I was fucking them.

those are some pretty low standards

No idea, I just know that they become obsolete within months of each version.

Even if they were a boy?

You make some great points, the best of all I think is that what really makes fans mad is that Metroid is going to go the way of F-Zero and be forgotten by nintendo. It's a real shame the decent jap devs decides to emulate what is killing the western gaming industry

Well I would probably use it to get them to do something I want in bed. Like if they make me use a condom I would want to do it bareback for playing this with them.

Especially then.

Why the fuck doesn't this shit work with Smash?
One of the few games that could really use it, they messed up there badly. I'd buy it if it worked with Smash, I'm not buying this shit just to play Monster Hunter.

But it does work for Smash, you dumb shit


The circle pad pro? Everywhere I look says it doesn't work.


I thought you were talking about the 3DS control nipple. My mistake.

Because they wanted you to buy the N3DS like a good goy even though it has exactly one worthwhile "exclusive" port so far.

When does it come out? Might pirate it to give it a look, but doubt I'll get very far before dropping it.

It backfired then, I'd buy the Circle pad pro, but I'm not buying any of the two now.


And there are those of use who like both and still think FedFarce is shit.


How do you regenerate interest in a long-standing IP whose last entry was thematically and mechanically a disaster…

…By making a new entry that does not look like, and barely plays like any past entry in the series?

Answer: You don't.

If FedFarce succeeds, Nintendo management can use it to justify excising Samus from the series, avoiding the issues inherent to fixing the nonconsensual assfucking Other M gave to Metroid canon, a process that is not only difficult, but also a tacit admission of Sakamoto's failure.

If FedFarce fails, Nintendo can use it to put Metroid on ice, period.

I had fun with the Echoes and Hunters multiplayer with my friends though.
Echoes was one of the few games that lets you "hack" another player's screen with the scan mode too. Pity that the multiplayer was completely tacked on, it felt like it could have more potential, especially with a Wii Remote remake. Having a lock on in multiplayer that would be casually removed by dashing was also a shit design.

Weavel>Sylux>Noxus>Shit>Trace>Kanden>Other M>Spire

holy fucking shit

no it won't

if Other M flopped, then FF is guaranteed to to flop as well. Fool us once, not getting fooled again.

even if stupid ass Tanabe adds in the proper looks, it'd still play like another mediocre handheld Prime game. The gameplay looks like ass, i even hear GoyExplain and other people at cons playing the demo saying it's still mediocre shit.

no way it'll survive.

quit spouting memes, you fucking armchair analyst. Prime may have saved Fusion's ass back when MP1 was released, no way some dumb 3DS game is gonna do any damage after when it flops.

if you haven't read any fucking interviews you know ass FF is irrelevant shit. just a fucking stupid 2005 DSi project that haven't took place until he found a non-busy developer (NLG) and start it's development on 2011/after the year Other M was done.

that's right, Retro IS busy on their new project, and it ain't DK or Metroid again. They only had a chance at some in FF by designing the manlet force's GOLEM mechs.

and he KNOWS the chibi is stupid for Metroid Prime, but he "kept it" because the "m-muh better visuals for the gameplay" excuse. he's better off doing MP:FF as a major Prime title on the NX instead of the damn 3DS if he's gonna have problems.

and unlike he and his team's attitude on Paper Mario, he still want to do an actual proper Metroid Prime titles.