What's your favorite gookino Holla Forums?

what's your favorite gookino Holla Forums?

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Bullet to the Head


That JAV with the hot girl

I like that one too.

what's the second movie?


Japanese girls sound so annoying when they're getting fucked.

This tbh

why settle for knock off jpnsluts?

Japanese grills look like gross sweaty fishwomen though

And koreans look like ballonheaded cockroaches unless they have had massive amounts of plastic surgery.

they both look like round faced flat nosed fucked teeth farm chinks but koreans will pay to have their cheek bones sanded down to normalcy

So what? They don't like that anymore

uh huh

i can see why they prefer anime girls.

im sure munter is more your speed.

gooks dont make kino fight me

That's gender discrimination.

This one is pretty fun.


Sage for munter