You're marathoning some bad movies, who do you snuggle up to?

You're marathoning some bad movies, who do you snuggle up to?

Mike's bull.



Are you and maisiefag in a contest or something?

nah. nothing but love there.

My grave

Am I supposed to find them attractive or something?

She's tiny meaning she'll be spherical by the time she's mid 30's and popped out a kid. Those thighs are all only getting bigger too. Just sayin.

Lana is a goddess you cad.



The one on the left has HIV and the one on the righy has AIDS,
So probably rich so I wont have to suffer longer.

Who is that beast on the left?

Guy on the right. Anybody that can display both liquor bottles and a trophy they got for "sportsmanship" in third grade little league alongside their DVD collection is a true aficionado.

Bliss's best friend, Nia Jax

Is it a tranny?

She needs to be careful. They get stuck in an elevator or something bliss could get ate.

could be for all I know. never had any desire to see her naked.

Listen to its voice. That whispering thing is what trannies do when they think it will mask their male voice (it doesn't work.)

My lovely girlfriend, of course


Rich's babe of a fiance.



Seems to be a legitimate female probably just took chemicals so she could compete with the not fat bitches


I literally thought she was a man when I looked at the first pic. There was no doubt in my mind. The only possible explanations I could think of at that moment were that that was a Rich look-alike or he's actually gay.

from the thumbnail it looks like Rich's face is photoshopped onto her's.


I thought it was a pair of gay retards too.