WWP supports President Duterte

Tankies gonna tank


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Fucking retards

Yeah I'd really rather have thousands die due to Duterte's literal death squads, then watch China muscle its way into the region instead.


Are you fucking serious? Have you ever met a black person before?

Fuck off back to Holla Forums pls

read that as racist dialectic

Just try to pretend this guy is not based.

Did he really say that? This is hilarious.

Wow, you mean that people align due to common causes? I never knew that dude. You must be really smart, since you won't align with anyone.

top kek

communists shouldn't allign with reactionaries.

(August 12, 2016, Communist Party of the Philippines)

Could you kindly return to whatever shithole you came from?

footage from Philippines. don't know who is who but some shit went down

Mocking AAVE is pretty racist, dude.

So what?

It's shitty.

So basically you're offended because he used ebonics.

I'm not offended.

k honey

That's cool and all.

Hes still gone on a death squad hunt of drug addicts just to seem tough. Although maybe that's his angle to be soft on the commies.

Either way, hes a nutjob. It would cost him less to just rehab these people, I mean, not for now, but once the backlash hits thats gonna be costly as fuck to police.

His entire campaign is hillarious. Remember, at no point did he lie about the killing, he allways said he would do it, he said he had and he won. He is also getting more popular as time goes on, which makes one wonder what the fuck is going on in the philipines?

Drugs, lots of drugs.

MLs in a nutshell

are you an ISO member?

Nah. Don't belong to any org.

The most powerful communist party in the country, the flip maoists literally support Duterte on the issues where they think he's progressive. It's not like he invented death squads in pinoyland either even liberal SJW princess Aquino used them but only against the Maoists and Muslims instead of drug dealers.