Something something

something something

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing nothing

anything anything


everything everything

Everyone's gay with enough MDMA.


but still works.


you cucked me




Hi kanra

mspaint skills are best.

cuck a doodle doo

I leave in like half an hr

Do you want me to leave already?
How mean

I think she just wants to be a guy

Puni Puni Poemy is so fucking lulz
I showed Ian that shit the other day

if it doesn't fit inside the lines, it's abstract art.

I legit lol'd.

Do it in public for maximum lulz

Your face is abstract art.

Drive responsibly.

That'd still classify it as art nonetheless which is more than most people can say.


I gotta give the english voice actor props though, she talks so fucking fast

inb4 she tries to fight me

You're so concerned about me driving
Its adorable

I wanna punch manny sometimes

how are things hangin animus?

hey honey!


Dicks just make things worse.

Who would win?

Get him drunk and he'll wanna punch you too

strange gif!!
*hugs tight*


This shit took too long to type up for me to just leave it over there.

I feel I should clarify something.
If somebody asked me to call them "they/them", for the most part, given they are a polite person, I would likely acquiesce in public. If I felt I particularly liked them I may even do it in places that would always remain out of their sight.
But I always laugh when people say gender is a social construct. It would be as if you were to say "steel does not, on some fundamental view of the universe, exist. If I pick up any plate of metal containing iron and carbon that you call 'steel' it would be incredibly easy to find imperfections. So how can you call two different hunks of metal both 'steel'? There are so many variations of the alloy here."
The answer is simple. Because that's the function of language. That's the function of "social constructs". That's the function of labels. To group things together. To group people together. You don't need their permission. And you never will until the anti-bully police install oppression detectors in your head to make sure everybody is getting their way and nobody's feelings are being hurt.
Anyone can ask to be put above a label, but my mind is still going to think of people with two x chromosomes as girls and xy as boys. Because that's the constructs I live within.

I don't wanna knock him out though
he's delicate

apparently you have to be super specific about some thing to people

Don't fuck with the squad or the squad will fuck with you

He has an anger problem when he drinks, you might have to

I have no idea what the hell she was talking about 99% of the time, but I still laughed.

'Sup, dude?!


It's a strange anime. ;D



Irl friend

Why does every commercial break have something for fucking Boston Market?
Who has even eaten there in the last two decades?


Might aswell start e-dating amirite?


It'd be a tie

Thats the best part lmao

hey test, how are you?

lmao what the hell? why would anyone do that? not even in my own bathroom would i think of that and i often clean the walls

not a whole lot actually! missed you yesterday so wanted to make sure i didnt this time


I can see that

You're both short af lok


this guy

What? Why? How does that relate?

Break it down for me like I'm stupid.

What's so funny?

Well, I should probably be heading to bed pretty soon here. You?

It's just immensely practical and doesn't infringe on the rights of anyone to call steel something that isn't steel.

But the practicality of designating humans under specific labels often leads to bigotry.

Both of us are fortunate enough to live in places that, legally, have been able to look past labels.

Steel NEEDS a limited definition, based on its chemical components.

There should NOT be a limit to the sorts of labels humans describe themselves as. It should be inconsequential, and often times it is.
Some countries disallow it.

Unless that person is trying hard to fit under an existing label.
In which case, better call that person whatever they need to be called.

There should not be a limit to the sorts of labels humans describe themselves as.
You can argue for the practicality of limiting labels, but it really shouldn't matter.


Looks like a goon.

That "gimme a hug" at the end makes me lose my shit everytime lmao

Oh man that night was great

I fucked Angel in my shower while people were passing by to go to the bathroom and we were being all quiet trying not to get caught


He is

But my goon



>LUKAs Graham

That and all the gratuitous fan service.

I've been taco-riffic! 'Cause I had tacos. They were terrific.

what anime is it?!


I'm done for the night, Kanra.

I don't want to call it a draw since it's not a contest. But it's essentially a draw.

Good night.

Boku no Shingeki no Shut the Fuck Up

If youre going to be constantly worrying about me and scolding me all the time might as well call you my wifey

You're too young for him.

That's not how it works.


doing rather good right now, havent ate all day though so hunger is a thing lol sweet dreams though test

Cat key holes

A guy was hacked to death in public the other day with machetes for describing himself as an atheist.

In the ideal world of the majority in that country, he would have remained silent.

In an ideal world, the religious mob that killed him would have been content with their own religion, and calling themselves followers of it.

But they were not content.

Someone labeled themselves something they collectively agreed should be perceived as evil.

No bigotry is not okay.
Especially when your reasons are for simplicity.
Some of the dumbest conclusions drawn in human history have come from faulty premises.

whatever. just hope you guys question this stuff.



So, so mean.

Puni Puni Poemy. It's every anime cliche and trope in a hyper two-episode series.

No wall text only cat key holes

Do you have a manual laying around?
I don't know how these things work
Do I like give you money or something?

Any suggestions? About to order this stuff right now to build a new computer unless someone here can make a good argument why the list needs a change

lol thats good to hear, has your job been going good too?

No. How much?

Well, I've been turned down for a raise the past two quarters, but they were nice enough to name me employee of the month three months in a row and give me a Starbucks gift card, so that tooootally makes up for it.

It kind of makes me just think of Desu, Mordin, and Goggles all as one person.


i'll take everyone on except izzy

he can probably floor me


is that kanra


It has the word poem in it! ?

Huh? I never did the gray hair thing.

Fucking say it


Bigotry when used to hurt others is bad.
Bigotry based out of what you think, but you don't use to hurt others isn't exactly bad.

Say it anyways.

hi pet class Ikaros

Yep. It's super poetic.

You three are all the same, barring nationalities.

mordin = googles?

is it?


This is news?

Oh would you look at the time

I have to go to work

how unfortunate

Next you'll say you're not a homosexual.

sabs has the most strange taste! :D

If there was a bill being passed in your state that had a provision that made it that anyone identifying outside of male/female illegal, would you go out and vote against it?

Let it pass?

Or encourage it?


Please do not go.

It's funny!

.... wait that is confusing, they dont give any raises to someone consistently hitting employee of the month? darn they are pretty cold hearted sounding


Are you Kanra?


why are all the canadian posters so shit

stop that

i believe you!

Boo! muahahaha~

No, I'm tired.



Too much estrogen in the water tbh.

stop that ikt

tl;dr judgement should be based off physical reality and the worth of descriptors with relevance to the situation eg. don't make being another gender illegal


Why are you posting that?

-sighs- I miss him... i just want a kiss goodnight

Arguing hypotheticals that we know won't happen is kind of a silly way to do this, Kanra.

wtf are you saying lmao
night hun




it's not a hypothetical

shit is law in many countries

no wait

I will say no such thing. Well bisexual I suppose?

pls write more text walls I won't read.

really works out your scroll finger huh

-goes to my cage next to master's bed and curls into a ball for sleeps-



Now you'll try to kiss some random dude's "tummy".

I never implied that.

The mouse I have lets you click it so it can just freely spin.
Works great for bypassing spam and textwalls.


You say this just to try to annoy me, but I think we both know that it's not true. You and I have actually talked a fair bit, none of which had much to do with kissing anyones tummy.

I think you have, but that's not what I'm referring to.

oh i guess i can do that too. always forget about that function

where is AM to do his luka impression

Yeah you better!

That's radio. I only do this 'cause it's steady and I'm too afraid to quit and go anywhere else. Anyway, hi! Hope you're having a nice night!



mordin is pretty much desu but should ky slightly more


Nope I never did anything.

Post mugshot.

But not ours. What happens there has no bearing on me.

Can I have your old one after? Lol



They will know what you did.

I've never been in trouble with the law ever.

Still at work dear?


"The deed is done. Faded into nothing. Only speaking of it can make it real." -Lord Petyr Baelish



JoJosé with diamondo del loco.

pls spoiler your perverted sexual advances

Didn't do nuthin


Why do people think they can get away with insulting me?

murder is a bitch nigga

/gets away with it

she just drunk off sake at the karaoke bar~
nothing lewd about a night out on the town ^_^

maybe because you're a punk ass nigger bitch

everyone here does.

because you lie about being successful, heterosexual and attractive

Because they can, you pussy bitch

for the most part it could be better but couldnt everything? i hope your night is nice as well honey great gif lol

what is hidden in snow comes forth in the thaw.

not the image
the post

You don't have much to fight back with.

dinner din dew nuffin muffin

Oh damn it I just realized he wanted us to insult him so he can get off to it since he's masochistic pussy now

murder has a big cock and is smart and really rich~

Only 1 of those is a lie :3

No they can't you hairy inbred mongrel

Listen up slut

Nope. Just up later than I should be. Buggin' people. Doody doop. Blah blah.

Luka, I may asleep soon. That alright with you?


Everything could be better if we had...' money.

one more

Yes they can you fucking delusional moron

lemme guess it's the heterosexual one

nm. bye.

no lewd! only love happyness freindship! :)

moe money moe problems

He's now Desu 2, Electric Boogaloo.

Don't you melt my snow.

sounds good.

nice try guy


shouldn't you kiss another fake girl for it to be truly e-lesbian?


[7:28 PM] Ui 𝐢𝐬 ß Ⓐ § ∈ Ð: I fucking hate the mods. except for two
[7:28 PM] Ui 𝐢𝐬 ß Ⓐ § ∈ Ð: they stalk me and ban me


*poke poke poke*
all comfy for bed yet? =w=
Yeh you deserve all the rest your body can get! *wraps you up like burrito*

hi goggles


No snow can last forever.

Did I miss anything?

no one cares about your shitty discord cybers

Noooo! You're s'posed to say something mean or post a gross webm!

Like having to buy a bulky, tacky purse? I can live with that.

Uuuugh, don't say burritoooo. My tummy's so full...

As long as another thunderstorm doesn't park itself over my house like last night, I should sleep ok.

He's really stepping his game up.

what about permafrost

not guy.

which flavour?

Yes, this

I will end you

beef cake

I got a heatwave here all of a sudden >_<

sleepy full tummy sabby is best sabby for good nights rest! ♥

If I insult you, will you aim your ire at him?

Al Gore will melt it with his global warming.

The end is only the beginning.

meat loaf? uh what?

then embrace the moe, honey!

If the end is only the beginning then its not really the end.


The end of something can be the start of something new.

I can still use it for non gaming things in safe mode, so no but Im a fuckboy what do I know

plus the "A" key is broken

already replaced hard drive once


no ty.

what the hell is this word filter I don't even remember what I typed wtf


The ironic smiley with the nose

the office is so funny

best show on netflix NA~

that meme emote is filtered?
thank goodness.


here is your daily reminder that youre all faggots


Thanks bud

Say hi to the kids for me

..someone get me a shot

who's the >he



but Im a fuckboy what do I know

im not your bud, fellow

YOU but Im a fuckboy what do I know

nope im not guy

i didnt know you were a fucboi

I'm not a fellow, man

niggers, spics, jews?

bad news!

im not your fellow, individual....

:­­^­­) b­u­m­p

You're in the mountains though, right? I bet it's pretty this time of year. Anyway, I'm going to plop face-first into bed now. Buenos noches, senorita!

Kawaiii! And good night.

Aw. Well, I need to sleep now. I hope you have a good night. Take care!

are you izzy, 10x or that other one?

pls, i...

I'm tired of this already


on animus or lewds tho

listening to whatever pandora plays

Invisible characters, duh

How quickly we forget


me too, make us a tc


I don't into tcs these days

ian senpai notice me



yo fam it's too weekdayey for that shit


Yeah it's pretty mountians and valley clear skys!
beuno Nacho's and cheese to you too~ ♥
Dream well. *mwah*

camwhore gonna cam word... bong


sweet dreams!

if tp was a girl he'd be a huge camwhore

pls response

i dun wanna become an invisible character! ;~;

no youre not.... clbsy

tc is hella gay anyway lol

oh god i feel a little ill

god damn it I love that fucking meme asldkgaj;lgka

this board sux fuk da poleez/modz

Literally no one thinks you're a girl.
Just stop.

10x its been forever since you cammed

and youre helanigga

i wont fall for ur tricks!

You're right


Sucks to be you

read regert

If Luka convinces me they are a girl I'll buy them subways.

come kill silver rath with me

lol... its actually female, i has proofs

Sorry, getting carried by Tristan.

what do you love? (besides soraka)




I'm too edgy to love


Did you expect something else?

not really, no

Sometimes I lather myself in Vaseline and cellophane and pretend I'm a slug.

what happened to your special soraka then?!


I never loved her really

honestly i expected elation at my constant egress and ingress...but well. one day luka and i will schtoop and all doubt will be removed... it should be already. but...

^cue rolling eyes




that's what she said ^^

last night i had something in mind that i wanted to either post or send to someone that woulda been perfect
i forgot though and didn't write it down
fuck me

hey samchan, i missed you


anonkun, pls.and I..

samchan, i know you are..

whos the bigger nigger bebop or manaka?

Don't stop the cat key holes

dont stop belebig

I have over 70 pictures of those :c

Manaka is an Indonigger.
Bebop is a spear chucking, rain dancing, red nigger.

ipad posting git gud

tequilla... for all of lifes little problems

i am watching you samchan

i'm not, i have to get going, have a nice night!

kinda want to open up to manaka but i'm worried about getting my heart ripped out of chest and eaten right in front of me

I don't believe you..


hey now, i've evolved into using guns and actually farming
fuck the white man tho

they're on my pc I can give you the folder..!

cat keyholes are shit taste

no grim


what game?

You should consider watching the anime the gif is from if you're going to steal it.

no matter what the bust

it's shit

effing off... nite

I can't see out of my eye it's all swollen shut and it hurts to open it aaaaaaaaaaaaa

id put my key in manakas keyhole

i have you beat by 500 but it also isnt technically my folder lol

real.. life?..

I can't remember the name

cut it out and post socket


you hate cute stuff

bye love


I might have to get my eyelid cut open if my medicine doesn't work


yea but i wont post a fucking picture of it


new btw

pink eye: Who The Fuck Even Knows

Saki. You must watch all of it from the start. Arata isn't in it until the spinoff season. it's saki > achiga-hen > saki zenkoku-hen.


Luka doesn't know what that is.
It's not yuri enough for him.

Then its not the end.

post cat keyholes

25 episodes >

I wish they'd adapt the rest too, I might have to read the manga.


Maybe one day
Added to my list anyways :3
Good night

bye homo

kill yourself TP
