Didn't see a thread about it. This came out literally a few hours ago. I played the demo and thought it was pretty good.
apparently someone from /agdg/ made it, can't confirm. definitely get a chan vibe from site and readme
Site: waifubartending.com
Didn't see a thread about it. This came out literally a few hours ago. I played the demo and thought it was pretty good.
apparently someone from /agdg/ made it, can't confirm. definitely get a chan vibe from site and readme
Site: waifubartending.com
That's clever actually. Better than going on neogaf.
link in mega/vola when?
not to say >poorfag, but $15 isn't fucking anything.
i have the steam version, i can toss that up if there is a crack for it
The only reason I''d shill my own game here is if it was free.
I severely doubt an user would pay for any thing, I certainly know I wouldn't.
There's a demo, but they obscured the direct link.
This name is genious. It actually makes it harder to search on torrents.
try closing steam and launching the game from the directory, if it launches there's no drm and you can just upload your files.
Its easy to crack most steam games. A lot of generic steam cracks work with every game, that's how we cracked dragon's dogma before release.
is there any faggy shit that's gonna trigger me
if not I will get it for vita
Found you, faggot.
Why isn't there an indie game with PC-98 type graphics.
is there?
uploading it now. should be done in about 5 minutes not using mega because i dont want to make an account
Indie developers don't really fucking look indie anymore.
I've been waiting for this! They did a collab with Read Only Memories, which was pretty suspect, but the devs seem cool.
By the way, the OST is pretty dope. It's free on bandcamp.
I know what you mean. It was the preorder was 4.99, so I expected it to be about $8-10.
Also, I could've sworn I had bought it already on their site, but I haven't gotten an email about it. I have the prologue, so I must have bought it at some point, right? I'm so confused…
The poor guys live in Venezuela though. Your money would be going to someone who needs it, at least.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Vita version comes out later this year.
Because that would take considerable effort.
i tried to just open the .exe, but it reopens steam. so if you fags have a generic crack or something then go for it
Fukken a. Thanks user
Because pc-98 graphics requires artistic skill beyond shitty pixel art.
I got the DD crack so I'm good,
Can you upload it?
that almost makes me feel bad for pirating.
Well I'll go with standard pirating procedure, buy it if it's good.
i'm going to pirate it anyways
because I can
upload dat to the vola my game is in
let me check if it works or not first.
"Indie" is pretty much just a marketing label at this point.
Indie is just a buzzword for "not big publisher funded".
Technically these guys aren't indie, since they have a publisher. It was still made by 2 guys in a basement though, so they're closer to the bedroom programmer's of old than, say, Jonathan Blow games that he personally invested $500,000 or some ridiculous amount of money. Seriously, look it up. into.
I like the artstyle, the girls and cute, and the OST sounds groovy. Someone hit me up with the lazy mans all-in-one download link.
Have you guys never heard of igg or pcgames-download? Seriously, it's annoying to hear you guys whining "mega mega uguu".
Is this legitimate high impact bartending action, or is the drink making just a way to interact with pre-made characters?
Moreso the latter. It's a glorified VN.
there isn't a link from IGG yet
And search machines in general.
Into the trash
Its a VN where you sometimes follow recipes to make drinks.
SS13 is still the best bartending sim I've played. But the story and setting seems interesting enough, from what I've seen in the demo I just finished, but that 15$ pricetag is basically the devs asking for charity money.
And no one else has uploaded it either. Those two sites are usually pretty quick. What makes you think that pestering anons will be any quicker? Don't you think someone will throw it on the vola without you asking?
I'm not saying you should buy the game, but the constant begging I keep seeing is annoying.
But user it's already on the vola
the dragon's dogma crack works on it tho
I already stuck at the beginning.
it works on my machine
Use the computer, ya dingus.
It shouldn't need one, though?
From the devlog:
Can Steam bros confirm?
>it's ok when japs literal weeaboos do it
i closed steam and tried opening it, it opened steam alongside. i might be just retarded, dont know
That's not actual pixel art, fucking hipster garbage. I can't believe people are comparing this shite to Snatcher.
Post actual pixel art to scare the shills away.
Holy fucking shit i hate indie pixel shit.
How does the fucking Japanese language and alphabet work?
it's a well known fact you can't learn japanese
Is there a time limit on serving customers?
Your shit isn't any different, faggot
they're just throwing shit to wall at this point and hope something sticks
Are you literally retarded?
Didn't think there'd be a thread for this.
Anyone want a free code?
I hope people aren't retarded to even bother with your code.
Are you? How is the shit in the last three images "real" pixel art?
It's from fucking PC-98 games, therefore it is. Go eat a bag of dicks.
It doesn't.
Oh, is it only ok when it's anime?
Kill yourself queerbait. I don't care about whatever type of autistic pent up rage you have towards the specific type of pictures that i posted or if you were diddled by a trucker at some gas station's bathroom, but chimping out on some random anonymous internet poster won't help you.
The guy who says that pc-98 isn't pixel art is right.
First it was drawn, and then pixelated. But coloration is done by hand.
Negro, I just bought the game and had this extra code and felt like giving it away.
Learn what pixel art is, shlomo.
I hope you will get sued for referencing ore no imouto and including your shitty name there.
It's mostly a syllabary, where most letters sound like a consonant followed by a vowel. That's why Japanese have a hard time with English and like to add "u" to the end of words. Also L and R are the same letter in their language for some reason.
Mainly it's two alphabets called Hiragana and Katakana, which as far as I can tell the letters in both alphabets sound the same - so it's kind of like lowercase and uppercase in english, but not really - to give an example, katakana can be used for foreign words, to give impact to words in a commerical, or I think even used for when robots talk in a videogame (I don't really remember).
And then there is fucking Kanji. Kanji are basically letters stolen from the Chinese, except they are pronounced differently. And there's like thousands of them, and children in Japanese schools are supposed to learn, like - a hundred each year of school. And the thing about kanji is that sometimes their pronunciation can change completely for many different reasons, like if they're put next to a certain other kanji. Apparently, even the Japanese have a hard time remembering Kanji, because in Japanese vidya you'll often see that kanji will have little hiragana underneath which is basically a pronunciation guide like holy shit I am not making this up.
I hear spoken Japanese is pretty easy to learn though.
It comes with a direct download and a steam code, faggot.
Not joining the arguement but quite a few of the major PC-98 developers used custom dithering patterns and algorithms in their games.
So it's retarded?
Yeah, pretty much.
What about Chinese and Korean?
Can't speak for Chinese, but Koreans unfucked their language by inventing a new system of writing.
This is a degenerate leftist game for sure.
if it was leftist that guy wouldn't have left the sex tour and became a cockslut.
15 freedom bucks.
I don't know shit about Chinese or Korean alphabets.
But I do know that spoken Chinese is a language based on pitch, so when you say a word high pitched it could mean "mother", but when you say it low pitched it could mean "horse".
This is why Chinese sound weird when they talk, and also the reason why Chinese are unable to whisper.
I guess $15 is a lot to NEETs or minimum wage cucks.
words having different meanings are very common in most languages of the world. It's context that sets them apart.
This guy's a tad on the dorky side, but I love hearing how languages compare to each other.
For your shitty game? I can buy myself 12 cans of beer for that money.
References: the game.
Hipster believe that
Pop culture references = good writing.
Oh, look, its a reference to the price of this game. $15.00
Its hard to play this game when you withstand from drinking, and everything it talks about is alcohol.
So it finally came out? I got it for 5 bucks like two years ago back when it was just a demo thing. At least I don't have to pay anything extra for the finished version.
I am a bit concerned about the developer's connection to the ones who made that other cyberpunk game with the custom pronouns and shit. I hope there is no SJW shit in this game.
I bought this ages ago for $5 cos I liked the demo. Nah I wouldn't pay $15 for it. Gotta support bros from agdg (probably)
All the drinks are ersatz as fuck.
I'm worried about this, too. I saw some screenshots with the term "fuckboy", so alarm bells have been rung. The character is meant to be a bitch though, so maybe it's just a piss take.
One of the devs made a catgirl booby ninja in Stranger of Sword City and posts a lot of anime, mentions waifus and wrestling, so maybe it's fine. That's a lot of toxic masculinity, after all.
He did retweet pic related, though. Make of it whatever you want.
Why would anyone support these fags?.
I had the same problem. You don't get a new email for some reason, so I hope you have your old email from itch.io with your personalized link.
I just checked my email and I received a notice about 8 minutes ago.
Y'all might want to double check yours, too.
Good riddance its not "nazis".
Where's the kat or MEGA link ?
I gotta say, $15 is a bit much
Nice tracing
Mega has a bandwidth quota, apparently.
Done with the demo now. It's okay.
Enlighten me, then. I see a lot of SJW types using the term unironically.
What's wrong with this? Seems like a realistic depiction of the future to me. It's a dystopia after all.
You can write characters to be dislikable by making them talk in a way you don't like. I don't know when this trend of thinking that you can only put in characters that you agree with started.
By /agdg/ history I'm talking about how most of /agdg/ some years ago made Tumblrs to use for posting shit, progress blog and avoid shitposting nodevs. Lots of them followed each other to give each other visibility. You're going to get a lot of 'connections' that don't mean shit.
Disclaimer: I stopped paying attention to this game a long time ago and the devs might be drinking the coolaid now.
I understand this. It's the specific word that made me suspicious. I already said that the character saying it is being a bitch, so it's not out of character, it's just the specific word that's odd. They could have used any other inflammatory word and get the same effect.
I still don't understand what this has to do with the term "fuckboy". Are you saying that because other people on tumblr say it, it's not strange for unaffiliated people to use it unironically, too? I'm not sure what your point is, but I've never been part of /agdg/'s community, so maybe I'm missing something.
Anyway, "fuckboy" outside of gay porn, where it means something totally different is a very misandrist term, along with other terms such of mansplaining, and it makes me a bit suspicious. I don't know what Sukeban's political affiliations are and I'm not saying they're SJWs (and most evidence points to them NOT being SJW), I'm just pointing out anything that's suspect.
The creators are from cuckchan /agdg/
The original founders of Waifujam
From Venezuela with collapsing economy, so they need shekels.
They're alright.
Yeah, I know. I first played Vallhalla when they posted their prototype.
A lot can happen in 2 years, but they seem cool and I hope you guys buy their game.
I'm just talking and replying to questions. It's what I do.
well mem'd
The Korean alphabet is actually pretty sane. Pardon the Youtuber.
If anyone could take this and put it on the vola, that'd be great.
Mega is really ratcheting up the jew with their data caps.
Chinese sucks.
even then
chinese sounds like you're taking a shit
It's already on the vola.
They already did
I must say it is fucking shame to download it. For once there is a game with actual demo and I am still just pirating it.
awesome, thanks. The other vola the uncracked game was in got filled with girlie pics.
Other? Which one were you using? I only know of one.
Are you a poorfag? I'm not trying to be mean, but why not buy it then?
Looks and sounds like shit
That it gave you the reaction it did might've been intention though, in which case it did its job. Really it's just both of us second guessing the use of it though, so who knows. I'll have to take your word on fuckboy's serious usage because I've never heard/seen it used outside of being ironic. I didn't even know there was a serious usage of it.
I was talking about the whole 'connections' thing from earlier in the thread. I've seen people jump to conclusions a lot when a lot of /agdg/ cross promotion is basically 'he reblogged my shit, I'll do the same for him' type of deal.
Not really but well why download demo when you can just try the game by pirating it.
But I am definitely not that rich to just buy 15$ game before knowing I will enjoy it.
You fucking retard, its not about how much disposable income one has.
Are you peanut butter and jealous?
and I need shekels to pay for the roof over my head, so fuck 'em
why should he? it's on vola, there are infinite copies now.
Then I have been successfully bamboozled. I haven't seen that scene in person yet, though, so maybe the context makes it clearer.
Yeah. To be honest, I'm not really that concerned. I'll reserve any further conjecture until I play the whole game.
I think it's said jokingly, but in the joking way a dude who beats his wife jokes about women going back to the kitchen and making him a sandwich. It's not entirely insincere.
I've recently heard it on Buzzfeed and other leftist sites. I thought it was just a silly insult until recently, too, but I'm not so sure anymore.
Well, yeah. People reblog stuff without thinking. There's no meaning behind it. It doesn't mean they're actually connected or even had a conversation.
Oh. Well, thanks. It's on both of them, now!
That's fair. I'm not gonna judge you for pirating a game, but I don't see any reason to pirate this one (for example, ethical reasons) unless you can't afford it.
To support the devs? I bought it while it was $5 though, so I can't exactly talk.
If morrowind taught me anything, its that every single detail can contribute to the game's story, backstory, or anywhere in between
they can fuck off and get a real job like everybody else
So which one of the dev are you ?
Can you upload
the mac version?
I'll never understand why posting multiple times in a thread is a terrible faux pas.
You can download the game for free. It's been posted multiple times. What would be the point of shilling here? Go download it. I don't care.
This is another undertale, isn't it?
torrrent for this?
There's multiple links to the game in this thread now.
That's the question
If the devs are from halfchan then why did they put Jim Sterling in their game?
theres a lot of MGS memes in this
This shit was a massive red flag for me.
What's the verdict? Any special snowflake pronoun bullshit or identity politics?
KIRIN is a huge drinks brand there and elsewhere. They operate most of the Japanese metropolitan vending machines and provide lots of beverages to dining venues.
Source: have been there.
I don't know yet (I'm not at my comp, so I haven't played the full version yet that's why I'm shilling shitposting here), but I understand your concern.
I bought the prologue version before the ROM thing (before GG, even), or else I would have waited until after release. The demo and prologue are entirely inoffensive. Try before you buy, maybe?
One of the dev's usernames is kiririn51. Although, it's entirely likely he got his name from the drink or the mythological monster. Could still be a play on words.
In that context, there is zero doubt that it's a reference to the drinks brand as well the artist. How the artist thought up the name initially is a different conversation for another time.
C'mon, Lindybeige is magical.
$15 for this? no, you'd have to pay me. no one should work for free, after all.
I know, right? Who would be interested in that premise?
All those games can exist in the same universe you know. It's silly to complain about something because it isn't what you want it to be.
But bartender is a comfy manga about drinks that lets you learn a lot about drinks and their origins.
What does this game let you learn ?
why does that matter?
who wanted it at all?
About the harsh life in the cyber-waifu age and meme spouting, I guess.
well i found this little bit of gold on the second day
None of that is pixel art either, dumbass.
Yeh the dialogue is pretty good, but it should be given that the dialogue is the pretty much the whole game since it is a VN at the core.
Does it hurt to try something new?
can anybody upload the steam_app.ini file, the volafile download is just giving me 503 errors
use the .7z not the .zip, and use the one from the Holla Forumsidya vola and not the personal one that got filled with pics of 3d.
I'm retarded. Can you just post the proper link?
if you want to play this game i would suggest you play the demo first, because they constantly reference the events that happened in the demo
Yeh, there's a character you won't know fuckall about if you skip the demo.
its kinda neat that the TV glitches out whenever shes mentioned
Holla Forumsola .7z ends with 503
Try the mega, though I got a data quota error myself.
from what i can tell, Gillian is the only one being called a fuckboy, and its only by people who know him, so i'd say its more of a nickname than an insult
ayy, consider your dick sucked mang
I bought it since these guys seem pretty cool and I'd like for them not to have to live in the shithole that is venezuela
/jp/ has been using the term fuckboy for almost a decade btw
maybe the devs got it from somewhere else, but these guys seem to be old /jp/sies
Fuckboy is such a common term though.
I've been used all the way from /jp/ to /mu/
I can't help but feel all the people posting shit the "shithole that is Venezuela" are actually just the developers begging people for guilt money
what is it about? a cyber-punk harvest moon? that would be nice actually.
Reviewed it on Youtube (won't shill, getting new to chan culture here). Very good writing, topical yet funny. Not a lot in the gameplay mechanics, but enough to keep the CYOA mechanics interesting enough. Definitely worth a buy.
it's a good game but im a weeb who plays VNs in japanese so my recommendation might not be super useful to you
also I post a bunch in /cyber/ so some kind of anime vn bartending cyberpunk game is def my shit
Fuck off nigger
I like the artstyle but i honestly dont even know what this game is. Is it a VN or what is it.
Not gonna do this shit. If Im gonna play a videogamee ,im not gonna spend hours making sure the creator agrees with my politics, i dont care.
they have a mention to so-cal justice warriors and how they get easily triggered
not really buying the narrative that the devs are a bunch of good goys
i already torrented it. you can just copy and paste the name and get it off Kat.
No, at least Blunderfail had gameplay.
You never played it now did you
This better not be some sjw shit or worse, weebshit.
did you read the thread?
its not weebshit. im this guy
been playing it since i said that, and its fun. in a different way. tis a comfy game. I can see why people would think it was made in AGDG though. SJW's should take an example from it, because this is how you make a game for the story rather than the gameplay. The gameplay up to this point is mixing drinks and clicking through conversations, but the characters are interesting, and while it might not require much skill, its nonetheless pretty entertaining.
Can anyone who's played both tell me how well this holds up to Undertale?
Reddit garbage
just because reddit uses a term doesn't mean they created that term. faggot
normalfag is a reddit approved version of normalfag.
For a moment I thought there was an android version
no it isn't you fucking normalfag
It is you normalfag.
This and undertale aren't comparable.
Two different animals.
This game is more a VN than anything.
wow! its like no one is the same.
Well, its clear the game was made by artists and not programmers.
often with indie games, the teams are imbalanced and there's either a competent coder with no artist, or a good artist with no coder.
Just because one man's trash might be another man's treasure doesn't change the fact that it's still fucking trash. Some horrible vn with no gameplay, cunt attitude and godawful memes.
How about some porn in this shilling thread?
well there is certainly gameplay, i dont see any cunt attitude, and memes are minimal.
user if you dont like it then just >>>/out/
i dont have any, post some nerd
Not everyone gets autism bucks :^)
if only
If you think that's difficult, I've got bad news for you user.
Post was made within hours of the game being released, and the thread has been around longer than that.
this is literally "how do you do fellow kids?"
Dont forget:
Say what you want, but I like games with lesbian protagonists.
Not that I'm into chicks in real life, or anything. I just think they're cute. Lesbians are cute, I mean.
fuck off slut no one cares
I don't even want to see your tits
yeah im not a homo so it's better for a female protagonist to be a lesbo else I'd have to read dialogue of guys flirting with the player
Yeah, something like that. It'd be kind of awkward to be flirting with guys, I'd rather there not be any kind of husbando tension.
The whole /u/posting thing is amusing, too.
They actually address this in-game. The ice is put in last, so it's blended and then put on the rocks, not blended with the rocks.
You know, that seems a bit steep for a VN.
It seems like a lengthy VN, at least in my experience so far. And there are other VN that are more than that on release.
Played halfway through the first day. So far the game consists of following instructions for drinks and reading the dialogue. I guess later there's some budget management involved.
The story seems to be the main draw, but I can't stand the protagonist.
At least the art is good.
All I know is I played the demo a long time ago and the characters were dull and unlikable.
Seeing as how that's everything the game is selling itself on, doesn't seem like it'd be worth a squirt of piss.
How about the music.
no lewds no views
Didn't really notice it positively or negatively.
I tested it and it is DRM free.
I basically disconnected internet, copied the directory from the steam folder to another one on my desktop, removed the steamapi dll and ran it… It ran.
now that the dust has settled, did he ask for this Holla Forums?
Decent. It has enough respect for itself that it works without taking itself too seriously. There's references scattered all over the place, but with very few that are direct references to specific individuals or events. Where other games that are filled to the brim with memes and pop culture references are completely and utterly confusing to people that play them five short years after their release, I feel like this one would be able to manage.
They occasionally bring up social matters. One of the characters went on about how one of her overly-PC friends could barely speak like a normal human being due to the fact that she's trying so hard not to offend someone, while others are quick to trash the owner of the Augmented-Eye for being a sleazy guy in general. Don't expect an entirely one-sided viewpoint when going into this game, if you're concerned about that sort of thing.
Kinda gaudy, but not in a bad way. It doesn't quite stack up against a PC-98 game, whose graphics they're attempting to emulate, but that's fine. It was visually pleasing to me, and that's all that matters at the end of the day.
top fucking notch. They released the full OST on a pay-what-you-want basis on Bandcamp, which is fucking loaded with songs. Might actually toss a few pennies their way for this one, but I'm perfectly fine with the fact that I did not pay for it.
Can confirm.
The demo was good, but I think I'll wait tbh.
And so, this (((game))) became another youtube bait.
Couldnt tell just from the OP?
It's shit.
What is shittier is that the dev just can't stop shilling it everywhere, shitting up the board(s) where he posts.
sure if you hold down the skip dialog button
cant say I DONT like it
its a chan game what the fuck do you expect. its amusing
you act like that is a lot of money on any scale. and the writing is really well done.
just got to second chapter a bit ago
git gud you fucking faggot. not my fault youre bad at video games.
just end your life tbh
fuck off shill
gtfo faggot, your game is shit and you should kill yourself
no you fuck off faggot. end your fucking life you worthless piece of trash.
Precisely the lack of memes. Every single time, every single thread, every single game, people complain about memes being forced everywhere and that it kills immersion and causes cringe. The devs from a chan take that to mean "let's put more memes than literally any game before!11". No, that's what tumblr or reddit are expected to do, not a fucking chan browser.
Oh, you're a dev. Stopped reading here. At least try to be subtle in your shilling.
you guys are fucking retarded.
the memes are kept to a tasteful minimum
there was that difference between memes and references, where hacks use internet memes, which are only jokes because they are a joke, as an actual joke where they expect you to laugh, but a meme joke is only as funny as it is not/relevant
a reference is self-contained, usually it barely sticks out and only people who get it will have some kind of specific response, everyone else will not see anything strange and usually it fits the script just fine
I'd say this game veers to the latter rather than being a memegame, unless you have some facts to back that up
You've already been found out. At least own up to it. This is why everyone hates you as a dev, you think your heavy-handed shilling is somehow subtle and you refuse to acknowledge any flaws with your disgusting memegame.
How can you like this garbage just because of some stupid references being thrown at your face every two seconds?.
Yes, you think this game is being shilled by the developers. So?
do you have brain damage?
i'm not the game dev. i never understand why its so hard for you faggots you understand that when some people like a game and defend it when users of Holla Forums make retarded and unwarranted claims and accusations.
I'd totally forgotten about this game after they delayed the release date announcement.
I'd ask if it's any good but you faggots are choking on all the >FUCKING SHILL MEMEGAME REFERENCES ARE MEMES FUCKING TUMBLRTALE bait, so I'll just pirate it and buy the soundtrack.
do you have any proof otherwise? me liking a game? bravo. i can tell im on Holla Forums
You are actively trying to trick people into paying $15 for a shit game by lying about the game's flaws. The game is unknown and has no marketing outside of yourself. Occam's razor.
Do you? So fucking what? Am i supposed to give this turd a pass because it is a "reference to ye vidya of old" or whatever?. It's a shit game and i'm going to judge it based on how shit it is. La-Mulana is a better retro inspired game than this for example, it has references to MSX games and actually achieves to be a really damn good game. Vallhalla or whatever is just shit.
Yes, you think a game is being shilled. So?
What's bad about it? I am about to play it.
i havent told anyone to buy it. i simply made a thread because the game intrested me and wanted to see if anyone else liked it, or had lewds.
i even made a vola and uploaded the game files there, and someone uploaded the crack to it as well. did you even read the thread.
Just played it.
Art style is comfy, gameplay is simple as fuck though, not very intriguing. Too much dialog, so I quit out.
Music is pretty good though.
I like the special touch though: all those (1) posts you made to defend your game to make it look like people actually like it.
I seriously hope you didnt pay for this.
there are some here and there yes.
I think it looks nice.
its a VN. you read. other than that you make drinks for people, decorate your room, drink beer, and other VN shit.
never played a pc98 game so i dunno.
it seems there is an underlying story, but the characters are interesting.
maybe, i dunno. i dont watch LPers
maybe, but not me.
nice argument nigger.
If it's not porn, fuck off with your VNs.
except you do?
how is that not bartending
is neither a compelling argument nor a valid statement
Go complain in an FPS thread that it has first person shooting mechanics.
Its shit
And what is supposed to be a compelling argument you shill?.
Nodevs are shitposting again.
Well you do have to pick out the right ingredients and mix them under a certain time to get the full payment.
Its still point and click shit not a proper minigame and your mother is a whore.
Here's my first 10 minute impression on it anyways
I've only seen references, and yes, references are not the same as memes. You can reference to a meme, but that does not make it a meme. A meme would be the meme joke itself, which I haven't seen already.
That's debatable, some sprites do look traced over some other characters I swear I have seen somewhere else before and the dithering looks very off, but aside from that there's not many problems with the art and it sets the mood just fine.
Ever played SNATCHER? In case you haven't done so, fucking do it you fucking casual, so you can at least understand what this game seems to try and emulate. There's not a big challenge involved in the gameplay, but for a visual novel I wasn't really expecting anything else. Like berating a puzzle game for not having enough action
For a game developed by /agdg/ guys, wouldn't it make more sense for them to shill it over at halfchan or reddit where there are larger userbases and more potential customers? For /agdg/ guys, wouldn't they have known the etiquette of this place and how every new not-japanese game that gets talked about here will have the OP constantly called out for being a shill on top of everyone here only pirating games, and just come out of the closet? For a game developed by /agdg/ guys, the poster you are claiming to be the developers doesn't type like someone who regularly posts here (sober). OP's only crime was starting a thread about a game you haven't played as obviously shown here . I mean, for people who regularly browse anonymous imageboards, it's not like they have much to lose to the point where they have to pretend to be someone else and market their game.
Goddamnit, requiring EACH FUCKING VN TO HAVE FUCKING PORN is basically what killed off a huge part of NEC PC VNs in terms of creativity since everyone only played them for the porn and because of that developers only made VNs with porn in mind
I want something else than just fucking porn, if I want to wet my whistle I go to sadpanda instead of playing a game
I did play Snatcher, but thats an actually good game.
I think I might give the devs my money just for shits and giggles without having played the game.
How does that make you feel? :^)
How so?
It has good writing, good music and good art.
Its your money and im just posting so this thread gets bumplocked
Yea, but what did you really like about SNATCHER? Go more in-depth.
Fuck off shill.
The blend of everything in the game and how it worked out. It was like watching a good flick or listening to a new band that just "clicks" wlth you ya know.
Yes, you think this game is being shilled by me. So?
Do you get compensated for your valiant struggle?
Yes, it gives me fre salt
so does this game.
i can say the exact same thing.
Cool to know.
any time.
Cool, who was your waifu anyways? For me it's pic related, Mika Slayton a best, gotta stay faithful to your wife.
Only the cutest
4chan thread: archive.is
reddit thread: archive.is
they are obviously going for all of them
if you guys want a real cyberpunk adventure go get SNATCHER and Gens and play that. this is just a dumb mini game with memes and shallow characters attached to it.
I don't think you know what that word means.
The OP of the Reddit thread already has his account for 5 years, which seems far from a shill account. Some of the developers are posting in that thread, but for someone developing an indie game, who wouldn't.
The halfchan thread is actually discussing the game but it's okay, they have all taken the bait of the shills. they are not actually discussing the game in a decent manner like most good videogame sites do, they are just subtly marketing the game without even realizing, we are the superior anonymous imageboard, look at them, look at them and smug
I can't really say anything bad about this game, or anything that is really detrimental to what this game sets out to do like shit art or bad music. If you don't like just listening to character stories, or visual novels and slice of life in general, you're probably not going to like this game. I wouldn't really know if the characters in the game are shallow since I just started, but the discussions about the world and just anything in general are interesting and well-written enough for me. The bartending minigame isn't something deep, but it fits well enough with the atmosphere of the game and helps keep the game fresh by having you take a break from reading to make some drinks.
Might actually buy this if it goes on sale, since I hear this game has multiple endings.
Neither does anyone else in this thread, it seems.
"Da red wuns go fasta" is a 40k reference, not a Gundam one.
oh fuck that came out wrong
*or anything that is really detrimental like shit art or shit music (which this game thankfully doesn't have) that ruins what it sets out to do (bartending action)
That's pretty much my feeling on it. It's not a game, it's a VN, and it succeeds at being a VN. It has interesting writing and nice atmosphere.
I don't think I'd pay $15 for it, but it's worth a pirate.
There's been at least one reference to Denko in the twitch chat that follows this person around, I couldn't get a screengrab in time.
Yeah I bet Bernardo's a bottom
It's from Niconico you dunce, that's the Japanese equivalent of Youtube - instead of a comments section, they fly across the video like that.
you can spam the o p l and k buttons to make the text fly across the screen, even if streaming-chan isnt there
Well, I finished the first run a bit ago and while I can say it's interesting, it has enough flaws I'm really not feeling that interested in another playthrough.
The biggest problem for me is the lack of choice or options. It wasn't until I read online after finishing that endings are based on drinks you serve and whether you pay your bills. And personally I find that extremely fucking annoying. The idea of purposefully failing to take orders or pay rent doesn't sit right with me. The Truth or Dare segment was one of the most interesting parts of the game and fucking brought me to life cause I finally had something to think about. Just give me some fucking dialogue options so I can feel like I have some influence on the way the MC reacts to events, why bother with this convoluted bullshit.
It'd be different if the this had some complex mixing mechanics that you could actually fail like a legitimate game, but it's just following simple instructions while reading dialogue. The idea that the story paths would be based on that and not a conscious choice on the players part just seems senseless to me. Am I just a faget, what do you guys think?
Other than that…music is good, characters were interesting but not nearly enough was revealed about anyone other than the MC's background and Alma. And the serving mechanic was monotonous enough I'm not sure I wanna go through all that shit again to learn about the others.
Does it matter whether you serve the drinks with alcohol (karmotrine) or not?
Yeah this is more like a Kinetic Novel than a regular VN, it seems.
Drinks where Karmotrine are optional allow you to make the customer more drunk which enables different dialogue branches if you pour in more Karmotrine. At least I think, I've yet to try it out.
I got Dororthy drunk and she said some silly stuff.
Does Skyline remind someone of another videogame song? I bet it's NeoTokyo, but I can't exactly put my finger on it.
Yeah, it's a weird mix of the two, which I think makes it a worse version of both. Branching paths but no choices in the game. Which, you know…for a game called Cyberpunk Bartender ACTION, feels just a bit misleading. Hell, aside from the bank incident, barely anything exciting happens in the story itself. A lot of it is a sob story about regrets, in my ending anyway. A Metal Gear Solid reference doesn't really change that.
I did experiment with this, and even adding 4-5 units didn't seem to affect them at all. You might have to really go crazy with it. There is a point where a minor comes into the bar though, and orders a drink with optional alcohol. That seems to be the most important part where it matters.
Do you even know what that word means.