In fact, I would go as far as claiming that the left should be THE MOST homophobic of them all.
Why? Because you're practising negative eugenics on yourselves. (yeah, I'm a Holla Forumsack, but this is a well meant advice.)
By surrounding yourselves with this kind of stuff your birthrates are dropping while conservative people keep on churning out babies.
Granted, they can be affected by ideology, but you see how the pendulum is swinging back to the right, right?
Homosexuality, LBGBQTWTF are evolutionary drains on your fitness.
And not only that, because it's an 🍀🍀🍀 agenda 🍀🍀🍀 it is pushed heavily. If you oppose it even the slightest then you're an evil cishet heteronormative breeder bigot nazi.
Insane peer pressure by the 🍀🍀🍀 handlers 🍀🍀🍀 and their 🍀🍀🍀 golems 🍀🍀🍀 who care very little about the evolutionary fitness of said golems.
But it does drain you. The conservative people will ALWAYS snap out of any liberal haze if the heat is cranked up and survival is being seen as jeopardized.
But this kind of thinking is being exorcised in anyone who isn't conservative or comes from a conservative background.
If you think that homosexual is good, or not harmful, then it should scale well to any population size, not just "too big to fail" but also very small.
But just like infertile heterosexuals would not be good for a small tribe, homosexuals wouldn't be very good either.
They can still do things, of course, it's not like they're *useless*, but they cannot provide more hands on deck.
A reason why infertility is considered something that is not *healthy*, because you lack something an actual healthy person has.
Plus, it's the basics of biology. And neither examples are some sort of natural means of reducing overpopulation.
If nature knew that some species was at the brink of overpopulation then it would not go through the trouble of letting you birth infertile or homosexual people who still need resources and co.
It would give you stillbirths and co.
But nature doesn't know, so that's a non issue anyway.
Anyway, the point stands. It's all fine and well to be left, but there are some things even you should reject.
Go through your ideologies, your views, and ask questions about them.
Questions like : Will this further our species.
Will this ensure survival. Will this ensure the health of society and will it encourage and nurture the capability of society to reproduce and further it.
Optionally you can also ask if it helps your tribe/race in particular, but that might be too far right.