ITT: Things people who never read Marx will tell you about Marx

ITT: Things people who never read Marx will tell you about Marx

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true, go back to >>>/marx/



true, so far

false, that was stalin

And what's wrong with that?


oops see

Can you go be liberal somewhere else?


fucking Holla Forums



good meme


i seriously remember watching this stefan molyneux hour long video called "DEBUNKING MARX" and the entire video was just him talking about how poor marx was and how his only real job was as a journalist and labor organizer, the entire video was just ad hominem attacks. the most damming evidence was the marx had to trade in his only pair of pants once to make rent. as if that discredits all his research. as if the richer you are the more you know about science

This is an actual question, how do you debunk the digging and filling holes disproves LTV meme?


Labor time =\= socially necessary average labor time in a commodity market with uniform labor power and uniform level of organic capital composition (money invested in machines vs human labor)

Labour has to produce use-values

Digging and filling holes do produce use-values in the case of cementeries, which is why we should kill cappies to prove it


and mao

De-spook yourself.

Now that I think about it, the correct word was graves

They actually do, you need graves.

On my defense, english is my second language

You don't say.

Bad post

Bad argument

bad person

of course someone as big of a faggot as a nazi poster would like the complete fucking dunce stefan molyneux

Languageism, really? English is the most degenerated language anyway


Marx wanted to be scientific. Science is not dogmatic. Read Marx, red fascist. There is a reason stalinists are one of the few leftists that I don't consider to be comrades. You scumbags corrupted the name of Marx.

I thought this was a meme

If I recall correctly, he also spent his entire life savings on guns on two separate occasions, and once threatened a policeman with a pistol.

I like how, in between the polemics and all the shit they get up to, all these 19th century theorists are just huge assholes in general.

Based as fuck.

Philosophers in general are self-impressed pricks. Occasionally they come up with good ideas when they are not shitting on each other. Philosophy is kind of like a chan in that regard.



Some philosophers can be humble AND self-impressed pricks!

Survey says… that's the number one answer!

Don't be so mean, we shouldn't blame English for being a rapebaby of four languages

Existential Comics did a comic on it.

1/2 because browser is being shit


fucking kek

stirner doesn't look based enough for me though tbh, his expression needs to be more smug & condescending




I saw that video, I wanted to know if this meme guy was any good. Turns out he's a retard.

It was especially sad when he tried to justify his ad hominem by saying Marx personal economy is relevant because "you wouldn't take dieting advice from a fat man", like Marx was trying to sell you a stock portfolio or something.


We don't faggot, that shit's useless.
My computer is not a fucking female, it doesn't have a gender. Holy shit, I hate Spanish so much. Kill yourself.

gonna need some sauce on that

So in other words… not an argument?

you can't tho, if you had read Marx you'd know that much of his analysis of capitalism was based on a comparison to an as of yet non-existent socialism. His definition of it was at times romantic and idealistic and caused him to overlook certain problems, specifically those relating to transitioning to a situation of abundance where one did not exist, and the inherit problems of a despotic transition through the use of the state.

This is honestly so frustrating. The LTV is not incompatible with supply and demand at all. The fact that someone would claim that they can "refute" the LTV demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of what Marx was trying to explain.

Nice text, Start arguing any time.

This entire post is a 10/10 example.

Do you deny that Marx critiqued capitalism by using communism as an alternative and that he said a transition to it could be despotic?


~immanent critique~

not utopian, externally derived

but an analysis of capitalism that follows the object of capital and its conceptual development and derives from it a possible vision of future human social formations based on the antithetical movements of the present

that's bullshit tbh as most economic theories make statements of fact and can thus be said to be true or false

On the contrary, marx's conception of communism is dependent upon his analysis of capitalism, which he analysed on it's own terms.

Which is something you'd know if you'd ever read marx. ;)

I definitely disagree with that part, because I've read him. Your ideas of Marx envisaging communism as FALC is also signs that you haven't learnt to read up on a subject before opening your mouth.

Marx believed that continual relative overproduction was possible with his current level of technological development. Certainly we know that wasn't true.

He also leveled a critique of capitalism based off of alienation which he admitted was due to the division of labor. He is right to say by political economy's own laws workers have become commodities, but he then says that the alienation this produces is only ab-solvable by the end of the division of labor.

2nd pic related


Eh, I forgot who it was I was talking about, I had someone in mind when I typed this.

Oh I get it now.

You're ignoring the three decades of Marx's scientific investigation of political economy and basing your entire view of things on shit he wrote when he was a 20-something year old radical hegelian.

The critique of capitalism is simply making visible the two contradictory movements of capital–(1) the movement of value, of monetary flows through exchange; and (2) the material reproduction of a given society. The *critique* attempts to determine what is historically specific to capital (value/money mediated social reproduction).

das kapital vol III

t. A. Brody a Hungarian Marxist on the subject

If this is the case, then certainly there is no Marxist critique of market socialism as it is only preserving historically non-specific parts of capitalism.

I have no problem saying that Marx was not idealist all the time, but he was on several occasions.

so how is it being a socdem


If you read all of Marx's works, you start to slowly realize his Nazi vision for the world, and you can really start to appreciate it. That might seem like a joke but it's pretty true to form, if you don't compile all his works and pick only bits and pieces, you get a broken political system (Marxism) but if we start to put together all the pieces of what Karl really believed I feel like we could start a new neo-marxist movement.

You have to go back >>>Holla Forums



You have to go back

I'm not a wetback, a nigger or a terrorist though.

You have to go back