Damn people really just don't get Eyes Wide Shut do they?

Damn people really just don't get Eyes Wide Shut do they?

It's a movie about a doctor who thinks he's hot shit when in reality he's just a middle class loser who can't please his wife sexually. He puts on airs and walks around flashing money and his doctor badge thinking it makes him high class, but when in the presence of the true elite he sticks out like a sore thumb. Paying a prostitute $150 even though you don't fuck her doesn't make you a gentleman nor does giving some costume shop owner a few hundreds to open up the shop in the middle of the night mean you're a baller. He wants to cheat on his wife, but he's too much of a pussy to do so. His wife flat out says to his face she would have cheated on him with the naval officer if given the opportunity and he wants to "get back" at her. He's got this idea of himself in his head that is way more prestigious that what he actually is and when hearing that his wife fantasizes about other men it destroys his ego. He then goes out for a "night on the town" in the hopes of re-affirming to himself that he is sexually desirable. But he ends up in over his head and ends up seeing just how "innocent" and inexperienced he is compared to others sexually, and the only woman he can "pull" is a AIDS ridden hooker. He even builds up this idea that the model at the party sacrificed herself for him, when in reality it was all just a show (everyone knew he didn't belong from the start) and her overdose was completely unrelated. He can't wrap his head around the fact that he is average - or in that circle, below average and in the end he decides to settle for his hum-drum life with a stale sex partner because it's safe.

how do you explain the very end, where two of the elite guys kidnap the main character's daughter at the toy store?

That part is projected by those who think the entire thing is about the elites fucking with his life, when in reality they were amused by him and didnt care that much hes just a fucking doctor.
On normal viewings most people who have seen Eyes Wide Shut dont even notice that at all at the end, there's nothing there that specifically states that shes being kidnapped besides some Kubrick reaching.

This movie is great anti-capital kino.

yeah, fuck capital. we'd be much better off if no one had ever invented any tools.

Not him but don't make me get out the brainlet image. You're argument forgets that something can come after captialism has already taken us this far with tools. Not that we are actually discussing going back to the stoneage.

he didn't say "fuck capitalism", he said "fuck capital". to quote Wikipedia, "in economics, capital consists of anything that can enhance a person's power to perform economically useful work.", i.e. tools and such

Tell me about how productive relationships will be "transformed."

Okay but his comment was anti-captial kino which definitely translates to anti-modern day captialism

is it hypocritical for a socialist to be classist?

jesus, I guess the right-wing brainlet kids are out of school for holiday vacation.

like most of Kubrick's kino, the movie is about class. tom cruise thinks he is hot shit with a comfortable life as a "rich" doctor, but he is a peasant who could be instantly killed by the truly rich who run the world (capitalists) at any time.


I still Fap to her.


What a beast


It'z da joooz!

literally yes

Wow a jewish person acting

I knew that after but didn't know at the time the film was in the theatres.
I don't fap to the actress but to her character.

Now ain't that some shit

Well it is true.

kubrick was an antisemite, the greatest director that ever lived is Tarantino, and that makes racist drumfspergs reeeally angry

Reported for ban evasion

reported for Holocaust denial

I wonder what she said to him while she wishpered into his ear… Ugh, we'll never know




I wanna fuck that black girl

What about the mask on the pillow?

Bumping for reply.

not everything needs to have a meaning

What makes you think this movie has a "main character"?

Kubrick wanted to make a Shoah film but Spielberg beat him to the punch.

They're called Jews user.

Just showing him how much power they have if he feels like talking.

How do you call other people brainlets if you cannot see how you would cause your own embarrassment in this context?

Kubrick planned his sets to exact precision



Man, that could have changed human and jewish history. Unfortunately, we would have had to wait for Rob Ager or Jay Dyer to decode it and show how the silly holohoax wackiness is a mataffer for the fake moon landing.

A Kubrick movie about a deranged nazi that turned his concentration camp into a holocauster park would be pretty gr8.
Did he do any comedy?

Dr Strangelove

Kubrick sure got punked.

Tom cruise is the central character and has the most screen time

Holla Forums pretending too be Holla Forums trying to make Holla Forums look bad.


