Post yfw 4chan's Holla Forums is studied by "academics"
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For a study about a Chinese Cartoon paperclip
oh fuck this shit made my day
The fact somebody invested their time on this is revolting
this is the funniest thing i've seen all year
Never underestimate the power of autism.
We need to conduct "A Longitudinal Measurement Study of Holla Forums’s Leftist Politically Incorrect Forum and its Effect on the Web", now.
This study is a goldmine
that pic would make a glorious meme
Academics are getting funding depending on publications.
This has been published.
People are getting paid for this.
"the least rare pepe" made me kek outloud
nothing to see here.
pajeet pls stahp :D
They are mad as fuck with the poo in loo memes
I feel inspired.
I am shocked that pol's new favorite word didn't make the list
they don't count it as a form of hate speach. shows the quality of the study really.
calling someone idiot is hate speech? i had no idea
Imagine how many pictures of black penises those researchers must have looked at from trawling through all those Holla Forums posts.
It's not like there weren't used to it.
Sub Sandwich.
I shouldn't be laughing this hard
Holla Forums and the general tendencies they represent are becoming a force in western ideology erm politics.
its an embarrassing fact of the world.
looks like a whole lot of fucking work they put in to find out something everyone already knows tho
That fucking Section 9
not surprised, Pajeet on Holla Forums are in 100% self hate more and seeking aprouval from stormfags.
they over compensate.
the amount of cringe is trough the roof.
on all the most cringe worthy and pathetic post you can find on Holla Forums about 80% are from india.
and i'm pretty sure that a big chunk of the rest are from indians living in Canada and UK
The research on 4chan Holla Forums was done long time ago.
By the intelligence agencies and nazi websites pushing their agenda and compromising it.
fucking normalfags jesus christ
I'm happy they included trash in there given that the pollution metaphor is the most favored form of hate speech of the modern left
evidence that certain YouTube comments linked to by Holla Forums experience a peak in activity. Then, using cross-correlation we estimate the synchronization lag between posts on Holla Forums and YouTube comments. Finally, we show that as the synchronization lag approaches zero, we see an increase in the hate words that appear in the YouTube comments. I.e., we find statistically significant evidence that Holla Forums is attacking YouTube comments.
You heard it here first, guys, when you link something on a popular forum, the attention it receives is a raid.
When I was writing a major paper in my fourth year I seriously considered doing something like this.
But I decided it was best left to more experienced people with more resources.
Fuck off newfag.
Sorry, lad. Was trying to post an image with my retarded fucking browser, and I figured it would be bumped either way.
The normalfag disgust for chan humor is what makes this hilarious.
It turns out all the experienced people are cringy newfags.
Also, I've been on this board for more than half of its existence, so you can kill yourself, my man.
The liberal word police get ever more liberal in their definition of hate speech.
Being her a long time does not make you not a newfag. You need to lurk moar.
fucking newfag
are we making fun of this as being a waste of time or are we celebrating how its finally being taken serious as a real force behind phenomena
Did they actually lift that from the Fox report on Anonymous?
We are making fun of a bunch of stupid-ass corporate liberal normalfags trying to treat 4/pol/ as some sort of soft scientific subject.
Yeah I don't doubt that whoever was behind this study was unfit for the task, but I'd still be interested in other types of analysis towards 4chan
although I personally do not know where such research could even begin or what results, if any, could be yielded
Chans are raw culture devoid of any materal reality. There is nothing about them to which science applies. There are certainly real people writing all this shit, but they never interact with one another. It is the meaninglessness that nihilists imagine reality to be.
If this were a detailed corporate whitepaper by some marketing or investment firm, it might be legitimately interesting. As is, it feels like somebody shirking work to read shitposts and write lazy Know Your Meme articles on the taxpayer dime, with the prestige of "science" attached. If someone paid me to do this I'd accept in a heartbeat
no wonder I find it so comfy
The fact that they appended their rare pepes to it certainly suggests they were only half serious at best.
I know there are test boards. I'm just a lazy fuck.
True, but I think their sponsors weren't. Social science journals are now publishing literal blogposts:
It's actually rather surprising Brazil is so low, and Australia/New Zealand are so high
I can't even describe these feels. What a magical and absurd time we live in.
Who the hell didn't spend years on halfchan? If you did not find Holla Forums through one of the halfchan migrations, then where did you come from?
I came from know your meme.
Social science is largely a psuedo-intelectuial circle-jerk.
Note, largely. I'm not dismissing the entire field.
Does that site have an actual community? I thought that it just gathered clicks from Google searches.
Yeah, it's small, and politically diverse. We have a handful of original memes. When GG went down the comments section for the article was a major hub of activity.
You are misunderstanding, lads. I've been there, but now it's just shit. Granted, it's always been shit, but it's even worse now, thanks to Holla Forums being parasitic and infesting every fucking board.
It has been shit since since 2009.
it was shit when it was /news/ then went full retard when it was bought back as Holla Forums, this is what happens when you pretend to be idiots, actual idiots flood in thinking shit's real
No Bully!
oh fuck u got me XD back to leddit XD