She remembers a cast "bonding" experience. All of the young actors and actresses were loaded on to a tour bus...

Other urls found in this thread:

Since she survived, it wasn’t John Landis.


smh tbh


fuck off, Harv

Are you goin' to Scarred butthole fair?

Parsley, AIDS, rosemary and kikes.

fuck off faggots hes right blind items are gossip tier go to tumblr.

They're blind items because until you have some sort of corrobation, you're legally liable if you name names.

A lot of blinds eventually get revealed, so just take them for what they're worth until more evidence comes out.

Fucking nothing, because they're indistinguishable from lies.

-from "What Is It? (An essay concerning the subtext of the film by the same title)" by Crispin Hellion Glover

Oh you

Funny how this thread got slid.

I'm sure it's (((pure coincidence))) that a thread insinuating that a -berg person may be a pedophile got slid.

meanwhile on Holla Forumseddit your shitskin mods spam threads they don't like with VPNs for some reason and none of the spam is ever cleaned up, not to mention pakman or whatever the faggot animeposter mod's name is pops in the thread and posts smug while he spams it from another VPN or something
really makes you think

Didn't Spielberg have a male stalker that wanted to rape him to death? I always found that kind of odd.

So who are the people, you faggots?

this isn't your hug box, you posted no evidence Spielberg is involved in the fanfiction posted in OP, you gave no context, you just dumped copy pasta, go back to 4cuck


Nor is it yours. Spielburg fucks children. Prove me wrong.

You fuck children and you're displacing your fantasies onto Spielberg because he's a jew. Prove me wrong.

Bump for the user who thinks there's an active conspiracy to slide his Spielberg threads

Michael Jackson
"The first players appeared in Japan in November 1, 1996, followed by U.S. players in March 26, 1997"
Vanessa Chester? 13 in 1997, when Jurassic Park: The Lost World came out. Or Ariana Richards, who was 18 that year. Maybe Ariana's younger sister, Bethany, who would've been 14. Or Camilla Belle, who played the little girl attacked by mini-dinos at the beginning of the movie. She was 11 in '97.

Has Crispin Glover said I fucked children? No? Prove Crispin Glover is lying, and why he’s lying.



at the very least these pics are disturbing as hell

You're such a dishonest, lying faggot:

Crohn's disease is caused by an immune deficiency and is probably genetic in nature. You're a stormtard who started with a conclusion about a jew director you want and are trying to work backwards to find evidence, yet none exists. You're beyond pathetic.

Nice try

The actress didn't see what happened, but about 45 minutes later, one of those three guys came running out and needed a set medic. Apparently they had inserted something inside the girl and things were bad. The medic came and the ambulance came. The parents of the girl were told some crap story. That crap story ended up killing the girl because the parents believed the executives. Two weeks later, the show finished shooting six episodes all at once and then everyone was sent on their way forever. No one wanted the kids around or any witnesses to what happened.

A real hero, reminder that America is a zog-center 56er hellhole

Bump for pedo spielburg

So they're claiming she literally died of butthurt?

An acute bowel obstruction does not come from anal sex, you fucking retarded sperg.

nice source

I have it on firm ground, OP molested 300 children in Zimbabwe and then disposed of the bodies by sacrificing them to Moloch. Don't question me, or I'll call you a kike.

He fucked children, Jew

Listen everyone knows you raped and killed those nigger children, because you're a jew and that's what jews do, you filthy kike. Stop raping kids. I don't need no evidence, because you're a jew. That's enough.

you think her mother suspects they were abusing her?

So basically a destroyed anus?

congenital means she had the condition since birth, you LARPIng autists, read a book nigger

No, because the bowel refers to a much longer section than just the anus, and would probably be referred to as bowel AND rectal/anal stenosis if it reached those latter areas (medical terminology likes to differentiate between the colon proper and the sigmoid, rectal, and anal portions).

Stenosis/strictures of the intestine can happen in IBS (like Chron's) and after surgical procedures to the bowel. What you are most likely looking at here is a medical sequelae, or worse, a mistake.

Next you'll be telling me that all the many kids I saw on my Pediatric Surgery rotation, who had strictures after surgery or had their bowels burst due to IBS, had 20 cocks shoved up there daily?

watch out, OP is going accuse medical science of being kikery next

Steve Spielburg here, and I’ve shoved my cock up lots of kids’ asses (all boys btw). It can cause obstructed bowels.

lol get out of here and go back to reading about how saddam has weapons of mass destruction and weinstein is a saint, you stupid fuck




Only temporarily, though

Yeah, that's right. You have no reason to be mad at Jews.

This thread is like when the blacks got OJ Simpson acquitted for murder

what would inspire someone to type this much about something that doesnt concern him

what would inspire a man to post on Holla Forums in the first place