Rainbow Six: Siege

Anyone still playing this after Dustline? The reworked Kapkan in the latest patch, made his gadget much more useful. I guess the laser is almost non-existant now, and you can place it at any height.

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I've been trying to enjoy it but the hackers are running wild. I played four games yesterday and saw two definite, one-hundred-percent-sure aimbots snapping to our heads, and one of our guys was either the most autistic manbaby of all time and had his headphones set to Red October settings or was walling them. This is normal.

Even the "pro" teams are getting found out, one after another, as hackers. It's out of fucking control.

I've ran into a few, sadly. Hopefully Ubi will actually do something about it once in a bluemoon though.

Also, Brazil Operators soon. What are you hoping to see?

Realistic Brazil maps


You're telling me the laser's visibility was reduced, and it's no longer an ankle biter?
What parallel universe are we in? How is Ubisoft making the game better?

Even better. They got rid of the giant red anchor that always popped out on the other side of the wall.

patch notes here forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1461980

Stop calling it Rainbow Six, it's not a R6 game.
It's the newest casual CoD of the year.

It has nothing to do with the classic R6 games.

I usually call games by their titles.

You know, because thats what titles are for.

Do you not know what a spinoff is?
No one is saying it's a mainline R6 game. Siege is the R6 version of C&C Renegade.

It's the latest Call of Duty shitshow.

It's embarassing to actual R6 veterans that have played the real games.


That's irrelevant.

There hasn't been a real R6 game since Raven Shield.

Yet they continue to use the title name for the soulless shitty cashcows, just like what EA did to C&C.

Do you consider a facebook/mobile game a C&C game just because the company slapped the title on it?

It's marketing. And you're an idiot for falling for it.

Tom Clancy must be rolling in his grave.

That's why I just solo terrorist hunt now.

Oh shit what.
Kapkan is gonna kill so many people in the next days.

Maybe now the scrubs will check where they're going before blindly running through doors.

He's James Patterson with military lingo. If anything, he'd only be rolling over because he isn't directly making profit from it.


Eh, they kinda always did that. But now this might happen more often.



Don't forget the fookin laser sights.

On one hand, this makes Mute a hell of a lot more useful during prep time.
On the other hand, that means no more dickass leaps over jammers.
I'll miss that feature a tiny bit.

It sucks that the newer operators don't have intro videos

Yeah, that's bullshit. Only reason I can think of why there are no new videos is because they were just downright too lazy to make them.
The only thing the new operators get are the trailers where they're introduced, but it's not the same.

Way to go Ubisoft. I'm proud of you

Despite the ability to jump over the jammers, as Mute I felt it was a fight I could win given a good placement plan and teammates covering at least one route.

Anyone else here love playing FBI shield recruit? 5.7 and a frag have gotten me some good plays. That and the fact that most people underestimate the recruit. Had it several times where I killed 3/4 people in a round.

Feels good man


Frags are bliss for dealing with campers spotted on drones.

Rainbow Shield is max fab. It's great

Something I like to do is have someone flash the room first then throw a frag shortly after.

They run right into it.


Something I like to do when I play as Fuze is to place a cluster charge overhead to, then move to a window looking into the room I'm clustering in.

Blow the charge, make a hole to shoot through. As the charges fall you see them running to get out of the way. That's when you mow em down

What's up with Buck?

I usually play as IQ when attacking and I still don't use her ability. What's wrong with me?

What's wrong with him?

Ubisoft introduced Buck.
Then nerfed his shotgun.
Then buffed his shotguns descructive capabilities.
Then nefted his shotgun again versus players, which also resulted in a nerf on his destruction.

Her gadget is useful now, ever since muscle cameras got in.


Why would you not use it when it's actually useful now? You're playing like it's still Black Ice.

Remember how they buffed his skeleton key to make fuck huge holes? Shit was pretty cash but then the update that buffed him even more that gave his C8 lower recoil and gave him access to frag grenades they decided to nerf the killing potential with the skeleton key but it for some reason also nerfed the destruction again.

hes the only DLC operator who was never top tier/OP tier

So this is Ubisoft's first good game in ???. It's not even the question of buying from Ubisoft its the question of is uPlay worth installing.

Uplay doesn't really bother me. For me it only runs when playing Siege. It does give access to weekly challenges, which is nice.

Its alright doesnt really bug me you can close it when playing the game though

It's really nice when you're up against a Pulse, you can basically see him moving around through the walls if he's using his thing.

Close enough ubi

After putting a hundred or so hours into it, I can safely say it's a fairly solid game. I can only hope For Honor will be as good.

Holla Forums is this game actually worth playing? or is this an elaborate shilling attempt?

Buy the season pass and lots of skins

Don't think that will ever happen, maybe sideplates similar to Blackbeards original concept?

On another note, Blackbeard is incredibly frustrating to play against.

Personally I really enjoy the 5v5 format, the high lethality, the destruction and dynamics of it.

Actually enjoyable. It has enough tactical difference between sides and characters. It's very slow paced and requires a lot of patience to learn all the maps and characters. SuperBunnyhop put it best when he described it as a mix between Battlefield and CounterStrike.

I think its a fun game

Though I personally think the game should just be called Siege not Rainbow 6 Siege

I tried to enjoy Siege but, god damn it's so obvious it was made with consoles in mind for every single aspect of the game.

Even rainbow six vegas 1 was less consolefucked than this.

Siege really is just a super advanced version of Lock Down imo

It's alright. Wait for a sale.

I don't know, man. I got used to it, I guess. Having a good headset is better than using her ability anyways.

Headset is nice, but Valkyrie cams are silent. And Pulse's sensor is hard to hear if there is gunfire or explosions.

If you use a forgrip you're a pussy.
Also, suppressors are incredibly underrated.

Today's a good day.

Amen there.

Its really good, but it has problems.
On the plus side, they released a $15 version that makes operators take longer to unlock and there's no DLC unless you count skins and hats, there's content updates. I'd say it's worth the $15.

I don't think many people know about the fact that suppressors get rid of the shot indicator.
Still can't decide between the Aimpoint or the EOTech
Also, sage for double-post.

$15 for Siege is perfectly doable if you can put up with the grinding for Operators.

Ever since the buff that removed the vapor trails, suppressors have risen several tiers in usefulness


Is TK'ing still rampant as fuck?

Only from salty fucks.

Valk is the GOAT on defense right now

Muh dick

All they need to do now is buff Tachanka.

How would you do it other than giving him more protection against headshots because of his helmet?

make tachanka tank
tachanka shall now be only character
tachanka fights all over map
fights will take over 10 minutes due to pure amount of armor and health
round must be extended to hour
tachanka shall make game perfect


remove tachanka all together
floating DP's fight it out

So, you are saying you want a Tankchanka™?

The fucking amazon can go fuck herself

Any euros here willing to play siege with other anons?


I'm still enjoying it but I fucking hate niggerbeard. Literally takes all risk from attackers peaking. Absolute garbage

I have a group of people that are always looking for more people to play with. Usually play on Euro servers.

This game didn't die within a week?

Fake as shit.

This game is not only getting more players but it is also beating the Division in player count

thats no amazing feat seeing as division has lost all its players

I'm not too sure if I'm shit or not, I feel like I'm shit but send me an invite if you think I won't drag you guys down.

but Siege didnt have the marketing and hype

this is why I think Siege is good its becasue ubishit CEOs dont care for it

To be fair, that's ever ubishit game.

It had a full E3 showcase dude. Not multiple like Divison, but they hardly hid it in the corner.

Lmao did you even see the this years E3 ubisoft lounge? It was terrible

No, I didn't.

His turret should be more effective agaonst shieldfags.

It needs to do more damage against shields. It may be an old gun, but it's still a big gun 4u.

I hear there's some high quality backstory in this game.

Oh yeah, didn't one of the operators have autism or something like that?

This kind of backstory

sweet trips tho

IQ has the best backstory.

Jaeger isn't too good with social cues.

All the GSG9 operators are autistic.

Some dude suggested once that Club House might have been the place Bandit had to work undercover at.

I killed myself with it on the same side of the wall the other day with it.

Instead of firing in a cone they really should fire at a minimum distance linear from the placed charge.

I'm sick of killing myself with it, dying through reinforced walls with it, etc

First for best shield after recruit nerf


They make an actual terrorist team instead of stupid pretend-terrorist op-on-op bullshit?


Then I couldn't care less about this game.

It's probably better not to place the traps inside the actual objective room, but rather around it or on common entry points.

White Masks?


Thats like saying the whole of murica is like Detroit, but i digress you muricans are too fucking retarded to waste time arguing with

Favela is confirmed

calm down son, i'm canadian and know just aboot how you feel eh

Ni hao eh?

They could've had a button to attach it onto all weapons at least.

i never understood why frost represents canada

like buck, I get it, most everyone in the rural area i grew up in had a shotgun lying around somewhere, it's almost a necessity in some places and a tradition in others. he uses the canadian standard issue rifle, okay, go canada, woo

frost? she looks either chinese or soft native but who are we kidding, it'll be several generations before a canadian native makes it to special forces, uses an Italian shotgun or an English submachine gun that Canada hasn't used since like 1980, and puts down the traps that have been banned for use on animals in canada for like two generations now

i just don't understand

I assumed she was supposed to be an Eskimo, but considering her name is actually Tina Lin Tsang I guess her parents are Chinese or something.

Not Kapkan

Kapkan cant set off his own traps you dolt

Guessing you've never been to Hongkouver.

Feels real good

Others can and you die if you stand next to it. You were quoting the wrong thing then.

Anyone want to play some euro rounds? I don't bite.

Kapkan is top tier in day maps now

How have I never knew this.

Swear to god, all Blackbeard players are nigger-tier retarded.

If the tripwire is placed high you can walk underneath it without triggering it huh.

Best place to put it is in the middle of the X on barricades, because that's usually where people punch barricades.

Tripwires do go off if someone melees through the laser.

Christ, really? I rarely use Kapkan so I'm more about finding ways to counter this shit.
Well, it's good to know.

Should I get the Frost charm or the IQ charm?



frost is half chinese?

Might be an assumption based on her name.

Game has been out for months
Still has: