Hey Holla Forums, my grandmother just sent me her old computer with this monitor and some speakers. It has Windows XP on it still too.
Is there ANYTHING I can do with this fossil?
Hey Holla Forums, my grandmother just sent me her old computer with this monitor and some speakers. It has Windows XP on it still too.
Is there ANYTHING I can do with this fossil?
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You could probably get Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 running on that thing.
Emulate PS1
You can play WarCraft III, filthy peasant.
Most of GOG's pre-2006 catalog could probably run on it.
Its shit fam
You can play this too
Use it as a sleeper case.
Gut it, and throw the most extreme shit you can find that will fit in there, take it to LANs, and shit on everyone else for not having a superior "HP"
MOOM classic
I used to have an HP prebuilt like that.
If you plan on keeping it, I would check the thermal paste. Proc fried on mine.
Play Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth without needing to disable the cultist cannon level.
I was actually surprised it didn't have one and almost a little disappointed
That sounds like a pretty fantastic idea.
too bad there's never any LAN parties in my area
I'd have to find components that would actually fit the case though. Would the monitor be useful at all for modern PC gaming? It does have a max refresh rate of 75Hz, I know that much.
Isn't DCotE bugged out as fuck though?
I haven't cracked it open yet, I have to get some photos/docs off it first before I can do anything to it. I don't know why my grandma just didn't do it herself in the first place though.
Download CP on it and then burn it
It does have bugs, but none of them are truly "game ending" unless you're playing it on Vista or newer, because of the way that the DirectX API was rewritten for Windows Vista onward. The sky doesn't render right on the boat, and that's the only truly game breaking bug, anything else can be fixed by just reloading the game. That one bug doesn't happen on XP, and so you don't need SuckLead's DCOTE patch to disable the boat fight.
you can install a linux distro on it, it might have better drivers than XP
i'd recommend a lighter one like xubuntu or lubuntu
either that or use it to run the few Windows games that have problems with Windows 7
although Wine does run a lot of older Windows games
That's why you make friends, user :^)
I doubt the monitor would be any good, the refresh rate is fine, but probably has a max resolution of like 1024x768.
Dedicated abandonware computer.
I always wondered what that port was for
If it runs too slow even for windows XP try installing lubuntu or arch linux on it.
You fucking whippersnappers.
They probably don't remember multi-window RPGs from the 3.1 days.
Yes, but can I cut the mom's tits and put eggs in my ass in this game?
Check if you can actually stick a dedicated graphics card in it.
Upgrading the RAM would also be a good idea.
minimum he could do is dig up a few IDE drives and make a weak but cheap NAS
Don't throw it away and don't sell it. You never know when that shit comes in handy.
this will probably not have the win98 drivers so it won't even cut for retro pc gaming
replace hard drive with an SSD, shove a better GPU in and keep around for lan parties
You can play Mechwarrior 3, LAPD: Future Cop and Heavy Gears 2 on it, which are impossible/hard to get working on most of multi core systems (all of them are mech game also). Was thinking about getting my old pc activated just to play those 3 games
Lucky guy. You can play lots of classics without any problems. Try the Windows version of Master of Orion 2. Or Freespace 2.
Get a decent GPU for its time and you are set.
Play DOS games without an emulator.
Couldn't you just assign the process to a single core?
You could set it on fire, or wait for it to do that itself.
Well it depends some people managed to get some of these games to work, but with old PC there's less bullshit to get it running.
Is the HD still ok, at least it's SATA, PSU ok, fans ok, clear out the dust bunnies inside, if it's still functional then you can use it for offline XP era gayman machine, and era approriate emu toaster. Or stick a lighter gahnoo linux distro of your choosing and make it a shitposting box.
You can easily play games from 2000 and older.
AGP cards go up to the Geforce 7000 series
and the Radeon 4000 series.
Ram can be upgraded to 2GB
Install Windows 98 on it.
Delete system32, then install gentoo.
I thought that was a Pepe game at first
Quake 1, 2 and 3
Unreal Tournament
Dwarf Fortress
Wolf 3D
If you want you COULD convert it into a web server if you're willing to pay for a domain name.
Install and play Mechwarrior 3
wipe the os
when use it as a server
If there's a game you want a super-computer to play, it's Dwarf Fortress. Not something you play on a toaster.
Get an A3D sound card and play some classic vidya with incredible positional audio
Well now that we're on the subject, my mother cleaned out some offices and took some computers that they discarded, one of them was pretty interesting, looks to be a workstation but I never seen one. Harddrives removed but everything else was left.
Pic related, I took out the sound card and another card and put them in on one of the other computers so my little sister can play some games but I keeping this one, anything I can do with it? everything seems to be intact although I couldn't figure out how to remove the heatsink, I can remove it by forced but I don't want to try.
The top of the case has a "secret classified" sticker and also a sticker that says "arabian", but I doubt that matters since the harddrives were removed
Why are you posting pictures of a bomb, user?
I don't want the NSA here.
Add a motion controller and call it a new nintendo console
Come on, OP, I'm sure you can find someone who actually could use a computer and can't afford one. The cleaning lady's child or something like that? Just max out the RAM (a 4x1GB kit will cost $20 or so), then install Linux, and it will be a perfectly acceptable machine for general use.
I don't know what it is. I never seen a computer like it.
Maybe I can install linux on it.
Re-use the case and put modern hardware in it.
allahakbar that shit in the backyard
than get a job
Tech Raptor did a review on, it's a "game" with a self insert pedo and furfag fetish theme.
Get SSN 668 Hunter/Killer
best game.
newfags pls go
genius, no risk of it being stolen.
You really can't do much, I was going to suggest using it as a dedicated gaming server, but you can get an Intel Atom PC with better performance than a P4 and consumes less power while running cooler for like 50 bucks and use that instead
Remove the P4 from the socket, remove the IHS, and start a collection, also