Leftist Politically Incorrect
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Yeah, communism is totally mainstream, you sperg.
This. But I'm sure OP thinks politically incorrect means comments about bad asian drivers and Muslim people's hats.
There, hows that?
Ok. Let's try that.
There is nothing wrong with killing the bourgies in order to have a better life for the proletariat.
Life is not sacred.
You don't own anything.
Wanna go deeper?
this 2bh
Anti-natalists death squads are the only solution
Muslims are anti-revolutionary
Robespierre did nothing wrong.
Today's social conservatives are tomorrow's liberals and vice versa and so on and so on.
Julius Caesar was the hero.
If niggers didn't exist we would be living in a post-scarcity society already.
Islam will rule the world and you will be our slaves.
I thought jews were responsible for global capitalism
stalin did nothing wrong
w-welcome to the tankie club sir!
Traitors to the Nation, and those who seek to dismantle the order in society, ought to be put to death.
The Jewish people should not be exterminated through means of death itself, unless they are categorized as a traitor, but should instead be removed from the nations of the world and confined to Israel.
This same concept should be applied to all races, so that every nation may achieve racial homogeneity.
Race is real, ethnicity is real, those who seek to dismantle these concepts will always be charging against the unmovable object: Eternal Truth.
We should, therefore, use race as an identifier, and never be afraid to do so, so that we may keep our nations sacred and it's people free from foreign agents.
We should dismantle the Capitalist systems of today, ruled by the international banking elites, and replace it with national banking institutes that free the masses rather than enslave them with interest and debt beyond belief.
Is that "politically incorrect" enough?
Dr Mengele, I'm Ettin.
the one hundred million trillion billion people killed by communism was not enough
Basically this. So long as there is even one surviving human being, communism has not done its job properly.
Dictatorship. Of. The. Proletariat.
Gas the rich tbqh
To say that the worker deserve to model and redesign the whole of the economic political and cultural system towards their well being is the most politically incorrect thing to say
It's not an useual thing for people in centre-left parties to be communists of socialists. It has never damaged their carrer. Several Democratic party senator, majors etc. have Mao, Marx, Lenning posters in their offices. DeBlasio "used" to be a Sandinista
The only reason they say they aren't is because it's bizarre to be a communist senator when you are either at war or in a state of cold-war like relationship with another state. >There is nothing wrong with killing the bourgies in order to have a better life for the proletariat.
These are commong talking points on centre-left blogs and newspaper comment sections. I hear these sentiments all the time
The only issue is extent, tumblr-presentation is damaging your image. BLM have assaulted random whites, killed some, burned some alive etc. They are not causing even the slightest of damage to progressive politics. What is causing damage to left-wing politics is the way these protestors carry themselves
Nazism is right-wing, stop pretending otherwise
It's called the nanny-state, every centre leftists is on a slippery slope towards it, Most of them are 5 minutes of talking away from it
Every idea you believe in is sponsored by the bourgeoise
If the bourgies actually funded real left propaganda we would be living under communism now
Why don't we have full Communism then?
I don't think so, buddy.
Reddit Obesity
The only people who are likely to say things really politically incorrect are tankies, who are ridiculed, and edgy teens who say AmeriKKKa which don't come around here and aren't really politically incorrect anymore.
Tito did nothing wrong, there see if that will fly on /r/politics.
Pedophiles are by far the most oppressed sexuality.
Trump is a vastly preferable candidate than Clinton.
Christ almighty.
Nazis, Fascists, and other assorted counter-revolutionaries should get sent straight to the wall, have all their property expropriated, and their bodies made into Soylent for the homeless.
How's that?
Sanders. Well in his case it's Eugine Debs.
Yeah, and it works. You are realiable centre-left voters and can allways be relied upon to rally around protectionist legislation
They say it in less edgy ways, but eat the rich sentiment comes up whenever some conservacuck puts up some token resistance to Obama-care or which ever protectionist/monopoly legislation has been put up by the Democrats. This song and dance repeats itself all across Europe aswell
Sanders wasn't really a democrat and the establishment and the media were extremely hostile to him. Same with Corbyn in the UK. They are both viewed as political outsiders. Any better examples?
tbh the best thing about far-right ideology is that they believe that communists are secretly running the world.
They believe cultural Marxists are running the world.
They are though.
Or that Jewish bankers are trying to make the world communist.
>Literally not a Marxist
Read the FAQ.
Your division of political ideologies only further divides people and alienates concepts from one another with pointless labels. The left wing and right wing do not matter, there is only truth and natural order.
There is difference between controlling and being welcomed into the fold, and allowed to influence things. Corbyn is the leader of the labour party, he is a communist.
Everyone is tired of you submitting leftists, you're not welcome and this shit makes you look retarded. Canned responses do not impress, stop being a weak faggot
You don't speak for everyone, and even if you did, I don't care how tired you are of anything or how you feel about my responses/posts. If you cannot handle differing opinions being posted you're free to complain to the staff team, or, better yet, simply ignore my posts.