What are some games that our LORD would approve of?

What are some games that our LORD would approve of?


Mountain Blade Desu Vault



The sun doesn't give a shit about video games

but still what are games that our lord Nurgle would approve of?



Mighty No. 9 and its supporters shall burn in flames.

lol wtf

I'm debating making a political, religious horror game at the moment along the lines of MGS 2 I think Jesus would enjoy. It's meant to shock and subtly show how we as a society have degraded, as well as how we've subtly moved further away from the God of our fathers.

All while being fun.

Basically, I'm going to try and use the SJWs tactics against them and maybe inspire good things, hopefully succeeding where Scott has failed.

Back to /tg/ you memeing pleb. Only Classic Warhammer Fantasy allowed here, not the game whose setting is just an experimental world in the flask of some apprentice wizard from the WHF-verse.


Come the fuck on.



le warhammer 40k memes is what trump shills usually sperg out making 40k popular among fucking twitter plebs who will then ruin every single 40k game that will come out in the future
me on the other hand is just a religious person trying to make my living among the corpse praisers and other trash


What's that?
You mean Age of Sigmar right? Because there's no such thing as Warhammer Fantasy, never was, and never will be
please buy some sigmarines







Talking about video games? Why would you do that?

I have a Godfu though


Just when I thought I was going to forget about it.


It is illegal to represent Allah you filthy infidel

The Pilgrim's Progress

Except if you have a waifu you would surely be sent to hell for your sins and worship of a false Idol.

i wonder what type of waifu our lord and savior jesus christ would make in articial academy 2, i would even ask him to install it with all the mods so it doesnt corrupt at the long run.



If ALL of us are in hell that must have been one massive car accident.

Monster Hunter.


Reported for intl.

Reported for intl.

Just ignore them.

Don't feed the stormcucks.

it's getting to the point where i think shitposters are pretending to be annoying christians in order to alienate actual christians from everyone else.

You know you're dealing with a retarded atheist when he can't distinguish between Catholicism and real Christianity.

Here's a (You) for the effort

That is an incredibly blatant ill omen.

Nah. It's just that Christianity has attracted a shitload of autism. Just a symptom of decadence. Empty people that only have one thing going on in their lives and can't shut up about it.

Nowadays it happens in any group that you can think of. People do it to religion, politics, sexuality and hobbies.

EVERYTHING is Sonic now.

That is some legitimately creepy shit.

Doom. What could be more Christian than killing Satan?


I've posted on here a few times about this one game idea I had about a pvp game revolving around the events in Paradise Lost by John Milton, where players could choose whether they want to play as Fallen Angels or Angels. I really haven't done much with the idea due to my busy schedule and the fact that I know nothing about making games, but I do enjoy playing them, so I guess there's that. I did try to make some shit through Unity, but it was pretty shit. Feels bad man.

Lord Kek, show us the memes of your wisdom.

Is this a real thread or is it to just see if you can rile up the fedora's who can't resist shitposting? If it's for real, there are plenty of games out there, a lot of very popular ones, which either use Christian imagery and material (Castlevania series, diablo series, doom series), or were explicitly about Christianity (link to the past, dantes inferno come to mind), or were written as clear and obvious allegories (and later stated by the creators of the work) for Christian things (Halo 1-3 was explicitly said to be an allegory of the Gospel accounts of Christ, Septerra Core was something about revelations).

There is quite a bit to talk about to from a more historical perspective. Japs are fucking obsessed with using gnostic imagery in video games. Specifically JRPG's.

Oh boy, I see you don't actually know what that word means.

Really? Going to do this here? Makes me call into question if this is just a bait thread…

That sounds interesting.

A game set in the pre-flood exotic world (4000~2500BC) with the antediluvian civilization, man living to be 900 years old, fallen angels and their nephilim offspring.

Sucking Satan's dick and letting the demons exterminate humanity.

Unless you are not talking about the current year. Then it's really just killing Satan.

A shitload of Christians on the internet are about as obsessed with Jesus as Chris-Chan is obsessed with Sonic and atheists are obsessed with their nihilism and self-centeredness. It's pure autism. Everywhere.

Fucking California traffic, man.


That sounds familiar…

Being a Catholic is hard.

He really is Captain America.

It's an old meme, too, considering the time the painting was made, and the time it came to life. This "meme" stuff must've been happening for some time before it was rediscovered here.

this tbh

Okay, so let's actually discuss vidya for a moment.

How does Shin Megami Tensei hold up from a Christian perspective? It has a lot of spooky occult iconography and stuff, so I've always sort of steered clear from it. But I've been itching for that sort of gameplay style for a while now.

I can only feel that the first Diablo is the only game in the series with a real demon hunting feeling, surviving through hell and beyond.

The others just felt more fantasy generic.

I wish there was another fantasy roleplay terror game where you could travel the land fighting the spawns of satan.

That sounds pretty hot tbh


Cant disagree.

You mean Lord Trump?

I'm really starting to get tired of all this foreign semitic bullshit. Glad to see old Pantheons getting some popularity again.

Top Kek

But user, in this game you fight the devil.

No, user, youre KILLING diablo.

ah shit, another bapho bro

How about Stronghold Crusader?

First Pokemon, and now this?

Hell is eternal, user.

the obvious choice
please do not actually play it. It's a shitty trivia game. You'd be better off just reading the bible.


Diablo1 has some overt christian imagery and themes of fighting the devil, the sequels less so. D2 has more fantasy pagan feel, D3's angels could've been ayyliums or asgardians.
Doom 1&2. Some of the Ultima games, iirc 4-7 deals with arguably christian concepts with their virtue systems.

I hear it's a big one.

Shin Megami Tensei

You can have both things at the same time.

problem with a waifu is that it eventually leaves you numb emotionally.

Daily reminder that Jesus taught about drowning pedos because they're irredeemable. I'm not joking, this is actually in the gospels.

More precisely, he said to hang a big stone by their neck and throw them at sea.


People act like Jesus was some kind of hippy fuck pacifist.
He wasn't.

Yeah, he liked the Romans. But, for good reason. Guys were pretty tight. Not wanting to shank guys forced into shitty situations by kikes don't make you a hippie pacifist dickwad.

When you realize the fight against others is a spiritual one there isn't much physical fighting to be done, so physically he was a bit of a pacifist.

Right, I guess whipping people in a temple is pretty pacifistic.

he didn't take their lives did he? As far as historic figures go he was pretty peaceful… especially when compared to your average people today.

No, but he did whip the fuck out of them.
Are you a retard or do you honestly think it is okay for people to whip the fuck out of folk in temples?
I mean, maybe if you're living in the middle east, and they're women, or something.

I think Jesus would probably enjoy Minecraft actually. It is a shame that Jesus' true personality is obscured behind vague over-glorifying bible passages. He was, after all, a real person who is an important historical figure

god isn't real

Literrally only shills say that. Fuck off with your D&C.

Medieval 2
Crusader Kings 2

Whatever. Who cares.


Our LORD is not a humorless faggot.
So pretty much all of them are OK.



You do realize almost all National Socialists are devout Christians?
Anyway, you're still reported for intl anti-nationalist shilling.

What bible did you read bro?

Holla Forumstards are neo-pagan LARPers

The bible is filled with word play, jokes, Xtreme violence, and some rather erotic poetry.



Nope. Don't conflict Jesus with Christianity.

The reason why Christianity is still around is because you can modify and alter it infinitely to any shape you want. It's not a dogmatic faith.

Did you know that charging rent used to be considered un Christian? That's why Jews were bankers.

And genocide because God woke up a little grumpy, or just suffering in general as His will.


*Genocide of sinful idolaters.

Half Life 3

Quick, do you think it's OK to bomb and exterminate ISIS?

The funny thing is, sin varies religion to religion. "Idolatry" may simply have been following a different faith

None of y'all actually read this book did you?

No he's not.

undertale, and that's why jesus is shit.

How is it a false equivalency?

It's the same story.

Except the pagans 4000 years ago were more dangerous and evil than ISIL is.

Do you think sex with animals is ok?
Do you think sacrificing babies to Baal is ok?
Do you think temple orgies and occult rituals are ok?

These people had all sorts of diseases and degeneracy.

God was getting rid of cancer.

You realize Adam boinked everything in the garden before Lilith or Eve showed up right? I forget exaclty which one, however this is still in YOUR book of faith

Everyone God killed was of a singular faith guilty of this? Come on user you know better.

Explain to me why God didn't want the original humans to have free will. It took Azazel/Lucifer(?) convincing Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge for humans to become self aware.

You know who else considers Azazel/Lucifer evil? The Jews, because he gave the non jews fire. Book of Enoch.

There's also that nasty Job business where God showed he wasn't afraid to tear someone's life apart to win a bet with a being that represents all that is evil.

I'm no "Baphomet" worshiping fedora tipping turbo faggot, but the best arguments against Christianity or any text in general is within the book itself. (In quotes because Baphomet is simply the unification of Lilith/Samael, not whatever garbage Church of Satan or whomever calls it.)

I do like the core values the bible has, which are essentially "don't be a fucking dick." Some of the nicest people I've met have been varying degrees of Christian faith.

I am sorry, but I need to get some sleep. I've been up with the runs. I'll probably forget about this thread when I wake up. Take care user.

Holy shit, he's never opened a bible.
What a surprise.

Good goy.

here's your reply, rabbi

Good human.

what is the first pic from?

How can a westerner have such a wrong idea of the contents of the Bible? How? How is this possible?


A good portion of the US god fearing nation does.

Aren't you a few decades late for the moral panic hysteria?

Do you think clergymen fucking boys and mass is okay?

Step it up user.

i dont get it, jwes where upset back on the day because Jesus never raised a sword

no, he didn't, neither the jewish orthodox church

i meant, *jews where upset

Gotta love Japan.


Nobody here even reads the Bible anymore. Churches are empty since the seventies. Christ is over.

Probably Dwarf Fortress.

I mean, even by hearing word of mouth only one would know more. Are we dealing with a second generation pagan?

That's a bad thing how? It's not like reading the bible ever stopped priest from diddling little boys

It is in fact not, you're referencing the Talmud which no Christian believes in and was compiled after Christianity by the Jews to stave off Christian conversion. Lilith is not mentioned in the Bible at all, only in Jewish folklore while certain Tribes were taking bits and pieces of Babylonian myth and transplanting those into their own oral tradition. As for Adam fucking animals the Talmudists argue that 'naming the animals' means 'coming into intimate knowledge of them' and then Hebrew kindof stares off into the distance wondering what the fuck they're trying to make him say anymore. You say 'went into the animals' or 'accepted them into his house' in Hebrew to claim he borked them without saying it directly

The Canaanites had a mono-religion, yeah, like most cultures. Child sacrifice, orgies, etc. were also pretty common practice in that part of the world since Babylon started a lot of that. Hell the Greeks had human sacrifice in particular holidays to Dionysus where a man would be eaten alive, until they replaced the human with a goat.

No the fact that they were able to make the choice in the first place implies a degree of self awareness and free will. Read Perelandra for an accessible examination of the question you're trying to hint at, you do not have to read Out of the Silent Planet before it to understand what's going on, though I'd recommend it.

Again, a book that's not in the Bible. It's about as canonical as Lord of the Rings.

See NOW you're getting somewhere. Job is a book of Wisdom that attempts to explain why evil happens. At first it seems it's because God wishes someone's faith tested. Then it seems it's because of Satan's antagonism. But then we start to wonder what the Hell Job did to God, which we find out is nothing at all. And then God Himself comes down and the book ends with a giant hopeless shrug claiming we can't know because God hasn't told us and none of the proffered explanations make sense in all cases. Job's an extremely weird book when taken by itself. You start to wonder why's it even in the Bible if only to acknowledge no-one knows why evil happens. Then you actually remember that the Book of Job is the first book of Wisdom, it's not trying to provide an answer, it's framing the question. If God inflicts man with evil, why worship Him? And if He allows this, why did He make us? Job is immediately followed by Psalms and Proverbs which are entire courses of study unto themselves if only to decipher some of the numeric cyphers the authors placed in there. Psalms is a jubilant book over all with incredible lows interspersed throughout. Proverbs is a more mature somber approach to wisdom and Man's relationship with God. Then comes Ecclesiastes which is, by far, the hardest book of the Old Testament. Every depression and hopelessness you've ever had distilled in about 20 pages. The answer, or at least the start of an answer, comes in the book of Wisdom.

So, back to Job, you're making the mistake a lot of Fedoras make. You're trying to treat the stories in the Bible as if they're just stories to the one that wrote them. You're skipping the point of the story and WHY Job is called a book of Wisdom and not one of the historical accounts.

this is truly pathetic
how am I supposed to bite on this?


You know it's true though


What is the point of this thread?

Worship and play video games, done move on to meal.

Word of mouth doesn't work if literally nobody ever talks about religion. You can easily go your entire life without once mentioning Jesus.

This guy gets it. Reading the book is becoming less of a christian thing and more of a thing people do to call christians out.

Sure, in Mecca and North Korea. Not all the western world is so cucked they don't remember the cornerstone of our civilization.

I'm not american but I seriously doubt it.

It all makes sense if you think about it.





You're gonna have to explain that one, because I don't see it at all.