How do you refute this, leftypol?
>I'm a race realist
Other urls found in this thread:
Define race and give contemporary scientific proof of it.
I tell them to kill themselves and sage the thread.
How do you refute this, Holla Forums?
Be realistic and demand the impossible fam
It does if you consider liberals to be leftists.
They're not. Liberal politics encompasses the center-left to the right-wing. None of them would be described as "leftist"
Yeah, on average the different races have differences in terms of intelligence and what not.
However, the conclusions some race realists come to are a bit, well, extreme?
Yeah no thanks fam.
Race realist needs to be filtered to racist
Which are…?
Even if there was such a strong biological differance between the races, what do you think should be done with them? Let's not forget that even so called "progressives" like Planned Parenthood were pushing for eugenics.
I don't think it's possible to convince a race realist.
If they're going to the trouble of finding 18th C phrenology papers and IQ charts to back up their preconceived bias, they will not be happy w/ any actual argument which disagrees w/ their racial ideas.
whats wrong with being racist?
Well if you're white you're racist by default.
Checkmate autist.
What's wrong with thinking the earth is flat?
Or the center of the universe?
Or that the world is 6000 years old?
Or that Noah somehow carried cangaroos?
You know…
What's wrong with believing things that are not true?
smh, tru. I literally cannot stop oppressing people ;_;
That's some nice false equivalency there shlomo.
Got him
Well, we have the science on … how nuclear physics, and we keep learning more…
Where is the science on, what races there are, how the gene code differse and how mixing of gene code is "bad"?
"I will try to take advantage from you, whatever your race is, especially if you are a cappie, bourgy or both"
But you're not racist, right?
I don't know why stormfags say irrelevant shiting is bad when all the negative effects of it are purely social. Check out this pastebin:
lol at the word filter
r a c e mix ing
Holla Forums, you guys gotta learn to handle bantz. This is why you guys always lose debates.
butt flustered over nothing.
I'm a fucking white male, so I'm racist by default. You guys really need to learn to check your muh privilege.
Race realism is just refined neo-racism.
Racism is basically bullying with a twist.
Racists, much like bullies, tend to be either over compensating beta faggots, edgy thickos, or genuine sociopaths who might bite your face off if you look at them wrong.
None of which are particularly good examples of man or womanhood.
I'm genuinely struggling to think of anything good to say about racists and racism.
You don't need to; it's never true.
How much white are you?
Are all your ancestors of Germanic tribes?
Do you have and Slav or south european genes?
Maybe one of your ancestors was a mongol that raped your grand and so on mother.
Get better bait.
A combination of genetic similarity, fenotypical similarity, historic and cultural factors.
Following this definition we can determine a few "races" such as south european, north european, arab, west african, east african, south african, north african, east asian, native north american, native south america, et cetera. ( i have simplified some of these groups, specifically the native south americans which can be divided in 3 races)
Historically some races fared far better than others, cognitive skill difference, overall mental development differences, physical differences.
Those last two are utter bullshit. There is no shared racial culture or history. Culture is always regional and unique to very small geographic areas. History is wildly variant for all but the most incestuous of family lines.
The first two can only really divide humanity into two camps–people with neanderthal DNA and those without it.
What does it matter anyway? In 50 years you will pick with your geneticist whichever skin colour you want for your kid and people with non-augmented brains will be unemployable.
Also imageboards won't exist because autism will be cured.
Give up, tbh. The Bell Curve is some impenetrable science fam.
If it isn't relevant to leftist politics you shouldn't chastise me for expressing racist sentiments
Oh, I don't want to chastise you. I want to kill you, for standing in our way. The international proletariat have no nation or race, and your attempts to divide them up into warring subgroups directly hampers the creation of global communism.
So… Jew is not a race… Latino is not a race… and there is no US "race" as there has been enough mixing and environmental change.
So… Race doesn't matter, since we are all fucking all over the world nowadays.
Oh, and .. Cultural factors.. ye.. whatever works for you pure ideology I guess.
what exactly are"leftist politics"?
I didnt think they were that separate from normal politics
I think Ashkenazi(?) Jews are a race
ignores the genetic difference within races.
literally admitting that race in muh feels
Try harder, faggot.
Race according to self identification
Never heard about Haldane's rule, never used it in race discussion, irrelevant to the discussion also:
and 6th
Ain't paying 16 bucks for that shit nigga, especially for Bell Curve tier shit.
really makes me think…
How is this related to race?
M autism is reaching its limits, i can't take the rest of this shit seriously.
Race is only skin deep
Socialist and anti-capitalist thought, especially Marxism and anarchism.
What genetic and fenotypical similarities do they have? Why are they not like Lebanon or something?
You can't make a race, just because you called it a race.
That's the reason there is no such thing as a "Latino" race.
This somehow proves that white supremacy is actually real.
albino negroes are really weird looking
me and the spooks
I've got bad news for you, Holla Forums.
Even attractive blacks given the white treatment would look weird.
Well, if you are a wasp, and don't like other wasps, only cause they are bigger than you, then you are a faggot wasp.
Oh wait.. you are not a wasp… ..
Get an argument and come back.
Iron Sky?
Guys, it's just a bear. It's probably fine, it definitely won't try and maul us, stop being so speciest. We should try and give it a hug to show how tolerant we are.
Are you a black bear hating grizzlies?
irrelevant shiting
irrelevant shiting
There is literally nothing wrong with hornets. I am so sick and tired of my fellow bee brethren being such bigoted fools, I knew one hornet once and he was a pretty cool guy, I swear.
Bee =/= hornet
You don't even species.
Nice false category nigga
Arriving in Gebze (Turkey) on 31 March 2008, she went missing.
Yep. I guess Turkey is indeed a shit place.
That says nothing about middle east or arabs, though.
You're probably going to get raped and murdered in general if you make a habit of hitchhiking.
I wouldn't hitchhike alone across the fucking US if I were a woman
And perhaps the most telling thing in this discussion is that the racialist deniers (the definite majority on this board and in this society), fail to answer a simple question:
Why is it so difficult to prove that "race realist types" have no leg to stand on, with so much effort being poured into ending racism forever? Why hasn't anyone had a bright idea of taking 10,000 blacks and 10,000 whites (or any two groups with sufficiently common in-group and sufficiently diverse inter-group genetic make-ups), adjusting for socio-economic factors, and measuring their performance in intellectual tasks? It would be so simple! Such a study would cost pennies to run in the grand scheme of things, and would provide indisputable evidence of racism being wrong. Hell, instead of running multi-billion-dollar initiatives to end discrimination, you could just be repeating the same study every year, to prove that "yep, we're all still equal".
Posters on this board, like , compare race realists to flat earthers and creationists. Yet they are incapable of providing the equivalent of satellite images and fossil records to prove them wrong, instead opting out for fallacious appeals to popularity, authority, and petty ad homs.
Why is that?
what is the point of testing blacks ro whites when we all know they are inferior to jews?
how come, according to Holla Forums, jews are subhumans that must be gassed yet they are the ones behind your state, yourt banks, your economy, your media?
Why is that?
typical cuck
Actually, there is a pretty simple equivalent to fossil records and satellite images that gets brought up fairly often.
Race and ethnicity are socially constructed concepts that do not necessarily reflect (but may on the other hand affect) biological reality.
Here's a decent article talking about this:
Here's the human genome project archive on the topic of race (I know this site has problems sometimes, tell me if that's the case and I'll take a screenshot):
My usual experience with posting this kind of stuff is that race """realists,""" like flat earthers and creationists, tend to say that it's a Jewish/Masonic/Satanic illusion, fake or lie meant to deceive the faithful and lead them astray. Pointing to conspiracies is the only way pseudoscientific ideologies like this can survive.
The problem with the study you propose is that it is very difficult to control for confounding variables related to natal environment, nutrition, toxins and other such stuff. It would need to be a longitudinal study with a ridiculous amount of control over the subjects, requiring a large investment of resources and some ethically shaky practices.
One of the reasons we haven't done anything of the sort is because there's no real need for the scientific establishment to sink large amounts of resources into proving a handful of internet ideologues who still believe in phrenology wrong, and you can quite easily see evidence to the contrary in other less ambitious studies.
I'd ask him to stop referring to Hitler or nati onal socialism while spouting his retardation, because race was never interpreted as ethnicity in Germany. By the way race=ethnicity would only make sense for someone without basic knowledge about evolution.
Don't forget you have more genetic variations inside each race that you have between them. So if you decide to select the samplings to have less variation within and more variation between, you'll end up having samples not representative of the races you want to study. Which defeat the point.
Plus, Socioeconomics are only a part of materials conditions that can affect groups of people as is arguing. And don't forget that minorities too, have ideologies that can affect development (anti intellectualism and so on)
Anyway why do i argue with a filthy low IQ goy?
Did I stumble into leftypol?
I never tried to refute that you're an idiot.
If you mean refuting your assertation that racism is good, usually I ask for evidence, then make fun of the unsauced jpeg artifacts from Fred's Wite Power Blog that you provide in its place and hop I won't notice, ideally until you either call me a kike or say that calling you out on this means I like to watch other men fuck my wife, usually niggers, after which I and everybody else starts tuning you out.
Being the best does not exempt you from falling to subversive elements.
Imagine being the world's greatest architect. You design a bunch of beautiful buildings and make them reality.
Then along comes a group of assholes blowing up your fantastic palaces and skyscrapers.
Does the fact that some assholes managed to set off some bombs have any bearing whatsoever on your skill as an architect?
Of course not, that would be retarded to even think unless you specialized in military architecture.
whatch out, we have some BLM nigger-tier subhuman here chimping out at genetical superior people
Did you even read my post? Or are you too mentally inept to do that?
I won't even bother reading the post of some genetically inferior chimp engaging in race denialism
Just as I expected, you outed yourself as a knuckle-dragging retard.
Turn yourself into fertilizer and make the world a better place.
wew, look at this chimp, unable to grasp the concept that his own retarded theory proves he is just as genetic waste as the nigs, spics and chinks he loves to hate
why don't you join the next BLM or liberal meeting next to you? maybe ask for reparations?
Ask them what kind of race they believe in. My favourite are the elves.
You don't, the person claiming to be a race realist is simply stating a fact. That person, who has made the claim, is a race realist, and you can't "refute" that.
Jews have superior IQ and managed to get at the top. The subjugation of Whites is a proof of their inferiority, just like the underdevelopment of Africa is proof of nigger's inferiority.
You can't be race realist and not aknowledging the superiority of Jews.
Whitey chimping out since he can't handle the facts
So the Jews have taken control of the entertainment industry and art, OK. They don't produce quality, but they have influenced the world to accept theirs as the best in their particular fields.
Who decides what is quality? The general audience who likes post modern, 'Jewish' art would say it is of better quality. The majority of people would say watching modern 'Jewish' television is far more entertaining than watching a 16th century play. Not only are the majority of the audience accepting of the 'Jewish' art, but the critics are, too. Surely the ideas of what is quality in art and entertainment are subjective.
So who gets to decide has the superior culture? The majority of critics and consumers, or a minority of angry racists holding onto centuries old ideals?
Seems to me that you are just a bit mad that you consider your own culture superior, when it only is by personal, contradictory standards.
Sounds like the "white race" has been beaten and the Jews are the "master race".
Bullshit, such a study would not be nearly as hard to do as you describe. What a cheap cop-out. Here we have an incredibly important topic, on which you guys make a deliberate, absolute and "final" judgement, but when it comes to hard data, "it's too hard and not needed anyway, cause everybody knows da truth already!!!".
Who's the flat earther now?
By the way, the links and the screencap you've posted only prove that IQ scores have some environmental components. No one has ever denied that! The error is attributing ALL IQ differences to environmental influences. You cannot make that call without actually doing a comprehensive IQ vs. Heredity study first. Why hasn't anyone done so, once and for all?
Dog breeds have more genetic variation within them, then between. Your move.
Sure, but jooz have several other undesirable traits which is why we must expunge them from the gene pool for the good of all. Glad we could settle this, fellow race realist.
citation needed
TOP KEK keep chimping whitey
Why? So some white nationalist ape can use him in a bomb to blow up some fuckin poor people or something? Get real Sambo.
Like what? They as the master race whom have subjugated the white race, have decided that its the non Jews who have undesirable traits.
It's impossible to raise 100 thousand people their whole developing lives exactly the same as 100 thousand other people and then compare them. Their backgrounds would be completely different for generations.
Among other things.
Lel, Honestly wouldn't have a problem with niggers if they were dumb, but docile.
IQ is good, unless you're using it to subvert and enslave your fellow man. Specimens with high IQ, but high sociopathy should still be pruned.
Thought you commies would agree.
You belong in that trash can whitey. Bow to your superior.
They don't need to be exactly the same. You simply control for systemic differences, so the background noise is cancelled out.
This is how most science is done.
In any case, the fate of the jews is irrelevant to the discussion on race realism. Only their genetic distinction is, which everyone seems to take for granted on Holla Forums.
Wow, you guys are racists after all!
I'm sorry but being inferor to Jews, you don't get to decide what is a good trait. Sociopathy gives a huge advantage over doo-eyed dumb goys, it's evolution baby!
Now follow your nature of docile sheep and bow to Massa Schlomo
Whatever Shlomo. We've done it before, we can do it again.
OP here, when I wrote ">I'm a race realist" I wasn't talking about myself, I wanted you to tell me how do I refute this claim by someone else.
maybe try setting up a tumblr or something, that might help you with ur hurt feelings
You can't, without fallacies.
It's like Huey Long said: "I don't know much about Hitler. Except that last thing, about the Jews. There has never been a country that put its heel down on the Jews that ever lived afterwards."
Jews are the master race. You aren't even fit to lick their boots.
So you take 100 000 European babies of similar background from their parents, and raise them with the same carers and upbringing, in the same location, with same food, education, entertainment etc, as 100 000 African babies of similar background? The carers would have to be robots. And that's not taking into account the already existing biological differences.
I think it's pretty obvious why this hasn't happened. Who would organise this?
I think the closest we have is poor people of any background are generally not as intelligent as rich people of any background.
But you want to use IQ as an excuse as to subvert and enslave all other races to the white race.
Also, isn't the higher Jewish IQ more important a trait than a few genetic diseases?
As typical of a stormfag, you have missed my point entirely. Whether IQ is entirely environmental or entirely genetic is utterly irrelevant to the point that having a certain ethnic background does not guarantee that you will have the exact same set of intelligence-affecting genes. Racial categories are bunk in this regard. Please make the effort to overcome your distaste of learning and reading and actually read the links I posted.
You also seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what heritability means. It is only a measure of how much variation in IQ within a population can be be attributed to variation in genes. This link should explain:
Not impressed
The differences between the individuals within a sample don't matter as long as they are random. Come on, this is simple stuff. The differences between two populations can be controlled by selecting to minimize bias and keep individual differences random.
Just select for blacks from same socio-economic strata as whites. In a country with tens of millions of them, finding several thousand would be easy. Measure the IQ of white and black college students going to the same education institution, whose families have similar incomes.
If you find no difference, it's probably not significant enough if it even exists. If you find one, you can fine tune further studies with even stricter selection to gauge it more precisely.
We're not dealing with guarantees, but with trends. A single smart black man does not mean anything when you compare the averages.
Never disputed that. Where's this "fundamental misunderstanding" you're talking about?
How does a master race get BTFO every few decades?
Raltionwiki 2.0 is not a valid source.
I dont know
German nationalists lost two world wars
Stay cuckt
Against other whites. Name a war jews won without the help of whites. I remember when they got BTFO by Romans who's generals had 200+ IQs
Loving. Every. Laugh.
This was done in Britain, see
They found that the well-off African students were roughly on par with the well-off white British students, with the poorer Africans actually outperforming the poorer whites. I guess we can put race ""realism"" to rest once and for all.
So now you want to ignore specific circumstances and just average them all without regard to differences in means and material conditions between different Black populations? You can't just lump all Black people together and compare them to lumped together White people and somehow come out with a result that you can claim is due to innate differences between the two. Racial distinctions are made on the basis of eyeballing phenotypes - if you want to lump people together, you first need to determine whether they actually all do have the same things in common whose effects you're trying to measure.
Take this example: say I take five average Americans. One drank lead paint as a baby, the other suffered traumatic head injury, one had a mother that drank and one survived entirely on twinkies since the day he could chew. I am, of course, not aware of any of this, but I can see that all of them are retarded. Now, being a National Realist, I take the one thing I see and can identify in all of them - that they're American - and come up with the hypothesis that Americans all have one innate trait in common that makes them all retarded. Do you see where the problem with that kind of logic lies?
Heritability estimates are only valid for a particular population and a particular environment and says nothing about the cause of between-group differences.
What is your problem with the post I linked, other than it disagreeing with you?
Top kek
No logical response? You do realize that they were able to outsmart their jewish opponents and come up with tactics and strategy that they couldn't comprehend or counter. They certainly had high IQs. 160-180 is low balling it. Look at how revolutionary they were for the time.
You do know they didn't have IQ tests back then, right?
There is zero evidence for this claim
The average Roman probably had a lower IQ (which isn't an objective scientific measure of anything anyways) than modern African Americans. Technology has been pushing the average IQ in developed countries up for decades. Look up the Flynn effect
Romans actually built worthwhile things. Get back to me when africans stop burning down libraries and ruining their farmland.
No one cares chimp
I have trouble finding that study.
If the sample is large enough, it doesn't matter. How many times do I have to say this?
In a sample of 5, sure. When you take 10,000 people, you are highly unlikely to have a statistically significant portion of them have such a strong bias. Most people have never drank lead paint or survived on twinkies. And you can select against such strong negative environmental effects, as they are easy enough to find and verify.
Honestly I'm not sure what we're even talking about here. You should know that if you take yourself as the sample of 1, everyone on the internet is suddenly a commie.
We are just making fun at how you are chimping out because jews are genetically and ethnically superior to you
Top kek, and I thought Holla Forums was crazy about jews.
All flies can agree, shit taste good!
No, Holla Forums is crazy for niggers, just check the thread about the academia study on Holla Forums
Favourite word is nigger, I wonder why :>}
Lel, you just said nigger twice yourself, nigger.
Top kek
Holla Forumsyps triggered right tonight
Did it remind you of your ex-gf ? :•)
kys my man
You got parody'd :^}
I'm a proud virgin and a wizard-in-training, pleb!
When Holla Forums uses them, they are humorous. When you do, they have no comedic value. You can't even make your own memes lol
Lmao nice autism kiddo
Dont forget ur ritalin tonigh
You are garbage at this, kek
Almost as garbage as whites when compared to the jewish master race kek
Are you Jewish? Honest question.
Nigger all your shit is from /r9k/ and Holla Forums.
Maybe, Maybe not
We will never know
Kek, stay mad whitey. The master race is orchestrating #wyhtegenocide and there's nothing you can do about it. ;^)
They still follow a Holla Forums context though, and their current connotation is derived from where they are most used.
Delusional, kid.
Racist for pointing out skull shapes which are clearly defined and obvious?
Nice try, chaim. Your buzzwords don't work on me.
Lmao you can tell he got triggered
Not as pathetc as the current state of the "white" civilization lmao
Do you think I care? I am not even white, you faggot.
Lmao, we have a self hating cuck here
Let me guess, Brazil?
Okay, so I've looked at the "British study", which was actually a report on school performance among students of differing backgrounds.
Honestly, the findings only prove my point. British immigration policy was highly restrictive up to 1997. The only Black Africans who'd get in would be intelligent enough to pass the country's stringent policy hoops. Their children are now in schools, doing okay.
Africa is a big place. There's over a billion people there. And IQ is a bell curve gradient. Naturally some Africans would be more intelligent than some whites. If you only select for them, you're going to have a higher-than-average IQ minority diaspora. Because black students seem to be performing on par with whites now (moreover poorer blacks perform even slightly better than poorer whites), it seems that IQ is definitely heritable. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be that gap.
So the study basically says: select for intelligence, and you'll engineer a more intelligent population. Which of course wouldn't be possible if it wasn't heritable.
This of course does not prove racial realism, we'd have to take the bell curve of a large random sample of blacks, controlled for environmental factors and compare it to a large sample of whites, again controlled for environmental factors.
In any case, there. I BTFO'd a part of that shitty screencap. May be I'll collate a complete rebuttal, but I have work tomorrow and need to sleep.
Peace, commiefags.
Not even a Nazi, I love how one can assume so much from behind an anonymous handle.
Take your meds kid, your delusions have reached maximum autism. I'm sure the Nazi bogeyman will come and get you in your sleep tonight!
So black people are figments of our imagination?
Go to bed now, I'm sure mommy will yell at you for being on the computer too late.
Maximum assrage
Look at this white knight cuck.
This butthurt is amazing, I knew you guys were pathetic, but never did I expect you were this bad.
Wew Holla Forumsyps got triggered hard as fuck
Was fun
This board is great for baitposting, I get so many (you)'s.
You retards are attracted like moths to a flame.
80% of this board is people from Holla Forums trolling. How good did you think it was gonna be?
Aww, poor little kid.
Speaking of not understanding statistics…
Holla Forumsyps on full c.himp out kek
You can estimate IQ based on achievements.
You need to go back2gulag and work on your propoganda skills.
I wish we would stop calling them that
I keep thinking about jellyfish instead of cancer
How do you expect them to refute this when they are so willfully ignorant they think literally everything is a social construct?
It's not that simple, retard. The equivalent of saying that choosing a steak over fish at a restaurant is not true. They do not WANT to live in a multiculti shithole, it has nothing t do with facts, but rather preferences.
I CHOOSE not to live with gorillas, my anti-gorillaism is neither factual or non-factual.
You don't need to be aryan to realize that:
You leftist fail to acknowledge that jews are a common enemy. They are the worst "buregoise", the ones who have the most wealth in the world, the bankers, the merchants, literally.
There are measurable differences in black communities, compared to white european ones.
For instance, most physics discoveries were made by white europeans.
Another example: most nobel prices (in science..) were given to europeans.
We can argue and discuss if genetics are a factor, if they account for 10%, 30%, 90% of the observed differences, or if it is all cultural.
Let's suppose it is just cultural: i prefer to be in a culture of knowledge and critical thinking than be surrounded in a primitive rural negroid community.
Guess i'm a racist for thinking that way. Not that i care much because "racist" doesn't have the effect you think it has. I am a proud "racist", i understand that there are genetic differences between human populations. I personally don't think all races are good or bad nor i am a white supremacist, but i understand the differences anyway and think about getting the best of it for humankind.