R/Anarchism: Stop using the phrase "bash the fash" unless you're willing to murder innocent people

"If you're actually bashing fash, stop bragging about on the internet. If you're not, stop posing."


"Anitfa groups in the 80s and 90s didn't fight over the legitimacy of FB pages with trolls, they found actually nazis in the streets and they actually hurt them. It was a real fight with people on both sides getting killed. No one was bragging about it on twitter afterwards.

Are you not up for literally killing a nazi and dealing with the risks that entails? I totally understand, but you should probably chill out with the violent rhetoric then. Half-assed preformative posturing is going to alienate masses, and it's going to push the right towards a level of confrontation that we aren't ready for, leading to more events like Berkeley.

Again, if you're actually going to bash the fash, that's great. But if you're not, you need to be honest with yourself that you're just doing PR, and you need to think about how to best do that.

If your attempt to No Platform some nazis gets national news coverage, you're doing something wrong."

Other urls found in this thread:


>If you look back at the times fash was bashed the most, the communists always had tanks. A t-72 costs only $50,000 why have I not seen a single antifa tank? Even with the gun deactivated it would still be useful to shut down nazis. mortarinvestments.eu/products/tanks-2/t-72-42


what's with all the "screencap of a reddit post" threads?

Wow. Just fucking wow. I'm writing this on my alt-account for obvious security reasons. I'm a moderator of numerous highly influential subreddits and every fucking minute I refresh my page to see a constant and persistent deluge of fucking Islamophobic spam all over our site from piece of shit Drumpf supporters. I asked where they're coming from and someone mentioned r/The_Donald. I cannot believe my fucking eyes, what the fuck is that place? I've seen them openly praise White Supremacists like Milo Yiannopoulos, Stefan Molyneux, Dave Rubin and Julius Evola. Are they all being fucking ironic? I seriously hope those assholes are being ironic because 95% of the posts I'm seeing there are blatant hate crimes. I've logged all of their usernames and am putting together a report for the police. I'm shaking with fear and anger, I cannot believe that place is allowed to even exist. I hope they all burn in fucking hell. Stay the fuck away from my reddit.


am I taking crazy pills here or something?

what's with all the "contribute nothing to the thread" posts?

that was pretty fast, Moishe. qui bono?

Yikes. Even cuckchan isn't this paranoid. I'm not a Jew you retard

Nice trips but you're still retarded.

Cuckchan is too stupid to be legitimately paranoid. The paranoia they exhibit comes from their retarded sense of what chan culture is after years of being fucked up the ass by kikes, alphabets and their own admins.

These communists appear to be finally grasping the gravity and futility of their situation though, which isn't unexpected but is amusing to witness in real time nonetheless.

how do we stop 4chans influence on politics?


OP make sure you include an archive link with your screenshots, otherwise they're useless.

Again, who benefits here?

Seems legit.

Anyone who's interested in the nature of antifa.

It's one of the top posts in the sub. Reddit functions on upvotes. :^)

You get what you pay for, fam.

"How do you envision an Anarchist/Libertarian education system?"


It's like pottery.
How can you bash the fash if you're sitting at home upboating?


Leftists either are incapable or simply refuse to admit it, but the reason we constantly win is because all of their memes are carefully constructed and sterilized of all humor so as not to offend anyone. Niggers and spics are injected into roles that make no sense for the sake of diversity, and are jokes against kikes, fags, trannies, etc are completely taboo.

At Holla Forums we simply call it like it is, and while our language can be crude and "politically incorrect", normalfags are receptive to our honesty. You don't have to walk on eggshells to post on Holla Forums – just speak your mind and the best arguments win out in the free marketplace of ideas. And this open discussion has taught millions of people that kikes are a subversive influence on healthy western societies and vast IQ and behavioral differences exist between the many races on earth.



One can tell they're just posing "we're the strong anarchists, against he gov.". Pro-tip to the faggot anarchists at that subreddit: in an anarchy, it's no government, all rule themselves (lets suppose a minimum breakdown/atomic unit being the family). Hence, the strong would just slaughter all the weakwilled faggots (those in the subreddit) and then realize a form of government/working together would be best. Afterall, there is no point in the strongest parrying one another till both die. Honestly, what's with an anarchist talking about "equality". In anarchy, at least the default belief, one would have the strong dominate the weak since there would be no institution present to level the playing field.

It's no coincidence that kikes aggressively push for hate speech and holohoax denial in Europe and are trying to strip away the 1st Amendment in America. Freedom of Speech is the mortal enemy of international jewry, because if everyday people were allowed to talk openly about taboo subjects without being thrown in prison, they would quickly discover that jews are a satanic influence that has infected our nations like a cancer for the past century.

***holohoax denial laws


I can't comprehend why the same people who constantly whine about the strong oppressing them would willfully campaign for the rule of anarchy.


I guess that's like Holla Forums saying, stop using the phrases "Day of the rope, or race war now" unless you're willing to murder innocent people.

I like how they think these normalfag Trump supporters are nazi radicals. You can't humiliate somebody when you have literal scat fetishists, hairy porn performers, and mentally ill cuckolds in your movement.

I hate reddit so much but it's a great tool for charging my hate-battery at Weimerica.

True, and although in some sense one might feel bad for the old and the young, they're all guilty of a crime the crime of continueing the crime of their ancestors and destroying us. Maybe it's my wish for not having needless slaughter, but I would want to just send the kids back to where they come from, but then you'd have to keep the parents so that they have parents, but then what if the parents are brutal criminals? They'll be tough to just "send back", they'd be the type to just execute. I want to rationalize it as them continuing the crime of their parents by existing here, however, since they do not perceive this crime (and I'm talking really young here) it's hard on the psyche. Depending on the type of crime I can rationalize whether or not something is a crime even if the person is ignorant of it being a crime based off of the severity (note, the particular things I'm talking about are ideological crimes, not legal crimes, afterall, if they're legal crimes then they are doing something illegal. It's clear cut. The issue is dealing with something outside of the bounds of a legal written law).
Since my phrasing may be poor, no dumb faggots I don't intend to do anything illegal nor endorse anyone to do anything illegal.

How do you know that's a Trump supporter?

Clearly a T_D that tries to bait, but fails utterly.

Welcome back Mr. Bond.

it's such a comforting feeling to know my enemies are completely retarded

REMINDER: they're reading this


Screenshot link.
Just in case though:

Pic related.

The fact that they think a gay jew is le ebil neo-natzee is honestly a great thing. These people are genuinely stupid. The New Black Panther Party is smarter than them.

What can someone even do to a tank? I hope they don't bring a tank because I wouldn't risk protesting if they had one. :^)

Sit back and watch as a bunch of zogbots try to take it out and then enjoy antifa being labelled as a domestic terrorist organization in the aftermath.

literally mob rule.

What's wrong, goy, don't think the masses will end up making the best decision? Don't worry (((we'll))) be here to feed them talking point in our "satirical" comedy programs like Current Year Man.

You don't belong here.


wew lad, next you'll be posting some George Bush memes.

Cracks are appearing.
also 'john oliver style' is my new favorite maymay

"*BURRRP* I want that szechuan sauce, Morty, I want my fucking dipping sauce, I want that delicious chink objectifying Mulan sauce, Morty, I *burp* need my damn nugget sauce."

Even reddit edgefags with an obsession with cartoons trigger antifags.

This really is the best timeline.

So far we intersectionalism to thank for cucking feminism, BLM, veganism, and how many other movements? It literally destroys these people because all their best members are either white or male, and have a modicum of self-respect, they are then driven out because they care more about veganism than feminism or more about black people than feminists. Kek, I love it.

These people wantto be some kind of neo-Symbonyse Liberation Army. These people have to be on drugs. This shit don't make sense

This isn't new user, it's like Homeschooling 6.0. Look up "Unlearning" (that is literally its name). It's literally "I don't want to force my kids to learn things, so I'll let him decide for himself what he wants to learn and give him books when he asks." What they don't seem to realize is that by the time the kid would want to learn something he can't read.

Easy, thermite the electrical access on the right side under the armored plate if it's an Abrams, or just molotov it in the back if it's a T-72.

They are for the most part. Most of your hardcore antifa are constantly high or doped up. This is why the RWSS op we did really hurt them, in that it made it more difficult for them to get high. What we need is to resume that activity while actively exposing corruption in the gov.

Apparently the REAL working class spends 12 hours a day LARPing on reddit.

It's been around for at least 20 years. One of my relatives went to one. Ever since he's graduated he's done nothing but couch-surf, get into freeganism (eating out of dumpsters), travel around the world on the bill of family members who actually work, and protest. He calls himself Fluffywarm Flowersniff or something equally gay.

Man I wish they were smart enough I could give them hell at my place of work. Most would probably quit when we go shoot steel out back during lunch.

really makes you think


Nothing says you're a cold blooded killer like posting on plebbit. We should all be careful because there's killer anarchists on the prowl bashing the fash with T72 tanks. The LARPing on that site is out of control.

Sometimes I think these are just trolljobs then I'll see someone like that purple haired drummer faggot from Auburn and remember these people really exist and hold these insanely retarded thoughts.

What gets me is that they think of themselves as working class, when they're always trying to blockade traffic and bother people actually trying to get to their fucking jobs. Yep making random fucking people's day needlessly more difficult sure is sticking it to us hate filled internet frog nazis!

Cuckchan and reddit invasion. It's an irreversible movement at this point. We will have to leave again.

I assure you that the DOTR is no mere meme.

Molotovs were created specifically to be cheap anti-tank weapons. You hit the radiators in the back and the tank shuts down. At which point it's a Dutch oven the occupants can choose to either roast in, or be shot while climbing out.

Except it doesn't work anymore.

Could they even afford anything with protection against it, though? They're talking about T-72s here, and even that sounds optimistic. Not exactly modern frontline stuff.

sounds like what I did during highschool while homeschooled. I learned about how to make explosives and drugs and just cheated on everything else.

That only makes us angry, you idiots.

I can see victory in sight.

These retards aren't going to get their hands on a modern tank. If they're stupid enough get a tank at all, it will be an ancient surplus tank that will burn quite nicely.

And even if they did somehow get a modern tank, it wouldn't come with ERA so we'd still be able to crack it with EFPs. But it will never come to that because they'll never get a modern tank.

It was mentioned in the last thread, but there's even less to worry about.
How many leftists do you think can maintain a tank?

Probably way fewer than there are of us that can disable one.

These fags are all baristas and university faggots. They've never worked with heavy machinery a day in their life.

I don't have the screencap but I've seen it around a few times where an Eastern bloc oldfag spouts off on the newest generation of faggots communists. He basically says "you guys don't fucking do anything and you're under the delusion that you're the working class and when your revolution happens you'll be essentially the new ruling class, and it's not going to happen. Joe Bob and Jamal are going to look at your six bedroom house and trust fund and say "hey this doesn't belong to you it belongs to all of us" and royally fuck up your shit, and probably kill you later on for not being committed enough to the cause.

These fucking morons are living in such a hysterically demented fantasy that they can't even see that not only are they fucking up everyone else's lives, they're going to totally fuck up their own, too, and they're working against their own interests. These are not the brightest of their generation, as Yuri is wont to point out.

Yeah, I noticed Sun TV and Rebel Media were kosher when they were selective of the free speech cases they would champion. Ezra Levant would have autistic 1488ers on but when his kikess lawyer friend went after Gregor Elliott for (((harassment))) they were less forthcoming.

Thus why I avoid these kikes.

I know it but don't have it. Have these.




mfw we literally have gigabites of actual improvized anti-tank diy manuals


0/10 would not go to Happening with.

tbf, Stefan Molyneux could actually be described as a white supremacist now.

Nits make lice, user.


not edgy larping, I'm a brain-burned vet and a fucking sociopath. I've killed before and would have no problem killing kids. I don't advocate anything illegal, but trust me, there are plenty of people who have the proclivities to do what has to be done, and we will positively LOVE doing it.

Sometimes I wonder if these people honestly understand what they're getting themselves into…


Checked for these people are imbeciles.

That is, without a doubt, the single most Jewish thing I have ever personally read.

Interesting parallel, but:
The US can easily feed itself. We make so much corn that we have to think up creative ways to use it and keep the subsidies pumping.


That all falls apart with the collapse of the currency.

This is how it always ends.

The whole Marxist "we are the workers" rhetoric is completely anachronistic. It could be convincing in industrial revolution England where barely made.enough to survive and worked in horrible conditions, but today when everyone works comfortable jobs and even minimum wage provides enough to have all necessities with some disposable income left over, it really isn't convincing. Normies aren't going to give up their comfy lifestyles to fight a revolution against "the bourgeoisie" (another anachronism) because all normies want is basics of life and a little recreation.

Marx was essentially the OG leftist vegan hipster faggot cuck. He basically engaged in armchair political theorycrafting based on absolutely zero fucking evidence based on reality anywhere, and decided to put his personal opinions into a political ideology. At the time he was much like the liberal cunts we see today who "defend the oppressed and marginalized," except those people when Marx was alive were not spics, niggers, gays, etc. No, they were poor, dirty workers getting paid shit wages in horrible conditions. Marx wanted to create a country based on his own beliefs and he needed a revolution to do that, and revolution is always best fomented by stirring up people who are discontent already, in sufficient numbers. That's why the "workers" come into play, among a number of other reason (controlling production, etc).

The modern day equivalent of the "workers" Marx tried to use to achieve his ends would be the minorities, radical feminists, illegal aliens, fags, etc. Basically all the degenerates and parasites, because those people are discontent. The only other way Marx would be able to foment revolution today if he were alive would be to side with US, the actually oppressed and incredibly discontent people, the ones who are actually dangerous. He would never do such a thing of course considering (((his people))) control everything now and I doubt he would jeopardize that, but you get the point.

Well, he often talks about marxist science in his writing and it's something that comes up in other leftist drivel as well.
Basically a tactic to disguise an ideology as a science and to put it on a pedestal above all criticism.

I haven't paid attention to E-celebs since I was a libertarian several years ago, did he evolve?


Marxism and communism was largely a tool made to crush european christian monarchies.

You're free to look up who were primarily involved, checking out the composition of the first bolshevik government in Russia after the revolution is a good start.

He has changed quite a bit.

Molyneux has essentially gone from whatever libertarian-liberal guy he was in the old days to a full on Holla Forumsack. He doesn't ever name the jew directely, but you watch anything he's made in the past year alone and he comes to incredibly close to the JQ so often you know for certain the guy has bumped into the wall several times. He avoids mentioning it directly because he doesn't want kikes to take his stuff down, but it's pretty clear he knows about it, and he doesn't act like controlled opposition insofar as trying to distract or deflect people away from the truth.

In fact, I remember one video where he has Lauren Southern on, she was trying to promote her new book written on the subject of why our generation got fucked over, and Southern at the time working for (((Ezra Lavant))) of COURSE never said anything about the jews and I extremely doubt she did any research all on her own, but that's besides the point. The point is that she didn't name the jew, and because of this the comments on that video was absolutely awash in JQ comments. More than half the comments were basically calling her on her shit, like "you studied this subject and didn't come across the jews once? come on." Molyneux has never decried it either, even though his mom is jewish (and he hates his mom).

Watch a few of his videos at some point on Holla Forums-ish topics and you'll see he's nothing like he used to be. The only things I don't like about him are that he rambles on for much longer than he needs to, and he brings on e-celeb cancer to his show like Kike Thernobitch or Southern or PJW (who denied the JQ).


He's a Canadian, he's be imprisoned if he did.

Yeah, that guy is a fucking joke.

Well, he kinda likes the sound of his own voice. Still a good guy in my book.

Does Canada have holocaust denial laws?


Your second pic is fantastic. If anyone here hasn't read "Days of Rage" yet they need to.

uh wasnt Ernst Zundel prosecuted in Canada for "denying the holocaust" and publishing "holocaust denial/Nazi propoganda" ? Canada certainly does not have the same liberties of free speech as America, if even tacitly they are "supposed" to

No laws specific to "holocaust denial", to my knowledge, but they have very broad hate-speech laws that cover any criticism of jews.

You can't be prominent and name the jew in Canada, they've gone after people for it. True freedom of speech is practically nonexistent outside of America.

You can also be prosecuted for refusing to adress someone with their prefered pronouns, at least theoretically. Just a question of time before someone goes to prison for refusing to call a tranny xe or xir.


I'd heartily kek at the look on their face if one of those limp-wristed faggots ever looked into one of my work boxes and I told them how much real tools cost.
Yup kiddo, being a real man ain't easy or cheap. I would pay damn good money to watch these queers try and work on a tank…I'd be laughing all the way to the bank. My snapon steel is hungry for leftist blood

The problem isn't growing the food, it's harvesting, preservation, and shipment of food that's the problem.

As well as ridiculous demands from retarded consumers; try selling a batch of ORGANIC apples you know, the shit these faggots want and watch as they all turn up their noses because of a few bruises and scars.

Another vet here. I would certainly do literally anything to get rid of globalist scum of all stripes.

Molyneux's change of opinion over time is very similar to TRS or former lolbergs in genera.

Remind yourself that the US was created as a republic, without universal suffrage. Huge difference between that and direct democracy.

canada is a joke, you can go to jail for calling someone on the bus a faggot

I know it's your right to do that user but why would you?
Just because we can say it does not mean we should be dickheads to everyone.
Be polite. You never hear Hitler call random people names for no reason so follow his example. :)

Even Cantwell is now wanting the state to violently suppress the left.

there were no FB pages in the 80s and 90s, because social media didn't exist yet.And yes, they did argue endlessly with us on BBSes

It's interesting that the "far right" has cleaned up it's image from what they use to be in the 80 and 90s, and the left are quickly become more violent as the months go by.

I'm honestly curious as to whether or not Holla Forums has more former libertarians or former leftists. I was a leftwinger (socialist/environmentalist) before, and never went through a libertarian phase, which seems to be a bit more common.

More libertarians, I'd wager. Most of us came from old 4chan boards which were mainly libertarian.

I was on /new/ and never went libertarian.


Has been for over a year


The reason US is the most successful democracy, is because it's not a democracy.

Lol do you have anything to back this up or are you just bitching? Antifa is not about murder, it's about stopping violent speech that's illegal in most countries and against the peace clause of the First Amendment. That doesn't mean antifas haven't committed battery before but once again what you idiots don't get is that antifa isn't an actual organization. You showed this with Anticom, you showed it again when you set up those fake antifa accounts… Just stop Holla Forums.

This is only even a little bit accurate in America.
It wasn't intentional but all you did was showcase the gap in between the millennial working class and the dying working class.

Why do you faggots keep reposting this? Doesn't the grammar tip you off that this is a load of crock? He doesn't even know how to spell bourgeois, something any USSR native would know how to fucking spell. He also portrays redistribution of personal property and economic flight when oops, that's not what happened in either case.

What did this false-flagging faggot mean by this?
The kid making furry art is the working class you goddamn homo

Stefan is my favorite figure right now next to Richard Spencer.

No one under 50, highly educated and successful, and with a large audience, are as explicit about white genocide and white ethnic perseverance as these two. EVERYONE else either dances around it or are embarrassments.

Sharply enunciating words.

No, "let's kill all the Jews"

Tanks when?

What does humiliating us actually do though?


I've seen many antifa tanks, they just ain' looking hard enough.

Why do they think speech is punishable by the law? It is not illegal to hold nationalistic views. If free speech were punishable it would be the leftists who would be rounded up for their subversive ideas. I wonder what the police think about these people?….. oh jeeze here's that crazy smelly cat lady again with her non-sense complaints…. In a slightly better society she would be arrested for tying up the cops with useless complaints and she would get a psychiatric examination or pills for female hysteria.

Again female hysteria by her own admission.
I can't believe leftists are allowed to exist and run free to do what they please and ruin the lives country and culture of the entire west.

Democracy aka the Republic is a lie and sham it always was and things will never get better until that (soft) communist system is completely scraped.

sounds like a busy shitposting T_Der, they're probably all samefag.
Still, the reddit 'fash' thing is pretty funny considering you would've expected the admins to be on their side.

I guess they realised that after "the fash is bashed" that "cooking some porky" comes next.

I don't think they've realised we "lifehax'd" all that to death on halfchan ages ago. Shhhh, no one tell them!

In that case I hope they get a Sherman. You just know the guy that sells them that will be giving them the 1942 model

why are you even here?

Honestly, we could really make a difference here by joining r/anarchism and helping push them more and more to the extreme left, and encouraging them to be more and more violent.

Hey, this tactic has worked well for the FBI in fucking up white nationalist organizations and other right-wing groups. I don't see why we can't do the same thing.

And even if this post gets screencapped and shared among the LARPing anarchists, it would still sow discordance among their ranks, because they wouldn't know who's serious about escalating and who's just a shill trying to egg them on.

Get out.