This man walks up to you and tells you you have no self respect. What do you do?
This man walks up to you and tells you you have no self respect. What do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have no idea who that is.
nobody gives a shit about your tripcode bullshit
Is this all you guys do? Call each other out and snipe one another? Doesn't seem fun.
holy shit lel
This is cyber bullying, can you please stop. Think of the kittens…
tripfags to the wall
Who are these guys? I've been on Holla Forums since its inception and I have no idea who these adults are.
Having fun is bourgeois.
wasted dubs
Did you become an AnCom now, Rebel?
Rebel is Rebel, AW is AW and Yui is Yui. If you need more info than that kill yourself because you're probably on the right track and that's unacceptable.
You know that's prickly
Well, in the OP, the heart ('liking" Yui's post) is selected, indicating that the person who screenshot it was the one who liked it…
Besides, what he asked was too coherent to be Prickly.
No, i'm just sure rebel wouldn't do something like that
Of course it was Rebel, he is just more honest when drunk and deep down can't stand the intellectually fraudulent AW.
Honestly I have been hearing that not many people like AW and just put on an act around him.
Yeah, we honestly feed his ego in order to just get him to spew utter retardation for laughs.
kill all tripfags
Not true, by the way.
ban this clique please
A clique implies we're sitting at our special lunch table to which you're not invited. You can come on Mumble any time you want you want to stop hating and start debating. :)