Tfw you realize that more than half of stalinists and tankies were former nazis/fascists



No shit. For most of you politics is a fetish. It's an aesthetic and clothing line you put on to feel unique and better about your own monotony.

Fashy goys come to "the left" because they start to realize hey… maybe Skittles and Skypes aren't so yikes. But they still want that Saturday morning cartoon ideology that can piss off mommy and daddy.

The thing is ideology in itself exists within a vacuum. There were "left-wing" and "right-wing" communists to put it in a simple way… communism is not fascism, and could never BE fascism, but the sorts interested in "coverting" aren't enticed by the factual ramifications of a communist society, just want the video game Red Dawn shit of authoritarian romanticism but without all the other crap or at the utter most less apologies for private corporate abuses.

IN FACT… any real former fascist would tell you this is why the alt-right is doing so well. Libertarians and fascists very much are alike in that they're both edge lord Social Darwinists. They just think the relationship between state, people, and business works differently. For example libertarians think the market will ultimately have the skilled and hard working triumph, and only losers are poor. Fascists are much more cynical and believe in a state lobbied setup but do still think some people deserve to die as losers or own all the resources and step on necks as a winner.

Because they never grew up.
Just like leftypol.

I thought this is true, tho.

plural of goy is goyim

Zionist shill confirmed


What do you know about IQ?

yours is a dying ideology, cuck
the left is now about black lives matter and empowering people with cunts and those who pretend to have one

LLaA please go and stay go.

yeah nah mate piss off

who the fuck are you and why are you not in #anarcho? 10/10 post my famrade

My timeline alredy posted

Make me, gyrosnigger

What makes you think I am greek? Greece is run by communists and, redundantly enough, bankrupt.

Weren't you bitching about your ancestral homeland being ravaged before?


You got this information from your ass OP, most """""""""""""Tankies"""""""""""" i know were anarkidies that finally decided to read a book and stoped beliving liberal/capitalism propaganda.

You just made that shit up, user. All the stalinists I know are ex paedophiles who struggled in school and are still basically Nazis.

That's funny, all the Stalinists I know are former astronauts who love fingerpainting and shooting smack.

Are you serious about the ex-pedo part? Because both Stalinists I knew IRL were actually pedophiles.

I've only known one Stalinist IRL and I accurately described him. Stalinists generally only exist on the internet.

All the anarchists I knew in real life were pedophiles too.

I'm sorry to hear you met an anarchist at your pedophiles anonymous meeting.

yes i was the councillor thank your for your regards