What happened to these two? Sam deleted Charls from Steam and unfollowed him on instagram...

what happened to these two? Sam deleted Charls from Steam and unfollowed him on instagram. Is Charls no longer in MDE anymore? Tbh I'm liking Charls branching off and releasing his own content.

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Sources for anything you just said?

source what? Like a screencap of Sam's friendlist? Charls has also avoided questions about Sam on his streams. Something's up.

Who cares.

Sam ruined their shot in the big leagues with his retarded meme politics and his even dumber fanbase. If anything the loss of the show was good because the real talent aren't in a chain gang with a imbecile anymore and are free to pursue their own goals without feeling guilty about ditching the special ed kid. It all worked out great, now I'm just waiting for Sams inevitable spiral into nothingness.

Sam tried to come onto Charls and ended up begging to suck his penis when he turned him down. I hear they are still in touch but it's really awkward and they just stick to inane smalltalk now. The good days are gone.


Where were you when Scam Lyde Sham Dyed?

kill yourself. Sam is at fault for the shows cancellation, but it wasn't because of his political views it was because he got too big for his britches and started shit with people for laughs thinking there would be no consequences for his actions , most importantly trolling the shit out of that buzzfeed kike.


That was a direct result of his maymay politics. He was on a high horse because of the Trumpcuck surge, got too big for his britches and was rightfully kicked to the curb. It's mostly his fault but his sperglord fans played a part too.

Sam slapped Charls' girlfriend so Charls left Game Grumps and moved to New York to work on Jontron.

Good, Sam was dead weight. I would like to see Charls branch off and do his more creative esoteric black humor without the bumbling retard fucking it up. Maybe expand some of his ideas into a short film. He isn't as stupid as Sam so he probably saved his AS money. Use that to fund an indy film and get his name out there as a writer and director. Maybe do something to knock the aut-white so that he can further distance himself from drumpfcuck memepolitics.

Of course reddipol would lose their mind and denounce him while continuing to cheer on jewish trannyfucker Scambo. The lack of self awareness, pointless contrarianism, and cargoculting those larpagans do is ridiculous.

I thought it was combination of Tim Heidecker and Joe Bernstein that fucked him over. Pretty sure Charls and Nick were on the same wavelength as far as politics and humor. Don't think he "sabotaged" World Peace or any such twaddle you crypto-kikes are suggesting.

What are you talking about? leftypol hates Sam, why would they cheer for him?


Reddipol cries out as it strikes you

It was, which is exactly what I just said. Bernstein was the buzzfeed kike he trolled and treated like shit expecting there to be no consequences for it, he let the AS show go to his head and he got cocky. He also supposedly didn't get along with Eric Andre which is how he got on Heidecker's radar.

Their relationship went too far so they had to break it off.

They all have the same political leanings. What are you talking about?

Why are horsefuckers so mad?

Because Sam Hyde took some money from degenerate cloppers and they couldn't pay their favorite Devianart "artists" for a month to produce their degenerate pone crap. We're supposed to see this as a bad thing.

Why is Charls' steam account so shit?

Because games are for children and the only reason he has steam is because his fanboys kept pushing him to get one and bought him games.

That's not true because he's had his account for 13 years since 2004.

His steam level is higher than mine.

Why is there no e in his first name? Is it a hipster thing?

Basically yeah, he did it to distinguish himself.

Is that Margaret?

Bernstein was going to make a hitpiece whether Sam kissed his ass or not, similarly like they do with every right-wing figure. You don't bend over to left-wing journalists, you make them bend over to you. I have nothing but contempt for those dishonest narcissists and they'll rot in hell for bearing false witness.

Because thats his job?

Literally who?

Because they're a bunch of projecting homosexuals with legitimate autism (note is a perfect example). Once you anger a sperg they will screech and screech and screech and there's nothing else you can do but sit back and watch the tism tears flow.
This fag has been making Sam threads for most of a year now and there's no sign of him even considering moving on to something else (autists do love ceaseless repetition after all).

God no. Sam and Charles actually have taste.


good nose, hyde. get em, sambo. good luck with your paywall btw. i'm not sure splintering your ever dwindling fanbase from it's barely readable levels was a good idea, but the whole world SHOULD support you and that's the point.

Gosh i wish that was me

Charls' content is better than what MDE was producing.


Do you just copy and paste your posts now?
Having autism must be like a living hell.

Charls was the cancer that was killing MDE. He's completely unfunny.



Is she really tall or just standing on something?
Sam's like 6'03" and she seems to be like only several inches shorter than him

is this what autism looks like?