What does she smell like?

what does she smell like?

delicious curry

feces and curry incense

Dried up cum. his own cum

Like an old car and cigarettes


Armpit and curry. With just a hint of poo.


curry diarrhea

BASED pandering


yes, and we're meant to believe she had an American accent.

shitshow on all levels

This place is a hivemind of cookie cutter memes and shitposts

And they're only a few year apart in ages.


poo and coconut oil.

At least you've acknowledged you're part of the problem.

poo in loo is a reddit meme

t. fajeet



Wow so funny. You should post that on reddit and get lots of upvotes. They like repetitive phrases as comedy over there.




They're not genetic sisters, they just grew up together

wait, so there is literally no connection whatsoever making that segment even more pointless and destructive to the existing characters than it already was?

their connection was that they were both subjects of the government telepathy experiments. shared trauma.

did you miss the part where the pajeet has powers too?

Yes, along with about a dozen+ others

No, she was abducted from England, which is why she had a slight British accent, were you even paying attention?

which poohole?


Curryniggers all smell like shit. No exceptions.