The first round of the French Elections is held on Sunday, April 23rd from 8:00 AM to 7:00PM (GMT). If none of the 11 candidates gets more than 50% of the votes, there will be a second round on Sunday, May 7th between the two candidates who got the most votes.
Holla Forums already knows who will most probably be able to achieve this : MARINE LE PEN of the FRONT NATIONAL party.
There are other anti-EU candidates, but either they are commies (like Mélenchon) or are pro-nigger faggots (like Assinloo) or both.
Yeah, yeah, I know, there are fucking SHILLBOTS who spam every thread about France with the same shit.
Marion's biological father, Roger Auque, was a journalist who worked for the DCRI (French CIA), the CIA and the Mossad as a footnote of his career. He mainly assisted scouting operations in Shitfuckistan for a few shekels (1 month worth of journalist salary for 1 week of work).
He wasn't a Jew, he did not raise Marion (he was her biological father, but she learned that when he was diagnosed with cancer), and he had no ties with the Front National.
Source: the fucking shitty book of Roger Auque, Au Service de La République (I had to read this shit because of these faggot shills).
Marine's boyfriend, Louis Aliot, is a FN figurehead and is 1/4th jewish at most. He is catholic, and he is the grandson of an anti-lobbyist Algerian Jew who refused to be buried in a Jewish cemetery. So he is of Jewish blood, yes, but he's not Kushner kind of Jew He would have passed the Nuremberg laws.
Sylvain Crépon, Enquête au coeur du nouveau Front National, 2012
Le Monde Politique, 2011 (
Jean-Marie is /ourguy/. He is the original shitposter. As the founder of the FN, and presidential candidate, he said that the gas chambers were "merely a detail of history", and he said about some kike that he'll "put a batch in the oven next time". A true poet.
But as you may or may not know, in cucked France antisemitism is felony and, with constant shitposting like that, Jean-Marie could very well ban the entire FN party from the elections. So Marine kicked him out of the party Presidency (he is still the Honorary President of the FN though).
Yeah I know, Marine worked very hard to polish the FN image during the past years (bringing in faggots for example) while the French people radicalized themselves. Who knows, maybe she'll grab more votes because of that. But what's sure, is that she constantly has to walk on eggs and deal with the inconsistency of her politically correct tendencies with the core values of the FN, which are brought up every day by the MSM.
The two still show themselves as irreconcilable since 2012, but we're talking about a father and his daughter. That may very well be public posture to focus the antisemitic attacks to him. We'll see after her election.
So what ? The 7 most important French freemason lodges are openly anti-FN.
Source: Libération, 2017 (
So what ? The CRIF (the French AIPAC) and the LICRA (the French ADL) are openly anti-FN.
The fucking CRIF itself, 2017 (
The fucking LICRA itself, 2017 ( and vid related
That's probably why Israel itself boycotts the Front National and attacks them every time it can. Last time Nicolas Bay, a FN official, visited Israel, as soon as he presented himself he couldn't meet anyone relevant. If the FN wanted to prove it's not kosher, it would not have done it otherwise. Or it's 1488D pétanque by Netanyahu.
France24, 2017 (
Le Figaro, 2017 (
Le Parisien, 2017 (
Yeah, despite everything that was said up there, the FN still wants to PR its way in the jewish electorate. The result ? 14% of the Jewish vote in 2012. Zionist as hell, amirite ? No, the jews vote Macron.
Source: i24, 2017 (
Wew lad. Still, repelling the gay marriage is in the FN platform (proposition n°87). And the traditionalists still form a strong radical group of the party, with Marion (and based Jean-Marie) at its head. Don't expect them to normalize shitdickery.
ANYWAY, whenever you catch a post saying hysterical nonsense like "jewish neo-con hasbara puppet zionist kike", FILTER AND REPORT. This bot's only goal is to derail the thread, and it will succeed if you reply to him.