IGN's review is out

IGN's review is out

Captcha: HIP WUZ

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post yfw you never gave these fuckers money




Color me surprised.


When even IGN is shitting on you, you know you fucked up


I can cut through the hypocrisy with a knife in here

Score seems a little too high for me.

instead of just spamming this thread with reaction pics

how about we ask our selves
why did this game took this long to come out ?

They knew the game wasn't good and tried to fix it.


Horrible management, Dina

Good. I don't want Capcom digging up MM's grave too.

What kind of fucking retard decided a ramming boss should survive at least 10 minutes of punishment while doing the same ridiculously easy pattern?

they spent resources on trying to make it a franchise before the first game was out

whole 4 minutes without a single yfw reply.
maybe it is true, that hundreds of (1) ids are fake.


It feels so good.

They were probably hoping that more people would donate so they wouldn't have to do any real work.


Check it out asshole. Phase 1: Not-Yellow Demon.
Phase 2: What the fuck starring weight:∞

Ending starring a slideshow of two still images

God Hand was a good game

Oh and the sword ability makes you invincible while attacking. Amazing design there.


Welp, it fucking begins.


After that it was just going to go to shit.

Inafune's whole plan was to make a MM game and sell it back to Capcom. It was a con from the start, but plan A fell through.

Hello Mr. Shill.
The thing is that we complain that the minimum score is 8 so here there are two possibilities.
1) Their game is shit and they didn't pay the good score fee
2) Their game is so shit that even IGN couldn't have gotten away with giving them more than that.

Reminder that technically, 5.6 is slightly above average.
Really shows that their notation system is fucked up.

Too good

Didn't they hire some SJW "girl" to design robots ?


Inafune thought that he could ride on Mega Man nostalgia with Mighty No. 9 even further after people gave him their money by throwing shit like a cartoon series and making shit into either DLC or stretch goals. Why else would he have the game delayed?

He was right to point out people looking at reviews
You make an obvious point that doesn't invalidate the fact people like to see Metacritic and IGN for opinions, even when they are used to point out "evev IGN couldn't get away with it"

Wake up, see this. Yup, it's gonna be a good day


The Jew got outjewed



You wake up at 3 am?

Apparently they delayed it to implement a multiplayer feature (though I would take Inafundme's excuses with a grain of salt). Which begs the questions:
1. Who asked for multiplayer in a Megaman ripoff?
2. Why not just release it as a patch later?


Jesus fucking christ that's brutal

God Hand is not a popular franchise though. IGN seems to like giving franchises big scores.

Being out-Jewed.

I guess you're right.
I also like to see IGN giving 8.8s.
It's funny both ways. It's actually sad


Don't you have fags to shoot ?

Holy fucking niggers on a kike stick, IGN shits all over them.

I mean, it's not like I was expecting something but… well, I'm impressed.

So I've wondered on something. Is Azure Striker Gunvolt any good? Is it worth a pirate?

basically it's bullshit


Did you notice how that thing uses mfw on Twitter?

scary isn't it

Seriously, wasn't there some test footage early on that resembled it but was much more detailed in 2D?

If it was in 2D it was probably just a mockup to fool people into backing it.


Is it even legal to shit out such a sack of shit for 4 million dollars? I mean there are examples of much better MM clones that don't have a fraction of that amount.

Holy fuck, that Lebanese whore really fucking shoe horned herself into the game.



I think we are starting to realize that big names are just that.

There are a lot more to games than the directors.

Yeah, I'm too lazy to look it up but it definitely existed.

This actually brings out a question. Who actually was responsible for X/Zero/ZX/Legends/Battle Network being good?
A team left behind in capcom? Another director? WHOOOOOOOOOO?

That won't stop niggers thinking one or two people are entirely responsible for a game. Look at how many still suffer double-think with Blizzard North staff despite everything they've put out since Diablo 2 being shit.



Couldnt even get past 6.0



Everyone else.

Horrible management, misuse of funds, certain (former) employees stealing funds and changing the direction of the game for a twisted and disgusting political agenda and her own satisfaction instead of trying to make it a good game in the spirit of Mega Man, especially since the game advertised itself as a spiritual successor to Mega Man.

Everyone also had no intention of making a good game. They think they can just get something funded they shit out a mediocre product that will sell.



She was a PR agent. She had a clear job, with clear goals and milestones. Developers are the same, they get paid to make a thing.
If you're a toyota production line worker you don't ask for a cut of every truck sold do you?

well, for what it's worth, between this and MGSV I've stopped putting weight on names.


Reminder that people are going to be streaming this pile of shit and there are going to be people in their chat defending this travesty.

Might be a good sauce of salt.

It's not like anyone really expected anything else, but this is still absolutely fucking hilarious to me.

After this whole journey, it's finally here. This is the end of an epic saga.
After one of the most successful kickstarters of all time, after Inafune exploiting people's nostalgia for Mega Man, after high hopes, 'Best Call' polls, and FOUR MILLION DOLLARY-DOOS.
After Dina, and community fuckery, and forced agena pushing. After delays, and leaks, and delays, and begging for more cash, and more delays. After shitty trailers and awful art and promises that Comcept was going to bring you the moon. It's finally here. The journey is over, and it's released. And they have abso-fucking-lutely nothing to show for it.

It's a shit game, and noone likes it, and it will be forgotten about after months.

Excuse me while I play the world's smallest violin.

what are chances for mods?
i want moonman mod killing black nigger robots and better gameplay
with a notice promoting the piracy of this game

Oh, I understand that user, don't get me wrong. But the premise that she WOULD be paid a cut if we had a Communist economic system is far more bizarre and nonsensical than what you're laying out there.


This is now a dance thread.



It reminds me of an article I read about Batman Arkham Asylum before they upgraded their engine.

Apparently Eidos Interactive had someone spend 2 years working on nothing but Batman's cape. If I remember correctly it had something around 600 or so different animations and sounds just for the cape. Just reading that article stopped me from admiring studio heads and start appreciating the small guys working their asses off on stuff people might not even notice.



It's an awkward Mega Man Zero clone in general movement and its system of tagging and then holding Y to pump the enemy full of electricity is your only attack that's not a screen-clearer.

There's that one character that you're beaten a bit over the head as supposedly being multiple genders but he's also more of a hermaphrodite (and maybe not even given he's just an asshole with illusion powers changing his appearance as perceived by other people constantly), represents the sin of Lust, and moreover is killed by a neo-paladin before you even get the chance to fight him.

I remember when using "my face when" was considered cancer.


Absolutely savage, damn

Sorry, I forgot we're on the modern scale of 5 to 10.

It's tedious, looks bad, plays clunky and badly optimized. However, it's a "finished" product that not 100% unplayable, doesn't seem to crash randomly (so far) and it's gameplay does work, even if it's bad.

5.6 seems fine as it's not 100% broken and even if we used the 1 to 5 scoring system, 2.5 is about what's expected for a mediocre, yet playable experience.

How can you fuck up something that badly?

I literally can not wait for this trainwreck to come out and to pirate it.
I haven't been this excited about a game in a long time.

I'm not even a perfectionist when it comes to vidya, but this is some grade SSS bullshit.

Double dubs speaks truth

I think what breaks a combo is if you fuck up a 100% dash/absorb thing.







The great "mfw" vs "my face when" War has long been forgotten.

Sweet schadenfreude.

I hope the new ghostbusters reviews are this tasty.

How long did it take them to finish this again?



Personally I found the whole "feels" period far worse. At least with "mfw" people weren't posting rage-face-tier feel-guy edits.

I'm gonna need sauce on this one.


I remember when I first started to lurk I thought that mfw meant my feel when.
I'm glad that time is behind us though, I don't know where nostalgiafags got their fake memories from but if anything, things used to be worse.

Only mighty #9(s) in this thread.






4 years , 4 nines for Mighty number 9

Meme magic is real!

user. When people say "things used to be better" they are talking about a period before "feels" were even a thing. You fucking newfag

Don't forget the $4 million

That's pretty gay of you, user

Well, back then I didn't even know how to speak english. French websites were always shit though, I can testify to that. Especially those faggots who think they're the french 4chan

Thank you faggot

To be fair I also only started lurking around early 2008, and people from back then say that's the period where things went to shit. Though I think 2011 was far worse because that's when ironic shitposting went into critical overdrive and people started tearing threads apart while yelling about reddit.

There is no words or images I can post to properly express my smug.



4 million bucks and not a single time to pay for reviews? maybe IGN and others are just being spiteful for the firing of Dina, maybe if she were still there they would give the game 9-10/10

Is Inafundme going to kill himself soon?

The second one is perfect.



I think that the worst period in recent memories were the Fallout 4 period with all the "ironic shilling".
I can't believe people fell for that shit meme.

holy fuck

In my old schools, an F+ was a 60 - 65%

To be honest, the ironic shilling didn't anger as many people as ironic shitposting did, nor did it derail as many threads. Only retards got flustered about it and only retards were motivated to actually buy the game.

4 million dollars and these idiots forget to buy a 10 from IGN.

he's referring to that "combo dash" from that pizza trailer

Mighty No 9.5.

Oh wait those last two digits need to be upside down . . .

That was really well put. A lot of respect for this review/reviewer.

Nope. It is extremely easy and boring. Your weapons are too strong, and require no skill at all. The challenge isn't about beating the levels, as that is a given, it is about getting a good score, which is not required at all to progress. Also, there is a tranny robot that everyone refers to with Xim/Xer pronouns. Seriously, you are trying to kill this thing, and you are worried about using its preferred pronouns? Anyway, it is seriously one of the most disappointing games I've ever played.

The free game that came with it Mighty Gunvolt (an "8-Bit" re-imagining of the game, I think it now costs $5 though.) is a MUCH better game, but can be completed in about half an hour.


Either that or the IGN staff were believers who feel burned by all the bullshit. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it turned out that Dina had labelled game journos "misogynist" over trivial disagreements and banned them.


Why is she 9/11ing a bed?

Ign are outside the sjw clique mostly, they are the most trustworthy review site left



The owner fucking bought both Gametrailers AND Gawker.

someone at ign did there job correctly wtf?
seriously that was a pretty good review

I'm glad I held my shekels back until they settled on the art style. That alone settled it for me.

I'm not one to let graphics be the deciding factor, but really, you couldn't make it look uglier if you tried.

It looks so lifeless and bland.

The same goes for the gameplay.

Reminder that kikestarter never leads to anything good.

Ign never followed the others in attacking gg, they are the best mainstream review site left.

Kill yourself.

Wouldn't be the first time she called in a white knight to defend her. I don't think I'll ever forget this. Guy actually went nuclear after this and started blaming his fans for him being a failure, and selling off his Happy Meal collection. I only have a screencap of the spergout and some archives of the toys being sold though.

meant for

So i am watching someone play it right now and dam it just looks so bad and the feel for the game isn't really like megaman. I think gunvolts did a better job as a megaman like game


because conman was scaming everyone

next question

She is being ironic because she actually supports communism.


Jesus Christ, a 5.6? I didn't know IGN gave ratings that low.

I want the source.
Give me the source.

A team who didn't know what they were doing combined with a manager who couldn't direct the team.

wew lad
They may not be apart of the SJW crowd, but they're Doritos Pope-tier.


They are by the most trustworthy mainstream site. Unless you can tell me another

Inafune knew it was going to be shit and simply delayed the game to avoid the inevitable.

He's a business man, not a developer.

Not that im comparing this shit to those games.

What a limpdick faggot.

I never knew an F+ actually was used. I've never seen a school that used anything but: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F.


Where's E?
europoor here, we use a 1-5 and a 1-10 grading system here

Fuck off Val, you retarded frog.

Inafune didn't have the money to bribe them probably.

You are replying to the Ralph shill, retard, not Val.

i want videos
videos like these
just look at his face when he goes full denial

feels good


I think the lack of an "E" letter grade is a relic of how the system originated. I believe they all used to stand for a word, with "A" actually being a bad grade, standing for "Awful." Over time, the letters lost their meaning, except for "F," which still stands for "Fail."

So, "A" through "D-" don't stand for any word right now, they are just the passing grades. I guess some schools in the U.S. do actually use "E" instead of "F," and some use "U" to stand for "Unsatisfactory."

Where is this mayonnaise stealer from?


laughin' rite wit ya, bee

wait until the end


I guess it's more like an Okay No. 9

Generally, in my country you get a % score and a mark. Either S or US, Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.

we need a webm of him saying "they wouldn't have just pissed away four million dollars in funds" and the silence as he looks at the camera


i know right
you know that reaction was true
when you are so in denial that you are grasping in the controls to be a good thing





It doesn't have a single "Mighty" score. lmfao

How long until CrowbCat makes a video on this tragedy?

Weak No 9 confirmed




-Keiji Inafune

Let's see if he keeps his promise.


We wuz bullets n shieet


get ready for a fucking salt mine

Communist societies like Soviet Union, North Korea and Nazi Germany tend to be extremely results-based. Meaning if you don't deliver direct results in the comrade God-Emperor's eyes, then you are a parasite and need to be exterminated.

I'm ready Marche.

Not only that but remember all the shit he has planned for mn9. A sequel, animated series, movie and he is still working on that game that he couldnt kickstart.

We need more of thee smugolages.

Well he's got 4 million shekels to do it

Whats up with that filename though

No clue, saved it as original filename when I downloaded it.



Why would someone ever take their wife's surname?

cause it's "progressive"


I bet you shitlord don't even get pegged by your wife.

In the race to become the most humble, subservient numale you can be, everyone loses.

Nu-males on the uprising.

here you go fam

no idea why it's doing the blur thingy


Is Inafune literally incapable of telling the truth? Is EVERY SINGLE THING a lie?

Isn't it basically every man's dream to pass down their name, even though you may be dead you still live on just like your ancestors lived on through you.

There's a reason men have wanted boys through the years.

thanks fam

user, that's patriarchal and oppressive

They don't give a shit about today let alone legacy.


Literally me.

Yeah, the modern man in Western societies doesn't really have that "tribal" sense of himself at all. Go to some place in Syria or Central Asia, and you'll find guys who can trace the line of the ancestors back to ancient times and take tremendous pride in that sort of stuff

The modern Western nu-male can't even trace himself further than his great-grandparents, if even that. Why the hell is he gonna give a shit about his own legacy when he hardly cares or knows who he is or where he came from?


Personally, I find legacy pointless. My family from my grandfather's side had a legacy and that legacy was trashed. Being an aristocrat while Russia was turning bad, he went into Eastern Europe. The communists destroyed that legacy. That's why I view legacy as pointless. I think anyone can become the greater sum of their parts with effort. Taking on your wife's name is fine. After all, if you truly want to be remembered in history, it's your own name, not the name of your family that truly matters.


Asashio from Kantai Collection. Second remodel soon.

Kek, speak for yourself americuck.

Top kek mate, the only cuck here is you

God is real and his vengeance absolute

You sound like a faggot.
Just because your ancestors did something great doesn't mean you can just sit around jerking off.
If anything you should strive to do even better than them because you have alot to live up to.
Kill yourself


stop ID hopping cuckchan scum

I don't care what my ancestors did. I'm not them. I am me and I should drive my own destiny. I don't want to be like them, I want to be like me. Perhaps you find those traditions good. I personally don't. Within those traditions are other weaknesses. Just like with the current newly formed conceptions from Carl Marx. In the end, would you rather your family to be the important one or you yourself? Would you forget about your own existence because of your so called legacy?

He's after attention, stop giving him attention. How fucking hard is not to do that?

*starts charging rasengan*

here is a close-up

and to think i didn't believe in meme magic


You should make a 3 or 5 second one of his just laughing at the explosions. Basically sums up the internet reaction to the game.

Are you retarded?
Are you not able to read?
I said you have to do your own shit and forge your own path, but to throw all that aside and take some random cunts name is something only a nu-male faggot with no respect for himself would do.


Does a name change who you are? I don't care about the second name. And in the end, if 2 people love each other, it's their own choice, not yours. It's not a nu-male thing to do something if they love that person. It's a nu-male move to do it because someone else told them to. Like wearing only the male name because of "tradition".

Kill yourself cuck.



Same to you, user.

I bet you'd be okay with being cuckold aswell.

Fuck that. I think that's stupid and just a fetish.


God, whoever made that pic is retarded.

There's only one reason to take your woman's name and that is if your own name is horribly emberassing and retarded. Now since there aren't many men named dickcheese, only few men take their spouses name.

I just believe in the love of 2 people. It's up to the couple.


Fuck off faggot stop lying, your willing with your wife taking over the relationship you just need a little motivation from her and then you'll be on with her fucking Jamal.

Remember how a lot of people were worried that Dina was purposefully filtering complaints because she's a cunt and let the development team think everything was roses?

Notice how her leaving coincides with the sudden chain of delay after delay. It's because the devs suddenly became aware of the millions of complaints people had about the game.


You are a man, right?


He'll probably suck Jamal and Trayvons dicks after they are done banging his wife and daughter.

No shit, that spiteful cunt played a huge role in the games development simply by being a bridge between the devs and the people.

Nigger, what kind of an argument is that? Of course they need to make the decision themselves, but that doesn't mean you can't talk about whether it's a good one or not.
It's like games really. You can buy whatever you want, but that doesn't mean people won't rip on you for having shittaste.

I noticed that.
There's a bunch of mudslimes and mudslime apologists telling him to stop because it "makes Islam look bad".

Cuckolding is just an excuse to cheat on the person you're dating. Heck, I don't get what makes black people so special.


You clearly are an idiot.

Wew lad

I started lurking around end 2005, early 2006 and it was pretty alright. 08 to 09 is when things turned shit.


Why not? Relationships are nice.

Reason you usually see these women that cuckold their husbands having interest in niggers is because it's supposed to be so taboo, they think it's the ultimate fuck you to the "Patriarchy".

wow fucking shitlord don't you know love is sexist
it's all about casual sex and prostitution you regressive bigot

That honestly looked like the worst part. Looks like it would be annoying as fuck to be constantly mashing the dash button non-stop from start to end for the entire fucking game.

This is why I consider sjws to be the biggest racists and sexists. I also think men and women should be allowed to fight and punch each other if they want true equality.

I dunno. Maybe your wife's family is loaded, and you have to take the family's name in order to get some of that cash.

You poor, innocent fucker, user.


I love beating women up viciously if they try and get physical with me.
If anyone tries to give me any shit i brush them off saying that i believe in equality of the sexes, and if they don't back off i threaten to kick their teeth down their throat.


That's sort of my idea to it. If they really want equality in absolutely everything, allow that.

narrator starts
explosion shown
hello darkness my old friend
soul crushing doubt is creeping in, a cold chill enters the bones

If nothing else, that 4 million dollars created the ripple that created that video reaction.


Haha yeah, keep it real homie

You've noticed the feminist reaction to the new draftlaws in murica I presume?

Draftlaws? Can you explain? I'm a Europoor.


8ch.net/pol/res/6381061.html#top Let the salt flow

Lurk more.

Drafting means you're forced to serve in the military, it usually goes into effect in wartime.
There are new laws going in place where women can get drafted.

Fuck off, I still had it open in a tab and its faster to copy paste the url

That's amazing.
That's what happened when we removed the shitty communistic system which is why our army is so shit. Sure, remove the draft. Pretty sure the Mudslimes would love an opportunity to invade the US.

I don't go to Holla Forums and I haven't noticed this post. My bad.

Fucking kek





God damn I'm going to die from all this salt today.

History speaks for itself user. Every empire eventually falls apart.

Except the downfall of the United States will occur within.

Civil war, civil unrest, etc will do the job.


I wonder if he really is going to kill himself before this month ends.

pros: awesome game that is awesome
cons: insults anime fans

also ign sucks and their review are stupid
honestly i'm surprised they didn't give this a 7 or 8 out of 10 like the usually do for anything that isn't a SJW "game"



and you think the US without a draft is significantly weaker to attacks on its soil? especially by MENA countries that are so depleted from constant infighting?

especially considering the sheer budget of the US military.

Seeing how the politics work within progressive and non progressive states, it's not out of the question that some will demand an Islamic rule. All of this just because people are caring about power and profit too hard.

The way the US is setting up the military, I can see real separatism happening. If they aren't in union there's a real chance that they'll become incredibly weak, even with the big budget.


Top Kek

Only reason I can see is if her name is very prestigious in which case you might want it, still don't see any reason not to take on both names in that case.

That's mostly genetics, name is nice and all but the important thing is that you spread your genes. Then again if you take your wife's name there's a good chance you're the kind that would raise another man's child.


what the fuck did they spend $4 million on

The TV series and movie.

ok why

Indivisible, finding someone to make and market indivisible, Red Ash, finding someone to make and market Red Ash, diversity points, blow, cocaine after Dina swallowed, and Inafune's bank account.

Is that the monkey loli from Klonoa 2?

how is inafune connected to indivisible, i thought that was the creators of skullgirls

Yes, from years ago when some user Bought Namco High and storytimed it

Another shitty thing with no chance of being good, and suffered still more from having money funneled from it

As a person who actually uses all 10 numbers, rating a game at 5.0 basically means "it's a game".

It's at least to the point where it's playable. if there are problems, you bring them up and deduct points. if it does something outward and unique, it gains points if it's positive to the experience.

Most people don't use logic in scoring though.


It is. I fucked up.

Were past the bump limit so fell free to tell me everything.



Thread Theme

I dont think enough people care about this game for it to work like fo4

Best to milk existing buyers

Officially the statement is that the entire outlet just wasn't profitible, which makes sense because they were charging something like $15 to get friendzoned by Homestuck characters. They had the creator on the team is as well. There was some groundswell about how much he actually cost to license the characters and give his approval, but I don't think that ever really came to light. Even if untrue they spent an absurd amount shilling this thing, with little to no effort in actually building it or supporting the comics they actually produced.

impressive, very nice


Can I get a source on that Korean comic book adaptation?

The rapeman.




shit. i fucked it up.

Gonna fix it


Good game, Con man. Good game.

I mean even cheesing the yellow devil requires a tiny little amount of skills, this is just sad.

Nice to see they didn't remove debug, just refined it into a "feature".

How the fuck was she the manager of anything?


