Annoying characters

Which characters in vidya annoyed that fuck out of you?

This game is not even out yet and he's already cringeworthy.

I almost thought that this was a supercut of ceingy one liners being uttered by the mc but turns out its a legit gameplay video. Platinum really dropped the ball with this one, whoever is the director responsible for this one should be fired.

not surprised

I wonder if Platinum really just wanted to get this one out of the way. They seemed to do that twice with Activision but their talent actually shined through when they worked on something they wanted to.

This cunt was the worst companion in the zelda series.

Are game developers even trying anymore?

I want to believe in Kamiya but god this feels like the Donte version of Nero.

The gameplay looks pretty uninteresting too. And it's FUCKING WINDOWS 10 EXCLUSIVE YOU FUCKS



Every single one of the companions in NWN2.

The whole tsundere loli archetype.
The worst fucking shit ruining japanese industry.

Manime amirite? Anime Jojo not Anime Moe. Praise Kenshiro.

Actually excessively gay characters are annoying as fuck too.



Charmy the Bee.

I could listen to Laura Bailey read a dictionary, so Serana's occasional repetitiveness never bothered me.

all deres are shit
if a games characters can be accurately summarized in a single word the writers need to be fired

Everyone except Breen and Freeman.

i disliked her so much i pretty much ignored her entire social link

he's a fucking floating gun, why they gave him a fucking face is beyond me

love it when triggered weebcucks are reduced to blubbering pseudo-sentences when someone dares not like their terrible garbage.

This faggot right here.

Absolutely, her voice is so smooth and wonderful.

I actually had fun with all the PSU series games, but that's probably because combat felt much more smooth compared to PSO. That being said, nothing will ever top PSO.

Love it when triggered "mature" kids start spouting "cuck" when presented with literally any situation.

No offense user but why should anyone take you seriously if you don't know anything about anime? In fact you already outed yourself. My prediction: next you're going to say something about how Japanese voices sound weird.

You're supposed to post cute girls, not act just as dumb as they are.

I just wish they released that revamped edition of PSU two to the US with the extra race.

Everyone in tales of the abyss

Same for this game. The protagonist never shuts up.

I actually need your help on this Holla Forums, because I don't know why I found him so annoying. I really did not like him and I can't for the life of me remember why.
For some reason KOTOR was the first real video game my parents let me get. I haven't played it since I was about nine years old, and recent attempts to play it once more were stopped by apparent incompatibility with Windows 7, so I have no way to go back and figure it out.
I have no idea what Carth did to make me dislike him so much; I don't remember anything about him other than that dislike. It was probably something completely superficial, given how young I was at the time. But it bugs me to not know why.

Did anyone else find him annoying, and if so, why?

everything in that game is annoying as fuck execpt the physcis puzzles and the secondary fire mode of the alien machine gun

He whines about trust and shit then suddenly starts wanting to fuck you.

That's his entire characterization.

Because after surviving a shipwreckage and escaping an exterminatus toghether he still bitches about trust and whatnot.
Also he gets mad at you whenever you choose darkside, which is very fucking annoying if you go down the best path.

This fucker.
For one he is so out of place design wise, being a farm pig with big glasses and buck teeth.
For two if you are trying to 100% a level you are going to die a lot getting all of those jumps just right. Which isn't even a problem since lives are piss easy to get.
But every time you start at that check point there this fucker is waving his little flag, it's like he is calling me a casual for trying to get all the collectables.
But the worst part is there is no option to disable him.

Nigga plz.

Yukari is the best choice.

also voiced by Bruchete.


that looks radical dude, the nips did it again, where can i preorder?

That is true, but Yukari was designed well as a tsundere. She only responds aggressively if you say stupid shit or act like a fool. Junpei was Junpei and that's why Yukari was a bitch to him. If you hang out with Yukari as the main character, she isn't aggressive or bitchy to you at all. She also responds to blatant wrongdoings instantly and with tact. She has a fiery temper, but she doesn't let it control her

Therefore, best girl.


I actually quit this game before entering the very first dungeon because I could not stand this fucking character. That's not something I've ever done. I wanted to like the game. I don't mind wagglan and thought it would be cool with the motion+. Does it get any more tolerable as you progress or is she really the most annoying creature ever created by man?

You thought Xenoblade X was ruined by the localisation. How wrong you were.


this is sarcastic, right?

this is the epitome of everything wrong with voiced protagonists


As for most annoying character, this guy wins the prize without contest.

It's like you don't want a rich waifu to support your gaming habits.

Please, she's a super popular bitchy girl who's got daddy issues

Nah, Donte is a try-hard edgelord. Scalebounder (don't know his name) is just a dweeb who thinks he's cool.

Fuck that noise. Mitsuru would probably keep you on a leash even if you met her standards. If she gets bored with you, which will happen eventually, he'll dump your unemployed ass. Just look at Akihiko. He probably made some advances on her in the past, but only managed to stay in her friendzone.

Are you telling me you would choose the character writing of a literal robot, a prodigy that just so happens to be smart AND wealthy and an anemic shy girl that is bland as toast over the only character that is somewhat believable? Cliche as she is, she does'nt hit you over the head with it, unlike the rest.

There is a reason why a lot of people only complain about not being able to kill children in Bethesda titles.

It really makes you think

I'm not gonna argue that Yukari isnt the best written out of the girls because she is but she's still a cliche and not the kind that pushes my buttons i'm sorry user

what are you talining bro
he is totally radical, definilly i want to be as awesome as him…

that is the far i can go. how do you reach that level of cheeseness?


It's alright, I respect your decision.

Do you like the delicious brown that is Yuko?

I mean, you see the other players going Sonic the Hedgehog on the monster with their dragon and performing sick combos, but the main player just hangs back and shoots arrows/vomits flame.

Yukari got loads better once you started making progress on her social link.

But Aigis was best.


This little shit must be by far the most annoying, retarded, and downright detestable character i have ever had the displeasure to be with in any videogame ever.

I thought he was going to be a party memeber like riki, but no, he just follows Lin lee all day like a fucking dog. They make the same damn OH IM GOING TO EAT TATSU joke every single fucking chapter and have to self awareness about how stale and bad the joke has gotten. Its like as if the writers for tatsu and lin lee have some form of autism.

Rikky was a far better noppon than Tatsu, i thought the XcX devs would have made the character like rikky, maybe even better with his own unique and interesting personality, that would have been completely acceptable. But no, they just legit made a mentally retarded 4 year old in a meatbags body which whenever speaks makes me want to shoot it in the fucking face.

Alex was almost right, Xenos need to be purged, but only the shitty nig brained noppon such as Tastu.

Kamiya is the director for this one

You're one of the faggots who was shitting on Revengeance soundtrack at release.

That's what I meant.

Entire FFX cast, except Auron

Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri

Venom Snake, his silence is literally more irritating than Huey or Quiet's humming

and you people doubted the mind of Tameem

Didn't Kamiya wanted to make the MC a loli and got shafted by the western publisher?

you better prepare that mexican mods boy

so i heard the rumosr but never saw any source for that

The claimed reason I heard was that they wanted a PC who could actually participate in combat rather than just watching the dragon do what it was told. I don't see why you couldn't just let the loli fight, but they still changed it, so it may well have been a publisher thing.
I must say, I would be FAR more interested in the game if it starred a magic loli, instead of a not-Donte douche thrown into a fantasy universe from the modern world.

One of the many reasons I stopped playing this piece of crap