The safest way is from the rear

what did she mean by this?

that the story is shit?

That to prevent pregnancy, you should perform anal sex.

How darw you make thread i don't like
Tenplate thread!

It means your double dubs is the dubs that surpasses Anal Gear.

holy shit this model is terrifying. has it aged badly or what

An even greater twin dubs?! Snake. Snake? Snaaaake!

No, it means that you are an underagefag with shit taste.

Anal is natures condom

holy shit, you sure showed me!

I sure did, and don't come back.

Okay daddy!


It means she loves anal


it means she cleaned out

She has a ridiculously thick man neck from that angle, but I don't really see what you could mean otherwise.

in EVA's medical history she actually had proctitis, most commonly spread through, you guessed it, anal intercourse.

and yet you ask what it could mean

I swear; Kojima must be autistic in some way. He's such a shit writer, but I love everything he's done because it's just so dumb. His humor is on the tier of twelve year old recess humor. I like his stuff for the same reasons I think Total Recall is the best movie ever made.

What did he mean by this?


That's exactly what I meant.

Sorry daddy, I forgot my keys!

It means you can stick it in her pooper after you're done dragging her out of the forest, but not before tranqing her of course.

That means snake should stay in his shed while she gets blacked.


You are so up your ass that is funny.

