SJWs Devs Are Killing VR in it's Cradle

Every game is pussy as fuck. I only know of one game where you can shoot a 3D object that looks like a person. All enemies are either shapeless blobs of color, aliens, zombies, robots, minecrap blocky figures, etc. And that's only in those rare occasions where the game allows violence because most VR games are faggy overblown mobile games made for housewives.

Pic related is the developer of an gun simulator game. It's one of the most popular "games" for VR right now called Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades.

SJW "muh violence in vidya" fags are going to kill it and shortly after kill gaming in general until it's just housewife shit left.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's fine, VR needs to die anyway.

This is how Germans must feel like playing their censored games where every person is replaced with some faggy shit like pic related.

The game that got shit on for having guns at all?

Yeah. Dude is a giant faggot.

t. VR Dev

I like this part. I know that's some sort of faggy, but as a chinese i know the pain of people where you can kill my brothers in blood.

What the fuck
That's absolutely fucking retarded
The only way that statement would make any sort of sense is if he replaced "international" with "interplanetary", because only a goddamn alien would think shooting humans is an inherently race-based political thing



So wait does the game not have guns or normal people targets anymore?

Wasn't the whole point for the thing to be a VR shooting range?

Classic pseudo-intellectual

This shit won't sell in any measurable way once VR has reached a non-hipster install base.
Guess what will sell well. Guess where it's made.
The first big crash wasn't global. The next one won't be global. It might be overdue but especially for VR, it'll come quickly and bring change for the better. Choose your VR platform wisely.

VR eroge when

I don't know user. But this is clearly rayciss.

All in one post nigger confirms himself in being the thing he says doesn't exist. Fucking socjus are the real life bad guys and I'd love to kill him everyday. Tell him he's a villain that I wanna kill in his own game.

People like this piss me off, talk like a normal fucking person, nobody but san-fran faggots that sniff their own farts talk like this in real life to one another like real human beings, you have to be really far up your own ass to constantly remind everyone how amazing your vocabulary is and how spidery and prim your wording can be.

So SJW's are doing something useful for once. Let the gimmick die.

Guess I'm going to have to pick up the slack and make a game exclusively about killing mainland gooks.

Poorfag pls. They're coming for 2D gaming as well. Apparently you haven't been paying attention.

Look on the bright side tho, if they kill video games you'll actually have some money for once.


Shills these days have no imagination.

Why does his name have rust in it is he from the faggot development team.

Where did you read that? I'm talking about your average games.

Ah i see, i thought you were responding as in the VR is coming to 2D games as well. My bad

master baitor confirmed

Enjoy your 2D monitors, fags.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.


I'm fairly confident social justice is the least of VRs problems at this stage. It sure doesn't help but the price tag, hardware requirements, physical unpleasantness and lack of games made specifically for VR are bigger problems.

Ok then, name 3 games made for VR.

I make my own games to fleece the goyim

Wait a minute, how are poor people going to buy a VR headset that costs over $500?

Most minorities aren't big into gaming not because of white culture, but because it's so expensive in comparison to other hobbies. It's self-explanatory. You dump hundreds in hardware, hundreds in premium online subscriptions, hundreds a year for good internet, $60 in games, etc.

Music, tv shows, and movies are only inclusive because they're cheap hobbies. You only spend $20 dollars at most for a movie ticket.


Post the source

But user, the fact that there are no minorities in VR is one of the best things about it

It's a pure, virtual world

get in while you can

Social justice is just another tool to destroy western civilization. What pisses me off is that my tax dollars have more than likely been indirectly helping to fuel these cretins.

They probably know mostly white people are going to get into it first. So of course the brainwashing is going to be heavy. The target demographic for the poison pushers to push their poison on is ready and waiting.

That's why it's important to support your local Holla ForumsRtists

buy your upgrade asteroid experience, goy

it's like you're really there.

Post links to that thread I wanna rage at that useless whore.

I'd say the lack of awareness is astounding but honestly I've become jaded from countless instances of you hyper-reactive faggots that this is completely unsurprising.

Developer is probably just too lazy/poor/limited to make a compelling humanoid enemy target. Sage for sensationalist garbage

There are also no games in VR.

So he is a marxist faggot. And so are you.

Does anyone know if this VR shit accommodates people with glasses?

Im not interested in VR but Im curious.

I get up and shoot you all day aswell hope that makes you feel fearful faggot.

The OP stated that "SJW Devs were killing VR" because of their social justice beliefs. He didn't say "Dev caved to SJWs".

lern2read bruh

Oh FUCK YEA! Now just make a Twine VR game charge 120$ for the VR experience and profit. Just keep draining retards of cash till they are homeless.

I have no objection to the guy censoring his own game like that, but I think he dug his own grave sales-wise. SJWs are too triggered by guns in general, and others don't like to deal with pretentious shit like that.


Vive can do that as long as you don't have massive problem glasses

If you're near sighted you don't have to wear glasses. If you're far sighted, it's likely you'll need them. They do accommodate glasses but it depends on your frames. It's a little clunky for glasses wearers at the moment.

If you wear cuck glasses like pic related, then you're fucked.

I've heard people get prescription lenses for the device, but I haven't actually see anyone selling those. Or would even know how much.

Who cares.

It's a pretentious art school graduate. He's going to act like that no matter what he does.

Nothing he makes will ever be of any substantial quality, because he values himself too highly.

Or thinking that a gun is

These fuckwitts are right for some good old fashion wallet rape.

What about astigmatism? I can't see shit close or far

So the developer holds some kind of incorrect opinion, and that his choice to allow his art to be informed by his opinions is therefore incorrect and somehow damaging to a broader segment of the industry - is that what you're saying?

This kind of paranoia about accusing everyone of being a cultural marxist or SJW or jew or anything is tedious.

So if you want to shoot real humans in a VR game, just make your own game. That's what I'm doing (learning UE4 in my free time so I can make the VR game I want to play)

No, because I'm not an idiot. Just because I think the quality of a post is garbage, does that mean I hold the opposing view? No.

Yea this is what I have to, without my glasses the world is just a big blurry blob.

You'll be fine.

If you can't see shit up close. Like you need glasses to read. Then you'll need glasses for the VR set or contact lenses. As for having astigmatism, you'll be fine.

His opinions are based on lies and they're wrong.

I've got a vive for dev stuff. My glasses just barely don't fit, because they're more rectangular, a narrow-wide style. If you have more slimline or rounded then you have a pretty good chance of them fitting alright.

That sucks, I probably won't get one for a couple years anyone hopefully by then they accommodate that more. I have slimmer glasses but they are rectangular and wide-ish


not even /k/ but holy shit how stupid can you be


Yeah, I take mine off when working/testing stuff. I'm nearsighted with a slight touch of astigmatism, so when I take 'em off, since the lenses create the effect of a far focal point, the view is a bit blurry for me. If your perscription isn't real strong, I don't think it'll be a major concern.

The most funny thing about this is that the faggot posting it thinks his gay ass "dragon" that is unfinished and probably shit quality is deserving of some kind of acknowledgement.

He's just as pretentious and haughty as the rest of the people he claims to be better than.

He's right you know. I'm tired of seeing video game enemies as ethnic flavor of the week boogiemen.

Ahh let 'em, this VR meme needs to die.

Woops, sorry fellow goys. He pulled out the indomitable tinfoil-card. Guess social pressure is a social construct AKA doesn't exist. :^)

SJWs jump into new, low competition markets because they know their products won't make it in a free market with competition.

They can't compete directly with AAA or AA games. They have to try and find some bullshit niches where they can use their media influences of their friends to try and establish an early monopoly.

Do we really need a thread everytime an sjw makes a game.

No one cares about SJW games as much as Holla Forums, user.

No, but both of you can fuck off back to reddit.

Does reddit talk about real video games?

That doesn't fucking work .

I've had it come up during searches and it just looked like normalfag central. I think people hate it because there actually is crossover, whereas the people at neogaf probably wouldn't be able to stand a place for five minutes.

This particular dev doesn't seem like much of an illogical cunt, he's just fucking wrong with a whole slew of bullshit preconceptions.

It's like seeing a Christfag that lets his religion infect his game development, rather than the Christfag that spams twitter constantly, acts openly judgemental, and tries to affect other people's games, too.

The problem isn't the aims of his political ideology, it's the fact that his ideology demands the exclusion of all other things, rejecting art on principle. To SJWs, like all fundamentalist religions, art can only exist as propaganda for their ideology, anything else is a transgression.

Think of the difference between Josh Sawyer and Chris Avellone today. Both have pretty much identical political opinions, but while Chris is happy to make all kinds of art, Josh refuses to exercise his own "sinfulproblematic" creative freedom.

Art must always come first for artists, regardless of their opinions, and regardless of whether or not it's propaganda (think of Battleship Potemkin or Triumph of the Will, both of which are artistically lauded in spite of their diametrically opposed politics).

If an ideology is anti-art, anyone who subscribes to it will be rendered artistically sterile until they renounce it.

Loud they may be, but SJWs cant destroy something they havent infected and infiltrated. And theres plenty of based game devs out there who dont suck the San Fransisco circle-jerks cock.

That doesn't fucking work.

For someone who hates SJW discussions you sure have a lot of posts in this thread.

You're exactly like one of them too. Rather than not participate in something you don't like, you rather eliminate it for everyone.


Great non-argument. I guess when you get BTFO you have to resort to those.

Also that's a meme for anons who hate SJWs not cuck faggots SJWs like yourself

Sure thing schlomo

And if you had any reading comprehension at all, you would have noticed I came in this thread to laugh at the VRshills.

So you hate SJW discussions and you hate VR. And yet you're in a thread about both of those things, trying to shut it down.

If you had half a brain in your head you should put a bullet through it.

VR is shit

so yeah tell me again what is the different between SJWs and Holla Forums ?


Because the one and only thing that makes them a problem for gamers, as distinguished from every similar ideology, is the fact that they are a religion. All fundamentalist (as opposed to properly whipped "I'm spiritual"-on-opinion-polls pseudoreligious types) religions are cancer, no exceptions.

And I mean, how could you NOT hate fundies, as a gamer? Are you some kind of pipsqueak underageb&? Prior to 2007, as far back through history as you care to look, they were public enemy #1 for art, and especially for every nerd hobby the moment each was conceived. And if you look outside the libertarian alt-right? They still are, like the feminazi-christard sex-negative "ominous alliance" in the 1990s.


This is an easy one.
SJWs have speaking platorms that people will take seriously. They're widespread and not isolated to one site.

Holla Forums is a board of 4chan and 8ch, that triggers SJWs like you for some reason.

Also, nazis and other regressive rightists attacking games are ganged up on and rejected by the entire hobby, just like always; whereas regressive leftists are surrounded by a protective bubble of mobster-style protection racketeering that renders them virtually immune to attack.

exactly fuckboi there is no other different than that

Simply dont buy their games and boycott everything they touch and SJWs will go away by themselves.

Found the link to the thread.

Pic related from the thread.

Back to leftypol



>sjws don't exist, you're just being a reactionary
Why are you even here? Honest question. You don't even attempt to mask yourself by not using your usual goon buzzwords, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not hopelessly trying to blend in. But why?

you're still here..

Holla Forums salt party pt2

not an argument

Fun fact: It was drawn by an SJW:

the original*

You got your sorry ass handed to you last time, nigger. Don't embarrass yourself again.

Yeah see, even the mere mention triggers you niggers. If SJWs were as "strong" as they say then they wouldn't feel threatened by some anons on 8ch. And I wouldn't say "stronger" as much as just wider spread. Like how the gays spread AIDS around more.

SJWs are like AIDS.


What? Did he say the magic gamergate/anti-feminist word? Are you going to block him now?

yeah sure you showed me how different Holla Forums and SJWs absolutely no overlap

you look salty bud + Holla Forums is like AIDS also spread around teenagers all around the world

Fucking children. It disgusts me to know that adults use this term with sincerity to describe things they don't like. I genuinely would not be mad if he said "It trivialises the suffering of sexual assault victims". That's a legitimate concern, I just don't agree with it. Except, it's not a legitimate complaint. It's a childish, thoughtless expression of dislike.

This trivialisation of thought is what leads to cancerous ideologies spreading.

She actually has a point here, though (other than the very end). Making your own game entitles you to do whatever the fuck you want with it. Policing what people do with their own efforts is SJW shit. If you want something different, make something different.

I hope you're not going to use the "I'm drunk" excuse again.

Dont release it in public if you dont want criticism. Especially when youre changing something with a huge fanbase behind it, just because it happens to be popular.

Yeah, but I feel like he was being reasonable throughout the entire thing and there was no need to get so booty blasted.

That, I think, is one of the main differences between SJWs and Holla Forumstards/etc. SJWs can't seem to tolerate that people on other websites or in other demographics don't share their ideology, and constantly try to invade and infect. I wouldn't be surprised if they started trying to shove this shit into NASCAR or similar sports filled with "toxic masculinity," despite not even liking cars.

They operate like a cult rather than a legitimate (if wrong) political ideology.

You shouldn't make a thread like this, it almost makes them look good

ok boys this guy gets it he showed me the truth that SJWs and Holla Forums are nothing alike



From someone who has played with the R-Zone….Virtual boy…and the jaguar vr…i have to say.

Human beings cannot get VR right with the technology we are working with now.

lol, this kike is mad

Your post showed me the truth user i am sorry for being a retard and thinking that Holla Forums and SJWs are the same cancer

BS. She's not making her OWN game. She's using an existing IP and shitting on it.


Nice strawman, faggot. Kike harder

Holy shit I need to become a miner because your a goldmine of salt.

MGO2 did it well by giving target practice both giant floating triangles and orange human-shaped dummies. Although the dummies stood still and would only show pain, there is nothing stopping the devs making their own AI.
At least now we know when he turned SJW

Video games were a mistake.
Just burn it all down.

I am the one how is drowning in pol salt
And still no answer what so ever

What is the different between Holla Forums and SJWs ?

I don't think VR ever had a chance, especially since they didn't fucking wait till the tech was old enough that it was affordable to your average consumer.

this time i am not drunk i am dying from laughter

user, just let it go. You aren't going to get anywhere. Let's just talk about videogames.

Holla Forums kills SJWs. That's the difference faggot.

It's not quite the same, but HDTVs were a thing well before they became affordable, too, and look where we are now.

The question isn't whether it's affordable right now, but whether they'll stay in business long enough to become affordable like HDTVs.

i have always wanted to talk about vidya but Holla Forums get triggered and derail all good threads into political discussion
the moment that they learn to put vidya first and politics second in Holla Forums this place will be better

That SJWs are in the wrong and Holla Forums isn't. It is easy to proclaim that a group you don't like is exactly the same as another group you don't like simply because of the fact that you dislike both of them, which is really the only thing in common.

Looks like you're the one derailing, m8

Are you still "dying of laughter" user? The gene pool would be better off if you died.

All tech is expensive when it first comes out. As they manufacture more of it, it become cheaper and cheaper. First blu-ray player was over a $1000, same with first DVD player. Jumbo flat screen TVs were 25K when they were first released. When Sony brought out the first OLED TV it was 9" and it cost $2000. Their first 4K projector was $27,0000. Explaining this to youngfags won't get you far though.

Look now how i turn these posts into SJW tier posts by replacing only 2 words

you didn't answer me you skipped the question

Holy shit boys, we have a triggered one over here.

Your post is the answer i was looking for
Truly there is a huge different between SJWs and Holla Forums thank you for showing me that

I didn't think it could get worse.

And you skipped the first sentence

Reported for d&c shilling.
How assdevastated must you people be simply because this little site exists and the fact that people here are actually free from your bullshit and shenanigans, the same kind that saw cuckchan get subverted and killed?
Please tell me , i really want to know.

Holla Forums knows the difference between "different" and "difference"

i am sorry i am so so so sorry for thinking that Holla Forums and SJWs are the same thing
this post right here is the fucking answer

this is it guys i am leaving knowing that pol are nothing like SJWs


Oh shit, i just noticed.

Are you the stone shill by any chance?
That statue avatarfag that wants to "save" Holla Forums?

Yeah, but like Betamax to VHS to DVD, Blu-ray was a logical jump.

VR is not a logical jump, it's a different way to play something. Like, it's the difference between watching a movie on a screen and watching it from the first person perspective on a 360 camera. It's neat sure and definitely a market that exists but for it's budget allocation it isn't very practical.

If you wanna get anyone beyond enthusiasts into VR, people can't keep pulling this kind of shit.

your post is a clear evidence that SJWs and Holla Forums are different
thank you very much for the answer

Only for console peasants, meanwhile the master race has been enjoying XGA and above from the very first 3D games onward.

Speaking of which, how much stuff like aimed at the sort of apex autists that buy TrackIR, HOTAS, and EyeFinity/Surround rigs is there?


Holla Forums get triggered and derail all good threads

Yep, totally not an illiterate nigger.

Haha, holy shit, you are the stone shill.

Anyway, the difference is that SJW is revolutionary and has untouchable institutional power, whereas Holla Forums is reactionary and has shitposters on a couple of websites that get baited by people like you.


Maybe he's one of those curry niggers that gets 0.5 cents per post?

Also let's not forget the fact that blu-ray already had shitloads of content to be had, it just needed to be ported. VR on the other hand at best is going to end up like webcam games, where not even easy access to the technology is going to save it.

I am guessing from the way that he writes that he isn't from Holla Forums at all, at least not natively. His writing style suggests that the Reddit outreach programme has gone back to trying its luck on fullchan.

At least that's more understandable than continuing to shitpost out of sheer autism.

[Opinion Status]
☐Not Discarded

nigger ? maybe a kike or spics or slav ?
or a gook ?

Nice answer lads

a much easier and less smart ass way to put it
different wings same behavior twoards vidya


A kike would at least have better spelling and grammar than you.


How? How are they remotely the same? I know you've probably never actually been to Holla Forums, but most anons on there don't give a shit about games and think they're a waste of time.

Filtered. Your butthurt is disgusting. Get a life.

And most SJWs don't like vidya and think it is a waste of time and sexist stuff don't touch

Both of them want to mold this industry is they wish one because the industry is problematic the other because it progressive/degenerate

I just wanted to have fun and play vidya
How did we end up at this point

Last post
See you later fags


This will not actually be your last post.

Hey that's a pretty good counter-argument there, except that the ideology isn't anti-art, it's just opposed to certain kinds of content. I don't want to be the guy that defends this kind of behaviour because I'm staunchly opposed to self-censorship and book-burning and all that shit that this new wave of progressive types are into, but I'm going to do it anyway. Let's take the case of H3 here. He's not making propaganda. He's just *not* making a game involving killing people. The game makes no judgment, as far as I can tell, about whether it's morally right to go to the middle east and shoot brown people or get your dick cut off or whatever. It's just that he claims he doesn't want to make a game about shooting people. The guy even argues that he refuses to be censored. Just because he's an artist who holds a different opinion to us doesn't mean he's an agent of the opposition.

I'm sure you can provide some examples of videogames that are actively touting a SJW type of viewpoint, ones that you might even call propaganda. But you're making a claim about the intent of the artist there, which you can't really prove. Is Gone Home propaganda, or just someone's art (albeit not very gamey)?

How does Holla Forums want to mold this industry?

Oh shit, and now he pulled, "see ya later fellow channers" after getting BTFO.
Run with your tail between your legs, dog.

That's all I read and that's all I need to skim.


He's also a literal kike.
Why do you think TLOU had underaged, interracial lesbian girl romance in it?

Somehow I have a feeling that it's definitely not elf x human lolicon yuri.
Has anything like this been done well in the west?

Ironic, since SJWs hate Jews.

It's a 14 year old sheboon and a white girl romance.
And no, underaged girls have always been a no/no, that's why Rule of Rose got nuked of the face of the earth simply for having them in the game, let alone them openly kissing and sticking tongues in each others mouths.

He's stated in past interviews that Anita Sarkeesian was a "huge" inspiration to how he approached writing TLOU.

Also, he was born in Israel.

Gone Homo is unquestionably propaganda, since it's full to the brim with fingerwagging PC LiveJournal garbage about how terribly oppressed upper-middle-class teenage faggots are and random bits of le 90s retro chic hipster bric-a-brac to show how un-fake gamr grrrls are.

Leaving obvious specimens like that aside, this game is soft propaganda in the sense that the author has crippled his game on a fundamental level by making a shooter (because he's uncreative) but chopping out everything that actually makes a shooter fun until all that's left is a literal barebones shooting gallery. The propagandic imperative of the ideology destroying his mind is so fevered that its presence can be felt by players as negative space, in the gaping wound where "wrongthinkinsensitivity" once existed.

Compare this with, for instance, Ultima IV. Richard Garriot was chided by other Christians for making Ultima I-III as cRPGs with typical murderhobo gameplay, so did he strip out all the murder, theft, and mayhem to squeeze in uninteractive mondering tracts like modern SJW robots do? Nope, since he wasn't a brainwashed fundie, he instead inserted the virtue system, one of the first morality meters in RPGs, smoothly enlarging the scope of the series in a then-innovative direction.

That's the difference between people who realize that artistic merit must come first in artistic endeavors , and people who hate art. For the latter group, all artistic expression is sinful unless "excused/justified" by direct service of "the message".

This is what SJWs do, no?

As progressive as that game is trying to be, there's nothing wrong with putting what you want in your own game.
She wasn't being unreasonable, and the dude kept pestering her. I'd honestly do the same in that situation, but with a bit less gamergate boogeyman shit.

Hey check it out, I'm going to question whether it's propaganda! By claiming it as such you're claiming to have knowledge of the author's intent, aren't you? Have the developers claimed that the game was made with the intent of 'converting' people to their views on sexuality etc? Probably not. GH strikes me as a personal nostalgia trip, whose target audience is progressives who grew up in the 90s. Have you considered that maybe a lot of people make games for reasons other than to convince others to come over to their viewpoint? If not, maybe you should make your own propaganda games since you're so worried about them.

Holy shit you're so far up your own ass with this bit, goddamn. Everything I ever saw of this game was a literal barebones shooting gallery - only upon seeing the OP image did I consider that the guy might have intended to create a game where you can shoot human targets. He said that human targets were in there for a week, and I bet they were shitty placeholders at that. Why is it so wrong that an individual is creating the thing he wants to make, instead of the thing that you want him to make?

The problem with this situation is that WH40k is an established universe.
She's shoehorning in things that don't fit in-lore for the sake of progressiveness.
If she made her own IP, she'd have every right to, but she didn't. She's riding on the back of people more successful than her and using it to shove in ideology.

Perhaps. I'd still take his gay ass dragon over the paper mache of a dude jerking off onto his own face, though.

TBH kill all regressivess these warriors can die warriors' deaths they are my enemy always will be I'll drink the loop aid and accept their enlightenment

I'll never drink

Fuck it

And that tells us a lot, doesn't it? Devs back in the day had life experiences outside of video games. Doom exists because the team played some mean D&D sessions. Zelda exists because Shigeru Miyamoto explored caves when he was a kid. Virtua Fighter and Shenmue exist because Yu Suzuki studied Chinese martial arts. They turned their passions into great games. But now we have those faggots who study how to make "art" but don't have a life experience, don't have a passion, don't have a soul to pour into the game.

Not all of these sorts of "message" pieces are intended as promotional (though, unsurprisingly, GH is, per its authors' strident aspirations), think of most Christian "praise" media of the sort I mocked in the earlier post, that's essentially intended as a tool for deepening preexisting indoctrination and raising morale.

Because that isn't the game he wants to make. If he wants to make a game about shooting things with realistic guns, he should make a game with targets and environments that are fun to shoot. Contrariwise, if he doesn't want to make a game that's fun to shoot realistic guns in, he should make a game that's designed from the ground up so to be fun without those elements, like Splatoon or Elebits.

He's caught between his sacrilegiouscolonized desire to make the same games as everyone else, and his unwillingness to make an actual game that happens to mesh with his politics, because he's mentally crippled by rigid fanaticism.

Don't be retarded.

If a dev does this to his own game, who gives a shit? Let it die in obscurity as it deserves. Ignoring the market and creating your artsy fartsy masterpiece is rarely rewarded with fame and fortune.

Anyway, VR is doing a fine job killing itself. We're off to a great start, with half a dozen incompatible hardware implementations. If it's dead in 2 years, it won't be because of SJWs, it will be because of kikes at Facebook.

I didn't know there's a difference.

Well he's right about one thing. Some shooter games actually ARE military propaganda. The Pentagon has been involved in the development and writing of several CoD games now.

Call of Duty is a very effective way of indoctrinating the future generations to die for Israel. "War is super cool kid, you get to run around really fast and you'll get thousands of kills before you die!"
Notice how all the enemy countries you fight against in all CoD games are Israels and the Jewry's sworn enemies. Russia, Sandnigger countries, China. Anyone opposing Globalism.

In the upcoming CoD game you play as a good goy in the world governments army, against outer space colonial nationalists who want independence from the world government of planet Earth. So those bad goys over there in space want independence and to not be ruled by a government lightyears away, you gotta go kill them!

A good war game also shows the terrible side of war - and certainly has no propaganda. It should portray each side from a neutral perspective. Currently we no longer get that because every big developer is in the pockets of the ZOG apparently.

If they put propaganda in every game, people will just stop playing games.

I forgot to mention that of course the world government in the new CoD is multiracial and pozzed to all hell, while the colonial nation seemed to be all white.

So you're saying that even if the author doesn't intend for a work to have an effect like propaganda, it is still able to be like that? In that case, wouldn't you find the OP image's argument (in a nutshell, playing games all the time where foreigners are represented as 'the enemy') compelling? Aren't you worried that you're being subtly indoctrinated when you play Battlefield or some other game and play as an american fighting against russians? Aren't you worried that when you play Hatred you're being desensitized to violence to the point where one day you may feel justified killing a person for some minor slight?

Can't you see that you're claiming to know what the creator wants better than he does?



What now, Wamuu?


Boy, I sure do feel bad about these people constantly being the boogieman.

Are you leftists really too retarded to understand the context of that meme? You're just making it nonsensical now.

Comparing Holla Forums to SJWs IS a D&C tactic, literally, and also makes no sense, because only leftists can be SJWs. Or did you forget what its short for?
Social. Justice. Warrior.

The fact that only leftists can be SJW? No such thing as a nationalist SJW.
Nationalists support real justice, leftists support "social justice", because they hate actual, real justice. Instead of justice, leftists want to take from hardworking people and give to people who do not deserve it.

Nice picture Holla Forums, try harder though, your memes still make no fucking sense because they aren't rooted in reality, just the delusional ramblings of a commie.

Did you just make that up so the commie wouldn't get even more triggered? Don't be nice to them, you don't have to. These people are scum.

There is no such thing as the regressive right, nor are nazis against games. Remember GG? Remember how nazis and the rest of the "extreme" right tried to fucking help gamers? How they said "No don't make it about ethics in games journalism, name the real issue and make it about getting Cultural Marxism out of your games".

Well, did you listen to their advice? No.
Did it work to try the moderate route? No.

What the fuck are you whining about? Because a guy doesn't want to make a game where you gun people down? You can think it's stupid, but don't accuse it of SJW bullshit, no need to overact over fucking everything.

It makes sense to call you cucks because you are cucks. Since you don't understand, let me explain:
A political cuckold likes to watch his country get fucked by foreigners - just like a loser with a cuck fetish likes to watch his woman get fucker by other men.

See? There is no difference between you and people with a sexual fetish for cuckoldry. None whatsoever.

I only wanted it for the waifu sims, but now since we know Summer Lesson is not coming to a western audience, i think it's safe to say that not much else will be worth our time and money.

The hope lies in open platforms like OSVR where the jews and their shabbos goyim don't have control.

All I wanted was an alternate waifu-reality where marxism doesn't exist.

I guess that's just too much to ask for.

TBH \pol\s make fun of them until they leave wasn't going to work either it won't stop until all warriors are dead imo

they're not cucks though

a cuckold is a guy who supports a woman and her children (possibly not even the cuckold's own children) while he doesn't even get sex or respect from her.

for marxists to be cucks they would have to be supporting someone, anyone from the sweat of their own brow. if they were doing that then they wouldn't be marxists. therefore they are not cucks.

they're worse than cucks, they're trying to impose cuckoldry on everyone else.

That picture makes no sense because Holla Forums, as in nationalists, have helped Holla Forums and gamers more than anyone else.

How is it disruptive to bring discussion of Cultural Marxists ruining games to here? People here want to talk about how the leftists are ruining videogames with their propaganda.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to think in the current day and age it's even possible anymore to just talk about games and just play games without running into that matter - since the kikes have almost entirely taken over western game development by now. Not much great games are being made anymore, almost all of them have a leftist political agenda shoehorned in.


Plenty of Marxists financially support the destruction of western civilization, for example by helping dune coons get into your country and giving them welfare taken from the tax revenue of hard working white men.

They're cucks. They love everything about watching western civilization get fucked in the ass by foreign savages.

No, you really haven't. You're nothing but the local flavour of yapping dogs who aren't house-trained and make us all look like lunatics.

SJWs only dislike Israel. If you ever bring up that Marxism is a Jewish invention and that all Communist and Marxist movements and organizations in history have been lead by Jews, they will get quite triggered and start raging.

But yes we have. If you had listened to us and made GG about getting Cultural Marxism out of games, you would have actually accomplished something for the first time in your miserable lives.
But no you had to be a bunch of cowards and lied that it was about ethics in games journalism. Did it work? No.
To defeat the Jew you have to name the Jew.

But we are the only sane people left. It's society that's gone mad.

Imagine if you could redpill them though.

That dumb mass of faggots is the leverage of a nation. They will follow everything that is labeled as correct. If you turn the tide, they become the most fanatical of nationalists for instance.

That is the power of propaganda. And that's why you need to target them.

Israel is a great gateway. Show them how Soros withdrew funding from Femen once they targeted Israel. Watch the jews try to wrange their marxist into submission again. Hilarity ensues.

Even if there were no SJWs, even if facebook didnt buy the oculus. VR would still be dead on arrival, I cant believe you retards keep falling for VR crap.

I don't really give a fuck.They can do what they want with their game and money,exactly like i'm allowed to buy nips titty games and refuse to buy pozzed bf1 and watch_nigger.
What i don't like is seeing my titty games get banned or censored because those huge fucking pansy,who in their weekend plays how much cocaine they can sniff or how far Jamal can stick his meatsword up their ass,fake this astounding shame at how all of this is allowed.
Or take games already established (Mafia 3) and change it completely to make niggers feels good about their fee-fee and the fags white guilted idiots who champion for useless things because they feel guilty about being ultra-rich or wants brownie points.

Make your fucking game and let the market decide,stop corrupt my games and stop censoring them or block their selling.If really there is a market for Gone Homo and such they will survive and thrive,if there isn't and it's just stupid controversy,then better make good games or change work.

Well, the current generation of them won't ever become nationalists, their brains are too pozzed. But their children and grandchildren can be still saved.

I wouldnt say that the SJWs are killing VR when there are so many other things that are killing VR already, like for example the fact that there are NO FUCKING GAMES TO PLAY.

Is this real or are they just pulling a fast one?

That place used to be heaven for trolls. Now it is heaven for SJW trash. So sad…

There's still research being made on that front. What with the recent documents relating to Tracy Fullerton. Problem is, they're far more entrenched and thus more difficult to uproot as opposed to journalist outlets that are liable to lose revenue, thereby removing the funded megaphones of these cultural marxists.

It's real. FEMEN, that got most of its funding from Soros, targeted Israel, and surprise surprise, the billionaire Jew Soros drew all his funding away from them.

Even the most globalist, Marxist Jews are loyal to Israel. There are no different factions of Jews in reality, they are all loyal to the tribe. It's the kind of attitude we need for our survival really, to start thinking "what is good for whites" and then do it.

Oh, that's a school bus.

That guy should get a decent camera rather than his smartphone. It makes his place look like a squallid hellhole even though it's pretty clean.

Nice trips, by the way.

This is the worst thing in the photo.

I wish Michael Douglas would have used this as his catchphrase in Falling Down.

But really, even after this Level 3 SJW makes a virtual shooting range with no enemies: a Level 8 SJW by the name of Ben Kuchera is so psychologically conditioned to be afraid of guns that he flinches and whimpers in such an environment. This is what feminization looks like.

Even stuff like Modern Warfare was very popular in here, and nobody gave half a fuck about shooting russians, except for some politicians; and even then they got only the civilian shooting level banned, with that ban being easily avoidable.

No. I'm saying there's two broad (sometimes overlapping) categories of "message" media, one is primarily directed at outsiders (propaganda, preaching, advertising), while the other is primarily directed at members (motivation, conditioning, training).

The problem with their underlying theory is that art can't actually change someone's opinions beyond the most flimsy and ephemeral degree without intellectually engaging them. That's why a TV commercial can make you want to drive a sports car really fast for an hour with just an image and sound, but it can't make you want to go out and buy one without rationally convincing you based on performance/durability/pricing/etc… The idea of art behaving like mind control is pure bunk.

A game might make me momentarily excited, sad, or whatever with subtle appeals, but in order to significantly alter my opinions or behavior, it would have to convince me with reasoned appeals to my thoughts, just like conversing with its author.

Yes, because all religious fanatics are in a state of cognitive dissonance.

Maybe the ARMAfags will have another breakout casulbabby hit like DayZ

Like I said in the mainstream right is 110% art hating censors and always has been, while the alt-right (especially the lolberts) are indeed mostly pro free speech, but (especially among stormniggers) there's a prominent strain of fun police that decry all games, movies, fiction, and other art without exception as "degenerate distractions" from the sole worthy human pursuit of "self improvement".

Because even when you try to help, the sheer volume of your yapping clogs up the board with off-topic clutter.

God fucking damnit, that game looked really cool as well. What a goddamn wanker.

Leftists support real justice, rightists support "national justice", because they hate actual, real justice. Instead of justice, rightists want to take from hardworking people and give to people who do not deserve it.

Nice picture Holla Forums, try harder though, your memes still make no fucking sense because they aren't rooted in reality, just the delusional ramblings of a kraut.


Reading this trainwreck of a thread, i'm really confused as to why I bumped it.
Goddamn leftists. Go shove your Communist Memeifisto up your fucking collective asses.

You're part of the problem.
No, National Socialists are not against games, movies, fiction or entertainment in general. I should know, I am one.

It's entirely different to want to end Jewish subversive propaganda in our entertainment to wanting to get rid of entertainment entirely. We have nothing against the existence of games, just against the Cultural Marxist agenda present in them.

It's not off topic because the subversion of games is related to games

You realize how stupid you sound right now? Really, nationalists want to take away from hardworking people and give to those who do not deserve it? How does that make any sense, we're against any welfare systems.

Throughout history, only the left wing have tried to redistribute wealth to undeserving people.

You're not very good at this Holla Forums

But it is – a small pat on the back, saying "Hey, not bad" and moving on, like when a kid shows you a drawing it made. Acknowledgement is like a drug - give him a small fix and motivate him to get better, to carve a five metres high, detailed statue of a phoenix out of marble next time, or something. If you just shit on him, he'll give up or try going the modern art route for easy cash and hipster approval.

clears throat I went to ART SCHOOL MOTHERFUCKER

If you need constant approval to get things done you are a piece of shit anyway

You realize how stupid you sound right now? Really, socialists want to take away from hardworking people and give to those who do not deserve it? How does that make any sense, we're against any kind of system that explore the workers.

Throughout history, only the right wing have tried to concentrate wealth to undeserving people.

You're not very good at this Holla Forums




Dont feed the shitposter, guy even ends his posts with :^) for fucks sake



I'm sorry, I didn't want to do it, I know this is bait, but it's simply too rich to pass up. I at least retain enough control to sage still.

What's the purpose of a nation if not to look after its own people?

Learn some history.

funny guy you

Holla Forums's arguments are based in facts not feelings

also where's you evidence?

can you get any more goyim?

I want George Soros money. what backwards social movement should I start to get some of his jew gold? Polygamy seems relatively untapped.

I like femen, at least compared to other feminists they are one of the better sects.


I'm Arabic and I don't give a shit about all the FPS games where we are the bad guys.

Am I supposed to feel bad when I'm a CT on Counter-Strike killing Ts?

SJWs are retarded

Try contacts.

I've seen socjus and media moved towards that already, it's not on the starter line up (yet) but it is on their roster.

It far less degenerate then trannies or pedophilia. I don't get the lack of push.


Well, there is the harem perspective which socjus would see as muhsoggyknees and the other turbocuck variant "women can sleep around, men must be faithful" is so far out there, that it's only embraced by insane people.

Maybe they're still having fun wreaking havoc with bathroom laws shenanigans, who knows. But I suspect from the regressives I heard that are completely serious about it, is close to the truth.

Almost word for word, that was what I heard from them. Men with lotsa women = sexist western patriarchy, unless you're muslim then it's ok because it's bad to be islamaphobic. Women with lotsa men while the husband is basically a cuckold, is glorious equality when 'real' communism finally happens.

Is this just some sort of friendly turf-war between equals, like a Civ late game?

Color me surprised

Are these good places to start with redpilling people on cultural marxism?:

Received a tl:dr reply from someone actually bothering to have an actual discussion on this:

Back then devs actually had enough time to design shit that would still hold the player's hand but at least would make them think they did it on their own. Ratchet and Clank after the first game is a good example of this, where they made crates give an amount based on how far you have gotten and what you have bought, meaning that looking for crates to smash was actually pointless because the game would just increase the number of bolts you earn to subtly compensate for it.

You do know that terms change definition over time, right? Liberals are a good example of this due to the fact that they aren't in the slightest liberal, they are simply liberals. And Social Justice in this case is actually a specific publication and according to Wikipedia they printed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion so it would make sense that people that aren't too fancy of Jews would take interest in it and also explains why Jews may want to see it banned.

Embed related


Right, neglected to mention that he wanted more proof besides Yuri