The Right is Trying to Divide Us

We've been pounded by sectarian threads this past week. It really seems like a ploy by a few autistic right-wingers to turn us against each other.

Remember that petty ideological differences are all overshadowed by our desire to build socialism. We can settle scores once we've already taken power.

So you agree that a disagreement about what constitutes socialism isn't a "petty difference".

Doing a Rebel

Sectarians should be banned tbh

It's almost like anarchists were historically repressed by authoritarian communists or something


Oh look, it's a
meme thread

Yeah sure… like you did in Kronstadt or Ukraine right? I wonder what could go wrong?

Yes, sectarianism was literally invented last week

Official comrade tier list to serve as a guideline against sectarianism

Top tier
-anarchists, with exceptions

Bad tier
Not allowed in tier
-primmies, an-pacifists

Not even candidates in the first place tier

What are marxists who havent decided on which flavor if any?

All purpose flexilefties are in. That way we make sure they dont develope not in tier views.

I hope your talking about anarchists IRL and not on Holla Forums. I want to call OP a tin foil hat autist like everyone else but tbh it seemed like people were getting a long better here until the flood of sectarian bait threads

different red'n'black, but an-prims and the like tend to be best left to their huts out in the forest away from everyone else. and pacifists are okay as long as they don't try to pretend anyone is going to listen to them.

It's almost like anarkids were historicly faggots that were all like "my way or the highway" and got what was comming.

Good thread

Forgot my flag

By killing each other by the millions?

why are these worse than tankies?


Do we really need right-wingers to tun us against each other? I think we can do it quite well without any help.

it's pretty hackneyed as far as divide and conquer goes tbh

You forgot the god tier:
-my highly specific irrelevant political ideolgy

Rosa was basically a leftcom, fam. Have you even read anything she wrote?