Safety strap silhouette guy will never be added to SSB

feels bad

You know he'd be OP. Knocking niggas out with his wiimote, breaking the player's tv with his awesomeness.

Imagine the possibilities.



The year is 20SG. Everyone mains Silhouette Guy at TAS levels of perfection. Because of this, the winner of a match depends soley on the wrist strap. The safety metagame has evolved to ridiculous levels due to it being the only remaining factor to decide matches.

he was texture hacked in


unga bunga dorks nerf pocket sand

its for your safety

proof that this world is littered with faggots and no straight man is left

I miss these accidents.


I have damaged nerves on both arms and my right hand completely lacks the feeling of touch or pain, i played without the strap with my launch wii for a decade and never let it go. What we see there is the jewish version of natural selection

Do you think they stayed friends after that?

holy shit everyones dead

Don't mourn the loss of motion control accidents.
Celebrate the coming of VR accidents.


It's incredible how hard these little things hit when you send them flying. Those broken TVs remind me of a prank my brother once played on my parents for the 1st of April: He found a wallpaper that looks like a broken LCD screen and displayed it on the TV and then he ran all crying to my parents how he had accidentally dropped the new expensive TV. Our father quickly saw through it, but he played along, while our mother completely bought it.

this never happened to me because I don't let go of stuff when i swing it and I don't have tunnel vision, nor do will I walk into fists asking to get hit.

I once pranked my grandmother by cracking a nut, filling it with talc and gluing it back togheter before making spaghetti with her. In the end she didn't actually crack the nut and i didn't bother picking it up from the jar.
A year later after the memory was sitting on my head's "forgotten until relevant" pool my father was talking about how she cracked a nut and it was full of talc and didn't know how it got there

You'd see autists trying to master the wii mote combat in every streets

I wish that was the universe I was in.

It's kind of frightening that people can be this uncoordinated and lacking in awareness to let this shit happen. Especially after so many of these videos went viral in the first place.

What the fuck is wrong with you, you left a whole minute at the end of "PLES LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE" in.

seems to me that would cause more videos to made to try and worm in on the attention. then again, I've seen real life people try to play something as simple as Mario 64 and fail spectacularly so maybe everyone's just dumb.

What's with the resurgence of confirmed for brawl threads lately ?


Does the last whole minute of that video need to be so long?

A lot of those accidents happened with stupid 3rd party toys that have idiots attach plastic rackets, bats, golf clubs, etc, onto the wii remote.
Those plastic toys then fly off when you swing it.
It's some retarded marketing idea that would only come from American "as seen on TV" stupidity.