Trump Appreciation

I'm tired of all the shilling lately.

Can we get a thread listing and appreciating all the /ourguy/ things Trump did and most didn't even think remotely possible?

Trump may not be the full /ourguy/ but he's the closest in the right direction there ever has been and most people literally thought he would do nothing so let's just list some of the top kek shit he did

I'll start off with two, Trump

>gave a holohoax speech mentioning every victim, except juden
>elected a guy who founded a literal fascist club to the SCOTUS
>literally trolled with bait numerous opponents from the media to establishment to intelligence in the most lulzy reveals


Gave us Sean "Hitler didn't gas anyone innocent" Spicer

Can't really ask for more than no WWIII for at least 4 more years.

wew that ID

all I can think of are


Also, BLM is going to get their shit pushed in hard this summer too.


He did a shitton as a pres-elect, talking to all those companies and stuff.
Oh, and he called CNN fake news to their faces; that's fucking incredible and ballsy af of a president.

You are not from around here are you? This is not a civic nationalist board. This is a National Socialist board. Trump never was /ourguy/.


Checking those double dubs

Any real Holla Forumslack knows that Trump was never meant to be Hitler reincarnated, not should he be thought of this way. He was simply our best bet against the degeneracy that is sweeping our nation. Trump was meant to buy us a few years, as opposed to Hillary who would have accelerated the collapse of the U.S.
Of course, when Trump ran on an anti-narrative campaign, I fear many of us projected our desire for Trump to be Hitler 2.0. We got lost in the hype.
It's not surprising to hear/see anti-Trump "shilling" came here. A lot of his supporters on here had their faith shaken, what with the Syrian airstrike fiasco Trump got himself into. There's probably STILL some genuine concern about Trump, which shills are taking advantage of and trying to spin for their own agenda.
My advice? Keep doing what we've been doing before Trump; scrutinize everything, question everything, and refrain from placing too much faith in elected officials. I'm not saying 'FUCK TRUMP XD,' but we should be prepared for the worst.

A torpedo with a "morale" thread. Yeah take your slide and shove it up your ass, Levi.

I appreciate what he did right away, but I haven't found much to appreciate since.

Fucking this. Trump may not be perfect but I'd rather have him than Killary appointing the next 4 Supreme Court judges, or some shitbag like Ted Cruz giving up nominations to liberals to "bring the country back together."

Yep, I only expected a few things from him.

1) Moving the Overton window out of cuck central

2) Immigration reform

3) Improve economy

4) Reduce corruption – primarily rigged elections

5) Not do anything overly retarded

I'm really only concerned he wont go far enough with 2 and 4, the rest are pretty much in the bag.

I don't care what happens, I'll always like Trump. Even in the unlikely case that the heebs beat him into submission I'll still like him. And after he got through the last few weeks without sparking a world war, I'm more certain than ever that he's the political equivalent of a Le Mans driver among the bitter old women in Hondas who populate the swamp.

Oy vey, you're right Moishe, OP is sliding that shitty flat earth thread that's on page 2, it's anudda shoah.

When he called out the fact that 9/11 was bullshit the deal was sealed. In my opinion no shabbos goy would ever dare breathe a word about that. It would be like launching an investigation into the holocaust.
And that's just off the top of my head.

Holy fuck does anyone still actually think the Syria strike was bad?
I mean fuck, yeah it sucks that he did it, but what's the actual downside other than muh interventionism? Assad still sits his throne, and the main thorn in his side Isis/Mossad just had a mini shoah in afghanistan

Fucking again? Who the hell shills that shit?

What I've noticed from the shills is that they've actually been rather competent in forcing this air of self-censorship on the board. Holla Forumsacks find it harder to voice support for Trump, not because they themselves lost faith in him but because they're worried about being shouted down. Even Holla Forums can be beaten into submission with social shaming.

I noticed that too. Until everyone figured out it was the same god damn shills shouting them down, but with haphazardly placed echoes so they can look hip for the Holla Forumslacks.

I'll do…

Praise KEK

Checked and double checked, kek confirms
Strange but I like it

sometimes I think Holla Forums would be happier if clinton had won. Too many nihilists who are just larping I think

are you crazy

Nothing will make me feel happier than I was on the day of . Democrap genocide best day of my life!

some truth there, but the so-called 'shills' aren't all just 'shills'. many are critical of trump now because of the Syria thing. He's on notice, basically, that if he does more neocon shit, he's going to lose his extremists.

That waste of dubs is the words of one who does not understand Holla Forums. No need to reply.

Holla Forums keeps waiting for hitler and attacks EVERYONE who isn't purer than they are. Just look at the Spencer threads. There are too many here who love to dwell in misery

Mods literally ban anyone who critisizes Trump. Lurk moar faggot.


to be fair, that yearbook quote was a joke and the club never existed. He was just trolling his liberal peers who acted like being slightly right was equal to fascism.

Some more classic Trump right here.

You probably earned that guy enough to buy two pieces of Bazooka Joe by replying.

The faggot deserves it, no one should have to do it for free when it comes to implicit dick. Here's a better image.

Much appreciated. Do you have the image of Trump checking them in the middle of that crowd of scumbags at the Catholic dinner?

People have a habbit of forgetting that keeping hildabeast out of the presidency was more important than getting Trump in. The psychological blow it would deal to the white population having the first nigger president followed by the most categorically corrupt cunt imaginable is hard to conceive. On top of every media outlet on earth cheering at the triumph of "progress", we'd have millions of ecstatic beaners flooding in the border delighted that they will never be deported, they wont even be threatened. Think of how many amnesties would be granted, think of how many more rapefugess would be brought in.


So far the worst we've had was a completely impotent missile strike, which was a terrible move on Trump's part but still in every way preferable to NUCLEAR FUCKING WAR WITH RUSSIA. Really, think of everything bad obongo did, and imagine that continuing for another 8 years but with more feminism and islam at mexicans, it's beyond even Lovecraft's worst horrors.

Best of all, once the wall goes up, Democrats lose control of the White House permanently. Their base will force them to take the position of bringing it down in every election, and any aspiring commander-in-chief who takes a position weakening security is guaranteed to lose.