Are Xbox Scorpio, Nintendo NX and Playstation Neo actually 9th generation of video game consoles?

Are Xbox Scorpio, Nintendo NX and Playstation Neo actually 9th generation of video game consoles?

If they are, why did the 8th gen have such a short life cycle?

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The NX could be considered next gen but the other two are slightly updated versions of current hardware so I don't think that they should be their own gen.


Well the NX is meant to be the start of a new generation, and Scorpio will essentially be an Xbone successor as well, so yeah 2017 will see the beginning of the 9th generation. God damn this is a short generation this time around.

Have we heard anything about the PS4 Neo other than the fact it exists though? Seems odd for Sony to stay so quiet about it when we already know two other consoles are coming out next year.

Kinda. They couldn't actually call them "Xbox 2" or "PS5" because everybody would say "BUT THIS GEN'S BARELY EVEN STARTED YET!" (despite the 8th gen starting in 2012) and them not being different enough from their predecessors. The problem comes from Sony and MS rushing their consoles because of the Wii U's release and because of the expected console cycle, which is about 6-7 years. They really should have waited two more years instead of putting out the "Xbox not even One" game and the "you bought this PlayStation 4 Bloodborne" so soon.
I think I'm gonna call this "gen 8.5".

There's really no good information out there as to what the NX is. I'm not even sure how to classify Nintendo anymore since specs-wise they've been behind a full generation two times in a row now, even though they are still releasing in the same general window as the competition.

>*the "Xbox not even One game"
Messed up the quotation marks.

the scorpio isn't a new generation.

we don't know enough about the neo, but since they didn't talk about it at e3, it'll probably come out after the scorpio, which means, if sony wants, they could just call it a new gen. 5 years is an ok length for a console gen.

the nx is definitely a new gen. nintendo fucked up and are now trying to salvage what they can.

I'm quite interested in how sony and nintendo will handle these new machines. if handled correctly, they could be decent, but I'm especially worried about the nx. I'm scared that they'll try the same thing as the Wii without realising that all those gramps and moms who bought that thing now own smartphones and tablets. that market hole is already filled-

No, it's coming out before Scorpio. All indications are that it is coming out this year in time for the holidays. They didn't talk about it because it is quite a bit less powerful than what Scorpio is targeting.

What about the New3DS? It is a slight upgrade, but when some games can only be played on it doesn't that make it a new system?

Eh, Reggie already admitted that that's the direction they're taking (even referring to the strategy the other two companies are taking as "Red Ocean", which implies that Nintendo are chasing their bullshit "Blue Ocean" again, which is what bought us the abomination that was the Wii)

Honestly I think the N3DS is a perfect example of what will happen to the Scorpio as long as Microsoft don't plan on phasing out the Xbone once it releases. To date I still only know of one game that's exclusive for the N3DS (Xenoblade Chronicles).

That and SNES virtual console games because bullshit excuses

I thought what they meant with recapturing that audience was to just make the system fucking cheap, I certainly want a cheap console.

If that's all they want to do, why don't they just drop the price on the Wii U and keep making games for it?

Or go third party so people don't need to spend another couple hundred dollars on their system in addition to another one.

I liked "Xbox: not even One" better.

Perhaps being stuck with PowerPC is what's keeping the Wii U from dropping in price and they're planning on going with X86-64 this time around?

Otherwise I don't really see the point of a new console if it's still only going to be as powerful as an Xbone (if that), other than to be able to shoehorn another shitty gimmick into everyone's hands since doing that with an existing console is just a waste of time, as history has shown.

the NX looks like it's going to go the PS4 route of being something any shmuck cam make a game for and slap it onto, which was apparently difficult to do on the WiiU according to indie developers. then again, these are some of the same developers who whine about their health while eating microwave sausage biscuits and having more tweets than lines of functioning code so who knows.

I can't imagine that 750 is breaking the bank at this point.

I think they realize that third parties are kind of necessary these days and they want enough power to get third parties to support them, since PS4 and Xbox One will still be supported staying within that area makes it easier for third party ports, especially if they go x86-64 like the rest of them. Then there's the issue with no traction, I think Nintendo thinks that a new console will generate traction, then there's probably a point we've passed where newer hardware is price competitive with what the WiiU already has and it will go down faster with things like memory DDR4 becoming cheaper thanks to market demand and DDR3 becoming more expensive thanks to market demand and places slowly phasing out fabrication of these parts.

Nintendo doesn't want to go third party and I'm surprised many other users want that, especially people who hate Nintendo, if Nintendo were to go third party they'd probably end up becoming the dominant force on them.

xbone.5 haz no games, nintendo nx is trying to recapture the wii audience so dead on arrival and ps4.5 barely haz games. i'd say this is more like gen 8.5 being the last gen ever because i can't fucking see consoles going past this monumental failure across the board.

Pretty much, 4 years is actually pretty normal. It's just been a shitty generation and people seem to think generations should last 10 years now. I think they figured this was the better way to go about it so customers didn't get pissed and since everything will be backwards compatible anyway.

If we're working on that assumption I would probably say because 7th gen went on too long and these consoles came out on the horizon of distinctly more cutting edge tech. Its not like 8th gen really did or had anything new or inherently superior to the past gen. There wasn't that step up from SD to HD, DVD to BD, etc. The transition was simply at a very poor time and this scramble is an attempt to stay relevant.

Game devs will do their calculations. In general the majority of console owners are not big spender technophiles jerking of to GPUs. The terraflop crowd is on PC.

The install base of the PS4 is at 40 million plus. Nobody is going to drop support for that in favor of the Neo.

And remember, Sony likes to support their consoles for a long time. FF12 came out on the PS2.

The only reason I'd want Nintendo to go third party is because I'm not really enamored with the idea of being an idort anymore. With how multiplatform the industry has become on the third party side unless a platform holder funds an exclusive game, collecting all of these systems and piling them up around my television is unappealing.

I'd love to see them on PC too, I don't think it's ever going to happen though but the thought is nice.

4 years has typically been "normal" for an unsuccessful console that is trying to jump the market rather than be tied to a failing one.

For a successful console, 5 years is usually the absolute minimum and more often it is 6+ years of significant support.

There is no fundamental change in anything here. Not in HW capabilities, not in programming model. They'll do the same as gen8 running the same code as gen8, just with settings tweaked a little higher.
So, no, they're not a new gen. Furthermore there's not enough power differential to even call it a generational halfstep.
At best they're gen8.1.
Why .1? Because it's unlikely we'll get a full gen step for a very long time to come. The consoles after Neo and Scorpio? Same as those are to gen8.0, they'll be gen 8.2.
We can start talking about gen9 when something significant changes besides a little more power. I don't know, maybe an added FPGA to throw neural nets for AI on, or some dedicated HW to allow raytracing, or if it takes even longer for anything significant to change maybe some quantum computing component. Until that happens we'll stay at gen8.whatever.
To contemplate the real horror of the slowdown of tech progress, consider this:
Gen8 might outlive Holla Forums.

Perhaps Nintendo wants to go x86 like the other consoles and PC? This would make porting games a LOT easier.

by that train of thought we're not even on gen8 yet.

Fine by me.

I'm currently playing Suikoden from 1995. What technology?

Isn't PowerVR messing around with that in their GPUs?

PES 14 came out on november 2013 on PS2

Yeah the PS4 will be the console everyone develops games for since it's already got such a massive user base compared to the others. Which is why I think the NX will need to be at least as powerful as the PS4 itself (devs hate having to spend extra development time downgrading their games for another console, that's part of the reason the Wii and Wii U hardly got any worthwhile 3rd party titles, just shovelware).

It's not even about the NX being a 'powerful' console, it's more that it really needs to be easy to port games from the PS4 to the NX and if Nintendo decide to make it sub-Xbone (like the rumors keep saying) with PowerPC again they may as well just give up now.

The thing is with the position they're in there's really no reason not to. Since games can be scaled easy enough to still support the older ones this is pretty much their way to not get totally left behind with VR. People have hyped it way too much and it's pretty much a race to see who can get one running things, that aren't shit, first.

What the fug are you talking about?

Would you kindly stop falling for that meme?

The Neo/Scorpio are to their base console as the New3DS is to the 3DS. They're not a new console generation.

Geometry shader stage + tesselation. 360 had a ff tesselator but no geometry shading. Also compute shaders. Gen8 was a new gen alright.
also checked
Not in their GPUs, they had a dedicated raytracing accelerator, though just a proof of concept implemented on a FPGA.

Yeah, we'll see how it shakes out. I don't like it so it probably biases me against the idea in general. I'm not convinced VR's near or medium-term application market is really going to be video games and I'm certainly not of the opinion that the console market should be trying to make itself "high-end".

Maybe the consumer has been dumbed down enough and trained well enough in planned obsolescence that they'll successfully accelerate the hardware cycle. Selling me a profitable from day one console more often that only runs games [full-priced] on one system/ecosystem isn't where I want consoles to go.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm talking mostly about the base architecture and programming model.

they announced the PS4 Neon and the Box of Scorpions to be like the New3DS slightly more powerful hardware to run the same games in 4k or with VR. So there will probably no / not many games that only run on the new iterations. Just games that'll run like shit on the old versions.

and ofc "slightly improvedt" versions of consoles that can barely run 1080p with 60fps will be able to run 4k properly

Interesting. I wonder if they'd ever be interested in licensing out that to third parties. Don't know if AMD could integrate something like that into their APUs, though, and the MCM model seems dead after the Wii U.

I bought a N3DS for Xenoblade and more N3DS games.
I feel kind of cheated.
Thank fuck Xenoblade was fucking brilliant though

yeah. sure. totally

I'd feel silly if I had purchased a new device just to play a port of an easily emulated game.

The reason for the short console cycle (do we really want another 9 years one?) is most likely VR. Neither of the current consoles could handle any VR whatsoever, and both companies invested big in VR as well as believe it will be the future for their gameplay (otherwise they wouldn't invest in it).

Like or dislike VR all you wish, but at the very least its forcing some progress in gaming hardware. It has been a while since anything really forced new hardware.

I think they are. Consoles now are running X86 CPUs with an OS and APIs very similar to windows/linux. So there isn't much to change except internal components.

Having the same brand logo saves on advertising costs which is pretty clever.

I'm wondering when consoles will start using x64 or x86-64 processors. Aren't x64 processors backwards compatible with x86 applications or is that only for OS?

I don't really see a problem with longer hardware cycles. It doesn't seem to benefit anyone but the chip makers who want to keep the consumer on their road map. So many games that PS4 advertised to sell their system still haven't come out yet and some of them aren't that close.

I think it's a lot to ask people to upgrade every 3-4 years, pay for online, potentially have to replace all of your controllers, maybe get BC or maybe not, when the overwhelming majority of games take 3+ years to get out the door even though there are hundreds of people working on them.

It's 'forcing' a purchase. A slightly improved piece of already mediocre hardware is a terrible way to get in on the ground level of new technology. When normalchumps get a taste of how bad VR is at the moment, they'll be turned off of it forever.

I don't have a clue about emulation to be honest.
I'm too old for that shit.
And it was released before they released it on the WiiU eshop.

The WiiU had a normal life cycle and Microsoft fucked up really bad when they first showed to Xbone, the only thing I dont get is why sony is making a new console too.

I guess normalfags will buy it anyways, they keep buying iphones every year.

On one hand, IMGtech deals with IP, not chips, so that possibility certainly exists. On the other hand that would throw all established workflows out of the window if going all in or have a very narrow benefit if just used as a booster, so don't hold your breath. Maybe if there's an FPGA included for other reasons it could be thrown into the usable pool of options because, fuck it, why not, but that's the best case scenario and quite unlikely to happen.


I'm sorry, but going from a 1.3 TFLOPS GPU to a 6 TFLOP GPU is a huge step. It's the difference between a GTX 480, and an overclocked R9 390X. If you were to bench any number of games, you'd see that it does genuinely transfer to a 3-4x improvement in performance. Is it actually enough for them to genuinely push the VR meme? Probably not, especially as VR games get more graphically intense, but it's easily enough to handle any game at 4k with no, or low, filters. Battlefield 4, for instance, does 4K @ Ultra Quality with no MSAA at about 41 fps on that GPU. That's higher than what consolefags are used to.

It's not up to par with a properly high end GPU, especially with the release of the Pascal cards, but it's performance on par with a GPU that still costs about $320 at the moment.

I'm saying it's not a new generation because Phil Spencer said there won't be ANY Scorpio exclusives

That's going to be a lie

I just tend to hold it against the retards encouraging them to do this more, I guess. It kind of even seemed like Microsoft didn't even want to get involved, until the public got so overly hyped about VR. I think the technology is amazing, but now is just not a good time for it for games. Especially, consoles, since it needs as much new hardware as it can get. I'm not sure how all these people don't notice that 90% of the games are on rails, sitting, or very low action. Seeing things like a person standing in one place firing a gun at monster and calling it Final Fantasy VR is just embarrassing to me.

I'll probably skip it too.
The only recent game I've been interested in is DMC4:SE and maybe the new Nier game.
That's it.
Bayonetta 3 is a possibility on the horizon from a recent interview but so far I've being going horizontal and backwards with generations.


Almost all processors are X86. Then they have various patches to emulate 64bit instruction. Haven't read up on it in a few years but it's easier to emulate 64bit rather than have a true 64bit processor with backwards compatibility with 32bit instruction. Plus there isn't a high need for 64 when 32 does everything good enough already.

They're shit

An upgrade every 5-6 years doesn't strike me as too bad if enough progress has been made. And lets be honest, in the xbox360/ps3 years, which lasted so long, a lot of progress was made. Ram wen't from 256mb to 8 gig. An upgrade in between to 2 gig ram would have made a lot more possible. I would also not underestimate how many console peasants upgrade for something stupid. I know a friend who bought a new PS3 to get a bigger hard drive in it. I told him it was pretty stupid since I could have put a new one in, but whatever.

We also don't need to break full compatibility with everything. Controllers may last 10 years before major revisions are needed. But the console itself likely won't. Given that they are all (but the wiiU) pretty much PCs now, it shouldn't be impossibleto guarantee games for a certain number of generations before requiring an upgrade anyway. 5 years is already a pretty long time between upgrades. More than that is stupid.

I think only the NX would be a proper 9th gen console, and even then more like 8.5 to the Wii U's 7.5.

That said, if this gimmick works then I fully expect mid-generation upgrades to become the norm.

user, you do realize you don't have to announce a sage right?
It doesn't add anything extra, we can see you've saged.
A sage is a none post, it's not meat to be a negative post (downvote), it's a none post. You're announcing nothing.

Anything VR related will be exclusive to scorpio. There is just no way they get any form of good VR on the xbone.

Too easy

They'll probably label the VR games something else, have the Xbone run some of them like shit, until making the next one (which will be compatible with Xbone/Scorpio games and easing themselves out of that and everyone into a new cycle of pretty much the same thing)

I guess you could say he was polite shitposting.

How is it playing Xenoblade on the shitter?

Seriously though, at least a handful of 3DS games run better with the better processor (Smash 4, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Codename STEAM, etc.) I haven't tested the nub in full, but it does leave an option to have the 2nd analog support and amiibo tapping built-in. I'm still waiting for a price drop on the non-XL N3DSs. I've worn down the A buttons on both my DS Lite and current 3DS

Wii Jew was a failure. PS4.5 needs to exist because muh grafix and the original model is selling like hotcakes (for whatever reason), so the whole library has to be compatible.

Microjew Scorpio is just lol

This puzzle is worth 25 picarats

When the time comes for games to use more than 4 gigs of RAM (more than just graphics) would a true x64 bit processor be ideal then?

We probably won't see those requirements for console games in a long time.

Are the NES Top Loader, Genesis 2, PSOne, PS2 Slim, or any of the other times companies have tried to jew you like this actually new generations? No. You didn't even consider the DSi or New 3DS to be new gens, and that was literally the exact same shit.

Did you literally just hear of video games for the first time?

I still don't understand this. They still haven't released those gba games given out to ambassadors yet

That doesn't really apply in this case since the "hole technology" from those xbox cases was holes on top of solid plastic. Actual vent holes make sense

The NEO and the Scorpio are quite a bit different than slim revisions. They are significant upgrades in the internal components.

The Xbox

xbox picollo


We can only hope

Probably wont be for a very long time game-wise but everything else consoles do (clunky OS overlay, streaming and chat service, etc) take up a lot of memory.

What exactly do you think modern x86s are? Last 32bit x86 was one of the earlier Intel Atoms or maybe a Via CPU, though they're irrelevant enough nobody needs to know them. There's no emulation, x64 code runs native yeah microOps yaddayadda, I know it's not really CISC anymore just as x86 code.

9th gen consoles will be known simply as the XBOX and PLAYSTATION.

Because the 7th was unusually long.

Going be rumors of the specs, they are keeping quiet because the Scorpio btfo'd the Neo.

Modern chips are X86 with extensions which allow 64bit operations.

It's not that this gen was short, it's just that the previous gen went on too fucking long.

They would make Loads of money if they were to sell Zelda on Steam.

Ms should release level making tools with the upcoming Halo PC game. Just imagine Halo CE with current hardware.

What the fuck happened to this board?

Correct. They're x86 extended to 64bit. There's no "emulation". They're true 64bit processors, the AMD cat cores in the consoles included. You could certainly want a better CPU but that has nothing to do with bitwidth but with better branch prediction or more execution resources or faster and/or bigger caches.

The O3DS not being powerful enough to do it isn't a bullshit excuse user, it's reality.

the previous gen was better than this gen, and the gen before it still better.
why don't they all just make drm distribution systems like steam?

Because Sony and Microsoft decided to make cable boxes instead of true game consoles. Nintendo seems to be the only company left actually trying to make a game console. While normalfags seem to be okay with the current state of affairs they also seem to realize that the current generation of consoles have no staying power. They don't feel different from the previous generation. Despite having little compatibility with the last gen these new consoles just feel like an extension of the Xbox 360 and PS3.

So if the current gen systems are x64 then that means they could run 64 bit apps in the future?

even nintendo's console despite having better games didn't really offer much more than the wii did.

probably if you had access to the instruction set. realistically no

What do you think runs on them right now, bait-kun? Think they'll leave the additional registers in x64 mode untapped? Modern SW may be less optimized than earlier gens SW but changing a flag in the compiler settings isn't exactly something that burns tons of manhours…

i might be mistaken but aren't new ones still being produced?
amiga and risc processors are still made so i don't know why x86 wouldn't be

good thing I skipped this gen

worst gen ever

How about we don't drift too far off. See any Atoms in consoles? No? There's where the relevancy ends in this context.

Oh, you'll enter it sooner or later. Maybe once the gen8.1 iteration of neo and scorpio populates the bargain bins. Maybe once their gen8.2 successors suffer the same fate. With no reason to break backwards compatibility probably gen8.4 or even later iterations will play almost everything released since The Last Gen began its life in 2013.


Yes they will be the 9th gen consoles, if anything this just marks the decline of the "console generation" term, just like it happen with phones, it just doesn't make sense to keep track anymore.

So do we have a price on Scorpio?

Please tell me it isn't going to be 599. Sony did that once. Didn't go over so well.

The only thing we kinda know is that it will have a GPU based on one that AMD sells at 200 dollars.

It's feasible for them to sell it at 499, they could even do 399 if they decide to sell them at a little lost,

And yet, the PS4 has sold over 40 million units.

It has been proven time and again that brain dead console plebs will buy them no matter what. [Current Year] Sports games, ports of PS3 and even PS2 games, multi platform shit that's better on PC, you name it and they buy it anyway.

Literally the only reason I own a PS4 is because of Bloodborne. Infamous Second: Son was OK I guess, nothing too amazing. Killzone: Shadow Fall was awful. I have no plans to play The Order: 1886.

There will be a real 9th gen some day, it will have even less than no gaems, and it will still sell millions.

these guys went out of business years ago.

This. The best kind of games in VR will be Beachhead type games where you stand in one place and mow down tons of zombies\aliens\stormtroopers or whatever. This should have been the starting point for these VR games, its what people expect when they put on a VR helmet. Here's a simple machine gun, shoot these incoming monsters.

Putting someone who has never played VR before, let alone a real videogame, into a scenario like oh here's a bomb with forty switches and a virtual pair of pliers or here's an AR 15 simulator now strip it down completely and rebuild it is just frustrating for a first experience. So is throwing them into some kind of horror game that's completely pitch black with only a flashlight and a handgun, with no instructions whatsoever. It's fishing for player reactions for youtube videos.

People's first VR experience needs to be easy and simple. Adapting existing IPs to VR like batman and final fantasy reeks of desperation on the part of the publishers. It's not a game, its a slapped together tech demo.

$599 in 2006 is now equal to $713.80 today.

So if the new system is $599 in today's money, then that's like paying $502.67 in 2006.

That sounds like a plan. Make the first VR games PewDiePie bait and have drones of retards make Youtube videos promoting your game.


And this

When developers have to deal with the limits of your brand new console, and find themselves forced to downgrade the graphics and performance of their games because clearly your "cutting edge" console isn't powerful enough, obtaining a result that isn't much better than the previous generation, obviously you did something wrong.

The next one will be worse.

except WiiU barely counts as last gen and doesn't looks like NX will be a powerhouse either


We're going back to before the console generation model of marketing

The 1st and 2nd generation of game consoles are retroactive concepts, Nintendo was really the first company who setoff the generation model because of the success of the NES, forcing competitors to time their console releases to remain competitive, and thus withholding development of new consoles until CPUs of higher word length became affordable

The 1st and 2nd console gens aren't real, hardware was all over the fucking place between 4-bit microcontrollers, transistor logic, and fully functional 8-bit CPUs

We are repeating history, since PCs and smartphones don't follow the generation model, console makers are scrambling to push gimmicks out faster instead of releasing in a timely matter

the crash is upon us gents

that's so annoying

Never ever

The holes aren't for airflow. A cursory glance at their product shows me that the holes are there so whatever idiot buys it can put the extra plastic bits wherever they like. It's for screws or whatever.

I don't think traditional generation division even apply nowadays. A new console gen usually meant a big shift: new hardware, software, peripherals etc. What we're getting now are just slight hardware revisions while everything else stays exactly the same as before. Game consoles have become MacBooks of the gaming world.

because there's several gigantic limitations to PC game development, and you can't hit that high end graphics/budget market and make a good financial return on PC.

I'm at a loss for words. How do the three big companies manage to turn out the Sega Nomad, Atari Jaguar, and TurboDuo of the 2010's? How?

sony is finally having a good year.

Look at the PS2 line-up for 2001 and tell me that this is a good year.

nioh, gravity rush 2, the last guardian, uncharted 4, yakuza 0, ni no kuni 2, odin sphere, 13 sentinels, star ocean, jojo's eyes of heaven and plenty more. I don't think you're well aware of the upcoming games if you don't think these are worth playing.

none of those are worth playing though. uncharted is a shit series, and the last guardian is too little too late for one.

rest is boring shit. but at least you get another zombie game and a new god of war that is basically the witcher 3, yeah?

oh, the tired "everything u is shit lmoa"
0/10. you aren't worth the time.

neither is sony delivering good games either, apparently.


how many games do you have btw? i have over 1000 on pc, not including all my boxed copies from the 90s and early 00s. I have a full shelf of those.

I have 1/4th of that for the original xbox alone, my 6th gen library is bigger than your pc library lmao

yet here you are shitposting busily because you are bored from those games or can't find the motivation to play any, you don't even like games , get out

It's 8.5 Gen. Everyone's making the same mistake Sega did.

This is GEN 8.5

how did buying all those copies of advent rising for that million dollar prize work out?


only have the pc version of that

I don't call any Nintendo console a new/next gen for the only reason that they do their own thing since wii.

And there is only a handful of games you want in a Nintendo console and so on, there is almost no 3rd party games if its not from Japan. So a Nintendo console is a weird thing imo.

I personally believe 360 and ps3 came to fast, the same with ps4 and xbone, but I felt more of a god dammit can't play more on these consoles with the ps3 and 360.

also it does not help that the games are develops within 3 years or so.

oh yeah, i forgot it was another one of those non-existent exclusives. thanks for reminding me kek.

wouldn't expect anyone who doesn't play games to know anything about them

i wouldn't expect anyone who doesn't have any for his consoles to either tbh fam.

I'll get it for the same reason I got duke nukem forever. I was genuinely excited for this a decade ago.
Not even a game.
Might be ok.
Weeb & fatlus shit.

I suspect the reason we're getting so much garbage is the bigger studios are aiming for gen+0.5 in 1.5 years. This generation's hardware was just so horribly shit that it stunted vidya from day 1. The curse of the wobble. It might be undewhelming again as PC is up to 9 tflops today and consoles are aiming for 6 almost 2 years from now.

It is basically Nintendo's fault because they are trying to play the release between the others mid-cycle game and have a better system for the last half. Now they can't even release it because it was likely on par or only slightly better compared with the ps4 and xbone.

The really can't quit this cycle without having at a top ten great game of the gen filled out. Unless it is this gen is really last gen and only good for remakes and remasters.

More like Gen 7.75 TBH.


I'm pretty sure that its VR or an excuse for Sony to sell 4K TVs.

trying a bit hard to be a contrarian, aren't you? Usually it's a good idea to judge games after you've seen them in action.

oh wait, you're one of those. I'm not invested like that, but just because I know it'll upset you

the NX is clearly just an attempt by nintendo to put the wiiu upto snuff with the other consoles. currently wiiu feels like an upgraded version of the wii.

i see you'll be buying an NX. where did you pre-order it?

I keep hearing that consoles can run much better with the same pc specs. But I have yet to see top end pc specs in a pc vs top end pc specs in a console

current consoles are about as good as an AMD pc with an hd7850 in it. PS4 is about equivalent to it, similar enough hardware.

This benchmark shows a PC with a far better CPU running at over twice the clock speed on a system with twice the RAM nailing about 35FPS max @1080p on the witcher 3.

PS4 has sub 30fps drops, but tends to maintain that level of performance consistently. Try doing that on a 1.9ghz laptop APU. You probably won't see top end PC specs vs top end console specs again. Closest we got was original xbox and the xbox 360. 360 was more powerful than contemporary PCs at the time.

I'm not invested in any one platform. I'm just saying that with far more than 2x the performance as a whole system that they're targetting, PCs still aren't good at 4k so the consoles won't pull it off (or will only do 30fps). We're treating the 1080 as the answer to 1440p gaming. We'll need to double today's high end PC specs before everyone goes 4k.

Are you seriously trying to justify your awful investement?
With Uncharted 4?


uncharted 4? We're talking about the witcher 3 you retard.

I wouldn't play the game on any platform. Slavshit is shit.

This isn't true. Just as an example, SLI. But it was extremely good for the price and competitive with what most people had. 7th gen was 5 years out of date when it began.


sli at the time was absolutely pathetic. Nvidias cards at the time were also shit compared to ATi's, which the xbox 360 used an x1950 iirc.

Coupled with the multicore CPU the system had which surpassed both AMD and Intel's offering in performance.

I'm willing to believe that a machine built for a singular purpose is better at doing that job than a machine built for many purposes. However, because of how the industry is structured, that will never be the case. Either way, consoles are computers by definition, and are bound to the same limitations. If you made a PC in such a way that it was designed to run games and nothing else, it would outperform consoles, but it still wouldn't be a console, because it wouldn't be a DRM machine.

consoles were behind PCs and have to play catch up now that digital distribution is popular.

We have IDs here
Are you seriously using games that have been confirmed for next year to say that Sony finally had a good year?
Especifically, current year?

You realize CPU has almost nothing to do with graphics, right? You can get a great CPU but still have shit graphics, you just need a good CPU so your GPU doesn't bottleneck.
I.E. if you have the same graphics card but a better CPU, there will only be a marginal performance change NO MATTER how much better the CPU is.

It's weird so read this considering they have yet to even reach 8th gen performance wise.
I would even say their online services are still on 6th gen niveau.

you realize that a cpu affects performance, right? Just making sure, this is the only thing matters here. Just to make sure you know, AMD cpus are also pretty bad compared to Intel ones.

generations are defined by time, not performance. I mean you're a higher generation than your parents, yet even your great grandparents outperformed you in life.

Sony and MS are making a new console so the horsepower argument doesn't really hold much water.






You're nuts, that was back when SLI actually worked, before deferred rendering killed the dream. I had a SLI 7950 box that I converted to SLI 8800s and that shit was magical for Crisis. I'm really glad I did as that was the last breath of traditional PC gaming and I didn't miss it.

I actually had a PC i built to the (almost) exact same specs as the xbox 360.

a proper video card wasnt available for the PC at 360s launch so the PC was newer, but it had the same memory, cpu, and i had a … i dont remember the exact video card, but it was the 1st dx10 card to come out, i originally had an X1950 XTX, but upgraded to an ATI dx10 card with almost the same specs, which is pretty much what a 360 had.

games would run much better on my 360.

360 was obsolete in a few years, but the gen just didnt fucking die. i upgraded my PC 2x before the 360 met its end.



wait, you had 512MB of ram in 2005? I had that in 2003.

my video card had 512mb. system i think had 2gb.

this shit makes the early ps3 library look like a treasure trove.

also, doesn't doing this sort of shit just completely fuck over the early adopters of a console? let's say actual next gen rolls around with the ps5 and the xbox one: two. now that there is a precedent for them to make a hardware upgrade less than 3 years into a generation, what motivation is there to buy the new box at launch when you can just wait to buy the newer, better box in a few years, especially with this couple years of lag needed to actually get some fucking games out? are they going to need to explicitly say they're not going to do it, then hope the other guy doesn't put one out that completely shits on theirs with better gwafix?

Oh shit, son, we're bringing it back.


i own a PS4, mostly for bloodborne but there are a few other games. i think you misunderstand the market.

i know people that traded in their PS4 for a discount on the PS4 with darth vader on it.

i mean, an entire PS4 costs about as much as a new video card, and i used to trade in my video card once a year for the new hotness that was marginally faster.

the old consoles wont become obsolete, the new console will just be better. just look at the black xbox 360. did the release of the black one betray owners of the white one?

Playstation 1 had the slim version, Playstation 2 had the slim version, Xbox 360 had the slim version, PS3 had the slim and ultra slim version.

Thats just the way it goes, my mate. Why would you think they are next gen? They arent even marketed like that.

So many people refer to the PS4 as a Bloodborne machine, but didn't more people buy it for MGSV?

true, i forgot the ps4 has 40 million units out even with jack shit to play. most people probably think sony and ms are doing them favors with this shit.

no, because it was still a 360, just in a different box and a different hard drive. this is new hardware that can actually matter for game performance. i see what you're saying though.

the new ones have better specs. but remember the 90nm 360s, 60nm, and 45nm? they ran better. but didnt even advertise the difference.

people here just hate gen8 so naturally jump all over gen8.1 as if this was never done before.
n64 had the expansion thing.

it was announced as a multiplat pretty early in development. anyone who jumped on that prematurely was probably going to buy one anyway.

ps2 was a great console, would anyone here complain if sony said "hey we're making a PS2 with new hardware that will run all the same PS2 games, but in higher resolution and higher FPS, and have an HDMI hookup"

the new ps4 is supposed to take the same game discs and everything, so its not like they'll be left out.

It's not a new generation, since both the launch model and upgraded models will have the exact same library.
But it is fucking stupid.
I'm ignoring NX because lolnintendo.

but not ps4.25 and xbtwo?

I didn't mean "ignore" in the context of considering purchases. I meant that I wasn't talking about the NX in my post.

I don't get it either. All three are shit. And at that, Nintendo is still the most redeemable of the three.

i dont know what that guy meant, but nintendo always does this kind of stuff with their consoles. i think the gamecube was the only console they made that didnt do that. didnt they make a wii version where the motion control actually works?

Don't ever quote me or my posts ever again.

Whatever you say, fam.

ok, i promise.


No, the extra performance will be wasted on higher resolution. Games will still be made for the same gen as the higher resolution will deny any significant visual upgrade that would come from the pitiful performance increase. Games might even perform better on existing consoles at 1920x1080p than they do at 3840x2160 on the new consoles.

Made for the worthless parasites that watch TV, deserve to be denied beauty by their own hand.

Using PC hardware all PS4 and Xbox1080 games are issue free in backward compatibility. Could even be played on PC, only a software barrier.

Games should have stuck to 240i/480i and gotten fantastically better every generation, all games being made under the hardware limitations, always at screen refresh rates.

The parasites should have known this, but made the world worse anyway, they know they want money anyway, stupidity is all the stupid understand, bleat about something wrong as if done that enough makes it right.

Because of the waste of performance kids har missed out on wonder, and have been deprived from begetting needed skill.

Seems a means to make people stupid now, supportive of propaganda etc.

PC's have been made stupid too.

Consoles could prepare people for using PC's so they are eager to make and compile content. Desire to do more. Try for complicated games, stuff they can't win. They can go back to consoles when they want a presentation instead. A challenge instead of a demand.

That is you, what you're spreading and trying to put on others. Also what causes such to stay rotten.

Atheists are just people who got burned by the religious. Lived in the world, saw the world to precious to fit into words. The world was enough of a fantasy, a horror they weren't rescued. Reason at least to do better knowing the consequences of failure. Knowing too beauty is always burnt by the religious.

Not in it's nature to be defensive. Need deeper forrests to be in.