Save By The Bell reboot confirmed

Who's hyped?

are traps gay?

if it has a penis it is gay
no exceptions

isn't the actor who portrayed screech a sexual predator?

Sodomy is gay whether it's a man or a woman.

He is a known asshole fore sure. He claims to have slept with 1000 women and constantly picks fight with everyone and anyone.

real /ourguy/ material

Saved by the Balls

What was his dad thinking?

That he's happy his son is not a virgin NEET?

>>>Holla Forums

The irony is she looks less like a tranny than Gal Gadot.

So is he a tranny?


Who's the qt?

Also, when will we get The Tranny, or Bareback Mountain?


Not everyone has access to pvre Evropa qt's, Varg. Not everyone can just got out innawoods and burn Christcuck churches with zero repercussions. I'll stop jerking off as soon as you get me a qt gf, how about that?




She looks just like a real girl.



Santini > Gadot

There's a universal rule:
If they're hot - no
If they aren't - yes

I would watch it providing they had some cameos from the original cast.

If you're getting into traps at least get into good ones


Don't project so hard

not the one doing mental gymnastics on how fucking men isn't gay, homo-kun

yeah, you're only obsessed with pushing your "heterosexuality" by bringing up homos everywhere you can. That's totally not what fags do to cover their faggness.
Don't project so hard.

sad tbh

Don't project so hard, faggio.

Not that guy, but you made a thread to spam about your homolust for DICKS. You are actively trying to "push" your fetish with this entire thread you colossal faggot. And he's right, if it was born with a dick lusting after it is gay.

Yes you are, and I already told you not to project so hard.
Also I'm not OP :^)


What if they're a girl with a penis? Huh? Really got you caught in a conundundudrum now.

Masculine Penis (Menis) = Gay
Feminine Penis (Fenis) = Stray / Bi / Straight
Feminine Vagina (Fagina) = Straight
Masculine Vagine (Mangina) = Gaight / Bi

Not fucking hard is it

Had dick ever = Gay
Not hard is it?

Right, something tells me you didn't get it. Genitals don't equal gender, just like sex assigned at birth doesn't equal gender.

Penis on a Man = Penis / Menis / Boyenis / Benis
Penis on a Woman / T-Girl = Penis / Wenis / Genis / T-Genis / Tenis

Whether you think the penis is feminine or not isn't really up to you. It could be six inches and femme or two inches and still more masculine than your shrimp dick okay sweetie?

Dick = Gay. No wriggling out it, lad.

Did you miss the part with the Tenis? Fucking idiot.

Umm, I think that's called a Wenis now. Pretty bigoted to assign gender to a piece of flesh.

It's not a dick though. It's a Genis.

I thinks that's only for boyenises / benises. It's different once you get into T-Genis territory.

It's not really on you to make that call. Whether somebody is or isn't gay is their choice and nothing to do with their genitals. I'm a cis straight man but started calling my dick my Menis to avoid embarrassment and confusion.

are boyginas gay I think I touched one in school today now everyone in class says i'm gay cause I touched a baginas but I said its okay its just a wenis but they already knew it was a mangina


Someone just post the screencap of user explaining what trannyfags do to keep their gash from healing up and how they have to clean out their fake vagina or risk an infection that can spread to any idiot willing to stick their dick in there.

Queer infiltrator spotted and reported

Not if it's a girls dick tbqhwy fam.

Huh, the little girl kind looks like whats her tits from twin peaks.

Disregard, I am a fucking poledditor.

great, Jack Morris can have the first ocular VR impant in this version


Slater, Kelly, Screech, Jessica, and Lisa. Back in college I wrote a SbtB fanfic for our edgy young republicans zine about Zach getting Screech high on acid accidentally and him and Slater helping hide Mrs. Beldings body after screech, frying his balls off, attacked her on a jogging path raping and murdering her.

Man the 90s were great

sorry. I literally only know about him from that Owl City song