Not my video, but this is the power of all those shekels and Inafune's.
Mighty No. 9 - Final Boss fight?
BTW, no need to watch the whole thing, it gets boring pretty fast and pretty repetitive, I think there were only 5 patterns and not even randomized.
I hope this turns off thousands of potential buyers and this thing goes down as the biggest flop of the century and Inafune is disgraced into suicide
Is it too late to preorder? i missed the kickstarter
I hope this is bait
It looks boring.
Not only is the pace painfully slow, the boss itself is a fucking bullet sponge. 10 minutes to beat a boss with an incredibly simple attack pattern and only two forms.
Looks like half of the time you have to dodge the thing, makes me wonder if the player just played it safe or the boss can't be damaged during all the other phases.
I wonder if Inafune regrets his decision.
Well, a reputation in shambles is not very profitable.
Considering everyone else and their mother still calls him "the creator of Megaman"
It's worked pretty well for EA.
If you really cared about money, you'd avoid making shitty products that alienate your audience.
Don't give me that bullshit about him caring about his paycheck. If he's not making good products to sell, HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT MONEY.
Only a fuckin' fool would think in the short term when it comes to money.
Not at all.
In fact they have lesser sales. The only reason they're still up is because they were a GOOD company once that got to a position to have a lot of money to cushion mistakes.
There have been a whole lot more people (outside of the chans) that have been bringing up akira kitamura whenever he's credited with creating megaman. And there are definitely even more people calling him a hack now.
I doubt he'll be able to do kickstarters anymore without publisher funding and a whole lot more trolls shitting on everyone for funding him.
Inafune was coddled by the western gaming press for far too long, really. The whole LEGENDS 3 NEEDS TO HAPPEN movement was because of a particular loud fanboy of his who happened to be EiC of 1UP, to bring up an example.
So the guy thinks he can shit whatever he wants and that he can do no wrong to the western audience.
And here we are.
That is so monotonous, I hated it just watching. Can't even imagine another human having to be put through that.
I am so thankful this shit is shit. Also whatever became of the fags who were whining about there being no female Mighty or that Mighty should be a genderfluid sexless demiboy?
They are community managers on the trainwreck forums.
It's not that I don't want to see Mighty No.9 crash and burn, but would you please webm it so we don't give views to these jews?
I agree with this.
It's 16 minutes, that's going to be one crappy .webm.
Well fuck. Might as well click it anyway…
And the guys aren't exactly shilling for it in the video either, people commented it looks like shit and they're saying "Yeah it's not exactly good for 4 million".
Also good luck if you try to watch it, the 2nd form is about 10 minutes alone itself and I just left the audio droning while I worked.
Imagine playing that.
Wait what
senpai pls
What the actual fuck. I thought the uploader was using an invincibility cheat or some shit, but this retarded sword spam is actually legit? Can this pile of garbage get any worse?
Watch the ending at 15:00
If you are Angry Space Dorito or bleh I will hunt you down and gut you like a fish.
Isn't this a yellow/black devil fight but tankier?
Also is azure gunvolt a decent pc port or is it not even worth a pirate?
y'know despite all this there's this tiny shred in me that just wants to pirate the game and see it for myself that its trash.
Hookers and blow.
You don't even see a sequence of the robots rescuing Beck and Trinity, there is not even an animated segment, just still images and then those 2 minutes of dialog for an ending.
Why would you gut me?
you're Super Fighting Robot Mio-chan, aren't you.
What the fuck is wrong with Inti Creates. I can't understand how the people responsible for the Zero and ZX games made this worthless shit.
It seems that nobody at either Inti or Comcept gave a single fuck about this game. Four million dollars that went straight into the trash, not even the music is worth anything.
I could have forgiven the jewry, the social justice faggotry, the delays,the retarded business plan of Conman and everything that came with it if the gameplay was any good, but these fucks were incapable of even delivering on that. I expected this game to be utter shit and I'm still disapointed.
To think that people used to clamour the appereance of Inafking as the saviour of Rockman.
If you are those two, you should know why, but if you're neither of them, then you have no reason to fear nor to ask.
-They'll still see Inafune as the Savior of Mega Man/Rockman
-They'll still defend Inafune and his dishonor
-They'll still find excuses for this game being a turd.
The SJWs and fanboys will unite to make sure MN9 will get critical acclaim. See you on Tuesday when Meta critic will shw you a 95-100% rating from both critics and fans.
To be fair keiji and comcept were really shitting the bed with Dina, 2nd kickstarter for language, 3rd Kickstarter for DLC, MN9 tv show,Red Ash kickstarter, and working on re-core throughout this time too. I doubt Inti could just kick inafune out of the boardroom, they are at fault for still taking the money
I wouldn't. If they're going to treat me like shit then fuck 'em, there are thousands of indie devs who can manage to treat me as a decent customer.
>and your new boyfriend's penis in mouth
>after he fucked her with it
How do you know she has an 8inch dildo and why is your spoiler oddly specific?
Wishful thinking
Fandoms nowadays are an insufferable lot incapable of admitting when they goofed by investing cash in a game that had no love or drive to it.
Ugh. I can't even laugh at this horseshit.
Good thing I never back shit
Everytime I see mn9 footage I feel sorry for them. They´re capable of so much more but this is what´s going to stick in peoples heads because it was so hyped.
I'll keep tabs on that.
But I'm absolutely certain USGamer will either be unabashed praise or absolute mental gymnastics damage control for this.
Absolutely savage.
I've seen this several times, but I've never seen what it references
Feels bad, man
Good for you
If only vidya Sonic was as good as Twitter Sonic…
You cannot be fucking serious
Inafune probably gave them 250,000 to make the game while he spent the rest on trying to establish it as a giant franchise from the very beginning.
I don't know why user. ;-;
Tell me… are you either of them? If you say yes I will tell you and I'll even give you a sporting head start.
Holla Forums could've used that shit to have a private party full of hookers and blow on our own rented yacht. It would've been a night to remember.
Why, user. Why did you have to be a faggot?
This didn't have to happen, man.
So this is just a watered down and shitty version of the Yellow Devil fight that's too weak and foolish to be as good as a Wily Final Boss.
I just started playing 20XX.
It's a much better looking game than this.
At this point, user reviews mean nothing to me.
I played Uncharted 4 recently, but that was the most boring game I have ever played in my life.
The graphics looked good, but thats all it had going for it. Fuck Uncharted.
Why give infinite i-frames during sword spam when you're close to the boss? The whole point to swords in previous MM games is they can put out a lot of damage at the risk of taking a lot yourself. And why does this player face away from the boss to make it look like he's deflecting the projectiles?
Oh and are there any actual bad guys in this fucking game? Because from what I can tell you just go around fixing your friends. Which really makes their infamous "make the bad guys feel like anime fans on prom night" line even more obtuse.
I guess there is Not-Wily, but based on this video he doesn't even appear to be in the wrong. He just appears worried about the advent of true AI as any sane person would be.
Sums it up perfectly. In fact this mess actually has me rooting for Not-Wily.
Hahahahahahahaha, holy fuck. That wouldn't even cut it as a miniboss in a Megaman game.
Also this whole thing looks like a PS1 game running in high resolution, which would be fine if that's what they were going for, but I know it's not.
i kind of hoped to see the boss' moveset to change at low hp. what a fucking waste.
will do a webm of the "fine play" atrocity tomorrow after a long dose of sleep to wash away the taste of this atrocity
I wonder if he believes his own lies
Because he's red and he uses a sword.
That reminds me, are the Japs as disappointed as we are?
If their forums are any notice the japs don't even CARE about this.
On launch the forums for the game had like 1000 posts for us filthy gaijin and gringos, and the japanese forum had about 30.
Are you implying that con man actually has a shred of dignity?
Definetly curse. Most definetly. Maybe they'll learn from their mistakes in the planned sequels or Keiji's other game ReCore.
I would think it would have to do with the xel covering the core. It spits it out so it's exposed more to attack and sucks it back in. The second phase was an inefficent fight. I remember a video posted some time ago that was done quicker but it was the beta version. Still the exact same fight but you get to see the non-animated 3d cutscenes of Dr. White having his mouth agape in this version. How lazy do you have to be not to animate a mouth just going up and down?
Is the Mighty rap still in? Since the credits seem to be skipped I wasn't sure they kept that part in.
Remember when you had to jump to dodge the orange cyclopse boss that tosses his body across the screen in megaman and there was more than one pattern?
That was cool and took effort. [slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash]
I was thinking about this in the car the other day, and I've come to a conclusion: I'm really happy that I backed MN9.
If I hadn't backed MN9, I wouldn't have taken any notice whatsoever to the fiasco going on with the hiring of Dina when it happened. Without that, I likely never would have really been introduced to IA, missing his introduction to GamerGate before it even took on a name, and wouldn't have had a trial run with that flavor of crookery to experience what it was like first. I probably would have then missed out on the resulting exodus to Holla Forums and all of the fun and further redpilling I've been through since then. Backing the project didn't payoff itself (though I did get my chargeback), but missing out on the resulting dominoes would probably have been much more costly.
I wouldn't do something like that in the future, but this mistake turned out to have a really great outcome for me. I got something more worthwhile out of backing this project than any game that team could have produced.
Wii U pirate when?
Off-Topic: Why should I be glad that I'm not Jake Rapp?
His wife was a prostitute and she cucked him so hard that she turned him into a prostitute as well.
Seriously? How?
Thank god I was broke when the Kikestarter happened, otherwise I would be feeling like shit atm.
Will Bloodstained be this bad?
Even if Bloodstained ends up bad (I have no dog in that fight) Mighty No. 9 did it and all Kickstarter projects a huge favor.
It set the bar so low almost anything will be seen as an improvement.
Copious amounts of pegging broke the already broken man.
she forced him into an open relationship and from there managed to make him sell his butt for other dudes.
I heard it's okay.
Bloodstained looks fairly competant, if a little slowish at the moment (May just be due to being the first area before you get all the cool movement techs, though)
I just googled that and it's fucking true and then I just found out they also making Bloodstained.
Maybe he'll let everyone fund a spiritual successor to Onimusha next.
If they're apparently good at making video games, maybe this was a fluke. Or they're shit without proper direction, either way.
Is there any good reading on Inafune to see what he actually did? Is he responsible for anything good about the actual games he's worked on or is he just like some producer that's good at making himself look good?
Good taste.
user any fucking Mega Man clone is better than the pile of shit that is MN9.
I wonder how many will cut themselves over this.
What the fuck am i watching?
It's the best gamers stream, when trying to select one of the weapons the game turn on the debug mode. Here's the video:
Apparently reviews are out, and even IGN gave it a 5.6, looks like from those 4 million shekels nothing was allocated for review scores, or IGN is salty about Dina.
I think i will give a try.
On pc version japanese audio of course.
I just need some money.
37 reais? Ok.
Not as expensive as expected.
I expected this being something like 200 reais.
Ps:Fuck you Dilma
The fucking voice acting. Did they not hear themselves while recording it? And the producers thought it was acceptable?
What a joke. The easy patterns make this barely qualify as a Megaman X Series midboss.
The fight isn't long because it's hard. It's long because the boss has high HP.
bosses can also recover hp if you don't dash into them in time and they become immune to damage during their "please dash into me while I'm flashing" animation.
they whole things is retarded.
I didn't back Bloodstained but I want it to be good.
I won't buy it blindly, but please be good.
Apparently bloodstained doesn't look as bad, not to say it looks good either but that's a start.
In all honesty I seriously doubt it'll go beyond "a start", just slightly less mediocre than Mighty Scam 9.
Protip: if your line ends with a question mark you are supposed to act surprised or startled, not deadpan.
Yeah I've learned to not have my expectation too high, but if they can do a thing about the too easy and clipping part it'll be at least worth a play.
Maybe Inafune kept all the money to himself.
so this is the power of 4 million dollars
And sports
So apparently codes are finally getting out for those poor backers…
Most of them are getting 2x of the 'Retro' minecraft shit DLC codes instead of 1x Retro DLC and 1x Ray DLC code as it should be.
Seems that the ride is still going on. I am so damn glad I didn't back this.
remember when the call poll happened and he said only one call would win well he lied
Call D is
Holly shit the "sexism" is over 9,000. One of you Twitter fags needs to meme that shit.
Daily reminder that Inafune is not Mega Man's creator. Here's an interview with the actual one, ever since fucked and robbed by Capcom.
Has anyone heard anything about this?
Fucking christ that makes me feel ill
I managed to dodge two polyamourous bullets, I could have been this man
Lets talk about Cuphead instead.
Not brick, but I've seen crashed
GASAHILEKC(BFFWIFYWGLIVWBVY([email protected]/* */!!!
Christ almighty.
Fuck, that part about the innate sadness of Mega Man hurt more than I thought it would.
Mega Man never returned to video games.
Eventually wishing for adventure, but never being called upon, Mega Man stopped thinking.
I'm not foolish enough to invest in kickstarter but I feel for the guy.
who could have guest?