Why is the Right so much better at organizing than we are?
Why is the Right so much better at organizing than we are?
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The balance of probability favors the right. The most powerful people in the world, such as those controlling the military-industrial complex and the oil companies, have the most to gain by supporting them.
readiness to lick boots and do what you're told is good for building movements
The modern Left is infantile, neurotically obsessed with political correctness, with defending every mentally ill notion of gender, sex, race. The Left also believes that a global revolution is possible, ignoring that it is Capitalism that survives and thrives from every doomsday prediction made by the impotent Left.
The Right wing appeals to individualism, to tradition, to nationalism, to capitalism, religion. Certainly not altogether, as you can have a secular capitalist society that values individualism, as opposed to being some serf in the USSR, a mindless worker in the collective.
Because they have corporations doing all the organizing for them.
nice meme
Those idiots do not even know what the fuck capitalism is.
And the Left doesn't lick Stalins/Lenins/Marx's boots?
The Left, especially if it's the idiotic tankie/marxist-leninist section supports a vanguard that controls the proletariat, gives them the BS of "We serve you, you the people 'own' the means of production". The Left is intolerant to the idea that the proletariat support capitalism, and dislike having a massive, top-down, state controlled by the Politburo controlling them, killing them if they criticize the state.
I swear you are the same moron that thinks Cuba is some paradise and the Soviet Union did nothing wrong.
I know what capitalism is.
It continues to survive and thrive, contrary to what the Left preaches with it's doomsday "predictions".
All of the latter things are anti-individualist, so no.
You deliberately left out that I said not all of the above. There are atheist right wingers that support capitalism.
Yeah mane I'm sure slaving for 40c an hour in haiti is much better
shit that your forefathers did before you, recycled old memes, that make no sense anymore but you do it out of tradition. some faggot stuck piercings on his dick and made every man do it out of tradition. some faggot circumcised himself and his son and made everyone do it, now it's tradition.
group think, anyone who is not part of your nation is an enemy, xenophobia
ME ME ME, anyone who can't pull their weight can die, anyone who can't afford food can die, anyone who can't afford medicare can die. only those who have money are worthy of attention. It is better to enslave people to make you rich than to help your fellow human man.
groups, anyone who is not part of my religion is an enemy, anyone who does not go to my church is not my friend, anyone who practices a different sect of the same religion is an enemy.
pick one
Because the regressive left that took over western leftists are too busy sucking bull cum out of their "life partner's" pussy or bitching about whatever made up ism of the week on social media to organize anything more then a get together with other like minded people to make signs with stupid slogans and call anyone that doesn't agree with them bigots.
If you have any of the latter part, which is always included in the right wing package then you are inherently anti-individualist. It doesn't matter if you are an "atheist", the ideal capitalist is someone who is ready, again, to stake his life, to risk everything just so that production grows, profit grows, capital circulates. His personal or her happiness is totally subordinated to this.
the money Lebowski
Because you're all a bunch of fucking slackers who don't really have any strong convictions.
If you had any work ethic at all you'd be a rightist.
if money did not exist, capitalism wouldn't survivie
thats kikes
genital mutilation was nothing strange in ancient mesopotamia or the balkans
the goddess Ishtar/Inanna in the middle east was placated with the genitals of men, and castrated male priests would engage in receptive anal sex with strangers on her altars as ritual
Cybele was a Phrygian Ukraine earth mother goddess that also required the offerings of freshly severed phalluses in her rituals but I dont think her priests were required to engage in anal hardcore bumfuck
with the jews its a contract with their north arabian war god, which the muslims also adopted as a ritual to show loyalty to Allah and puritan christians came up with in 19th century america as a way to stop boys from masturbating
Female genital mutilation is a whole other thing where Arabs would cut the clitorises off slaves and captives and sew up their cunts save for a little hole as a method of 'proving their virginity' so they were worth more in the slave markets of the bazaar
eventually the custom became so popular the Arabs started doing it to their daughters to 'prove virginity' and up the cost of their bride price
genital cutting is a semitic tradition it has no place in Africa, Asia or Europe
glass houses and throwing stones for you isnt it
all of human civilization for the last 14,000 years at least and beyond
and that last part is just straight up humanitarian cuntery
weird that aint it
as far as I know only the abrahamic faiths were this exclusive
the Khmer Rouge got rid of money and reduced the peasants to bartering with rice
turns out they preferred using money in a system where they could feed themselves and didnt have to report to the revolutionary commissar 10yo head of the commune everytime they needed to take a shit
the arabs did it because they were a barbaric people even to the ancients.
glass house?
wow I never knew that capitalism was around for 14000 years! it must be working if it's been around for that long!!!
I'm not talking about ancient religions, im talking about you going on about religion being individualism which it never has been about in any faith.
Marx had no boots. He sold them along with his pants.
not the same guy lad leftypol really needs ID's it hinders duscussion
calling nationalism group think when communism is collectivist to the point where individualism doesnt exist in their utopia
the sick the infirm the old
they always existed on the charity of the people
they could afford it if they earned it
nothing ever stopped a woman/girlchild sucking cock for coin any man who could lift a shield could serve in the legion
and both put bread in their bellies
I like socialist healthcare but the systems overburdened right now
money denotes power, and in the past it denoted safety and status
when Caesar was 18 he was 3 million denarii in debt and the bailiffs wanted his head
his boots and pants weren't his to sell though
It's a documented fact that the far right conspired to hijack social media.
That is a massively powewrful unregulated tool that the right pretty much owns now.
Social media is key to spontaneous uprisings in future and the left has no real place in it.
Just one factor going forward, and I think relevant to what you're saying.
the problem with the left is the people dont believe your rhetoric anymore
doesnt help all your spokesmen of the modern era are toffee nosed middle class cunts
I'll give you faggots a hint
We're not, it's just that our memetics are more powerful and such spread faster
wow triggered much. I was just answering op's question
Are memes more powerful than proper arguments? I really want to know.
Are people getting so ADHD they don't want to hear some long winded answer?
Im not triggered you just have a shit tonne of cunts on your side in the modern era
twats who actually no fuck all about economics, world affairs, religious strife and international relations espousing opinions that just muddy the waters further
Please tell me more about what you "no" about economics. Or your credentials on international relations.
You're probably some jumped up forklift truck driver from Wallsall who thinks he knows it all because he read something about it in The Sun. You tosser.
nope I'm a graduate with a Bachelors of Science from London
I just cant stand self-styled intellectuals on the left who's academic qualifications is a doctorate of philosophy/music and a cruise of the south pacific
That's nice. What makes you think anyone gives a shit what you like?
Why do you need to bring up something that is personally irritating to you and project it onto a post that has no relation to it?
Hardly the thought process of a scientist….
Yes. Look at your average SJW. No real compelling, rigorous or even internally consistent arguments there. It's a belief system entirely built on psychology
so my opinions mean fuck all because they contradict yours and you insult my intelligence
seriously do you have filing cabinets for your retorts?
I know enough I try to stay informed
economics is largely not an area I care about much but ive gotten it all figured out from a standpoint before the 19th century
I think i have a pretty broad and varied knowledge on the other three categories though
my specialties molecular biology and bioengineering not keysnian and marxist economics
Nice. Doing any research or graduate work? I do synthesis and I'm gonna do computational chemistry for drug discovery soon. Maybe we can coauthor in five or ten years
Shoot yourself, retard.
Is it really? Just look at the republicans in the US or tories in the UK. They're tearing themselves apart over ideological differences the two most distinct of which being the neo-liberal neo-cons who want to accelerate globalisation and expand western hegemony. Then you've got the nationalists who almost all oppose neo-liberalism or liberal interventionism.
not yet graduating this year tbh
good luck with that though
its not really tearing themselves apart
a minority of the tories in the UK split off from the neo-liberal neo-cons and formed a seperate party with more nationalist sentiments
and an even smaller minority in the US republicans is looking like its ready to split off too
and its these people who receive the majority of the white working class support
memes are proper arguments.
also Not an argument
If we don't have a cash how do we get better at propaganda?
How can we start a think tank?
Nationalism is a powerful identity politic
Brexit and Trump beg to differ. Even if Trump loses he was still leaps and bounds ahead of the traditional neo-con, neo-lib Reps. And the republican party is very much tearing itself apart.
its a small minority in government
how many senators, congressmen and mayors align themselves with Trump?
UKIP has only one seat in the UK parliament but it was the face of the Brexit campaign
nationalism has no power in the government its all in the people
Learn to read.
So you're a undergrad student who thinks people know nothing about how the world works because it's not what you want to hear.
People with a vested interest have pumped people full of right wing propaganda for decades.
Because they have institutional support
this isn't hard
Look at Tea Party vs Occupy
One had a lot of money to work with seemingly out of nowhere, the other did not, now why would that be?
I'm just tired of arguments that end in intellectuals parroting islam is a religion of peace, or theres no issue with gay marriage or its 2016 I mean c'mon
Go to bed Mr Harris
True. But 50%+ of the population won't go unrepresented long. Hell, even big Tessa May is appealing to nationalist sentiment with her commitment to hard Brexit. And she's the fucking PM.
>hello again, fellow leftists, let's discuss how the left is inferior to the right in every way and how yo- I mean we should be totally demoralized by this
yeah she makes an appeal
every time a paki rape gang gets into the news about pakis abducting and keeping white british kids as sex slaves in council house dungeons she'll make an appeal and some empty promises to calm the plebs down a bit
shes still a part of that globalist neo-con elite we all love to hate and she'll continue serving them as Sharia May
Typical leftist retard. If this was halfchan Holla Forums they'd be figuring ways to solve the problem.
What do you expect her to do, call for a Nazi masturbation fantasy?
The people doing the crime are getting nicked for it that's why you're hearing about it you tard.
Is she a neo-con though? I guess we'll see soon enough with this Syria no fly zone.
if this was halfchan Holla Forums half the board would be spammed with trap posters and cuck fetishists
nope thats not what hits the news
they largely get away with it because the police dont want to get into a 'racial dispute'
not calling for a genocide im calling for an end to immigration for a decade or two and forced deportations
oh definitely a neo-con/neo-lib
shes a crowd pleaser as long as the people arent baying for their blood Parliament couldnt give a toss what happens to the country
Fair enough. Seems you're right about her neo-conning
Still, I think there is quite a clear and growing split on the right along the lines of nationalist/internationalist.
she's trying to please everyone when it's not possible. what she actually does is anyone's guess.
The "das racis" line stopped working 5 years ago. If the evidence is there then people get prosecuted. Still think the sentences are far too light.
I'm not sure that would help this situation, but I do agree it needs looking at to see what can be done to cut it right down.
Thing is Brexit goes against that as it gets a lot harder to clamp down on immigration without looking racist.
If you're in the EU you could just have a blanket ban on everyone from outside the EU and be done with it.
yeah most conservatives/republicans are internationalist parasites who couldnt give a toss about the people who allegedly voted them in
whenever they do PR its always the same shit in the UK
they stand behind a podium chanting slogans, buzzwords and fads of the time with a massive security detail usually ending in a rehearsed smile and a Queens wave
the nationalist ones get support in the UK because their PR is talking to people in the street or organising a fundraiser at a local pub and actually sitting down and having a pint with constituents and listening to them
instead of doing something stupid like visiting a school and making sure at least 12 news stations get a good look of you sitting down with these underprivileged plebeian children
this video explains it all pretty much what those internationalist neo-cons are like
you couldnt get a blanket ban enforced because Germany wouldnt let it happen
German and Swedish politicians supporting this immigration are raking in the profits from donations to their parties from charity organizations who in turn are financed by the government who ask them to 'deal with this situation'
but the money the government uses to pay the charities and housing/utility companies responsible for 'integrating' the 'migrants' is from the tax payer
Unless you're talking about refugees (even then no, look at Hungary) then the EU has no control of member state's immigration policies from outside of the EU.
you know the EU gives free travel to every country in the world bar 6
those 6 are classed as nations applicable for refugee status
Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and another one
Yeah when I said blanket ban I didn't mean people can't come here on holiday… ffs
because there are so many Ghanans, Morroccons, Uzbeks and Madagascans coming to Europe on holiday
I have no idea what you're getting at here.
the EU has free travel with all of them
no visa requirements at all
I doubt that. inb4 capitalism is markets
Quick answer:
right = conservative
conservative = the ways of yesterday
yesterday = past = unique (assuming it is linear, which at least our perception of the past is)
Therefore, there is mostly only one way of being conservative, with minor differences that may be salvageable. Being a conservative depends on the past of your country and culture.
vs the left:
left = progress
progress = change for the future
future = ?
Basically, we don't know what the future will be like, so we have several guys trying to think what would be the most optimal path to choose for progress, and of course they won't agree. Progressivism is more diverse due to the fact that it's about trying out new ideas, and those ideas will only become "conservative" once they have been tested out.
tl;dr conservatards agree because they have a common point to share.
You must be retarded to believe that.
I'm not its true look it up you dismissive cunt
Your statement is 100% factually incorrect.
Maybe you should look it up yourself, and this time actually try and understand what you're reading.
There's a good lad.
Rightists know what they want. The right, as a conservative-reactionary coalition, simply wishes to revert to a more old-fashioned society. Because this society has already existed (or is believed to have existed), there's little to argue about.
Leftists, as forward-thinkers, disagree hugely about their visions of the future and how to get there.
You're both right.
bullshit. There are right wing visions of the future. NatZoc going global is one of them. Every country ran along nationalist/socialist grounds, united against international capital comes to mind.
Rightward visions of the future are either expressly traditionalist or rooted in the values of the past.
you consider the nation a thing of the past and its death inevitable. On a long enough timescale you're right but that doesn't mean progress cannot be borne out of a the system I suggested.
they aren't
name one policy from the right that has been s succesful as workers right, paid vacations, and social welfare
you say that but what do you deem outdated or modern?
No. He said every country in the world can travel to the EU without a visa. Your source gives a long list of countries that need visas.
So he was only slightly wrong, eh?
National Socialism went to those extents to preserve muh racial heritage and muh aryan culture. The main difference with other conservatists was that he apparently despised Christianism, but that was because he decided to go even more conservatist and preferred pagan religions.
We must differentiate progress from a political standpoint and progress from an economical/quality of life standpoint.
When we mention political progressivism, we actually mean political change. Progress implies an improvement, but even with the best intentions in mind, a theoretically right but practically wrong idea may not result in benefits for the country. Thus, applying progressivism indiscriminately is more of a neutral thing (thus, change, whether it turns out to be good or bad) than a positive thing. The idea is to apply progressivism to flawed parts of the system, because you are gambling against something that's already bad, and chances are that whichever solution you can come up with is not as shitty, thus progressing your country's quality of life or economy.
Conservatards don't actually want (most, aka their) people to suffer, they just differ from us in that they believe the system not to be flawed. "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" applies to both groups, but both groups have different ideas of what's broken and what isn't. Conservatives, however, believe most things aren't broken, and when they are, it's because those pesky commies broke them relatively recently
you know EU laws change every month according to what those bourgeoisie fuckers want
one nation gets a free pass for one financial year its another nation the next
That's a nice explanation but the idea that conservatives are happy with the current system would exclude what we're calling the 'alt-right' from being conservative as they rage at pretty much every aspect of the current system.
I realise that rolling back globalisation may seem intuitively conservative (by your metric), but surely this isn't very dialectical?
I don't like describing ideas in such Whiggish terms, but certain values are fundamentally less relevant or popular than others.
Generally, right-wing movements seek to retrieve these values.
Just admit you're a clueless over-opinionated retard and stfu in future
so you're calling their values less relevant and popular than others
im not even gonna touch the migration issue in Europe but that contradicts what you lot say about nationalistic/right wing being in power
vid related
The alt-right mostly rages at the "FUCKING COMMIES REEEEEEEEEEEEE", which is what I was trying to imply with the last sentence of my post. Some people in the alt-right also seem to hate corporativism (although they believe it was the commies and the socialist government who did it), but I guess corporativism is in a weird place, since it's relatively recent (hence why the alt-right hates it) and literally nobody but all powerful corporations (the elite/The Man, which is more or less why the left is against it) and their puppets would admit to liking it.
Anyway, alt-right is mostly a term coined for conservatards who like memeing on the Internet, so I wouldn't take it too seriously. They are far from an homogeneous group (you have monarchists, Not Socialists, libertarians, underage faggots who believe themselves to be redpilled geniuses, etc) but they all seem to get along because they are mostly united by their edge (because they are reactionaries) and their hate towards the future and the present than by their love of the past.
Globalisation is also in a weird place, because it is so wide it has both good and bad things in it. Conservatards hate globalisation because it brings people of other races to their territory and because they know they will replace them in their workplaces, both inside and outside of the country, because corporations only want to maximize money and not supporting their respective countries. Globalisation is also bad for leftists standards for a similar reason to this latter one, but under the perspective of imperialism.
Read wilde fam
They shitpost better than us, we need to spam memes on Youtube comments.
Go to other fourms.
right wing is establishment. far right is just an extension of that.