Mfw normalfagshits actually WANT developers to make remakes out of old games

What will the gaming industry be like in 5 years? Monthly subscription fee for FPS games? Paid mods for console games? A remake for the remake? Or even a remake for the remake's remake?


what if i have never played the games and it's a faithful upgrade


Who gives a shit at this point? There's a lifetime of old comfy vidya for us to play. And once in a while a god-tier game gets released that normalfags stay away from (although very seldom).

If only it was just a graphics update.

They end up making a gutted version of the games.

Are you being islamophobic, user?

I can understand why publishers want to remake old classics, but I don't understand why audiences would want remakes of good games. If the game is good, I can understand wanting a port so that it's easier to play, but why would it need to be remade? The only games that should be remade are the ones that aren't as good so they can be improved.

And with some games you just wait or search for a texture pack
I mean people cry about Thief or Deusex due to their horrible graphics but they can be easily fixed with 2 or 3 patches

This is an era of lack of creativity in Hollywood/America, it's happening in movies and in comics
And the old dog who saved us, Japan, is having a mobile seizure along with being jaded as fuck for their perception that the west hate their stuff


Our present is your future burger.


You're a pleb of the highest order, Farage.

USA is going to be less than 50% "white" in a decade. Only European country that evens comes close to that is France.

Do you feel in charge?

It already is, what are you on about


The best part is, retarded normalfags buy remakes and enhanced editions of games that came out barely 5 years ago, and all the devs have to do is add a few shitty effects, some blur, and use uncompressed textures. Normalfags will happily pay 60€ for that.

Casuals dont want to play the original Doom or such games because:
I can understand the latter a bit as there's many classics that have aged like milk in that aspect though.

I want more games like underrail

Some of my favourite games are games that "aged poorly".
Normalfags complain about grid-based movement in old first-person CRPGs, but that's apart of what makes those games so fun.


you can tell someone didn't start playing games until ~2007 or later when they are just now starting to realize things are stale and boring.


There isn't that many and most were shit.