What topic do you consider to be your area of speciality? What do you think you know more about than 90%+ of Leftypol?

What topic do you consider to be your area of speciality? What do you think you know more about than 90%+ of Leftypol?

The specific ways that planned obsolescence has severely impacted the life and functioning of hvacr (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration) units and systems.

Care to share some of your knowledge, user?

I'm not particularly interested in hvacr systems, but I am in planned obsolescence.

Reminds me a lot of the movie Brazil.

I consider myself knowledgeable to a high degree about the Spanish civil war and WWII on the eastern front, but more than others on this board? Perhaps not.

I'd say most of my hobbies are pretty Holla Forums standard, too, and anything that isn't I don't know shit about.

I guess I know more on this board about abrasive blasting and paint stripping than anyone else.


Philosophy of Art

Handegg definitely. Probably Classical Rome, Caribbean piracy, and how a modern military operates as well.

That's really cool. You should get more vocal about it on leftypol.

Opinion on Rancière?

Evolution, ecology, zoology. It is my degree though.

Wall of text incoming:
Well I can write an entire essay on it tbh.

I mean its pretty weird logically, that units built in the 70s still run today (though are extremely inefficient) even though the internals are pretty much the same as they were. An ac system nowadays will only run about 5 years before it runs into major problems.

Now, when I am called to inspect what's wrong, the first instance of planned obsolescence is apparent. If I see that there's a specific part that failed, the system is built in such a way that it is connected to the main parts of the system so I am forced to replace the entire thing.

Other times, for instance the fans in residential compressors, have ball bearings that require oil to run. And of course they don't create a port to refill the oil so after 5 years the oil runs out and you have to replace the unit. All they would need to do is build a small oil port and the compressor fan would run forever.

There are many more examples that I won't bore you with, but I am confident that if hvacr units were built to last and not to make profits I would have to work maybe 2-5 hours a week as opposed to the 40-45 that I do currently. They could last basically forever and if there was a problem with a small part, you can replace it easily and quickly. And that is a fucking TRAVESTY.

Metal or silica blasting beads?
For my workhour, silica.

animation & game industries. cats. catgirls. craft beers (kill me).

hmmm. well, maybe socilisimism won't work after all. If we can only work 2-5 hours a week, how will we earn enough to feed ourselfs. socilismsm btfo

Craft beer, you say? Can you tell us what goes into a kickass IPA?

Not him, but a nice combination of hops (literally hundreds of varietals). Boil long for increased flavor and bitterness, or boil for a short time, remove, and repeat a few times for enhanced aroma.

Fine tastes, you don't live in western canada do you? You sound like a bro.

Honey malt/oats. I'm not much of an IPA fan as most beersnobs claim to be though, because I don't enjoy drinking an entire field of flowers along with my burger.

The Lavender IPA by Elysian is the best IPA I've ever had though, and my 2nd favorite Elysian beer, 1st being Punkocchino.

Hahaha, that's funny because I genuinely am one of the only grills on here.

I will be ur nee-san though. ^_^

girls can make good bros

You joke, but that's the exact response I get from coworkers when we discuss that.

People have a very difficult time thinking outside the current system of production of things for profit.

That's why I joke. Hell, I probably thought that at one point.

But see, the fact that planned obsolescence creates work for me isn't just a side effect of companies wanting to make a profit, it's one of the ways capitalism perpetuates itself. Because with my (essentially pointless) labor and creation of value how will I have my money to buy my dank anarchist monster energy drinks and boots and clothes and cat and keep the system going.

I know you already know this, but when I realized the actually systemic nature of this it just blew my fucking mind y'know. It's just crazy to think about

You are in Vancouver? That would explain why you know something about beer.

I have been pissed at Elysian since they sold out to Anheiser-Busch, but I suppose that is inevitable for any microbrew that is successful as they are. Have you tried Georgetown? Their Manny's is the best red I know of. I am pretty fond of the Lucile IPA as well.

Vancouverite here.

Metal. I do mostly off site, I.e not in a vacuum, and I wouldn't want to use silica anyway.

Simply by knowing that means my title as most knowledgeable is on shaky grounds.

right now, fractional derivatives

pierre pls go

I think I know more about feminism than most people on this board.

Please. Every burger here who has been in higher education has taken a class or six that focused on it.


ayyy! We should meet up some time. I don't know any commies irl.