Why should i care about poor people? And why should i support taxation?

Why should i care about poor people? And why should i support taxation?
Give me one reason

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Why should you care about literally anyone?

Taxation is the only way to pay for measures that keep poor people from murdering capitalists over their continued theft

Fixed, friend

Taxation is THEFT. Capitalists are not thieves. They are the job creators. Without them, i mean if you kill them, you'd starve to death. But hey, isn't this what communism about?

Read Hegel.

3/10, got me to reply, but you need to work on your technique

you shouldn't, you should kill your self.

Because taxes mean your nigger ass can gib's me d'ats.

Which means you might be able to save some of your weed money and start up a small business. Perhaps even build d'uh roads.

Seriously… taxation is not anti-capitalist, and why should you care about the poor? Because you're poor nitwit. You're not Trump, you're not Bilderberg, you never will be. You're more pathetic than the self-loathing Mexicans yelling to build the wall.

You do not know that. And i am upper-middle class actually.
yeah sure. taxation makes rich people escape.

If you are a bourgie you shouldn't, the sooner you stop pretending you care about us the sooner we will chop your head off.

Remember to say thanks to mommy state everyday because it is the only one saving your ass from revolution.



If that's the game you want to play,
quit stealing my surplus value. Until then, I see no problem bleeding it from you in the form of taxes.

They are job facilitators. They don't create shit.

No, because those jobs would still exist without them. They're just a middle man.

Because we will fucking kill you is why.

property is theft

How can capitalists can expand their, lets say, factories and create more jobs if they dont """steal""" your surplus value?


Think of it as Guillotine insurance.


It's good to live in a country with a high HDI? Taxation is the price paid for a civilised society.


Read a book you fucking thieve.



Not all of us want to redistribute wealth. Some of us would rather make it completely obsolete. Also, worker co-ops are breddy gud, for now anyway.

You don't have to. But what you might care about (or rather your offspring, should you procreate) are the 500 angry proletarians.

Go to North Korea if you hate taxes so much

Isn't North Korea a communist country? Juche is a form of leftism right?

Ancap tier leftisnæm understanding

But it is?

You would struggle to find someone on this board supporting North Korea, it is basically just stupid despotic nationalism using leftist terminology to persuade the masses.

tbh it's difficult to know as NK is pretty shady.
it's a corrupt mafiya run shithole anyway

I am not saying many people here support it, but there is no denying that it is a leftist country

Like all leftist countries

What is leftist about it? Does the workers own the means of production? Nope, and it is certanly not working towards that end. It is not internationalist, and does not even try to work for equality, for whats best for everyone, as a lot of people are poor as fuck while the ruling family lives like kings.

Can you even point to one leftist quality of NK, and using leftist terminology does not count. (Just like the communist party if China is all but communist)

The workers control the means of production through the state, anyway it is hard to know since we know so little about it

You don't need to care, but if you want to live in a doggy dog world don't complain when you get bitten

so you act like you're an authority on nk when you use it to shittalk leftism then when pushed use the other anons line to squirm out of giving a proper answer?

lmao tbh fam

That would be true, if the workers controlled the state. And while, as others have pointed out, it is difficult to gather reliable information about the country, I think iy is beyond doubt a pure ductatorship.

Holy kek!

Yes, because without capitalists people would have nothing to do and just sit around waiting for death. Everything one can do would simply disappear. This is so retarded I'm going to assume it's bait.

Most capitalists can hire private security. As automation increases, that private security will become automated too. In the end it won't even matter if the military decide to side with the proles. Humans simply won't be required to defend private property.

Maybe because it's the only way for your shitty system to survive?

What do you think the police is?

A state run police force, road builders, garbage men, education and military will generally be cheaper then a private option.

Also, you know, dilaectic materialism and all that

Ancaps need to shut that stupid shit down, you don't even know what corporatism means

Because the strength of one is the strength of all.

Because they will kill you.

Taxation is theft. But also, rent is theft and ultimately private property is theft.

You should not pay taxes

Oh you'll be caring for them when they're outside your gates coming for your memes.

>ancap fantasy future is The Terminator

Ancaps are so bizarre. Their ideology is structured like that of utopians, but the society that they dream of achieving looks like a post-apocalyptic nightmare. Why?

Because they're required to do all your labour. You could argue for full automation (which is what we argue for), but then how is anyone going to buy back your products if no one is on a wage? Capitalism cannot work with the technology the future brings, Communism can.

Well it's actually one of the reasons Capitalism is still going today - without taxation people would be much more likely to take to the streets, not even in the name of Socialism but just because, as unemployment is also inherent to Capitalism, they would be starving to death. Tax and welfare are ways to keep a population in check under Capitalism, you should support it if you really are a porky.

Likelihood is though you're just a class cuck/useful idiot who would actually benefit from Socialism.

Because they will be the ones defending the property from the dark-skinned masses, of course.

How is this my problem?
It's not the system I advocate for in the first place.

they don't control the means of production through the state, why would they want to live under totalitarianism?

the factors of production are land, labour, capital.

a landlord takes his land rent
the labourer is paid for his labour
a capitalist is paid for his capital

the capitalists don't 'steal' your surplus value. that's just marxist (read: economically illiterate) accounting.

10/10 top kek

Classcuck gonna classcuck

It's also basically modern day feudalism.

This TBH.

I agree Muke.

It's surly not like people's villages were burned down get the factories built on them, or people's means of sustaining themselves was taken away, making them dependent on a market. Surly!

Because if you don't care about poor people for long enough they come and cut your head off

Do you want your kids to have a life?

Should the white man pay reparations for slavery too?


i did a better job baiting back when i was an unironic ancap

Thread should have ended here.

Because you probably want to care about poor people but pretend you don't because
1. you want to be edgy
2. you are in despair- accede nigga!

Reparations are pretty shit, and cause suffering. equal playing fields are better. The only thing that matter's is working owning that M.O.P.

You shouldn't anything.
I support things that elevate the poor, because I may one day be poor, and I want the security of knowing something or someone has my ass. And I don't want to have to watch my friends' or families' asses when they're poor.

And I think it would be nicer to live in a society where there are no poor people.

Because taxation is what gives money its value. Because the state is what creates the regulatory apparatuses which allow markets to exist. Because it is the state which defends private property, particularly interceding on behalf of corporate profits against democratic movements overseas.

Becauee without the state, there is no capitalism and all you ayncrap shitbabies and your useless, idiotic, idealist gibberings will never change that.

Because they work in your factories and are in bigger numbers than you are, so they will overthrow and probably kill you if you dont keep them pacified.

Thats what the "new deal" was for, to pacify the increasingly militant and communist working class.

But hey, i dont expect an ancap to understand history or politics.

Newsflash, we already live under anarcho-capitalism, just simply on a global scale.
People have claimed private property in which they call nations and those claims are seen as valid collectively, hence why countries like China haven't already invaded other countries such as USA. These nations trade with each other completely in voluntary exchanges and there is no global state to regulate those trades.
There is currently no global government or tax, so does that mean by your reasoning that Earth itself somehow doesn't magically exist?
The only people who have useless, idiotic, idealist gibberings are leftists like yourself.

and we get hungry and your rich children are plump

It's bizarre because I'm not an ancap. I don't think that's a good outcome. I posted it because there are a lot of people here who seem to think that ethics don't matter. Surely they wouldn't object to such an efficient outcome.

I love commie logic. There will be jobs even if nowhere to work exists. Like why would anyone build a factory in a communist country knowing it'll make no money and if they complain the workers will go all hammer and sickle on them?

Oh yeah right, we'll build the factories ourselves! We'll take back the means of production and build ourselves a whole new line of communist made cars!

Okay so who here knows how to build a factory? Do we have anyone who knows advanced robotics to get the assembly line working? We can't buy robots from other countries because we abolished currency so we'll have to make those too. Oh shit does anyone know how to mine iron and coal? What about making all the different kinds of steel we've got someone who can do that right? Now we need someone who can make PCB printed circuit boards and a material scientist to build all the casing and shit for our new robots. Oh wait fuck does anybody know how to do CAD and CAM and does anyone know how to build a computer and the machinery CAM uses to make CAM parts? Well I mean my fucking retarded commie cousin once built his own PC, that's close enough. God I wish we hadn't killed all those CompSci people during the mass killings of the bourgeois, they'd be useful right now. Okay so who knows how cars are built? Oh we've got lots of working class car mechanics so we should be able to build cars, too bad we're still waiting for everything else to be finished first. Wouldn't it be easier if Hyundai just built a fucking factory here and gave us jobs instead?


c'mon now

The vast majority of them are proletarian you fucking retard. If you have to sell your labour power for pay you are not fucking bourgeois, regardless of the industry you work in.

Yes, this means in all likelihood you're a prole with delusions of grandeur.

underrated image. Good work user.

The business owner is the one who provides the tools we can't get a hold of. And in a communist country with no money we won't be able to get a hold of the same tools because we won't have anything to buy them with. People aren't going to sell you expensive assembly robots for 200 kilos of corn and a months worth of bread and water, commie.

What are you going to do? Go back to riveting and welding by hand like a fucking neanderthal?

Russia started as the most backwards country in Europe with a population mostly engaged in farming. Despite going through three disastrous wars and starting out with a severe disadvantage, it became an industrial powerhouse and one of the world superpowers, growing even when its capitalists counterparts were in depression.

Who do you think builds those tools in the first place? It's workers! We would not buy them, we would seize them, but pretty soon there will not even be any need to use force to do so, because their very owners will be the ones to shutter the plants and leave the machines to rust.

All of my wew, lad. All of my wew.

Everything you mentioned is done by workers.

Except we also buy lots of things internationally because they make the best parts or the best tools for a job. For example in the x-ray department I work in we have machines from Japan, America and Germany. None of them are UK built. Now if the UK turned into a commie shit hole, we wouldn't be able to buy new tubes for those machines and they're not made on UK soil so after 10 years or so they'd fall into disservice. Then we'd have to make our own machines or make our own tubes which would be subpar at best because all the good engineers who work on these machines aren't in the country. They're in countries that aren't burgeoning piles of shit with bread lines.

That's more the fault of foreign countries whose leaders are so afraid of losing their power due to commies that they will always attempt to stamp out any outbreak that happens overseas out of their strident fear. It's not the fault of socialism.

Going back to Russia, they also did this after winning a massive three-way brawl where they had to contend not only with Whites funded by every other fucking bourgeois government in the world, but also foreign forces coming onto Russian soil specifically to kill commies.

But anyway, you needn't worry. You'll be a shitty country where people can't even afford bread before long, and it'll be entirely due to capitalism, no left-wing politics involved.

The autarchic nature of the USSR was a result of the cold war. Socialism has always been internationalist in orientation, allowing greater access to greater regional comparative advantage. Of course that would ideally be the same under any economic system or group of friendly trading regions, and not really intrinsic to socialism itself.

One difference is the priority in trade being truly mutually beneficial to the regions themselves and not (as now) principally a method of wage exploitation and regulation dodging.

Is this a fantasy role-playing board?