I'm not sure if this is video games, but if it is: Anyone here still have their Tamagotchi?
There are Tamagotchi video games too, anyone ever played them?
I'm not sure if this is video games, but if it is: Anyone here still have their Tamagotchi?
There are Tamagotchi video games too, anyone ever played them?
There were like 4 tamagotchi games fpr yhe ds.
I was the only guy in my class who had one. Was it a girly thing or what? I just liked how "eggy" it looked.
Nope. That's what happens when you move house a bunch of times as a kid. Shit gets lost.
The little Digimon games were better, anyway.
I would say so. I count LCD games as video games (game and watch for example), so why not?
TL note: Tamago means egg.
I remember finding my childhood friend's Tamagotchi next to the toilet at their home.
It was suffering, just like their golden retriever.
Sorry, what?
I keep hearing stories about people who abused/neglected their childhood pets lately. What is up with that? Was mine the only family that looked after their animals? We took in 4 rescue greyhounds during my childhood and they all lived to venerable ages (for greyhounds, anyway). We even had fish for a while and ended up with a giant goldfish that lived about 4 years. My childhood (well, from age 11) cat is still alive, too.
I used to help injured animals involved in road accidents that stranded close to my house when i was a kid. I feel like a dumb moralfag.
What are they like?
Creatures master race here.
I grew up with the mexican bootlegs of those but Iwas more interested in collecting Brick games.
they were nice as clocks were fun I guess but those fuckers could never live through the night or the school day. at least it had a watch.
Minigame compilations mixed with pet sims.
Digimon is literally Bandai making "Tamagotchi for boys," so yes. You were a little fag growing up. Me too.
These toys really would have benefited from a pause feature. I mean I know it would defeat the point a bit, but they want kids to buy these things, yet kids can't play with them at school, so the fucking thing is gonna die while you're at school. I remember kids in my class getting their parents to take them to work and shit.
Thats fuckign brutal
My 7th grade science teacher took mine from me for playing with it in class. I haven't had mine in 20 years.
I've got a blue first generation Tamagotchi. It eats button cells like nobody's business.
sandniggers stole my digivice in elementary
Maybe you just weren't a real Digidestined. Like when Ken stole his brother's Digivice.
Do you think SJWs would throw a shitfit over Tamagotchis today because it "reinforces traditional gender roles" since it's basically mother training for girls?
Well the new Digimon Adventure has cut back the violence in exchange for entire hours of cute girls doing cute things, so you'd think they'd be happy that the "boy version" was already ruined.
That's pretty harsh. At least Tamagotchi just up and die when they feel like it. You don't have to Old Yeller them.
There's also a gbc game that's a pure pet sim. It doesn't work very well, though, because it doesn't have an internal clock (like say Pokemon G/S) so time only passes as you play. Makes for a pretty boring experience with a LOT of waiting.
I assumed it was more about responsibility of another life (like a pet), rather than specifically about child raising. Or just responsibility on the whole.
Digimon deviates from this a little, with the monster battling, but its basically the same thing.
I had one of these Neopets things, same one as pic related. I'm not sure how I ended up with it, but I think it used to be my sister's. Never played a Tamagotchi, so not sure how similar it was. It had one or two minigames on it, I think. I kept losing the Tiger thing, but it didn't have anything to do with the games.
lol, giving a shit about other living creatures? what a fag XDDD
These were the fucking shit.
I had one in year 3 or 4. I spent fucking hours on the thing.
Cyber Sleuth goes all in, though, so it's still cool.
How's that game, anyways? Mind you, I've never watched or played a Pokémon or Digimon game. I was already in college when those came out.
It's a turn-based rpg, so you know how that goes, but your party composition is purely based on what Digimon you catch and raise. They each have at least one unique attack, and they can inherit and learn new generic ones. Story is pretty good, girls are semen demons, and it has like 400 mons, with a weird evolution tree where anything can evolve into anything if you want it to.
If you've got a Vita or PS4, i'd say get it.
I had one as a kid.
Wasn't this egg-shaped tamagotchi or a digivice, it was a dinosaur thingy shaped a bit like a bubble-bobble head.
Cared for it very nicely, one day it turned into a pterodactyl but in the same day it died.
I made a real funeral for him, dug a little hole on the backyard and buried the little thing.
The next day I came back to "revive" it.
It wasn't turning on, even changing batteries didn't fix it, it really died for real.
Bravo, user. Just fucking bravo.
Sounds like anti-thesis to feminism.
I used to have a Tamagotchi Angel. No regrets for being a double-fag.
Bionicle, dbz, tamagotchi and yugioh were all big at my school. It's kind of interesting how none of those things are really too extravagantly priced for most kids to have except maybe yugioh but you could probably still be given some by the kids who had a lot. Modern kids are pretty much fucked I think, is there even any area of interest besides 1000 dollar gadgets
My sister seems to like the Gunpla I give her, and she also enjoys knitting. She says none of the other kids do, though, so she might just be the odd one.
I wasn't allowed to have one because my mom read or heard somewhere that these things are harmful to a child's mental development because children get emotionally attached to a machine and don't develop the ability to distinguish between real and virtual anymore. Yes, for real.
So once I got one as a gift (I don't know from whom anymore), a real Bandai Tamagotchi, and I wasn't allowed to play with it. I knew where it was so when I knew my parents would be gone for several hours I would sneak it out and "play" with it. Of course that was barely enough time to get it to evolve once and then I had to slide back the plastic strip insulation strip that disconnects the battery from the device (you know that thing you have to pull out when you open it the first time) and hide it back. Yes, that's how pathetic I was, playing Tamagotchi in secret while other kids would smoke in secret.
By the time I was older and the moral panic was long gone I finally convinced my parents to give it to me and when I got to play with it proper it was shit. My reaction was pretty much "wait, this is all there is to it?". Back when they were new they were all over the news, being hyped as this sort of simulation that has all feelings and shit. In hindsight it was all just a marketing ploy for a shitty LCD toy without a pause button. I raised mine to adulthood and that was it. My younger brother played with it later and I guess the batteries ran out eventually.
There were news all over the place about kids taking them to school and they would constantly beep and interrupt class, forcing teachers to ban the toys at school. Do you think the lack of a pause button was deliberate to stir up controversy and get children more interested in the toy?
They just didn't add a pause button because it would have ruined the effect of it being a living creature. They were tolerated at my school.