Why do RLM let this fag ruin so many of their videos

why do RLM let this fag ruin so many of their videos


Whoa that was kind of absolutely racist. We have to alert Patreon and demand a retraction right now



i think whoopi was pretty hot back in the days
i still remember that nipslip she had in one of the sister act movies
you just know


trying to one-up her?

All he does is repeat what others say but slowely.

I think I hate short beard soyboy more than tall skinny AIDSboy

This movie is on tv right now looks like shit

Because they don’t have much of a “posse” since they scared of Jessi?

every fucking time

My problem with him is that he's always trying to make a reaction face when something funny/weird happens, he just tries too hard for laughs. If he cut back on that he would be bareable on Best of the Worst, as long as Pre Rec acted as a containment zone so he doesn't appear in any serious discussions about films, given that shit like MP4 comes out.

Botw dream team was always rich, jay, jesse, and mike

I hope you guys don't still watch Kike Cucklasa's crappy jewtube show. You're just joking around, right?

AIDSmoby is awkward, but at least he doesn't kill the mood like beardfat.

Reminder that Whoopi Goldberg faked being Jewish to get ahead in Hollywood.

I'm inclined to agree, but I also think that Mike slightly holds back from potentially offensive jokes when Jessi is on the panel in case he offends her too much. The only episode where this wasn't the case was Wheel of the Worst 6, which was one of my favourites because it was just Mike and three flat sticks so it gave Mike the spotlight as he completely breaks Colin with his elderley jokes. The only downside is an unfunny third tape which kills the momentum.

Don't most people?

Jesse's beautiful scarlet hair makes up for it.

Too bad she hit the wall badly.

looks about the same to me

Fuck you aidsmoby

you can tell she's wrinkling badly and the sunlight and sunglasses are to hide it.










Would you a Guinan, Holla Forums?

Maybe, if her ass was thicc.

I'm not up to the RLM lore like most of Holla Forums but why did she got booted out of the show?

She didn't seem to get booted off, she just stopped appearing on camera One theory is that she got creeped out by ledditors obsessed with her feet, another theory is that she broke up with Mike, or just stopped wanting to be on the show for other reasons, its doubtful the real reason will ever be known.

Her last appearance was in late 2014, but she can be heard off screen a couple of times after that in 2015 and she had a minor voice acting role in Space Cop.

i imagine you screaming this at your screen

I see. She was kind of annoying but still way better than that bearded bald faggot that took her place

BeardFat was on the show since the first episode, and he was in some of the very early HitB episodes too.
Best of the Worst should have just been Mike + Jay + Rich with the occaisional guest spot, the rest of the talentless losers really didn't need to be there.

Whenever anything sexual happens on one of their BotW movies he always theatrically throws his hands up and averts his gaze, just to make sure no-one thinks he's looking at any naked ladies, as that would be objectifying them.

In a recent BotW he also used that disgusting phrase "We need to have a conversation" when Mike disagreed with him about a movie. That fucking phrase is so dripping with condescention and pompous self righteousness, it's fucking sickening. That's the kind of shit numales and feminists say when they just want to preach their rancid garbage at you without counter-argument.
If they dropped him entirely, I doubt he'd be missed. I can only guess the reason they haven't done so yet is because he'd cry too much.

>(((Kike Cucklasa)))

What is this even supposed to imply? A friend simulator?



Why did you guys ever think Mike was a chad in the first place?

Fuck off with Landis and the other guests (Colin and other guy are alright), but Beardo is untolerable. Beardo and Jack are the worst of everyone.


Josh makes every episode he's in unwatchable, while Jack can be ignored for the most part.

someone behead that guy

When it is a movie that MST3K did he always seems to point out the same stuff they did but always seems to claim he had no idea MST3k did it. Space Mutiny seems to have been beard face revealing the plot and pointing out shit and making the same jokes, the episode.