Is she really going to do this, or what?

Top US General: Hillary’s No Fly Zone Strategy Would ‘Require’ War With Russia:

Is she an idiot, or just so corrupt that she is willing to destroy our lives in order to help her cronies (or both)?

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I hope she does.

She's a full blown psychopath so I can imagine her going war to with Iran, Russia, China…

She is just saying stupid shit, because Trump is already saying so much stupid shit that there is no way that she does not lose the "sane candidate" card by doing so.

She totally sounded like she wanted to start up another cold war during the second debate

RIP lads, see you in the nuclear wasteland


Jezz, get a load of this revisionist.

if this is true, we absolutely CANNOT allow her into the white house. we might have to bite the bullet and elect Trump.

So her brilliant plan is that besides being a corrupted establishment figure, she's also going to appear insane?
She's not only been saying "stupid shit" like that for years, she's been doing them as well.

Y'all need to see the whole video:

They are trying to rebrand "no-fly zone" in "more palatable terms". Dunford is a problem because he forgets to play along and says it means war with Syria and Russia, so they actually scold him and make him give a different answer.

It won't happen. It's just hypothesising and rhetoric at this point.

HRC becoming president guarantees a war with Syria. Why do you think it won't? It's stupid? It makes no sense? It will start a war with Russia? Lmao

Wait till the general draft is announced.

Will Holla Forumsacks become unpatriotic scum and dodge the draft? Will they flee to Mexico, because Canada has an extradition treaty with the US, just to be stopped by the WALL™ that already exists?

God, why does she have so much blood lust?

God damn it.
What the hell is John McCain doing?
I don't know how someone who nearly got his armed ripped off in Vietnam is so hungry for another war.

Why not? It works for her opponent.

This guy sure says "barrel bomb" a lot.

The elites want war with Russia. The fall of the Soviet Union was the worst day of their lives because they never got to use any of the weapons they sank trillions of dollars into on the Ruskies.

But really, no competitor to American hegemony can be tolerated. They'll do whatever it takes to see Russia broken up, even if that means nuclear war.

Untold devastation and suffering, all so that their stockholder friends get a little richer.

It's kinda hilarious to see him realize, immediately after saying it, that he's gone and let the cat out the bag. McCain looked so frustrated, like, "God damn it, you just had to spell it out, didn't you?"

Yes she is.

All you shits who shill for Clinton as the lesser evil, take note. This was is all on you.

Iran's then president Ahmadenijad about Hillary

Not to be an asshole but your friends form Holla Forums have been hammering this point home for months now.

You know nothing. Hillary has been pushing Obama to take a harder line on Syria since the beginning. And don't buy her 'I supported the Iran deal' BS. As soon as big O is gone, she'll find a non-compliance in the Iran deal and call it off.

Exactly what he always does. I've said more than once, NGOs took over the CIAs old role after the CIA was busted in the 80s. Today it is 'pro-democracy' NGOs that build the black propaganda against enemies of the state and even go as far as directly supporting 'rebels'. John McCain is the chairman of one such NGO, the International Republican Institute (IRI). The IRI, like the NED and USAID work against and subvert nations that oppose US interests.

Trump says stupid shit. But he contradicts himself so much in a single sentence I wouldn't pay too much attention. Hillary does stupid/evil shit. For example Gadaffi offered peace in Libya. Clinton and her cadre ensured the offered went unseen and unanswered.

Yes, that's what we've been saying, but you call us "accelerationists" instead.

Tbf Trump hasn't had the chance to do stupid/evil shit yet, but you're fucking naive if you think he wouldn't.
Besides Stein and Bunny Sandals they all would.

I think Trump will end up kinda isolationist., He may just give foreign policy to somebody else as he is clearly out his depth, but if he is hands on I think his main objectives will be to slow drastically immigration and trade war with China. Neither of these are bad things tbh.

Only Donald Trump Raises Five “Fundamental and Urgent” Foreign Policy Questions

What a time we live in. What's the left/pol/ consensus on counterpunch? Perosnally I quite like them.

The clarion call of people who intend to do precisely nothing.

Best just play it safe with Clinton?

The fact that he's talking about it like that is already a revolution compared to Clinton. It's not even politically profitable to talk about better relations with Russia for example (after all, he's being accused by the whole establishment of being a Russian agent), so I assume he's not going to do the extreme opposite (like Clinton) and go to war with Evil Russia.

Huh, I didn't know that about him.
That's mildly terrifying.


Their series on the corruption of the Democratic Primary was wonderful.

Not with me anyways.