
Has anything meaningful ever come from this fucking thing?

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Did you forget about the Citizen Kane of our time: That Dragon: Cancer?

Hours of laughter with Holla Forums


I want to bully her.

I don't know what people expected from a tiny box with the tech from back then. Right now you could make something more decent with a bit more of room and 10/14nm parts, but that shitty controller would have to be completely redone.

Got any more?

So some models came with this problem where the thing would only connect to wifi if you set it on the side. Like, you had to make it sit on its side for it to have any functioning network connection, required for it to work.
The controller also had input lag, and it didn't let you get games from the play store, only its own shitty store. Truly a masterpiece of modern engineering, sony and microsoft should be scared.

I really hope shindol takes it upon himself to make a Ouya-tan doujinshi.
He's the right guy to do it.

I think I have more but I don't have a clue where I've filed them.

Don't forget! The only fan is on the bottom!

my sides

You think something is gonna come from razer, like a snake ouya?

Well it's not like it overheated and started fucking up, which it totally did. And it got really hot, not like just warm.
Imagine being a kid and your grandparents get you this exceptional device for christmas. What a time to be alive.

What? Am I missing a joke here?

What these sick fucks wrote. Ouya tan and potential bullying of Ouya tan in doujin form. Maybe a poor little match girl type of sad sack story. By ShindoL. Yeah. oh Yeah. Oooh yeaaaaah.

That guy's review of the Ouya and his disappointment with it.

It managed to show me once again just ow undeducated the "gaming public" actually is.

It was mostly that everyone was excited about Kickstarter. I doubt it would do as well nowadays.

Remember when they had a poll asking what kind of games they wanted on the ouya and there was shit like skyrim at the top?

"She" was a scam and ran off with millions
"She" wouldn't be living on the streets, "she'd" be living in a nice house laughing "her" ass off with all the money "she" made.

Yeah okay, point taken. If that didn't set off alarm bells, then maybe you are retarded.

The Booyah was essentially a little emulation box. Pretty much any Android mini-PC and some generic Bluetooth gamepad will do the same for about half the price.

It's a representation of the physical console itself, not its creators, dummy

Razer bought out the ouya company when they went under

Well Towerfall is nice, but it's available for PCs now.

But why? Ouya deserves to be forgotten, not… well, what are Razer doing with it?

Couldn't the same be said for all Ouya games? If not PC, any android unit?

That frog Digital Sandbox, Towerfall and Duckgame got made for ouya. It had a minor role in the popularity of 2D deathmatch games. It wasn't big but it had more of a role in the industry than say something like Jaguar

Other than laughs and a valuable lesson that will be soon forgotten, no, not really.

This is the thing that actually killed Ouya.

Ouya obviously would never, EVER have good games to compete, so, all it could do is to be a cheap emulation and media playing box, and well, Raspi absolutely DEMOLISHES Ouya due its price and being able to run linux, including dedicated images for movie playing and preconfigured emulators that "just werks", instead of relying on the unreliable paid awful android shit.

I wonder what could've been done to make Ouya a success story.

Being x86.

$2 it just werks box

the ability to buy the damn thing as a standalone holy shit

top kek

Ouya-tan being introduced before the Ouya.

Official explanation is the Ouya's marketspace.
That means the marketing data of exceptionally stupid people.

Looks like she'd give some amazing head to make sure she gets a place to stay.

Now I want to know how a hobo blowjob from some 20 something year hobo girl would be like.

Are you trying to make me sad?

I want to make love to XPtan

I wish this piece of shit had worked. It runs on the same principle as the Game Boy did: use inexpensive, obsolete technology in a new way. Then it turned out that cell phone games are all shit and no one wanted to play them on a TV anyway.

It was designed to be the platform for SJW indie devs in the whole IGF/Indiecade/"we're so indie we're funded by UBM" clique. The fact that it failed is great, it means there's no specific platform for a bunch of interactive SJW text games and Unity Engine crap that barely works.

wouldn't it be better if it did well that way there'd be a containment zone for them?


So much butthurt in this thread.

And then a year later the Amazon Fire TV is released which has more than just games.


I think they would have started pushing Ouya and shilling for it worse than all their other games. At least with their shitty games, they come and go in waves. Ouya would be relentless
I think it would be worse. Instead of a game to occassionally rally behind, they've have endless consoles to shill.

And it would have made it a lot easier for them to get their crapware out there.


Where can I get one of these?

Being the Nvidia Shield.

I thought for a while that the Ouya was part of the cultural Marxist conspiracy to subvert vidyah by giving themselves their own platform to put their stupid shitty walking-sims and date rape VNs onto. Even if it was, it still wouldn't have sold. I think these people hate capitalism because they don't understand how it fucking works.

They tried to make fake interest in it. I remember the early reddit threads would get shilled so hard. They wanted it to be some sort of edgy rebellious "fuck the big three" platform. One of their big selling points was that Android games would work on the TV. And people were in the thread saying that was a dumb as fuck idea, and that touch screen games won't work on a controller, and that they won't work well on a TV either. And they got shot down so rabidly by shills.

They have managed to make total shit popular and successful. I think they got way too optimistic and proud with Ouya, it's right about the time they really fucked up big enough to give birth to gamergate.

At least then we could have just ignored them and their entire console, the same way we ignore mobile games overall. It might have centralized them into mobile games instead of real video games.

That was truly their fatal flaw. They thought mobile games were real games. We don't. We pay them no mind at all. But they did, and they decided to make an entire console for it, only to find the people who play mobile games don't like video games, they only play the mobile games because they're on their phone and the game is "free."

There's people who own and play both. You're correct though that the thinking behind ouya was retarded. I got friends and family members who have PC , consoles, and also play mobile games. And absolutely none of them would spend money on something like an ouya because if it's a mobile game, they want it at no cost. If they're going to spend money, they're going to spend it on a PC title\Steam, or full fledged console game.
The people behind ouya never really understood vidya and vidya customers, and they fucking wonder why it failed spectacularly.

Sure, but when a person plays mobile games it's because it's all they have available at the moment, because they're outside and don't feel like carrying dedicated handheld around, but everyone carries a phone. Nobody plays mobile games at home for extended periods of time, the way people play real video games. It's a different market and the users, even when there is crossover with the real video game market, do not use the product in the same way.