Green Party ==TOWN HALL== on CSPAN

15 minutes, as of right now.
9pm Eastern USA time


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gib link


I don't know if it's your country or what, but there's literally live streams sitting there when I click that link myself.
I dunno, I get $15/month cable here, so I'm not up with the preferred streaming situations for shit that's on regular ass cable.

god damn, Jill Stein is so fucking unsympathetic

you are now constantly starting at Jill Stein's dewlap

10/10 gmilf, you jolly african-american.


she's in heat

What do you guys think about the reparations talk?
Like, for injuns and our brown friends?
I mean, let's say this is considered as something we can do with a budget surplus, are you against it on "fuck sjw's" grounds, or do you think it's a legitimate thing since europeans built this country on a foundation built by red man and walls built by black men?

It's ridiculous and regressive.

Are you the guy who just called in? lel

what did I miss?

I was completely against it and thought it was a terrible idea, but this one article straight up changed my mind:

Seriously, it's extremely fucking long but it will completely change your views

I love B████ so much

I can see a strong case made for it in a reformist framework. IMO a revolution would make it completely unnecessary.

i miss him too:^(

I've heard a great argument tonight for Reparations as a phase-in of Basic Income.
Essentially, phase in Basic Income STARTING with black and red communities,

The thing is, systematic racism has long term effect, example:

Even under socialism, we need to think of a way to sort this situation out

I think when people think of reparations they think of a one-time cash handout, but a negative income tax or implementation of a basic income might be more ideal.

Come on jill, that's a bit extreme…

Yeah, why can't reparations be administered as infrastructure and education investment, and so forth?

Injun here. Reparations is the dumbest fucking idea in all of postcolonialism, and there are a lot of dumb ideas to be found there.

Your opinion is now 100% valid

what's the phone number to call in? someone should play this

"Tribalism was a mistake"
~ Big Chief Shitting Bear

At least it precludes any necessity on my part to check my muh privileges.

No, it would be more like "Totem poles were a mistake."

Do you have an injun name too like Crushed Beaver Balls or sg? Can you do that injun wolololo with your mouth? Do you have a feather cap?

Fuck, I can't believe I missed this.

Shit primitivists say

Holla Forums is trying to raid this btw

I wish she would have refuted the Nader-spoiled-2000 bullshit. They must be tired as shit of dealing with that though.


When is someone going to ask the Green party about election fraud? Certainly, the Republican and Democratic parties would rather not address it since they've both been implicated before.


what a dream team supreme it could have been

No it's not a legitimate thing. If someone can't be judged collectively for the crimes of individuals of their race. They shouldn't be given compensation based on crimes that never happened to them from people tgat never did anything got them. That kind of thing is just reactionary drivel and reinforces racism. I don't suooort it any form.


So if I steal your house from you and make you work all the days of your life to make me rich, then I give all "my" stuff to my kids, and they give it to their grandkids, your grandkids are subject to "tough titty, get over it. we never did anything to you OURSELVES, it was all stuff we weren't around for"?

THIS. All the faux leftist just need to admit that reparations and other anti-racist policies trigger them because they're white guys and wouldn't benefit.

No it wouldn't, be it'd make all the proletarians equal. You fuck wits don't realize that liberalism is a necessary first step to raising class consciousness.

White people as a class have proven over and over again they're okay with capitalism as long as there's some caste beneath them.

White people are the dominate class, so as long as they remain placated by white supremacy within a capitalist production framework, you ain't ever gonna get the critical mass of people you need to over throw the system.

Now if anti-racist policies finally make the competitive advantage white supremacy null, then the material conditions have changed that at least begin to open the door to real change.

and i thought i was the only wrasslin fan here

The assholes' grandkids are correct on this one.

Kill yourself, reparations are stupid. Reconstruction already punished the Confederates, and the plantation elite is dead.

You sabotaged the revolution many times and acted as agents of the capitalists and Tories. It is quite clear that your presence is a cancer that is destroying the fabric of a virtuous and democratic republic. Slavery was the worst mistake this country has ever done because it brought your kind to our shores, in addition to it's inhumanity. It allowed a plantation elite to grow at the expense of yeoman farmers and working citizens, turning the latter into vagabonds and the former into paupers. The concentration of property was the issue as well as of course your primitive and savage culture being imported in America.

You know what, since you niggers are just as traitorous as a bunch of Dixie swamp monkeys, I think what is in order is a revolutionary Sherman's march, after we lynch the capitalists. Boys in blue are going to march in your shitty ghettos, light some torches, and burn your shit down. All of your shit will be stolen (not that you gained them legitimately anyways) and there will be plenty of hangings and drownings. The Detroit river will be turned crimson with the blood of lumpens.

We're coming, darkie. There will be a reckoning.

This is an exceptionally stupid post by an exceptionally stupid person.

No they're not. They bear a responsibility to rectify pass exploration since their in the strong socio-economic position to do so.

When did leftist become so class cucked. It not about you dick wit, it's about your ability to change the material conditions.


You know there are more fighting age black and brown people in the US now then fighting age white people now right Holla Forums?

Not sure who's going to be manning the front lines of this Nazi masturbation fantasy, old as baby boomers that won't even help their own kids?

Actually, it's more 50/50 for our youngest generation. Whites are still the majority even in younger generations. This will be short-lived as "whites" become a minority, but blacks aren't really growing that much either. It's the hispanics who are growing, and they are more like the ethnic whites of the 19th century than blacks. By third generation, they practically act white unless they are descended from illegals or live in a ghetto. (Still hate immigration though. Even the ethnic white immigration of the 19th century was a disaster.)

Even then, I'm not even talking about a Nazi masturbation fantasy here. I'm willing to accept blacks who dress in blue coats and hang me some lumpens and porkies. And, Hispanics and Asians should be easy to assimilate, granted they are citizens and not legal/illegal scabs/"immigrants". We do need to stop all immigration and deport the immigrants though.

Oh and I never been to Holla Forums by the way.

you are such a fucking asshat, get the fuck out of here. bourgeoisie women deserve worse than rape and so do their husbands.

The point
Your head
Wew lad


I'm black asshole. I stand by what I said repression are reactionary right wing drivel. It supports the idea that people can be punished for the crimes of members of their race or family. There is absolutely nothing left wing about the idea. Stop trying to peddle your liberal nonsense as something that leftists have to automatically support.

For the love of God, don't vote this woman. Jill Stein and the Green Party are a bunch of goofballs, and a more of an embarrassment to the Left than anything else.

They do tho, but not for the reason she thinks.

So you can't be racists against blacks? Now who's talking like a liberal.

There's not fucking way your black if you think reparations are right wing. Go back to whatever bullshit board you came from and stay there.

I SAID it doesn't address the fucking contradictions of capitalism didn't I. but it will put black proles on equal footing as white proles. FUCK ME EAT SHIT FAKE ASS CRYPTO BIGOT and take your weak ass intellect with you.

Yes they do you broke dick punk. Porky has been using bigotry to divide the left since there's been a left. Even LENIN fucking pointed this out as a problem when you criticized US Unions for leaving out black people.

Porky over and over again uses this opening, but ignorant dip shits that know fuck all about history keep saying not addressing this will somehow not bite the Left in the ass like it has 1000 times before.


I haven't seen that online ever.
You must live in my region, I've never heard it out of this region.
At any rate, thanks for giving blackie the D

I heard it in the Army a lot. I don't think it's said anymore now though. Had no idea it was a regional thing.


Fellow leftist, whom do you suggest we vote for instead?


*kill the porkies*

At first I was all up in arms about this.

But now I think about it, I have considered before that perhaps radiowaves etc could have an effect on peoples brains.

After all our brain is just a signal conveyor.

I'm not basing that on any evidence, or even anything solid but it just seems possible if not plausible that the wireless information exchange could interact with our brains.

After all wireless signals are a tangible, measurable thing, not some kind of hocus pocus. They have a physical effect on a physical world.

Is it really completely insane that they would effect us?

Also just out of interest, so many politicians are doctors, has their been a US president ever that was a doctor?

It's not just your opinion, there is science behind it: the invisible world of EMF is a real soup all around us that we barely understand but use for our own purposes all the time.

literally the only thing it's accomplished is made fascists more popular.

Here's an interesting study published on it last year.

Well if it comes in the form of public investment into housing, education, infrastructure etc. in black and native communities than it would be a very progressive move and I think we should support it.

fuck off CTR

literally peddling "internalized oppression" and then calling others liberals


They have literally no effect. You're drowning in radiation 24/7 (most of it cosmic) and radio waves are far, far lower energy than even visible light.



really now?


get with it, comrade

Still a million times better than the other choices.

orders of fucking magnitude.
Green New Deal is a fucking no-brainer slam dunk, how the fuck isn't this EVERYONE'S platform?


Corporate interests and indoctrination.

Why don't they get their corporate asses smart and learn to invest in the future?
Like, monopolizing solar or wind production is fully possible the way things are set up in the US.
All utilities are basically monopolies here, from cable to electricity to gas to water.
And why the fuck is it so awful for them to convert their oil and coal infrastructure to literally anything else, even ethanol,
I mean come the FUCK on, they could charge precisely the same for electricity from wind and solar as they could for coal electricity.
It's god damn retardation at this point.
They'd rather wreck every part of the ocean and every watertable and stream, for what? Just so they can sell literally EVERY LAST DROP


It all makes sense if you only think through things in terms of short-term gains.

And that's as far as their ability to think goes.

of course there's the Holla Forums answer, that intelligence is genetics and kids from poor families have dumb parents.

i probably agree with that one a little bit.

i spoke to a black activist on this topic and she agree with you

No you need to go back asshole. Very few people on on leftypol use to support reparations. I remember everyone making fun of those black activists trying to demand that B████ supported reparations a few months ago. I don't know where you pathetic morons came from but I wish you'd go back to whatever idpol ridden shitholes you came from. You certainly don't belong here.

People leaving out blacks from programs like the GI Bill and out of union is wrong for the same reasons that reparations are. Racialists policies regardless of the race your fixed on are utterly reactionary and counter-revolutionary. That's the problem with retards like you. It's either exclude minorities or treat them like special snowflakes. Poor blacks in America suffer from the same problem is poor whites do. The solution is to empower the poor regardless of their race or gender.

No they don't liberal cunt.

Of course. Which is not the point. You boldly proclaimed that the only reason that anyone would oppose reparations is because they're a white male that wouldn't benefit from them. That's the only reason I mentioned I was black. It's not something I just bring up out of the blue.