Go to Facebook

I'm stopping there but trust me, it keeps going. I actually saw a few articles about Haiti, the Green party and the teacher's union strikes too, but those were few and far between. There was also one (1) piece about the TPP. For those who want to see if I'm exaggerating:


Now, far from me to be one of those darned brocialists, these economic reductionists or whatever, these things above are important, but isn't there a problem of proportionality here? For the love of god, even the wokest person need to realise that there are important angles missing here.

And the thing is, this isn't peculiar of this page. It's actually the left-wing publications and websites that *don't* focus so much on identity that are rare. Analysis of capitalism and the construction of socialism is something you don't see anymore, Marx's name is only brought up if they want to talk about materialism and gender. The one mention to Marx's name I saw on this age was pic related, which is a good pic, but it's getting absolutely trashed in the comments section.

And here is a very telling reaction to that Nina Simone quote.

We'll never wake up from this nightmare

not gonna lie, Dana triggered me.


kys Dana


Yeah, its frustrating, OP. Seeing the remnants of left wing politics melt away and be replaced with liberal ideology is a hard pill to swallow.

Even more frustrating when you get accused of not caring at all about women, racism, whatever, simply for recognising that these issues stem from capitalism, and that not only are they clearly not as important as the economic emancipation of the entirety of humanity, and they can't be solved in a capitalist structured society, but their push to the forefront of politics is a calculated way to weaken the struggle for socialism.


Hah there it is again

You keep digging yourself in that hole oh my god

A non socialist feminist party was recently created in my city, and the red coalition are bleeding votes to them. Specifically hipsters and "radical" academics. The green movement and identity politics are insuring we will not get an candidate in parliament during next years election, for the second electoral cycle in a row, we where 2000 votes short last time.
This means no exposure in media, no new members and another step toward a slow painful death.
So you bet I'm ass-blasted and buttriggered when I see shit like this. My ass is so fucking blasted I can hardly keep myself from screaming.

Looking at this, please explain how nonwhites and women weren't the ones who ruined socialism.

Bandwagon socialism is a big problem. Because liberal ideology is so entrenched in the US, many American left-wing groups that claim to oppose capitalism are either social democrats or "bandwagon socialists" who see capitalism as the least of their worries.

Complain to the people in charge, explain why they're wrong, and find another group.

Feminism and a care for minorities has been a part of socialist thought going back to the 19th century. It was hardly corrupted by it as a later development. The problem is that now these are largely mainstream liberal plaforms as well, with a lot of institutional power backing it, and the Left instead of moving on keeps trying to one up the establishment in terms of being pro-minority and pro-women.

Read Eleanor Marx.

Because you exist fam
The US destroyed any decent socialist groups throughout the last century. Of course left wing groups are relegated to social issues, everything else got repressed. Keep in mind that the BP were explicitly communist.

RedFlag is run by Socialist Alternative. It and Solidarity are (AFAIK) both splits from the old ISO.

What do you fucking expect from trots? They are red liberals who become neocons in their 30s.

Thanks for good answers to my shitpost. Sometimes I get that knee jerk reaction since I was a reactionary for a long time

Being Trots has nothing to do with this. All radical left-wing groups behave like that nowadays. Haven't you heard about the tranny Maoists or the radfem Stalinists?

The only non-SJ trend on the Left today is Marxism-Grey Wolfism.

Get the fuck off this board. If the revolution isn't for all of us, it may as well be for none of us.

To be honest, I don't think they're socialists so much as feminists who think capitalism is a cishet white male economic system.

It's even in their basic sloganeering. They keep going on about overthrowing the capitalist (and a bunch of other qualifiers) patriarchy. It's never patriarchal capitalism or the capitalist and patriarchal system, everything they're opposed to is just a qualifier to "patriarchy".

Intersectionality was a mistake.

I really want Dana to die from breast cancer.


I know I know. And even some trots are OK.

I get why they take this approach - it has some appeal to normies. Decades of Cold War propaganda followed by Fukuyama-ism means you can't get people fired up about being oppressed as proles. You have to find something else and identity politics is so not right now. But I wonder if these little groups actually realise how much of a joke they are to the wider community.

Let the economic reductionism flow through you…
See the liberals for what they are…
Join the dark side..


Are there seriously people on here using Brocialist unironically? What the fuck has happened to this place over the last couple of months? This a brocialist board.

The ironic thing is that people who spout shit about "economic reductionism" tend to be cultural reductionists.

IDPOL is and has and probably will for some time be funded by big porky interests. There's a thread with and article on it that's more overt with it than usual.

All I want for Capitalist Holiday-TM is the abolition of Identity Politics(R)

It's a joke, but like that Voltaire quote, it turns into Holla Forums syndrome if we aren't careful enough.

What do you mean by Holla Forums syndrome? Like when people started to actually worship Hitler on Holla Forums when it was just a joke ?

Pretty much, yeah.

yeah theres always a risk.. Some idpolers wandering in from reddit or Facebook might think they're in good company here.

I wish we could nuke those sites TBH.

The World-Wide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer Patriarchy using all of the deadly gangster mysogyny controls

mfw Idpol and Feminists destroyed the Radical left.

i blame women.

some of the most reactionary shit i've ever seen in my entire life have come from women. in my college i've seen only bitches rocking "socialism sucks" stickers on their laptops. a communism will win poster got crossed out on my campus for the word "NEVER WILL WIN" and it was in the girliest handwriting ever.

I know as a marxist/commi i can't hate women but for some insane reason american girls are 20 times as reactionary than their male counterparts these days from what i've experienced.

If this thread doesn't make you abandon any sympathy for feminists you're already defeated

That post was a knee jerk reaction and I don't really believe it. I think we have to resist that temptation to say "fuck it" and just say we fucking hate women or niggers or whatever

Goldman and Luxemburg, not Marx and Lenin, feminism aint free etc.

Yes, this is pretty much it. They don't oppose capitalism on any level really. It's just a concept they they can ascribe the bad things they don't like to. They will love it as long as there are enough black gay women CEOs or whatever.

And, for what it's worth, there will be. Capitalism has proven itself to be more than capable of adapting itself to social criticism.

Well, yea, because capitalism is an economic system that exists entirely independently of chromosomes or melanin concentration

Not trying to be a dick though. I completely agree. Idpol first, economic reform second is the scourge that is killing the Western left


I'm not a concern troll
I'm legit

Sounds like a lot of hoopla over a little stale meme

No they are pretty much the same at this point, it's ruined

Social conservatives are just as retarded as the feminists. If those were social conservatives on that facebook page all the articles would still be about idpol and irrelevant bullshit like "degeneracy". People would still be too busy complaining about "breaking traditional gender roles", "the gay agenda", "effeminate nu-males", etc. rather than talking about capitalism and Marx. The criticism of Hillary would still be based on gender and bullshit rather than economic arguments.

In other words, please kill yourself.

It all comes down to emotion TBH. The more emotional a person is, the more likely they might become reactionary at some point.

All idpol should die TBH.

This is truth but if we don't fight feminist they will still be an obstacle towards socialism

I would gladly take the jail time I'd get for violently beating this woman with a baseball bat.

Hey buddy, not that hard to find someone's address on the internet, put your money where your mouth is.

That picture is pretty based though

Do it, m'comrade