My god, they froze hitler!
My god, they froze hitler!
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Why didn't Savage just kill him?
Might need him later. What if Jews show up again?
That's not the real Hitler.
I want this to be true.
Makes sense- Hitler and Underground nazis fighting nephilim, skinwalkers, navajo skinwalkers, Chubacabra, Nijen and mutant lizards the British won't stop putting in the sewer networks makes perfect sense.
Actually, imagine an entire novel with an incredible compelling character that all the Normies love, and it's actually blatantly Hitler, and the normies don't even notice it because of how much of his good side is actually shown and there's this big normie mystery on figuring out his identity and no one figures it out still because there's this false postive identity for the dude to throw people off the trail.
Why is he wearing a sombrero?
I still don't get how the Nazis lost WWII when they have shit like the War Wheel and other high tech stuff. What, did Savage only brought like 5 War Wheels to the 1940's?
Because they didn't put a fucking Bullet in Churchhill and his kike supporters when they had the chance.
Come the revolution we're taking his statue down and profaning his corpse- fuck that fatty.
Center, upper right.
Go the fuck back to cuckhan
It's for his trip to Argentina
You go back with him since you browse there.
This guy spams threads over and over again. It's one guy who replies to himself. Don't feed him. Don't bite the bait.
Polite sage.
There's nothing wrong with occasionally browsing there if it helps to point out the rapefugees continually shitting up the board with their low effort threads
Indeed, that's Charles Chaplin
That scene was surreal for me as a kid. I guess because it was a serious portrayal of Hitler in ice rather than some cartoon villain the Looney Tunes would fool and make fun of.
I'm Mr. Ice Fuhrer I'm Mr. White
I'm Mr. Reichsfuhrer I'm Mr. Six Million below
Friends call me Hail Hitler, Whatever I touch
Turns to hate in my clutch
I'm too much
Hitler becomes one with the World Ice Theory.
Looks like he was put on ice also.
For you my friend.